
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hi there.

My name is Mr. Roberts and I'm going to be teaching you the block of PE for year three and this is going to be the unit of outdoor and adventurous activities.

And in this lesson, we're going to be doing what's called a movement scavenger hunt.

So, let's get ready and good luck everybody.

In every single PE lesson, we need to know what the keywords are.

Every lesson will have some words or some vocabulary that is related to the subject and in today's lesson, our keyword or our keywords, are self-reliance.

And that's really important in PE 'cause it's our ability to make decisions ourselves and not have to rely too much on other people.

Okay? So, in today's lesson, we're going to be explorers, but we're not going to be explorers who need things like binoculars, and a big coat, and a big hat, and a rucksack, and a tent, and all those sort of things.

We're going to be exploring our local environment, our home living space, but we're going to be using our imagination and we're going to be starting to think about and we're going to start to see the things that we have around us, maybe in a slightly different way.

So, what you're going to be doing is you're going to be given a list and that list will have a variety of things on it.

Some of the things that you have to go and find will be things to do.

And some of the things that you will have to find are genuinely things to find.

So for example, you may have to go and find something to jump over.

So, that's a doing thing.

And you will go off and you'll explore and you'll have a look around your living space and you might find that you can just jump over a toy.

You might be quite creative and you might jump over a bed, but you have to be sensible and you've got to be safe, but you're looking for things to jump over.

You might also have to find things around your space which have a description.

So, on the screen, you can see that I've written you have to find something squishy.

So, someone gives me that challenge, I'm going to go and find some new squishy.

So, off I go, and I'll see you back in a couple of seconds while I go and find something.

Off I go.

And I'm back and I found a squishy octopus.

Just so happened to have one around the house.

So, there's a variety of things for you to do, there's a variety of things for you to find.

And it's a question of you being creative and you being imaginative about what you see and have around your living space.

So, get yourselves ready.

You will need to have a grownup or adult with you to help you with this challenge.

And I'll see you in a couple minutes.

So, pause the video, make sure you're ready.

And when you're ready, come back to the video and we can carry on.

Okay, so this lesson is like a treasure hunt or a scavenger hunt as I said, but it's a movement scavenger hunt.

And the way it will work is I'm going to share with you a list of 15 items. Some of them are actions, so things to do.

Some of them are things to find and the list will be available to you as either a printout so you can actually print out the worksheet which is like this.

Or, I will share with you on the screen and what you'll be doing is you can just pause the screen at that point and then just copy the items down onto your sheets of paper.

The challenge for you is to go to find, or go to do, all 15 items on the list.

So, we've got a variety of things.

So, you'll have to go and find things to climb, things that are rough, things that are noisy, things that you can jump over.

And there's a variety of different things.

And your challenge will be for in 30 minutes to go and see what you can find.

And you may well do it on your own.

You could maybe do it with a brother or sister or you can do it with an adult or the grownup, but your challenge will be to do all 15 items on the sheet that you have either the printed out version or the one that you've copied off the screen.

So, pause the video, get ready for the next instruction and good luck.

Okay, so you've got your list.

Now, it could be the printed out version like mine or it could be the one that you're going to copy off the screen that's below where I'm talking at the moment.

So, when I finish talking in a minute, please just pause the screen and copy off all 15 items that you are expected to do as part of this movement scavenger hunt.

Some are actions, so things that you must do and some are things that you must find and the word is described to you.

So, it may well be that you've got to find something soft, something noisy, something squishy, or you're going to have to go and do things like you must find something to jump over, something to walk across, or whatever.

So, the challenge for you is to go off and you've got 30 minutes and you can go with a partner and that partner could be a brother or sister or it could be with a grownup, but you've got to go off and find all 15 of those things on the movement scavenger hunt and tick them off as you're going and once you've got all 15, please come back to the video and then we can talk about how you've got on.

So, pause the video now.

If necessary, copy them down or ask someone else to copy them for you and get yourself ready and have fun, be imaginative, and let's see what you can find out there.


Good luck.

Right, so you've got your sheet of paper with the list of items on it.

And the way we can do this is we can make it easy or we can make it hard or we can build it up as we become more confident.

So, the first challenge is just to get used to it could be that your partner or the adult who's working with you might just give you one of the items off the list.

So for example, the first item I've got on my list is something to climb.

So, that's a doing skill.

So, then will say, okay, I want you to go and find something to climb and you may go with them and you're going to go and explore your environment.

And when you find something to climb that means you've succeeded and you've got that challenge and you can go back to the start and then you can find another task.

And they might then say, okay, I want you to go and find something that you can play catch with and you'll wonder off and you'll find something, you might find a ball.

You might find a toy that you can throw and catch, but you've got to be creative and you've got to be imaginative.

So, that's the one way you can do it where you do one of the items at a time.

The second way you could do this is you could maybe have two or three items. So, your partner or the grownup that's with you may say to you, "Okay, I want you to go and do these two things." And you got to remember what they were.

So they might say, "I want you to go and find something that's soft.

And I want you to go and find something that you can walk across." So, you've got to go and find those things.

Something soft, that could be a toy, a cuddly toy like my octopus or it could be something to walk across as well.

So, it could be that you can walk across the carpet, but you've got to be imaginative about how you interpret or how you think about responding to these challenges.

And the third way you can do this is you could take the entire sheet and work your way around until you've done all of those challenges.

Okay? And I think there are 15 challenges on the sheet and you tick them off as you're going around, the way that you would do with a normal scavenger hunt.

So be creative, be imaginative.

And when you're ready and you've got the sheet in front of you and you're good to go, please pause the video and be ready for the next instruction.

Okay, so I've explained how to do it.

You've got to be creative.

You have to be imaginative.

You've got your partner with you.

You've got the list and you can see the list on the screen.

And you've got your printout of the list.

I'm going to give you 30 minutes.

That's half an hour to go off and see if you can get all of those 16 things on the sheet of paper ticked off.

Pause the video, go and see if you can find all 16, and then come back and then we can discuss how you've got on and what you could do next.


Good luck.

Be sensible, be safe, and use your imagination.

That's the most important thing, be creative.

Off you go.

Excellent stuff.

So, well done.

You've done your scavenger hunt.

You've been around your living space and you've been really creative and you've been really imaginative and maybe you started to see things in a slightly different way.

So, I've got some questions for you to discuss with your partner.

So, the first question is, if you had to do it again, would you have done it in a slightly different way? Okay? Would you approach it in a slightly different way? The second question is, were there some things which were hardest to find or some things which are really hard to do? Okay? So, did some of them challenge you more than others? Were some really easy? And my final question for you is, can you think of any other challenges that I didn't have on my list that you would add? So, if you had to make up that scavenger hunt for somebody else to do, is there anything you would add in yourselves? Okay? So, well done.

What you could do now is you've done this in your living space probably, or possibly inside, if the weather's good and you've got an environment to work in, a sort of garden, maybe take it outside, go see if you can do it outside in your garden or maybe going a little bit further, but you must have an adult with you.

So, could you take your movement scavenger hunt into your local environment, around your village, or around your community? Well done everybody.

And I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.
