
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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We need to know how to stay safe in this lesson.

First, a parent or trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

The lesson should take place outdoors.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely including overhead, wear trainers and please make sure they are laced up or the Velcro is attached properly, make sure the ground, the floor, is not slippery, wear comfortable clothing, tie your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause the video now if there is anything you need to get ready.

The equipment required this lesson is PE kit, so t-shirt, shorts, tracksuit, bottom or leggins, trainers for outside.

If there is a little cold, then a long-sleeve top.

If it is a zip top, please ensure the zip is done up and not floating about.

You'll also require a ball and a wall if possible and cones or similar.

Hello, my name is Mr Frapwell, and I'm here to work with you today on how we can develop solution focused practise to improve consistency, fluency and precision.

Now, that is going to build on previous learning where we've looked at plan, perform and evaluate, which are super learning behaviours in physical education.

It also builds on what we know about agility, balance and coordination that we've worked on in previous lessons and how they link to consistency, fluency and precision.

But specifically it was linked to addressing the ball, ready to receive, and then how we cushion the ball so that we're in control of it.

And when we are working on those quite challenging practises I will present to you, we will look at how we can focus on the solution, how we can be positive.

Well, get changed.

See you in a couple of slides outside for the warmup.

The lesson is structured in four parts.

The first part is the warmup, the second part, we will focus on passing and receiving, and the third part, we will look at solution-focused practise, and the fourth part is the cool-down.

In this lesson, there are three key words or key phrases.

And throughout the lesson will introduce the words and explain their meaning in a physical education context.

The first key phrase is address the ball.

And that means that you adjust your head, body, arms and legs positioning into a position for taking aim and striking or receiving the ball.

And we'll explain that further when we come to practise.

The second key word is cushion.

And that means that when you receive the ball, you take the momentum off it so that the impact is absorbed and you keep the ball under control.

And the third key phrase is solution focused practise.

And that just means that you plan practises that have a clear purpose.

Let's get our bodies ready for activity.

Come on, let's go.

Okay, so for the warmup, do it with me.

Follow my lead.

Running on the spot.

And we're going to go a little quicker.

Side to side.

Let's do it like footballers.

Let's mobilise our joints.

Let's coordinate our arm action.

And now we're going to do some of the movement with the ball.

Just move around your area, to the sides of the corners, turn it all the time.

Keep control.

Use different parts of the feet.

So now you've done the general warm up, one of these activities, and there'll be a reminder on the pause slide.

And these are some of the activities you've done in previous lesson and it's helping our muscle memory.

Not just getting our bodies warmed up, but is helping on muscle memory to help pattern the movement.

So, first of all, drag and push.

Drag and push, drag and push, drag and push, drag and push, drag and push.

Next is a drag-push but Vs.

The ball describes a V motion.

And all of these activities are requiring our agility, balance and coordination.

The next activity is tik-tok and were going to do at least six.

In the next activity, you are just going to pass and receive the ball against the wall.

And I'm going to use both feet.

So, the next activity is pass and then receive the ball but you're going to pass it at an angle, which means you will have to move to go and receive the ball.

If you can keep it going with one touch, great.

But if you need to control the ball first, do that and then pass.

Here's my demo.

The next activity I'd like you to try and just chip the ball against the wall, which means that it'll just go in the air, and when it bounces back to you, I want you to try and control the ball before you chip it again.

My demo.

Well done on working through the warm-up.

Three, with Mr F.

Ready? Ready? Ready? Well done.

So here's my recap question for you.

Which statement is false? So one of these four options is a false statement.

Option one, we warm up to prepare our bodies for activity.

Option two, we warm up to help our muscle memory.

Option three, we warm up because we need to recover.

Option four, we warm up because it helps us focus better.

Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option three, that is correct, because we warm up because we need to recover is a false statement.

We cool down because we need to recover.

In this section, we will focus on passing and receiving.

And that focus will introduce two key words; address the ball and cushion.

Both these terms are language associated with passing and receiving.

So in terms of our key words, addressing the ball and cushion, let's have a look at those in our kicking skills practise.

When you address the ball, even in the kicking skills game, we'll be in a ready position.

So I'm going to be in a ready position, ready to step in foot to the side of the ball and then pass it.

But the bit of addressing the ball I want to focus on is when we receive it.

So I'm ready, I step in, I pass the ball, and then when I receive the ball, I am ready in case I need to move to receive the ball.

And then I present the surface of my foot to the ball.


And you can see I'm still ready, I've lifted the leg to receive the ball.

Now, we can't talk about addressing the ball in terms of when we receive it unless we're also using the term cushion.

And I brought a cushion from indoors outside.

Don't tell anybody because cushions don't belong outside.

They belong on the sofa where it's lovely and warm.

But I brought a cushion to demonstrate the meaning of the word to cushion.

If I drop the ball normally, you can see it still bounces up.

If I drop the ball on the cushion, the ball does not bounce.

It stays where it is.

Essentially the cushion has controlled the ball.

The mass and the velocity of the ball, and we call that the momentum, the momentum of the ball has been stopped.

So when you receive the ball, your foot needs to act like the cushion.

It needs to give with the ball.

So when you are doing these practises, I'd like you to challenge yourself by increasing the speed at which you hit the ball against the wall which will challenge your ability to address the ball, present the surface, and then cushion.

Give with the presenting surface, your foot.

I'll demo.

If you didn't cushion the ball, it would just bounce away from you.

And in a game, that means another player could come and take the ball from you.

So there's no cushion.

My foot was too firm.

I need to get the timing right to cushion the ball, to lessen the momentum of the ball.

When you've practised that and started to get the timing right, we are now going to play the ball at an angle, again which means you have to move, you have to coordinate your legs, get your balance, and then even more coordinate the one leg that is going to lessen the momentum of the ball, lessen the impact and cushion it.

Ready position.

Ready? Present the surface, cushion.

And again, you could do that quicker.

So the challenge is your ability to cushion the ball.

Another activity for you is to throw the ball in the air and then let it land on the top of your foot.

And you need to bend your foot so that it cushions the momentum, so that it lessens the impact of the ball.

I'll show you first if I didn't cushion it.

The ball is out of control and it's momentum changes direction because it's just bounced off my foot.

So if I get the timing right, the ball should stop dead.

Keep practising so you can develop more fluency and more precision.

The timing of your foot, lessening the impact, cushioning the ball, and there is consistency.


To challenge yourself even more, you can lessen the momentum.

And when you've done that, put a turn in.

And in all of these activities that you are practising , we can still practise our learning behaviours in physical education, plan, perform and evaluate.

Think through what you've got to do, perform it, and then you can evaluate to improve.

But with these skills, you need to focus.

So get rid of external distractions, internalise, do some mental rehearsal, as a part of your learning, focus during the performing, and then you evaluate and improve.

Well done on working through addressing the ball and cushioning the ball.

Some really important skills that allow you to play certain activities, certain games, in this case it will be football, with more control, with more enjoyment.

Three with Mr F.

Ready? Ready? Ready? In my recap question for you, I just want you to tell me which statement is true when receiving a ball.

Option one, in order to cushion the ball, we must first address the ball.

Option two, a cushion is something that is placed on your sofa.

Option three, when you address the ball, you must find out where it lives.

And option four, a cushion has no address.

Which of those statements is true? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option one, that is correct, because in order to cushion the ball, take the momentum off it, we must, first of all, address the ball.

In this section of the lesson, we will introduce our third key phrase, solution focused practise.

Because these skills will take time to master, time to develop our precision, our fluency and our consistency, I'm going to give you another super power called solution focused practise.

And we're not going to focus on problems and what we're not doing.

We're going to be positive and focus solely on what we can do and what the solution is.

And in this case, the solution is just the timing of the performance of the skill.

If we get the timing of our cushioning movement right, it'll start happening.

So that's about the precision.

And then the fluency, that will help build consistency.

Solution focused practise, focus on what you can do, focus on the solution.

So after me talking to you now, there'll be a pause slide.

And I want you to practise what we did in the previous section and get the timing right.

And also set up your own challenges.

And those challenges could be to try and address and then cushion the ball on your chest, on your thigh.

I'm just going to demonstrate those two then you can go to the pause slide.

It's the timing of when the ball hits my thigh, I need to cushion, I need to lessen the momentum.


If you've got an adult with you, maybe they could feed it into you.

But if not, yeah, just throw it up to yourself.

My recap question for you.

Why is solution-based practise so effective? Which of the following statements is true? Option one, it helps us recover after intense activity.

Option two, it helps our muscles produce energy and it protects us from overdoing it.

Option three, it gets us to focus on our weaknesses.

Or option four, it helps us focus on our strengths and approaches learning in a positive way.

Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option four, it helps us focus on our strengths and approaches learning in a positive way.

That statement is true.

Well done.

So if you've had lessons with me before, I think I mentioned about the cool-down.

It is freezing here.

It's minus four.

So I don't really need to cool down.

But as I've said before, it's a very good habit to get into.

And remember the cool-down can also relax your mind.

And if you've been frustrated trying to perform the skills this lesson, then it will be good just to relax.

So I'm going to move around my area and let my heart rate and my breathing rate come back to normal.

But I'm going to do it with a ball.

And I can still practise some of my ball manipulation activities.

You know enough stretch is nice for your arms, your body and your legs to perform those? Press the pause and follow the instructions for the cool-down.

Well done on the cool-down and well done in terms of the lesson as a whole in developing our precision, developing our fluency and our consistency in a kicking skills activity.

Three with Mr F.

Ready? Ready? Ready? Big thanks today for working with me on how we develop solution focused practise to improve consistency, fluency and precision in our passing and receiving skills.

And that built on previous learning where we looked at attitudes and behaviours and gave us another skill about how we can think positively about learning in physical education.

Everybody who learns in physical education progresses.

Everybody can achieve if they put their minds to it.

You're good at what you do.

Keep it up.

Three with Mr F.

Ready? Ready? Ready?.