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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hi, it's Mr. Roberts here again, and this is lesson three of our year five unit for athletics.

And the focus of today's lesson will be mainly looking at throwing with a pushing action.

But we'll also be doing a really good warmup to get us energised, and there'll be a cool down as well.

So let's get on with it.

Okay, can I just remind you that for athletics lessons, you must have a grown up with you.

Maybe you could even get them to join in.

You need to make sure the lesson takes place in a space that's big enough for you to run around in.

That should really be outside, if you can find an outside space.

Make sure you've got enough space for you to work safely in, especially above your head.

Use non slip trainers on your feet.

Make sure the floor's not slippy, and wear comfy clothing and have your hair tied up if you've got long hair, and remove all jewellery.

And that applies for all of our athletics lessons.

Right, for this lesson there are three parts to the lesson, but you actually only need any equipment for the second session, or the second episode, and that is the throwing section.

And for that you're going to need a target to throw at, and that's going to be a flat target to put on the floor.

So that could be a towel, it could be a newspaper, or it could be a hoop.

But it's something that you can lay flat on the floor because you want to throw the ball to land onto the target from above.

And you need a ball to throw, and for that you need something like a football, a basketball, or a netball.

But you need something with a little bit of weight for you to push against.

So it has to be quite resistant.

So a small tennis ball or something like that will probably not be very good because it will just flop out of your hand.

So your challenge is now to go and find that equipment, and then when you've got the equipment, come back to the video and we can then get on with lesson.

Right, so there's three episodes within this lesson.

The warmup, or the energizer, is called follow my call.

The main part of the lesson, which is the throwing session, that's actually called push and go, and then we're going to finish off with a cool down, or a warm down, and that is called letter stretching.

Okay, let's get on with it.

Okay, so we've got two key words in today's lesson.

The first keyword is exercise.

An exercise is where we take part in physical activity to improve, or sustain, our heath and our fitness.

The second keyword is the word push.

And that's a style of throw, which I will explain a little bit more about when we come to take part in the actual activity later on in the lesson.

Okay, so we're going to do a warmup, and the warmup, or the energizer, is called follow my call.

This is really, really easy to set up, and you need to find a space, a space where you've got plenty of room around you so you're not going to run into anything, or you're not going to hit anything.

And what's going to happen is your adult, the adult who's with you is going to give you some instructions as you're standing in your space, and whatever instruction they give you, and the instruction would relate to a type of movement, you have to do that movement, and you're going to do it for three seconds.

So they might shout out the word jog, and what you're going to do is you're going to jog for three seconds.

You will then stand still.

They will then shout out another one, it could be march, it could be walk, it could be sprint, it could be jump, it could be bounce, it could be star jump.

Whatever instruction they give you, you have to do it for three seconds.

So a count of three, one, two, three.

That's all it is, it's very, very quick.

You then stop and wait for the next instruction.

And you're going to do this for a minute.

Okay? So it's very, very simple.

You simply have to do what the adult tells you to do.

So that's why it's called follow my call, and I'm going to show you a little video of a little boy demonstrating, very simply, how he's done this activity just in his front garden, where the adult was giving him some instructions and he simply did those instructions, and it's just five examples of the type of movement that you could do, but I'm sure you and your adult could come up with something a little bit more complicated and a little bit more interesting.

So pause the video, and I would like you to go and get on with it.

Do it for about a minute.

When you're feeling as if you've done enough, you'll know, because you'll feel the benefits, and you'll feel the effect of the exercise.

So when we come back, I want you to be ready to tell me what has been the effect of the exercise, or the activity, that you've been doing on your own body.

So pause the video, go and do the activity, have a rest after you've done it, have a drink, because that's what we call hydration, which I mentioned in the last lesson, and then come back to the video for the next instructions.

Excellent, so you've done your warmup, and you've had your drink.

So what effects do you think that exercise had on you? Because you were working quite hard, or quite intensively, for one minute.

So have a think about how do you know that you've been doing some exercise.

I think that the best indicators that you been through an exercise will be the fact you're maybe breathing a little bit faster.

And that's because your body needs oxygen.

And the reason you're breathing faster is because that's the way you get oxygen into your body.

So that's number one.

The second one is you're probably feeling a little bit warmer.

Maybe even you've got red cheeks.

That's because you've got a blood flow, because your body needs to get the oxygen to the muscles and that means your heart's pumping faster.

So you can really feel your heart is pumping.

So you're probably feeling a little bit warmer.

You're probably feeling as if you're breathing faster.

You're probably feeling as if your heart is pumping.

All really good indicators that you've been doing exercise.

Well done.

So now we're ready to do the main part of the lesson, which is a throwing lesson that's called push and go.

Now this is really, really easy to set up.

And what you need to do, is you need to get a towel and the towel needs to be laid on the floor about four metres away from where you're going to do your throwing.

So four metres is four big strides.

If you haven't got a towel, then use a newspaper.

Although, obviously, on a windy day, a newspaper's not going to be a lot of use, because it'll just blow away.

Or a hoop if you've got something like a hoop, but you need a big target that you lay on the floor four metres away from where you're going to do your activity.

When you've got the towel set up, you need to have a ball, which is going to be a basketball, or a football, or a net ball, and you need to be ready to throw.

So I'm going to ask you to pause the video, go ahead and set that up, and you can see it's demonstrated on the photograph on the screen.

Go and get it set up, and when you're ready, come back to the video and we can talk about how to actually do this activity properly.

Okay, so you've got the towel laid on the floor and it's four metres away from where you're going to do your throwing.

Now this is a really simple activity to set up.

But you're going to be throwing from a sitted position.

So you're going to sit down on the floor with your feet on the line, and you're going to sit with your knees slightly up off the ground, and you're going to hold the ball against your chest and you're going to push the ball with two hands so it's symmetrical, and you're going to try to make the ball land on the towel.

That's the challenge that I'm going to give you.

But I want you to actually think about what top tips do we need to do this properly.

So I'm going to give you some simple top tips.

The first top tip is you hold the ball against your chest.

The second top tip is you have your fingers holding onto the ball but in a W shape.

So your thumbs are together pointing upwards, and your index fingers, or your four fingers, are off to the side, and they together all make a W shape on the ball.

The third top tip is you have your elbows tucked in.

So the jokey way we talk about this is we don't want to have chicken wing elbows.

We want to have our elbows tucked in.

And as you release the ball, you're going to push the ball away from you towards the towel.

And you're going to push the ball away so your arms become straight as you release the ball.

So your elbows will straighten out, even your fingertips will feel as if they're being pushed away from your body.

And that's how we do it, and that's how you push the ball.

And you want to push it away fast.

You want to push the ball away with a little bit of height.

And we want to push the ball away forward to land on the towel.

That's the challenge, and there your top tips.

So have a think about those.

Go and have a little practise, and then I'm going to call you back in in a couple of minutes.

So have a little practise, and then when you're ready, come back to the video and we can talk about how we can actually make this a challenging activity with a little bit of a competitive element for you.

Okay so this activity is really easy to set up.

What you're going to do is you're going to sit on the floor and you're going to throw the ball with a pushing action, using the top tips that I've just described, towards the towel.

And you are going to try to make the ball land on the towel without bouncing on the way.

So it's got to land directly onto the towel, three goes in a row.

And every time you throw and you're unsuccessful, you must go back to zero, and your challenge is to see how many times it takes you to get three in a row landing on the towel.

The adult who's with you could stand just the other side of the towel and they can catch it and roll it back to you sensibly and safely so that you can have the next go without having to stand up and go and fetch the ball yourself.

So remember, sit down on the floor, and you're going to push the ball from your chest, elbows tucked in, hands on the ball in a W shape, and you're going to push and extend that ball out, fast, forward, and high to make it land and come down and drop onto the towel, three times in a row, that's your challenge.

And I'm going to let you carry on with it, and keep going until you've maybe done the three in a row challenge five times successfully.

So that might take you a long time.

It might be 10, 15, 20 minutes until you can actually get three in a row successfully on five different occasions.

When you're ready, come back to the video and we can have a chat about what we can do to make it a little bit harder.

Excellent, so you've done really, really well and you've managed to get that ball to land on the towel three times in a row, and you've done it five times, well done.

So the next thing we need to do is what can we do it make it a little bit harder? And one other thing you could do is, several things.

One is, maybe you could just move a little bit further back.

So you're four metres away from the towel, try five metres, or even six metres away from the towel.

So that means you're going to have to push a little bit harder, and push it a little bit higher.

And the next thing you could do is maybe get your adult to stand on the towel, so now you're going to try to make it land in their hands, rather than actually on the towel.

So you're pushing the ball from the floor to land in their hands, and they're going to catch the ball around chest level or around tummy level.

So that's your challenge to see if you can make it land in their hands.

Excellent, so you've been throwing the ball successfully with a chest pass towards the adult who's with you.

So the next challenge for you is to turn it into something a bit more similar to the shot put action that you'd see in more conventional athletics.

And what you're going to do, you're still in a sitting position when you're throwing, but you're going to put the ball on your shoulder.

So I'm right handed, so the ball goes onto my right shoulder like this.

So it goes onto my right shoulder and it goes against my right ear.

And I'm going to put my right hand to the side of the ball with my elbow up, and I'm going to put my left hand against the ball, and I'm going to push the ball towards the adult from this position.

So it's the same finishing position.

So I'm going to push and extend that ball.

So I release it really, really high and fast towards the adult, but I'm pushing it from my shoulder rather than from my chest.

That's my challenge to you.

See if you can do it towards your adult.

If you don't want to do it to the adult and you want to make it land on the towel, that's fine.

But the key thing is you're pushing it from your shoulder, rather than from your chest.

So, again, just look.

I've got my ball against my ear.

I put my left hand against the ball, and my right hand is behind it, or to the side of it with my elbow high, and I'm going to push the ball towards my partner from here.

Okay, so let's see how we get on.

See how, I'm not going to give you any challenges about doing it three times in a row or anything like that, I'm going to give you five minutes.

So go and have a practise, and let's see how successful you can be.

When you're ready, come back to the video, and we can talk about it, and we can move on to the final part of the lesson, well done.

Excellent, so you've been throwing with the pushing action.

And you've thrown from the chest, and you've thrown from the shoulder.

What I want you to do now is I want you to think about what top tips, what take homes, what teaching points would you give if you were helping someone else to learn how to push, throw for the first time.

So have a think about that.

I'm going to give you five to 10 seconds and see what we can come up with.

Let's see if your answers are the same as mine.

Okay, let's see if you can remember the teaching points I gave you earlier in the lesson.

The first one is remember, you're releasing the ball from the chest height when you're actually throwing from the chest as a pushing action, obviously.

The second teaching point, when you're throwing with two hands, was to make a W shape with your thumbs and your index fingers on the ball.

The third teaching point was you had your elbows tucked in.

And if you remember, I made a joke, or a point about we don't have chicken wing elbows.

We want our elbows tucked in.

The fourth teaching point is we want to push and extend our arms so we're releasing the ball with our arms fully stretched out and our fingertips as far away from the body as possible.

And my final teaching point is we want to be able to push the ball away so it's fast, forward, and it's high.

Well done.

Pause the video, go and grab yourselves a drink, come back to the video, and then we can talk about having a cool down.

Okay, so the final part of our lesson is the cool down, or the warm down.

And it's a simple stretching activity on this particular lesson.

We don't need any equipment, and all you're going to do is you're going to find a space and you're going to find four different stretches.

And each of these stretches will be in the shape of a letter of the alphabet.

And what you have to do is you've got to try and make your shape as tall or as wide or as stretchy as possible so every fingertip and every toe is got to be pointed.

And you're going to try and hold your shape for five seconds.

And I want you to try to hold your breath for five seconds on each stretch.

And the first stretch is in the shape of the letter T.

So a capital T.

So you stand with your feet together, your arms out to the side, your fingertips are pointed, you're standing on tip toes, your back is straight, and you're looking straight ahead.

And you're holding that for five seconds, and you're holding your breath for five seconds.

Pull your belly button in, hold your back straight, and look straight ahead.

The next stretch will be in the shape of a letter X.

So we would get into a big star shape.

Fingertips pointed, toes pointed, and we are going to hold that shape for five seconds.

Back straight.

Breath in for five seconds, hold your breath for five seconds.

And again, pull your belly button in so you're feeling really, really stretched and extended.

The next shape will be an L shape.

An L you would have to be sitting down on the floor, legs straight, toes pointed, arms straight above your head, fingertips pointed, back straight, and again, you hold for five seconds.

Keep your breath held for five seconds.

And the final stretch would be in the shape of the letter C.

So again, sitting down, legs out in front of you, toes pointed, and you're going to have your arms parallel to your legs.

But your back is straight, and you're looking straight ahead.

So it's in the shape of a C.

You're going to repeat each of these stretches three times.

So that'd be 12 stretches in total.

Each stretch held for five seconds.

And after you've done all 12, come back to the video and we can just talk about how the lesson has gone and I can ask you a couple of questions about what you've learned.

Well done everybody.

Well done.

So you've done three really good parts to the lesson.

You did a very effective warmup.

And then you did a throwing session where you learned to throw with a pushing action.

And then we finished up with a really good stretch where we were stretching in the shape of four different letters of the alphabet.

So I've now got a question for you.

And the question is, what do you remember are the main effects of exercise on the body? This is the effects on the body just after you've finished doing the exercise.

I'm going to give you five or six seconds to think about what those effects might be, and then I'm going to share with you what I think are the effects, and let's see if my answer is the same as your answer.

Right, so I think the first effect, and you'll remember this from your warmup, which was quite intense if you remember, when you did your warmup and you stopped, you probably found your heart was beating faster.

That's the first effect of exercise on your body, in the short term.

The second effect that you probably had was you probably noticed that you're breathing faster.

And not only were you breathing faster, you were probably also breathing deeper.

So you were taking much bigger breaths.

And also you probably noticed that your skin was slightly pinker because the blood was getting to the surface and you were maybe sweating as well.

And these are all the effects of exercise on your body in the short term.

So they're the immediate effects of exercise on your body.

Well done.

Can you think of any others? Did you come up with any other effects of exercising your body that you remember when you did your warmup? You've done really well in today's lesson, and I look forward to catching up with you in the next lesson.

Well done everybody.