
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hi there, my name is Mr. Roberts, and I'm the teacher of four athletics lessons for year fives, and this is the first of those four.

And the focus in this lesson will be a warm up, focusing on jumping and connecting some jumps together, and the main part of the lesson we focusing on throwing, but particularly throwing with a pulling action.

Okay, I hope that you have loads of fun.

I hope you make really good progress and I hope you're looking forward to getting on with a little bit of work and working hard, good luck.

Okay, can I just remind you that for athletics lessons you must have a grown-up with you.

Maybe you can even get them to join in.

You need to make sure the lesson takes place in a space that's big enough for you to run around in.

That should really be outside, if you can find an outside space.

Make sure you've got enough space for you to work safely in, especially above your head.

Use non-slip trainers on your feet.

Make sure the floor is not slippy and wear comfy clothing and have your hair tied up, if you've got long hair, and remove all jewellery, and that applies for all of our athletics lessons.

Okay, so we need to get some equipment ready.

So in the first part of the lessons, the warm up, we just need to get a lot of hoops, so we're talking about 10 hoops.

And if you haven't got hoops, you could use tape.

You could mark hoops on the ground using chalk, but you need to have 10 targets on the ground for you to jump from one to the other.

And in the main part of this lesson, that's the throwing part of this lesson, we need to get ourselves eight balls or throw, or what we call throwing objects.

So it could be balls, it could be beanbags, it could be scrunched up newspaper, it could be rolled up socks.

And we need to have five targets, and the targets could be anything from hoops, boxes, bottles, shoe boxes, anything that you can put on the floor for you to actually throw your ball at, and you need a chair.

Okay, so we've got three main parts of this lesson.

The first part of the lesson is the warm up, or the energizer, and that's called frogs and lily pads.

The second part of the lesson, that's the main part of the lesson is a throwing section, and it's called the turn and reach throw.

And then the final part of the lesson, which is the cool down or the warm down, and that's called freeze frame stretching.

Okay, so we've got two keywords that we will be thinking about in today's lesson.

The first keyword or key phrase, is pulling action.

And the pull is a throwing action where we throw from above our shoulder with a bent arm, so we're actually pulling the ball through from behind us to releasing it in front of us.

And the second keyword is power, and power is where we combine our strength and our speed into an explosive action, like a jump or a throw.

Okay, so the first of our activities is our warm up and our warm up today is called frogs and lily pads.

And as I said at the start, when I spoke about your equipment, you need to get your hoops or your targets, which you could make yourself using tape or chalk, and you're going to randomly distribute them across a big space.

And you need to make sure they're about a metre or a stride apart, maybe sometimes a bit further, maybe sometimes a bit narrower, but you're randomly distributing a whole range of targets across the floor and these are our lily pads.

Okay, so your challenge is to jump from hoop to hoop until you're back where you started from.

The next thing you could try and do is see how many different hoops you can go onto in 30 seconds.

But remember, it's just like a frog, if you spend too much time standing in a hoop, it would sink.

So you're having the same challenge.

You've got to go round all the hoops, two-footed, so it's two-footed takeoff, two-footed landing, as many different hoops as you can do in 30 seconds.

Now, there'll be a little video coming up in a minute, showing a little boy having a go at exactly what you've just had explained here.

So remember, you can't spend too much time on a hoop because it would sink, and you're trying to do as many hoops you can in 30 seconds.

After you've got good at jumping two-footed from hoop to hoop, the next challenge is for you to try and vary your way of jumping.

So you could stride from one foot to the other.

You could hop, or you could stick with two-footed jumps but you try and make it a little bit quicker, so you are basically just bouncing from hoop to hoop.

And you'll see on the video that actually I've got three little boys, all of whom are trying different styles.

So watch the video and see how they're doing it.

But what they're doing is they're being creative and they're finding different ways of moving from hoop to hoop.

Okay, so you've done your warm up and you've had a rest and you've had a drink, and you're ready for the main part of the lesson.

And the main part of the lesson is called the turn and reach skittles game.

And the way we set this up is, you need to have six objects to throw, and this could be balls, beanbags, rolled up socks or whatever.

And you're going to put these onto a chair, and the chair is by the throwing line.

And then you just set up five targets to hit, they're basically like our skittles, and they could be anything from a shoe box to a toy, to a bottle, to a skittle, to a hoop, being to five targets.

And these targets must be four metres away from the throwing line, that's four big strides.

Spread them out in a line, maybe one or two metres apart, and then you're good to go.

We've got all our apparatus set up, ready to go.

So, very simply, I'll just remind you of a couple of the teaching points.

You stand between the balls and the throwing line, you point to the target with your non-throwing hand, so I'm right-handed, so I point at it with my left hand and my left foot would be pointing at the target, I reach back and I grab a ball and in one action I throw and try and hit a target.

After I've thrown all six balls, I will collect up all of the ones and start again.

And I keep going until I've hit all five targets.

After I've hit all five targets you can have another go.

Set them all up again, have another go and then keep going.

And when you're ready, come back to the video and we can give you some instructions, we can try and make it a little bit harder.

Excellent, how did you get on? Well, what I want to do is, let's think about what can we do to make it a little bit harder or a little bit easier to really challenge ourselves? What I would like you to think about is, could we change the distance to the target? So it makes some of it a little bit harder, so they're a little bit further away but don't make them so far away that you can't reach.

So at the moment, they four metres away, maybe make some of them five, six, or even seven metres away, and maybe move a couple of them nearer, so you can vary, so you can realise that we can change the power according to how far the target is away.

Okay, so you've done really, really well with that target game.

What I want you to think about now is, what sports would use that type of throwing action? So that throwing action is called a pull throw, or a pulling action.

Can you think of what sports might actually have that action as part of the sport? And we call this a transfer of skills, so you're transferring the pulling action into other sports other than athletics.

Have a think about it.

What sports can you think of would rely on a pulling action? What sports did you come up with? I've come up with a couple.

How about something like American football, where they throw the ball over their shoulder and they throw it what seems like miles to hit another runner, to catch the ball? How about tennis? The tennis serve, that's a pulling action.

Cricket, where we bowl the ball to try and hit the batsman's wickets, that's a pulling action.

And a football throw-in, that's a pulling action.

So they're all part of the same style of throw.

Can you think of any sports that I missed? Well done.

So we've done two main parts of the lesson so far.

We did our warm up, which was the frogs and lily pad game.

And then we've done our target game, which was the reach and throw skittles game.

But we now need to do a cool down or a warm down.

And I've got a very simple activity planned for you.

You don't need any apparatus or any equipment, and it's simply called the freeze frame game.

And all you're going to do is, I want you to find a space and you're going to be with an adult and you're going to jog on the spot.

Every so often, they're going to shout, "Freeze." And at that point, I want you to freeze but you have to get into the shape of an athlete.

So if they shout "Freeze" and you could maybe get into the shape of a sprint start, and you're going to hold that shape of five seconds.

You then get back on your feet, carry on jogging, and they might shout "Freeze" again, and I want you to get into a different shape.

So what shape maybe would a javelin thrower have? What shape would a high jumper have? What shape would a hurdler half? I want you to think of all the different athletics events, and every time they shout "Freeze", you're going to hold the shape of an athletics event for five seconds.

You hold your breath and after you finished it you go back to a normal, relaxed position, and then you jog on the spot again.

And I want to see if you can come up with seven different events from athletics and you're going to find a freeze frame shape to mimic each of those seven events.

And that will be your cool down.

Okay, so you've done really well in today's lesson.

We had three activities.

We did our frogs and lily pads warm up.

We did our reach and throw skittles main activity, and then we did a freeze frame warm down.

Now I've got one final question for you.

I just want you to think about this one.

What type of sport would use a pulling action? Would it be a tennis serve or would it be a chest pass in netball? Have to think about that for five seconds.

Would it be a tennis serve or would it be the chest pass that you would use in netball? Okay, that's right, it's the tennis serve.

The tennis is a pulling action.

And as I said earlier, that's what we call a transfer of skill, where you transfer an activity from one sport to another.

Well done today, you've done really, really well.

And I look forward to catching up with you in our next athletics lesson.