Hi there.
Welcome to your lesson.
Today's lesson is on the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
My name's Ms. Hacking and I'm really looking forward to being your teacher today.
So by the end of today's lesson, I'm hoping that we can all identify the consequences of sedentary lifestyle and explain how obesity affects physical, mental, and social health.
Our key words today are a sedentary lifestyle, which is a lifestyle with irregular or no physical activity.
Health, which is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, which means that just because you are not poorly, doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy.
Obesity is people with a large fat content, a body mass index or BMI of over 30, or over 20% above standard weight for height ratio.
And body mass index or BMI is a measure that uses your height and weight to calculate whether your weight is deemed healthy.
Today's lesson is split into two parts.
In the first part of the lesson, we're going to identify the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
And in the second part of the today's lesson, we're going to explain how obesity affects health.
Let's get started.
So what is a sedentary lifestyle? So Jacob's remembered our keyword from earlier in the lesson.
He reminds us that it is a lifestyle that has irregular or no physical activity.
And Sophia mentions that someone that spends a lot of their time sat down would have a sedentary lifestyle.
And that's correct because if you spend most of your day sat down, you're probably not doing much physical activity.
Can you think of any examples of people who are likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle? So many of us now have desk jobs and a big reliance on computers rather than doing manual or physical work like we used to a few decades ago.
Can you think of any other reasons why people might spend a lot of time sat down? You may have thought about binge watching TV series, gaming, sitting down and playing games, and spending a lot of time on our devices such as our phones.
So sitting down for long periods of time with little movement or physical exercise can have negative health implications.
Can you think of any ways it could affect our health being sat down for long periods of time? So leading sedentary lifestyle can negatively impact our physical health by increasing the risk of injury, increasing the risk of coronary heart disease, such as things like heart attacks, increasing blood pressure, which is known as hypertension, increasing the risk of obesity or weight gain, which we'll talk a little bit more about later on in the lesson.
And it increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Also, a sedentary lifestyle can negatively impact our physical health by decreasing bone density.
For example, because we're sat down for long periods of the time if we have sedentary lifestyle, we are not weight bearing through our bones.
So our bones become less dense and more brittle, meaning we're more likely to fracture or break a bone.
It decreases our posture.
So people that are sat down for long periods of time tend to have very rounded shoulders and not very good posture because they're not doing any physical activity.
They lose their muscle tone because again, they're not using their muscles, therefore, there's decreased amount of muscle tone.
Their sleep quality decreases because they're not using as much energy during the day because they're not being physically active, which means they have less quality sleep, which can affect them the next day for feeling tired and lethargic.
And it also decreases components of fitness.
As you can imagine, muscular strength, for example, would go because you are not being as physically active and you're sat down for long periods of the day.
I wonder if you can think of any other components of fitness.
Okay, let's have a go to check.
Which is not an effect of a sedentary lifestyle on health? Is it A, lowers blood pressure? Is it B, decreases muscular strength? Is it C, increases risk of obesity? or is it D, reduces sleep quality? I'll just read that question again.
Which is not an effect of a sedentary lifestyle on health? Yeah, well done.
An effect of a sedentary lifestyle on health is not to lower blood pressure.
In fact, it does the opposite.
It increases blood pressure.
So well done for spotting that if you got that right.
Okay, how might someone leading a sedentary lifestyle, how might it affect their emotional or mental health? So there's an increased risk of depression for someone leading a sedentary lifestyle, and this is because there's a lack of endorphins.
We know that doing exercise helps to increase endorphins, which helps to make us happy.
So if we are not moving and not being physically active, we have a lack of endorphins and therefore that can lower our mood.
It increases anxiety surrounding physical health.
So worrying about if we are overweight or obese, worrying about if we are more at risk of having things like heart problems or high blood pressure can cause increased anxiety.
Having negative emotional and physical patterns.
So for example, getting into a habit of, for example, binge watching TV for long periods of the day can make you feel quite low.
And that then becomes a pattern that you do daily, doesn't necessarily help you to feel good.
And there's also a re reduced motivation to do anything.
So again, if we use the example of binge watching television, so sitting there for long periods of day almost makes you feel worse and tired because you don't have the energy then to go out and do something.
Whereas if you did get up and do exercise, you feel more energised and want to be more productive in your day than if you'd had a sedentary lifestyle.
Another negative effect of a sedentary lifestyle on an emotional or mental health is that it can lead to poor self-esteem.
Because of the physical health issues, it can lead to a lack of confidence about oneself and also a poor body image, particularly if someone is putting on a lot of weight and losing things like their muscle tone.
There's also a lack of accomplishment to achieve goals.
So again, if you are sat down all day, for example, binge watching the television, you don't actually necessarily achieve anything in your day.
Whereas if you've had a day where you've finished all your homework, done all your jobs, been out to do some exercise, you feel energised and productive and that you've had a successful and productive day, which makes you feel accomplished, unlike if you'd been sat around all day.
So the Sport England Active Live survey for adults researched the link between activity levels and mental or emotional wellbeing.
And Jacob's asked you to see what do you notice about the data? Yeah, so you may have noticed with the data that there is a positive trend that higher activity levels increases mental and emotional wellbeing.
So the more active you are, the better your mental health is.
So this would be the opposite for someone that lives at sedentary lifestyle because if they're not very active, they're more at risk of having poor mental or emotional health.
So how might someone feel about socialising while facing the physical and emotional effects of a sedentary lifestyle? So they may wish to socially isolate, and this is because they may lack motivation or confidence to do things with other people, particularly if they've been sat down for long periods of time, maybe not socialising with other people.
They may lack the confidence for to use their social skills, or they may feel a bit anxious about the way they're looking or confident in their ability to get out and meet people.
And this can sometimes mean that people prefer to interact online, which does have its benefits.
However, there isn't as many benefits as if you would socialise with people face-to-face in the real world.
Okay, let's have a go to check.
True or false, having a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of depression.
Yeah, that's true.
Can you tell me why? Yeah, you might have said lack of endorphins because they're not doing physical activity, they're not getting the endorphins.
Increased anxiety surrounding their physical health.
Or negative emotional and physical patterns or the reduced motivation to do anything.
So if you've put anything along those lines, that is correct, well done.
Okay, now it's your turn for a task.
For the first part of the task, I'd like you to identify what is a sedentary lifestyle.
And for the second part of the task, I'd like you to explain one physical, one emotional or mental, and one social health impact of a sedentary lifestyle.
You may wish to pause a video now to give yourself time to complete the task.
Okay, so you are asked to identify what is a sedentary lifestyle, and I'm hoping that you've remembered this as one of our key words.
A sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle with irregular or no physical activity so well done if you remembered that.
And then for the second part of the task, you are asked to explain one physical, one emotional or mental, and one social health impact of a sedentary lifestyle.
And you may have said something along these lines.
A sedentary lifestyle can reduce bone density as less physical and weightbearing activity makes bones more brittle and prone to fractures.
It can also harm emotional health or mental health by lowering self-esteem leading to negative body image and a lack of confidence.
And social health is impacted as well as low motivation and confidence may result in isolation and a tendency to avoid social interactions.
So as long as you've said one physical, one mental or emotional, and one social health impact of sedentary lifestyle, you would've got this question correct.
Well done if you did that.
Okay, let's move on to the second part of today's lesson.
We are going to explain how obesity affects health.
So body mass index or BMI is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if you're a healthy weight, and you work it out using this calculation here.
BMI equals your body weight in kilogrammes divided by your height in metres.
And people with a body mass index or BMI of over 30 or over 20% above the standard weight for height ratio are classed as obese.
So if you see on the diagram that anything over 30 would put you in the obese or extremely obese category, and that is how you work out your BMI.
So obesity is where an individual has an abnormally large percentage of body fat, and obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are often closely connected and both can negatively impact health in similar ways.
Often, people with a sedentary lifestyle, it can lead to obesity and equally people that are obese often have a sedentary lifestyle.
Okay, let's have a go to check.
Who is describing obesity? Is it A, Aisha? She says a measure that uses height and weight to work out if you are or are not a healthy weight.
Or is it B, Jun? He says this is where an individual has an abnormally large percentage of body fat.
Or is it C, Izzy? A lifestyle with irregular or no physical activity.
Yeah, that's right.
It's Jun.
Jun is describing obesity, whereas Aisha is describing BMI, and Izzy is describing a sedentary lifestyle.
Well done if you got that correct.
Obesity can negatively affect our performance in sports and fitness activities by limiting our stamina or cardiovascular endurance.
For example, if our body is bigger because we are obese, then our heart and lungs and cardiovascular system have to work incredibly hard to get blood on oxygen all the way around our body to where it's needed.
So it puts extra pressure on our cardiovascular system and therefore our cardiovascular joints is not as good.
It also limits flexibility.
Again, because we have more body mass in the way, we're unable to be as flexible.
And again, limits our agility, speed, and power.
Because our body is bigger, our body is heavier, we are not able to move as quickly, so our agility and speed are affected.
And we know that power is speed times strength.
So therefore if our speed has slowed down because we are heavier and unable to move as quickly, then our power will also reduce.
Obesity causes ill physical health by increasing the risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease and heart attacks.
Things like high cholesterol link to heart disease and heart attacks because if we are eating lots of fatty foods, then they can clog up our arteries, which makes it harder for blood travel through our arteries around the body.
And this is where we can sometimes get things like a heart attack or a stroke because the blood gets stuck and isn't able to get through, and we are not able to get oxygen to certain parts of our body where it's needed.
Okay, let's have a go to check.
True or false.
Obesity can improve some components of fitness such as power.
That's false.
Can you tell me why? Yeah, being obese will decrease speed and therefore power as a body will have to work even harder as it is heavier and the blood needs to travel further to deliver oxygen.
So well done if you put something along those lines.
Obesity can cause people to experience poor mental or emotional health.
And examples of these include depression and a loss of confidence.
Again, if someone has increased their body weight, they might have less confidence going out or feeling comfortable having a comfortable self image.
And because of this, obesity can then cause poor social health because there's an inability to socialise and an inability to leave home.
People that have maybe put on a lot of weight and are not feeling as comfortable in their body may not feel comfortable going out for fear of being judged by other people or for fear of being different to how they maybe once were.
So therefore, people would maybe find comfort in staying at home where they're not going to meet anyone new.
Okay, let's have a go to check.
Which is an impact of obesity on mental or emotional health? Is it A, inability to leave home? Is it B, increased risk of cancer? Is it C, limited flexibility? Or is it D, a loss of confidence? That's right.
It's D, a loss of confidence.
Because the question asked the impact of obesity on mental or emotional health and a loss of confidence would be that.
Inability to leave home would be an impact on social health.
And increased risk of cancer or limited flexibility would be an impact on physical health or fitness.
Well done if you got that right.
Okay, now it's your turn for a practise task.
For the first part of this task, I would like you to define obesity.
And for the second part of the task, I'd like you to complete the table to explain how obesity affects health and fitness.
You may wish to pause the video now to give you time to complete the task.
Okay, so the first part of the task, you are asked to define obesity, and I'm hoping you've written something along these lines.
Obesity is people with a large fat content, a body mass index of BMI of over 30, or over 20% above standard weight for height ratio.
It is where an individual has an abnormally large percentage of body fat.
For the second part of the task, you are asked to complete the table to explain how obesity affects health and fitness.
You may have said for fitness that an impact is that it limits cardiovascular endurance, and this is because the lungs and heart have to work much harder to get blood around an obese body.
So cardiovascular endurance is limited.
For social health, you might have said inability to socialise, and this is because people feel uncomfortable in social situations for fear of being judged, which can lead to avoiding the social situation.
And mental and emotional health could have included a lack of confidence about having a negative body image about the way they look.
And physical health could have included that high cholesterol because eating lots of fatty foods can lead to obesity, which causes cholesterol to buildup in a blood vessels, which could lead to a risk of heart attacks or strokes.
You might have said something different to what I've written and that's okay as long as we've talked about it in today's lesson.
Okay, that gives us just enough time to summarise today's lesson.
So a sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle with irregular or no physical activity.
Having a sedentary lifestyle can lead to many negative impacts on health, including obesity.
Obesity refers to people that have an excessive amount of body fat or a BMI of over 30.
And obesity can negatively impact all aspects of health.
Physical health, it increases a risk of cancer, heart disease, cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.
It can affect emotional or mental health by increasing the risk of depression and lowering self-confidence and it can impact social health as it can limit the ability to socialise and leave the house.
Well done today.
You've worked really hard and I look forward to seeing you again soon.