Hi there.
Welcome to your lesson.
Today's lesson is on the factors that affect participation.
My name is Miss Hacking and I'm really looking forward to being your teacher today.
By the end of today's lesson, I'm hoping that we can all identify the factors affecting participation in physical activities and sport.
And then we can reflect on the factors that have shaped your experience of physical activity.
Today's keywords are factors affecting participation, which are the different aspects that can influence whether people take part in sports or physical activity.
Media is the different ways we communicate information like through TV, newspapers, social media, the internet, or radio.
A role model is someone who people look up to and feel inspired by because of their positive behaviour, actions, or successes.
And a stereotype is an oversimplified and often incorrect belief or assumption about a group of people based on characteristics like gender, race, or appearance, ignoring the fact that individuals are unique.
Our lesson today is split into two parts.
In the first part, we're going to identify factors that affect participation and in the second part we're going to reflect on factors that shape your participation.
Let's get started.
So factors that affect participation are different aspects that can affect whether people take part in physical activity or not.
So factors can also limit the types of activity that people may choose to take part in.
I would like you to consider any factors that could affect participation in sport.
You may have already talked about these in your GCSE PE lessons, but things like gender, age, socio-economic status, which is how much money a person has or how much disposable income someone has, ethnicity, religion and culture, and disability are all factors that can affect participation.
There are however other factors, I wonder if you can think of any more.
So additional factors that can affect participation include family, education, time or work commitment, cost or disposable income, role models, opportunity and access, media coverage, stereotyping and discrimination, and the environment or climate.
Let's talk about these in a little bit more detail now.
So often people are more likely to participate in an activity that their family also participates in.
This is because family members can act as role models.
So if children, for example, see their parents or older siblings taking part in a sport, they too want to take part to be like their family members.
Often older family members are more likely to transport children to activities they enjoy doing or watching themselves, particularly if a parent or a sibling or an uncle or a grandparent has participated in a sport or enjoys watching that sport, then they're probably more likely to take their child or younger family members to that sport as well.
And also family time can be shared participating in physical activities together.
So for example, when I was younger, my dad used to always take me and my brother and sister swimming every Sunday morning.
And as a result, because we would do that every week, we were all quite good swimmers.
But that was something that we all did together every Sunday and that helped us to gain our swimming skills as well.
So the physical education or peer experiences a person has at school can influence the activities they choose as they get older.
I'd like you to think of another school and why might students at that school have different PE experience to you.
So PE experiences can depend on a few things.
Firstly, the facilities or provision at a school.
For example, if one school has a swimming pool and one school doesn't, the school with a swimming pool is more likely to take part in swimming in their PE lessons whereas a school that doesn't have a swimming pool obviously can't offer swimming as an option in their PE lessons.
So time can affect what activities are taught in their PE lessons.
For example, some schools might have quite short lessons, maybe 45 minute lessons, which means that they might not be able to have time to get changed and to do different.
Certain types of activities that maybe take a little bit longer to set up.
Whereas other schools might have something like a double period.
So they might have two hour lessons, which means that there's opportunities for them to maybe go offsite or to try activities that might take a little bit longer to get to or to set up as well.
Also the teachers.
So the head of department that is planning the curriculum for their PE lessons in the school, they might have a preference or the students might have a preference of what types of activities they like to do or the teachers themselves might have a preference or a strength of what they're better at teaching.
So that might influence the types of experiences that children have in their education.
Participation levels in sport can depend on how much available time a person has and this can be affected by work or school.
So for example, you probably couldn't do a gym class in the middle of the day on a Tuesday if you are already at school or if you were at work.
So again, if you are working long hours, you might be less likely to participate in physical activity because you might not have time to do that.
Also, things like looking after family.
So often new parents struggle to make time to be physically active because they've got a new baby to look after and their time is taken up looking after family members or it might be looking after grandparents.
And also house work.
So looking after the house and making sure that DIY is done and that all the chores are done.
So cleaning, cooking, tidying for example, that might be the priority of your time as opposed to being physically active.
So these things can all affect how much time you have to be physically active and whether you are likely to be physically active.
Okay, let's have a go to check, true or false.
If your family participate in gymnastics, you are more likely to participate in gymnastics.
Yeah, that's true.
Can you tell me why? Yeah, if your family participate in gymnastics, it means they're may be more likely to provide role models, provide transport to the gymnastics, or you're maybe able to practise together in free time.
For example, if you're on holiday at the beach, you might be practising your handstands or some of your gymnastics moves.
So yes, if your family participate in gymnastics, you are more likely to participate in gymnastics.
Well done if you got that right.
Disposable income is the money left after paying the bills.
So participating in sport or physical activity can cost money.
We've already touched upon this when we've talked about the socioeconomic status.
So people with higher socioeconomic status have more disposable income to spend on physical activities.
What might you need to spend money on? So money could be spent on memberships, match fees or facility access, specialist equipment.
For example, we've got the skier here that would need the helmet or the warm clothing, the skis, the gloves, the lift pass as well.
And also money would need to be spent on travelling to the activity.
So if we take the skiing, the skier as an example, again, if we live in England, we're probably not gonna have that many opportunities to go skiing in the snow.
So we would have to travel there maybe to France or somewhere in Europe to get into the mountains where there's snow and there's skiing access which obviously the travel may cost a little bit of money as well.
So some activities are more expensive than others.
And I'd like you to consider which activities are most expensive here.
So if we take the horse rider, they would need to pay money for the maintenance of the horse as well as all the equipment.
So things like the helmet, the safety vest, the specialist shoes, that would cost a lot of money.
So I would put that in the most expensive end of this continuum.
I would then look at golf.
So golf is quite an expensive sport because you've got to pay the membership fees to maintain the greens and to support the equipment.
So the equipment, so the golf clubs cost a lot of money and the memberships cost a lot of money.
So I wouldn't have said it's so expensive as looking after a horse for the horse riding, but it would still be towards the expensive end of the continuum.
If we compare that to football.
So yes, there will be some level of fees, match fees perhaps, or a facility hire that you would need to pay, but it would be a lot less than the other two sports.
And yes, you would need sort of special issues, whether that's Astro Turf boots or football boots, but you can get those quite cheaply and obviously you need a ball as well.
But I would be saying things like football would be towards the least expensive end of the continuum.
So some activities may not be easily accessible to everyone.
So cost and location are factors that can impact accessibility.
So what do you need to access to participate in these sports? Let's have a look.
So ice skating, windsurfing, and climbing.
What would you need to access in order to participate in those sports? Yeah, so for ice skating you'd obviously need to be able to access an ice rink.
For windsurfing, you'd need to access open water.
And for climbing you'd need to access a climbing wall or a rock face.
So without access to those facilities, you may not be able to participate in that physical activity.
So the environment or climate where someone lives can affect the types of activities they participate in.
Which activities might you participate in living in these environments? So the Lake District or the French Alps.
So in the Lake District you might be more likely to participate in outdoor activities.
For example, canoeing, kayaking, quad bike climbing and hiking because living nearby you have so much more access to those types of activities.
So also living in the French Alps, we may have touched upon this earlier when we talked about skiing, but living close by, you are probably more likely to take part in some of the winter sports in winter such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or cross country skiing 'cause you have access to the snow and the climate would suit those activities.
Okay, let's have a go to check, shall we? Sofia has little disposable income.
Identify an activity most accessible for Sofia.
Would it be A, horse riding, B, jogging, C, golf or D, snowboarding? Yeah, I'm hoping that you wrote jogging.
Because for her to go jogging, she yes would need some sort of trainers, but she could go jogging near her house, in her local park, she doesn't need to pay membership necessarily, she doesn't need to pay fees or for any expensive equipment, unlike horse riding, golf, and snowboarding where she'd have to pay a lot of money for the equipment and potentially for the travelling for snowboarding as well.
Well done if you got that right.
So stereotyping can lead to discrimination and this can influence attitudes towards the different sports people can access.
If a sport is perceived as discriminatory toward a particular social group, that group is less likely to participate in it.
I wonder if you've ever heard any stereotypes or felt discrimination in sport.
An example would be.
She's Canadian so she will be good at ice hockey.
So assuming that someone is good or bad at a sport purely on where they've come from is a stereotype and not okay to say.
Girls can't play rugby.
Again, is another stereotype which can lead to discrimination because therefore it means that just because you're a certain gender that you are unable to play this type of sport.
So stereotypes can lead to people not wanting to take part in certain activities because of the discrimination that can come from the stereotypes.
If a sport isn't shown very much in the media, fewer people will know about it or be inspired to participate in it.
So if a sports gets negative media attention as well, it can make people less likely to participate in it.
For example, drug scandals, or violence.
So if you don't see a sport in the media, how are you going to know about it? You're not going to know that you want to take part in that sport because you've never seen it before.
You don't how it's played, you don't the rules, you don't what you have to do.
So you are unlikely if it's not shown in the media to want to do it.
Also, if a sport is showing lots of violence in it.
So if there's a football match for example, where lots of people are being violent and there's lots of fights going on, perhaps parents wouldn't want their children to watch it or to join in that sport for fear that they would have to be violent in order to be successful.
So it's showing negative.
The negative side of media can really impact whether people want to participate in that sport or not.
Which sports do you see the most in the media? So there is a link between the sports you see most in the media and the most popular sports.
I would've hoped that you would've said often football is shown the most in the media and football is one of the most popular sports in the UK.
Badminton is shown sometimes in the media, particularly when there are international competitions like the Olympics.
And in curling, I don't know if I've ever seen curling in the media.
So that is not as popular in England either.
Less people do curling that compared to badminton and football and that links to the fact that it is shown less in the media as well.
So a role model is someone who you aspire to be like.
I wonder who are some of your role models in sport.
It might be a family member, it might be a coach, a teacher, an elite athlete, or a friend.
Okay, let's have a go to check.
Fill in the gaps to explain how media coverage can affect participation.
Increased media coverage helps raise awareness and interest in a sport encouraging something people to participate.
However, limited or something media attention such as reports of cheating can reduce something in that sport.
Can you fill in the gaps.
Okay, so I'm hoping that you put increased media coverage helps raise awareness and interest in a sport encouraging more people to participate.
However, limited or negative media attention such as reports of cheating can reduce participation in that sport.
Well done if you wrote more, negative, participation.
Okay, now it's your time for a practise task.
For the first part of the task, I would like you to identify at least six factors that can affect participation.
In the second part of the task, I'd like you to read this scenario.
Aisha likes to play tennis.
Her mom and stepdad both play tennis.
She loves watching Wimbledon when it's on the television.
And then I'd like you to discuss two factors that may affect Aisha's decision to play tennis.
You may wish to pause the video now to give yourself time to complete the task.
Okay, so you are asked to identify six factors that can affect participation.
You may have said any of the following, gender, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, religion and culture, disability, family, education, available leisure time, disposable income, access, discrimination or stereotyping, media, role models or environment and climate.
Well done if you put at least six of those answers down.
Okay, second part of the task.
Aisha likes to play tennis.
Her mum and stepdad both play tennis.
She loves watching Wimbledon when it's on the television.
Discuss two factors that may affect Aisha's participation in tennis.
You might have written something along these lines.
Aisha's mom and stepdad both play tennis, which likely provides strong encouragement and opportunities for her to engage in the sport.
Having family members who play can make it easier for her to participate, whether through shared practise sessions, access to equipment, or family outings to tennis courts.
Aisha enjoys watching the media exposure of Wimbledon on television, which exposes her to professional tennis and high level athletes.
Watching these matches can inspire her to continue playing and improve her skills as seeing her role models perform on a big stage may motivate her to participate more in the sport.
So saying how her family members can be positive role models and also influence the fact that they might take her to tennis and they might play tennis together is one thing that I'm hoping that you've talked about.
Also seeing the media exposure of Wimbledon will help her to see her role models and help her to get that confidence and knowledge of the game as well and really helps to inspire her.
So well done if you talked about those things.
Okay, for the second part of today's lesson, we are going to reflect on the factors that have shaped your participation in sports and physical activity.
I wonder which sports or physical activity you like doing and I wonder if you can maybe reflect on, why it is that you've chosen those physical activities or sports to do.
So often factors can positively influence whether we participate in a certain sport or physical activity.
Our choice to participate may be unconscious, but it can have a lifelong impact.
So that means that we participate in sports, we are not necessarily actively knowing why we are doing it, but we are doing it unconsciously, but it shapes how we want to be and it shapes the activities that we choose to do as we get older through life.
So Aisha says, "I have always played basketball with my aunt and sisters." Jacob said, "I saw skateboarding on TV "so I learned how to skateboard." And Lucas said, "I play wheelchair rugby "because my local club is nearby." So all of these have factors that have affected why they participate in the sports that they do.
Aisha, because of her family participating in it, she was inspired to also participate in basketball.
Jacob in the media saw skateboarding and wanted to try it himself.
And Lucas, because his wheelchair basketball, sorry.
His wheelchair rugby club is nearby means he has access to go and play wheelchair rugby.
So the first task I'd like you to do is I'd like you to identify one factor that has helped to shape your experience of physical activity positively.
Okay, this answer will be very individual to you, but you might have said one of the following reasons as to what has helped to shape your experience positively.
So maybe your gender, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, religion or culture, your disability, family education, cost or disposable income of that activity, access, discrimination or stereotyping, time, work commitments, media, role models, and environment and climate as well.
So sometimes factors can have a negative impact and can create a barrier to taking part in particular sports.
So this may be down to a negative experience or lack of experience.
So for example, if we use the earlier example with the media, some of you might not want to take part in curling and that's just because you've never had the opportunity to do it, you've never seen it, and you don't really know what it's about.
Therefore, having lack of experience in that sport might have negatively impacted whether you participate in that sport but also having a negative experience.
So maybe you went to a rugby club and the coach for example, was really unkind and you didn't like, it was a really cold day and you didn't like being tackled to the ground on the cold floor.
Maybe that was a really negative experience for you and made that you didn't want to go back and play and has put you off playing rugby again because you had that negative experience.
So sometimes factors can negatively impact whether we take part in physical activity and sport.
For example, we have Aisha saying, "Girls don't play rugby." So stereotypes and discrimination are affecting whether she plays.
Takes part in that sport.
Jacob saying, "I was never taught netball at school "and don't feel like I know how to play." So his experience of his education has limited what sports or physical activities he has access to now because he never was educated with netball, so he doesn't know how to play.
And Lucas saying, "I can't afford to go skiing." So again, the amount of disposable income that he has access to is limited and therefore he's not able to take part in skiing because he can't afford to.
Okay, let's have a go to check.
I would like you to identify one factor that had a negative impact on your experience in physical activity.
So again, you might have said any of the factors that we've talked about previously in today's lesson and explained why that had a negative impact on your physical activity.
Okay, now it's your turn for a practise task.
Can you identify one example of how a factor could positively influence a person's participation? For the second part of the task, I'd like you to identify one example of how a factor could negatively influence a person's participation.
And for the third part of the task, I'd like you to reflect on the factors that have influenced your participation level by completing the table below.
You may wish to add more rows to the table depending on how many factors have affected your participation.
If you want to pause the video now to give you time to do the task that would be recommended.
Okay, so for the first part of the task you are asked to identify one example of how a factor could positively influence a person's participation.
You may have said, "Seeing a lot of football in the media encourages more people to play it." So here was the example of media, but you could have used any of the examples from the factors that we've already talked about.
For the second part of the task, you are asked to identify one example of how a factor could negatively influence a person's participation.
You might have said, "Someone having very little available leisure time because they work long hours could negatively impact "if a person participates in physical activity".
Again, you could have picked any of the factors that we've already talked about and talked about how they negatively influence a person's participation.
And for the third part of the task, you are asked to reflect on factors that have influenced your experience in physical activity.
And the example here was family.
It positively influenced as I would go swimming with my family every weekend.
So again, and this is personal to you, but here are some examples of the kinds of things you may have written.
Education, I'm a good dancer because we did it a lot of school and had a specialist dance teacher.
Access, I live really close to a park with basketball hoops, so I play there a lot with my friends.
Gender, as a male I had more opportunities to play football and was inspired more to play by role models, media coverage, and family members who may have been also male.
Role models, my aunt has always competed in golf competitions and inspired me to join a golf club.
Okay, that gives us just enough time to summarise today's lesson.
There are many factors that can affect participation in sport and physical activity, and these include gender, age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, religion and culture, disability, family, education, cost disposable income, access, discrimination or stereotyping, time or work commitments, media coverage, role models, and the environment or climate.
Factors can affect participation positively through exposure and experience, but also negatively through bad experiences or lack of exposure.
Well done today.
We've got through a large number of factors that can affect participation and I hope it's made you think or reflect a little bit about which factors have impacted your participation levels in different activities.
I'll see you again soon.