
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, my name is Mr Lindley, and I'm going to be your PE teacher for today.

In this unit of work, we've been looking at athletics.

We've been looking at all sorts of skills from agility, speed, throwing, accuracy for throwing, our core strength, and we're going to be applying all of those today, in today's session.

We will of course need to keep ourselves safe in today's PE lesson.

If you're unsure of doing any of the activities, make sure there is a trusted adult nearby, when you start them.

We are going to need to clear space of approximately 3 by 1 metres square.

It could be easily be going round a corner today so clear any chairs, clear any debris, we wouldn't want to injure ourselves.

Please also look above, we wouldn't want to bang our head on anything, and we are going to be jumping today.

Please pop your trainers on.

Please don't do this just in socks in case you slip.

Check the floor, check it's not slippy and also put something comfortable on.

Shorts and t-shirt would be great.

Put your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

In this lesson as well as a clear space, we are going to need some items. Items we've been using in the other lessons in this unit.

Up to about three pairs of rolled up socks, a laundry basket as a target, or something similar like a bucket, a rolled up towel, or possibly just a tie to create a barrier, and some toilet rolls.

I think I use about seven in this one.

You could always use some kitchen rolls if necessary.

Also a timer, I'm going to use the stopwatch built-in to my mobile phone.

Pause the video now, go and collect those items, and click resume once you've done that.

In today's lesson we're going to have a warm-up very shortly.

After that we're going to design our own circuit.

That's going to be then extended into a personal challenge, based on the circuit that you design.

And then you can have a go at the exit quiz.

So it's warm up time, time to get active, time to get the body ready for today's session.

Here we are with today's warm-up, let's get moving.

We'll start with a bit of a pulse raise as we like to do, and let's just get jogging on the spot.

Okay guys, keep that jogging nice and smooth.

Get the heart pumping the blood round the body.

Get that oxygen to the muscles and let's get jogging.

Keep that going.



Every time I say twist, I want you to twist 180 degrees, and carry on jogging, are you ready? Twist.




Okay, we're going to add in a jump, or a touch the floor as well as the twist.

Are you ready? Keep jogging.



Touch the floor.




Touch the floor.


Keep jogging.




Touch the floor.

Keep jogging.



Keep jogging.

Well done guys, okay.

Let's get going with some spotty dogs.

Okay, it's a really good one to get your body moving.

Okay, keep going.

Let's go for about 20 seconds.

Let's do some facing the other way.

Back to jogging.

Okay, let's work those legs a bit more now with some mountain climbers.

Okay, here we go.

Let's get those legs really pushing up.

And your back up on your feet again.


Give me 10 star jumps.

Here we go.

Five more.

And back to jogging.

And back to walking.


Let's get those joints all mobilised and stretched out so give me some squats please.

You know how many of the leg muscles this really helps stretch out.


Four more.

Two more.


We're going to do some lunges now, Well, I want you to do different angles.

Knee bursting.

That's it.

Knee nearly to the floor.



As always, our groin muscles as well.

Let's get those ready for action.


So those, up and around.

And then back over.


To help with that one back to a plank position.

Bring the foot up to there before swapping.

That's it.

Really stretching it out.

Lovely, and stand up.

So, top halves.

We're going to do some twists.

That's nice.

Top half of the body really mobilised ready for action.


Now we'll do some toe touches.

That's it.


Okay, on with our arms. Full circles with the shoulders.

Backwards, before we do that forwards.

Okay, big circles.

We could do one going the other way.

One going forwards one going backwards.

We'll help swap over or just big circles backwards and big circles forwards.

Give your body a little bit of a shake and we're ready for today's session.

An effective warm-up sequence of what? Can you think of the things that we put into us and to our warm up? Okay, we have 3 part to a good warm up.

The first being a light aerobic activity, a pulse raiser.

Something we did just then.

Then the stretching.

We certainly did that one following the pulse raiser.

And usually we try to get a skill related practise or a sports-specific activity into the end part of a warm-up.

For us in these sessions that's usually been our first activity.

Keyword today, um, skill set.

It's the range of knowledge, abilities and experience needed to preform a job.

You're going to need the full skill set that we've worked on in this unit of work from agility, speed, accuracy for throwing, core strength.

We are going to need all of those as you start to design and build your own circuit.

Which will test all of those skills.

Have a look at the demonstration.

Look at my circuit.

How I set it up and then it will be your chance to be really creative.

So in activity 1, which is circuit, you're going to be creating.

You're going to get to make a circuit which involves all the skills we've been working on over this unit of work.

We are looking at speed, agility, um, accuracy of throwing, jumping for height, and some core strength activities involved in the circuit.

I set one up just to give you help in case you want to use this one as an example.

But, feel free to be really creative and make your own.

I've got my towel here cause I'm thinking I'm going to do 20 speed bounces first before I'm going to run over to my toilet roll tower.

I quite like the 2 foot.

It's 2 feet.

Jump, that one.

I'm then going to remove one toilet role before thinking about my core strength.

Getting that solid strength.

That's it, position.

Back to my towel which I'm going to use as my marker.

So, get, pick up my object, throw, and think about my throwing accuracy.

Work transferring the weight and then I finish my little circuit.

That's a nice simple one.

You can be as creative as you like.

You can make that more challenging and that's how, well, when we always apply our space, task, equipment, people, it's the step process to help make things more challenging or a little bit easier.

Change the equipment, smaller target, more toilet rolls.

Looking at the space, can you extend this, get some running involved as well? With the task, that's down to you for that one to make this task as challenging as you wish.

Up to you to be creative.

So, you've seen my circuit.

You've seen mine in action.

It involved a speed bounce.

It involved a jump, a bear crawl for the core strength, and it involved in a target throw.

You can get really creative now and design your own and then, therefore, you can pause the video now.

If you want to, you can let the video roll onto the next slide and that will take you through an example set-up.

It's totally up to you whether you go from scratch for your own or you go with my example set-up.

So, you choose to pause now or on the next slide.

Here is the example set-up.

Again, for you to pause and set it up yourselves and click resume once you've finished.

Circuit training, is it an effective way of improving your cardiovascular health? True or False? Yup.

It's True.

It certainly is.

Circuit training includes routines with aerobic exercises which increase blood circulation and gets the heart rate up.

Here is another keyword for today.

Resilience, it is the ability to bounce back from adversity, failure and challenge.

Resilient children are more likely to take healthy risks but they don't fear failure.

In this next challenge you are going to have to show great resilience if things go wrong.

For me, as you'll see in the demonstration, I make a couple of errors.

But, I keep going, keep trying just so I can improve on my personal best.

I want you to show great resilience, with, when you, in your circuit.

So, here we are with activity 2, our personal challenge activity.

It's still based on the circuit you created but, possibly adapted earlier.

I've adapted my circuit from earlier.

I've decided that I need one more toilet roll to make that toilet roll tower a real challenge for me.

I went on timing myself in this challenge using my stopwatch on my mobile phone.

I've decided if I do knock it over I will have to quickly rebuild it and then clear it before moving on.

In the same way I've decide that I'm going to use, I've got to get all 3 pairs of socks into the laundry basket.

Even if I just miss one I'm going to run, collect all three, return, get all 3 in before I can press stop on the stopwatch.

So here I'll go.

I'll press the stop-watch at the start.

I'll come back to that shortly.

Going to start with 20 speed bounces.

It's running.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

I'll run over.

Can I clear it? Can I clear it? Yes.

I'll take one off.

A strong position for the bear crawl.

Not to fast cause I don't want it to com off.

So I don't have to repeat.

I'm home.

Quickly take that off.


Got to get them in the target so I actually have to think about my technique cause I don't want to rush it.

Oh no, I've missed one.

I have to get all 3, return, focus.

I've missed one again and have to, oh no, oh yes, that one's gone in.

I'll get them again.

I've got to get all 3 in before I can stop the stopwatch.


I've got myself 44 seconds to beat.

I'll get my breath back and I'll have another go.

44 seconds, can I improve on that next go? With this one, what a great one you could actually try and compete with against someone else if there is someone else with you today.

Give them a bit of a challenge.

Why not? Again, like we did when your were creating your circuit, feel free to adapt it in any way you like.

More space, change the equipment, and change the actual task if it's just too many things to get right all in one go.

It's up to you, but it's personal challenge time.

So, you see my example.

It's your turn to have a go at really really challenging yourself.

Get your timer ready, pause the video, see how you get on, and click resume once you've done it.

After exercising, you should cool-down.

A cool-down consists of what? There are some four options there to have a look at.

Option one, maintaining elevated breathing.

Two, stretching.

Three, lying down.

Four, gradual reduction in intensity.

More than one of those options is what we're after.

Yup, in fact it was 3 of those options.

Those 3 things in a standard cool-down as we start to get our bodies back to normal.

So, what are the learning outcomes been from today's session? Well, what have we developed? We've developed our ability to demonstrate high quality techniques.

We've applied the skill that we've learned in this unit of work.

Whether that be the throwing, running, and jumping.

We certainly developed our commitment and resilience even when things went slightly wrong in the activity.

We had to keep on going.

And certainly your competitiveness.

If you are like me, you had to keep going, keep trying at the circuit just to get a faster time.

I hope you've enjoyed today's session and indeed this unit of work on athletics.

Good luck with the future in PE and school sport.