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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, my name is Mr Lindley and I'm going to be your PE teacher for today.

This unit of work we'll be focusing on athletics.

And in today's session, we're going to be looking at the jumping aspect of athletics.

Don't worry, you won't need a long jump sand pit or a high jump mat to take part, just a few toilet rolls which I'll explain very shortly.

We are only going to need to keep ourselves safe in today's lesson, so if you're unsure doing any of the activities, have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson, we're going to need about three by one metre space So that's going to have to be clear of any chairs or anything like that, so you might have to move a few items. Please do check above you as well, we wouldn't want you banging in your head on anything.

Make sure you've got your trainers on, please don't do this in just your socks in case you slip.

The floor, check that please, it might be slippery so do check that and also wear something comfortable, shorts and T-shirt are great, pop your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

As well as that clear space, you're going to need some toilet rolls today.

Up to about eight I think.

Maybe some kitchen rolls if you haven't quite got that many toilet rolls, but I'm going to give you a few moments to do that.

So pause the video, collect them and resume once you've found them.

Today's session is going to start with a warm-up.

We're then going to have a go to the activity one, which is the Toilet Roll Tower.

This will progress on to Toilet Roll Tower 2, some slight changes, before moving on to Toilet Roll Tower 3 challenge.

Great challenges, quite addictive, I'm sure you're going to enjoy them.

After that you'll have a go at the exit quiz and see what you've learned from today.

It's time for a warm-up, so jump up, get yourself ready, here we go.

So, let's get going with today's warm-up.

First of all, we need to start with a pulse raiser to get that blood pumping around the body to those muscles, we're really going to to use lots today.

So let's just get jogging on the spot.

All you need to do is copy me.

Hopefully you cleared that little space of three metres by one metre, that's going to help us to warm-up because actually you can jog forward those three metres and jog back.

Okay, let's do that again, jog forwards and jog back.

Keeping that heart pumping, getting that oxygen round to those muscles.

Let's keep that going again.

Let's keep going.

Let's do four more.

Two, three, four, break, okay back to jogging on the spot but this time, lets get those knees a little bit higher, This might be a bit slower, but we're really focusing on the hike.

Knees, after another and maybe now lets get, the legs going up the back at their own flex, right up to the back, right up here on flex there, keep going, superb.

Okay, lets change that to star jumps, a great one for a pulse raiser.

Lets do another 10 of those.

Two, five more.

Great, I'm back to jogging.

This time we're going to just do side hops okay, side hops.

Keep it going You can move forward in your little three metre space.

You can move backwards, forwards, backwards, forwards, backwards.

You can turn that into side to side two footed.


Anything, to get that heartbeat really working hard.

Back to jogging, we are going to go for a bit of a sprint now while I count to ten, are you ready? Go Faster, one, two, faster, three, four, high speed, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Good work.

Okay let's get down on the floor and let's going to have some mountain climbers really great one for working the legs and getting the heart rate beat going.

Remember don't drag the foot to the top just put it into the air and start working on it.

Already I'm starting to get a little bit warmer, are we? All right, all done, jump back on your feet.

We need to think about our dynamic stretching, making sure every immobile are mobilised ready for the next session.

Let's start with some limb joints.

We're going to do some legwork today, but we jumping for height So we really need to focus making sure all our muscles are ready, for this one.

Once you don't feel the bunions there, challenge yourself, you can do a couple of loose jogs, or jumps.

Let's turn that into a squat but this time we are going to have our hands on our shoulders.

We are going to do the squatting back straight making all those muscles in our legs are getting ready for our most strenuous jumping activities right, breathe, okay and this time we're going to hold the squat position.

I'm going to hold it in that spot for about 20 seconds.

Arms up straight, head up honestly you can hold it, hold it, hold it, right work.

Feel pretty hurt in your legs almost laces up and jump work well done.

You're best body is shaking.

Brilliant Arms, start with circles backwards please getting them a little bit bigger, lovely and bits forwards and bigger will be swinging those arms today to help us gain height without jumping.

Think about our groins, lets just twist it round please, that's it.

Lovely I bet you should be all ready for our hips again.

If you bring up to there, swap, swap, swap, You can't see that from the side let's try from the front.

There, swap, swap, swap, brilliant.

I feel like our body is ready for today.

Here is a question following that warm up while you get your breath back.

which of these is not part of a warm- up? Not what we did then? Look at those four options, which one did we not do? Stretching, a pulse raiser, joint mobility exercise or low intensity activities, which one? It was the low intensity activities.

We certainly did the other three.

The key words to get us going then, height, vertical distance from the base to the top of an object.

Today, that's our toilet rolls and then we're going to increasing the height as time goes on and seeing how far we can jump over.

So activity one, the toilet roll tower.

Have look at the demonstration, listen carefully and you'll find out what to do.

And then it'll be over to you after that.

Activity one today is the toilet roll tower.

You're going to need a whole lot of toilet rolls as we mentioned earlier possibly a kitchen roll, your can do a combination of both.

Something that's going to create that tower effect.

I'm going to start nice and simple with three.

Now we're going to be spacing the toilet roll tower at two footed.

We're going to take off and land two footed.

Thinking of technique will be swinging our arms, we're going to keep our head up, chin looking forward, our heads hard and we're going to jump over and still solid landing like so.

A couple go at that, a couple of goes at this trick before the competition element kicks in, we start to build up the toilet roll tower for you to improve and increase the height of your jumping.

So with more swinging of the arms, bending the knees, chin up and stick the landing.

Well done.

You'll need to keep going until you stop knocking over that toilet roll tower.

It could end up being as high as this, I'm not sure whether I'm going to get over, but I'll give it a go.

I'm nicely warmed up so here I go.

Stick the landing, I made it.


As always with all of our activities, I always like to use the step process.

This is a way we can make things more challenging or simplify things that we find difficult.

We've not the S for space, T for task, E for equipment, and P for people.

This one, we could change the task.

Once we've been able to jump over a height of toilet roll, maybe with the amount you've got in your house, give yourself a challenge.

Set yourself a 30 second timer.

How many times can you jump forwards and backwards in the 30 seconds without the tower being knocked over.

That would be a good one for the T or possibly space.

Could you change the space? Could you adapt, two towers in a row to give yourself more space to jump over.

So it'd be up to you, but it's a great way of always extending our tasks or making them simpler.

Have a go and see how you get on.

So that was the demonstration.

On this slide is the information if you need it to set yourself up, pause the video once you're ready and click resume once you've had a few goes at this and see how high you can jump.

Let's have another keyword now.


It's the ability to exert maximum force in the shortest time possible.

Today we're jumping over those toilet roll towers with massive power going through our legs to gain the height to get over the toilet roll tower.

So power through the legs.

Activity number two, toilet roll tower two.

Let's see how this one has changed and been developed from the first activity.

So here we are with activity two, which is toilet roll tower two.

This time we're not going to be jumping two foot two footed, we're going to be taking off from one foot but landing two footed.

A little bit more like, the traditional long jump but we're really aiming for the height as well to that.

So start off, close to keep the tower small, I've done with three, you should get yourself started.

Stand very close, one foot forward.

We're going to drive the opposite knee up and then Land two footed.

Drawing the knee up and two footed.

As you get more experienced and practise that one, obviously you can increase the heights of the tower.

So here I go, drawing the knee up and land two footed.

I might want to check that actually.

Am I gaining great height with that knee or should I put that foot forward, that's only for you to experiment.

As the height increases, I'm going to try this knee up this time, land two footed.

I could keep going all the way up.

Now that looks like it's quite tall now so I'm thinking I could extend this, get myself short, three-step runner if I've got space in my three by one metre area today.

I could start three strides back, one, two, three, jump and land two footed.

That's how you could extend it.

As always with all of our tasks, we like to apply as step process.

Space, task, equipment and people.

But this one, because we're suddenly getting quite a lot of hype especially with the three-step runner, it might be that we need to focus on the equipment.

You might run out of toilet rolls.

On my thought, I can see what I've got today, I can find a little bucket that can be used to base in my tower and I know I'm definitely not going to knock over and then I can put what I had back since I've got toilet rolls on top of the bucket and then I can still see up to the task, still give myself a really great challenge.

Have a go and see how you get on.

So, there we are, there's the demonstration.

We're jumping from one foot landing onto two.

It's your turn to have a go.

Here's the information on this slide, in case you've forgotten anything, pause the video, have a go and click resume once you've finished.

Here's a statement following that activity, thinking about those arms. Having your arms straight by your side, allows you to gain height while jumping.

True or false.

Yeah, this one was a false.

Swinging your arms helps your body to gain height when jumping and that's exactly what we were doing in that activity.

Onto activity number three, the toilet roll tower three.

How's this one being developed.

Let's have a look at the demonstration.

So here we are with activity three today, toilet roll tower three.

We've tried two footed, two footed.

We've tried one foot landing, two footed and now we're going to think a little bit more about a technique called the scissor to kick technique.

In the high jump, this is something you will practise doing first before the official technique, the Fosbury flop which a lot of the athletes do internationally.

The Fosbury flop, that technique you might need that in the exit quiz, you might want to store that up there.

But yeah, scissor kick technique, stand side onto the tower this time and we're going to take off on one foot, drive up over the barrier, over the tower and land one footed the other side, looking like so.

Your legs create that scissor sort of shape in the air which I guess why it was called scissor kick technique.

So here we go over the tower.

Try build up the tower, what you did before.

It's quite addictive, you really want to improve, you really want to get over the tower.

Keep going until you run out of any toilet rolls or you knock it over.

As always, we like to apply our step process.

This one I was thinking about, would be great for P, people.

If there was somebody in your household who could come and observe you, 'cause this one is quite tricky to see how my legs actually getting over that height or they're going round the tower.

So someone could really give you some to tips, could give you some feedback.

So I would go with P, people for this one.

Have a go, see how you get on.

So, over to you for this activity, pause the video, see how you get on and click resume once you've done it.

In that activity, we talked about the scissor kick.

So here's a statement.

The scissor kick technique is more effective than a two footed jump, when jumping for height.

More effective, true or false? Yep, that's true.

Having split legs like we did with the scissor kick motion allows an athlete to get better knee drive therefore gaining more height.

Today's session, what were the learning outcomes? Well, once again, we've been looking at our agility but also our cognitive, our thinking skills.

We've developed our jumping techniques, two footed to two feet, one to two and also the scissor kick technique.

You've been solving problems using those thinking skills to create your own challenges.

And you've been making informed choices to influence your performance.

I hope you've enjoyed yourself today.

Once again, we've been active and we've been jumping, jumping for height and I found that rather enjoyable, I hope you did too.

I look forward to seeing you in another athletics lesson soon.