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Hi Mr. Wnuk here ready for games unit lesson two and today we're looking at foot-eye coordination, let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

The session should take place in a space indoors such as your living room.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause the video now if there's anything you need to get ready.

For this lesson you will need to be dressed in your regular PE clothing, shorts and t-shirt are great.

If you're doing this lesson indoors please go bare feet.

If you're doing this outdoors please wear some suitable footwear such as trainers.

The equipment you're going to need for this lesson will be a ball or something to act like a ball.

So a toilet roll, a teddy bear or a pillow or something similar and something to act as a target, such as a bucket or washing up basket or box or something along those lines.

The area you're going to need around you is about two metres either way and if you've got more area that is even better.

So if you need to pause this video now and go ahead and get that equipment please do so.

So we can start with a warm-up but you already know how to do warm-ups because you've done a lot of them already.

So I'll introduce stage one and stage two which is the pulse raiser followed by some stretching and mobility exercises and then join me for stage three.

Okay, so if you're doing this exercises outside, make sure you clear the area and there's nothing hazardous around you.

If you're inside make sure the area again is clear, you're bare footed if possible, and you aren't going to slip over.

I'm using a football for this or a garden ball.

If you've got a football that be great.

If you haven't a toilet roll bundled up would be great, teddy bear, pillow or any of these things could be used as a substitute for a ball, provided you've got ball.

Right, we've just done the warm-up.

We've done stages one and two, what's stage two called? You remember? Is it called? Is it true or false that it is called skill practise.

That's right, it's false.

Stage two is called mobility and stretching.

So hopefully you've done that right now.

And we're now going to move into stage three.

And for this one we got ball which is skill practise.

And all we're going to do just put the ball out in front of you or pillow or teddy.

And also could change your feet by tapping the ball.

You can move around a circle if you like.

So we're just getting used to moving the ball with our feet just gently touching the ball.

So quick practise on that.

So pause the video have a go to that.

Right, you're back.

So how does a warm-up help us psychologically prepare for what we're going to be doing? Well firstly allows us to focus on the task at hand.

It gets our mind ready for the sport we're going to do in circumstances of football we are getting ready to play football.

How's this getting into the zone and that our arousal levels are increasing to the right point where we're not going to be overaroused we're not going to be underaroused either, it allows us concentrate.

I'm really honing in on what we're trying to do.

What's our goal, what's our objective.

I'm really focused on doing that.

And finally it can help us reduce our anxiety because we increase our confidence.

We know what we're about to do our worries start going down.

So warm up over I'll see you in a few minutes.

So what we're going to do in today's lesson? well first thing you've already done the warm up which is great.

And now we're going to move on to some kicking exercises working on our foot-eye coordination through kicking.

We're going to then progress to controlling the ball with our feet and our legs.

We're going to then set up a challenge to work off the foot-eye coordination.

And then finally we're going to finish the lesson with an exit quiz.

So what are some of the key words for today's lesson? Well, I've already mentioned this anxiety.

Now this is a negative emotional state with feelings of worry and nervousness.

Sometimes we call it stress but there are different terms but it's that feeling of worry, a panic that is related to anxiety and that is reduced through warm-ups.

Another word we used in the warm-up is mobility.

Now this is the ability to move physically.

It is how freely our joints can move through the range of motion.

So it's about moving your joints and we you worked on that in stage two of your warm-up.

So here's a question on warm-ups, which of these is not a reason why we warm-up before sports? Is it option one to lower the feelings of anxiety? Option two to mentally prepare for the activity ahead? Option three to increase nervousness about the event? or option four to improve focus on the task? which of them four Is it? Very useful.

Well I'm sure you're saying option three 'cause you guys are awesome.

Yes, we don't want to increase our nervousness about an event and warm-ups don't increase that nervousness actually warm-ups reduce our nervousness.

So we're going to move on now for some practical activities and looking at skills in football particularly looking foot-eye coordination, which is defined here.

So foot-eye coordination is the ability to process visual information to guide foot and leg movements.

So just kicking and foot control in sport.

So today we're going to look at kicking and control and kicking control is used in many sports but particularly football and a bit in rugby.

We're going to look at passing techniques and we're going to look at control techniques and really we want to be using both feet for this at different sides of your body.

So you might want to grab your equipment and join me in a few minutes.

The first set of activities we're going to do is look at passing.

We're going to look at three different passes, the instep, the drive pass and the chip.

So I'm going to do this against a wall here using a ball.

If you're doing this inside you could do it with a pillow or a teddy bear and just doing it against the wall over there.

Or you could have someone sort of stand there and receive the ball for you.

If you're outside make sure you put the footwear on.

And if you're inside barefoot would be better so you're not going to slip but just don't do it with the proper football inside 'cause you might break something make sure the area around you is clear that you're not going to trip or hit or anything that you might hurt yourself on.

Okay So we're going to start off with an instep pass, instep pass uses the inside of your foot here.

So we use from toe to heel to make contact with the ball when usually where the grove of your shoe is where the bend goes in is about the line where you want to be taking contact with the ball.

So I'm going to do it from the start of here.

So I'm going to pick a point pass against the ball, pass against the wall sideways and then we just stop the ball with our toe Instep and we do it both feet, practising against the wall.

So how I'm going to do this? Well first I need to get ready my non kicking foot is going to be placed side onto the earth next to the ball facing the target area.

I'm going to then lean forward slightly so my body weight is over that front leg.

I'm going to lift my back leg up flexing my knee.

And as I make contact with the ball I'm going to extend my leg forward so I can kick like that, I'm going to use my arms to keep balance and follow through so as I kick the ball and the foot go up and forward.

Pause the video, find a place to practise, have a go at different inset pass both left and right foot.

Okay, so we've practised the instep pass.

We're now going to look at drive pass but before we do true or false? A player will use the side of the foot to perform an instep pass.

Is it true or false? Well you're right, it's true.

The instep pass is used with the side of your foot.

We're going to have to drive pass now.

Now drive pass is where we use the laces.

We're going to make contact with the ball with the laces part of the ball.

Now we can keep the ball down or we can lift the ball.

And that what we're going to depend is how we position our body weight.

If we're leaning forwards the ball is going to stay down if we lean back the ball is going to go in the air.

I'm going to do it against the wall again.

So non kicking foot against the ball, I'm going to lean forwards.

Hit the ball in my laces against the wall.

I can step into this, walk into it or kick the ball with my laces.

Now if I'm leaning forwards the ball is going to go down if am leaning back the ball is going to lift up slightly.

What's on the way for me step forward if I lift up and the ball goes up, if I lift up I lean backwards.

We need to do this both for the left foot and right foot.

Remember we're making contact with our laces and experiment leaning forward or leaning backwards.

Now if you want to make slightly harder and give yourself a little bit more exercise I could be going that way.

Chase after the ball kick it back the other way.

Therefore I'm getting more exercise I'm moving more.

My heart rate's getting a bit higher, I'm getting more benefits out of the exercise.

Pause the video, have a go.

Okay, finally, we're going to do a chip pass.

Now a chip pass is very similar to the drive pass but instead of coming through the ball with my foot I'm going to try and get my foot slightly underneath it, lift my head back a bit and just get the ball to go in an upward direction.

So I'm going to kick the ball.

And instead of going forward with my leg, I'm going to chip it up leaning back slightly.

So come to the ball, non kicking foot by the ball, foot underneath the ball and it's going to lift up.

So I kick foot it goes up.

Now you can transfer the body weight, the momentum of power by stopping slowly.

So if I'm coming from this direction I'm going to need to kick and against my wall.

So rather than running the ball driving it forward it's hard from leaning back and lifting my foot through the ball again off the ground.

So remember when we're making a pass we need to prepare our body for it.

Put your foot, non kicking foot by the ball.

You support your body weight on it.

Adjust your weight properly.

You may need to make a decision before which type of pass you're going to make.

Try to look at the ball so you don't miss kick it.

And then remember to flex that foot backwards or the leg backwards as you're preparing to take that kick and then follow through by pointing your foot to the direction the ball is going to go.

Have a practise at the chip passing and I'll see you in a few minutes.

How did you get on with those kicking exercises, well passing exercises? I hope they are successful.

Some of the key words I mentioned throughout that set of drills so well the first one was flexion.

Now flexion is the process of decreasing the angle of a joint i.

e with bending a limb, bending our legs, bending our arms. And we generally got to go flexion which is bent to extension which is straight.

And we do that when we're kicking a ball, we bend our knee we flex it and we extend it as we kick it and straighten the leg.

Now I also mentioned preparation, now in terms of skill and skill acquisition preparation is the first stage of a skill production that happens just before the ball's being kicked.

So it may be the back swing of your kick, the lifting of the arms before you make contact with the ball.

So this is all about preparation.

So quick question for you, which of these is the correct definition of foot-eye coordination? Is option one, the range of movement at a joint? Option two, the ability to visually process information to guide the hands? Option three, the ability to process visual information to guide the feet? or option four, the ability to process auditory information to guide the hands? I'm sure you guys have said option three.

Yes, the ability to process visual information to guide feet and legs that is foot-eye coordination, well done.

We're going to get into our next set of drills.

So you might want to grab more equipment and will see you in a few minutes.

So we're going to start with getting some control of the ball Firstly we're going to do some keepie uppies.

So the idea is to keep the ball off the ground.

So if you're just going to throw the ball up in the air try to kick it to yourself and just try to keep it in the air.

Start off with just one kick, catch it and do it again.

Just kick it up so you can keep catching it.

Do it on both legs if you can.

So you're trying to drop it onto your toes or your laces.

And if you can do that you can do two in a row or three, catch it and try again.

And then if you want you can try your knees.

One knee catch, knee catch and then you can do two knees.

And then you can change between knee and foot knee and foot And keep building up and practise this.

See how many you can get in a row without stopping.

And I'm sure somebody you can do lots of tricks on this one.

So you could try and incorporate some tricks.

pause the video, how about two to three minutes practise of persisting with your keepie uppies.

Excellent, now the key to control is not to put too much power in it and not to blast the ball as hard as you can is to generally hit the ball particularly in keepie uppies.

Now laying us out we're going to look at cushioning.

Now cushioning is how we control the ball when it's coming towards us.

The first thing I want you to think about is anticipating the ball movement, the flight path of the ball.

Now you can do this against the wall on your own or you can have someone throwing the ball to you.

Now the flight path of the ball is going to go in an arc shape, like a rainbow, that's called a parabola, a parabolic curve and where it's symmetrical.

One half is the same as the other half.

So try and predict the flight path of the ball by knowing that the ball is really going to be following that arc.

And we're going to cushion the ball, which means if the ball comes into you, we're going to control it.

So if the ball is coming towards us, I'm going to try and get it in angle here, if it comes towards us I'm going to take it on my knee and I'm going to retract my knee as it comes in.

So drop load down the ground.

So taking the power of the ball is my knee to stop it.

What we have done with is it to bounce off miles away.

So that some high we can try throwing it down in the ground and controlling it by taking the power off it.

As the ball comes in I'm retracting my feet.

The wall, control, so I'm letting it hit my foot but as it hits my foot am bringing my foot backwards.

I'm retracting it.

And all am doing is throwing against the wall and taking it myself.

I could do it high and take it on my foot on my own as well.

So we practise cushioning the ball.

Someone could throw it into you if you want to get it off the wall, pause the video, have a go at cushioning the ball.

So when we're doing these drills I want you to make a decision about what you're going to do.

Are you going to cushion it or are you going to do a direct return which I am going to practise in a few seconds so make sure you're looking at the ball, adjust your feet to where the ball is going to be.

So the side, move forwards, move backwards.

Transfer your weight.

If you're cushioning the ball you need to lean backwards and take the weight and momentum out of the ball if it comes towards you.

And remember to retract the part your body is hitting.

Just let me to do a direct return and the ball is going to come off the wall.

I'm just going to play it straight back.

So the target area that it came from.

So I will get close to the wall, right up, right back, that wasn't too good.

Change body weight, move back and your body weight, play it back Now we can do this as off the wall flat, high or low.

If the ball is coming low, you can kick it to yourself, however you pass it, so direct returns.

Doesn't matter if you make mistakes, you might not have a great ball, you might have a brilliant ball.

It might come off you badly, no one cares.

It's about persisting with what we're practising.

Just make sure you warn whoever's in the house that ball will be bouncing off it and they might get a bit annoyed otherwise.

So sure folks when you're trying to cushion a ball you should remain as stiff as possible and let the ball just bounce off you.

Obviously that's false, the idea is to cushion a ball, retracting your foot and receiving the pass.

Pause the video, have a go at the direct returns.

Excellent work on that control, well done.

Now, one of the key words I was mentioning is the flying of the ball, the angle or the direction the ball moves or the flight path.

And this is called a parabola and it's symmetrical trajectory or the course, the ball is following while it's in the air.

So it goes in sort of a rainbow shape and arc shape.

And once is in the air is affected by gravity which gently pulls it down to the ground and knowing that helps you be able to predict the flight path of the ball or anticipate the movement of the ball.

So anticipation is a process of quickly evaluating and predicting the outcome of an action before the action is actually completed.

So it's about judging what's going to happen, guessing what's going to happen based on the information that you have available to you.

So when the ball is near you can anticipate which way it's going based on the kicking action the player has completed and the speed that the ball's moving.

So we're going to look at some training for foot-eye coordination now.

So what is foot-eye coordination? Why don't you pause the video, write this answer down, the answer to this question down using this sentence starter Foot-eye coordination is.

Well I'm hoping you've written this down now and you've written foot-eye coordination is the ability to process visual information to guide the foot and the legs in movement.

So just kicking and foot control in sport or something along those lines.

Okay, so now time for some trick shots.

And this is the challenge that we're going to be practising.

I've put one bucket there, the orange bucket and I have put a black bucket there.

You can use whatever you like to do this.

You can use anything to make a target.

It could just be a sock on the floor that you've got to hit.

It could be a bit of paper.

If you've got buckets use buckets, if you've got a cardboard box use a cardboard box, anything you like.

And all we got do is hit the targets with the ball.

So let's see if I can do this.

You can change your passes up, so.

Failed first time but that doesn't matter.

It's about keeping trying.

Failed second time, this might take a bit of time.

The good thing about missing is this making me work harder by getting the balls.

And this is why I'm doing it on purpose, but we'll fast forward this video until I get it right.

And try the black one, missed again Get it, yes, first time ish.

Anyway set yourself some targets up and have a guy.

I hope you do better than I.

It's your turn now to try the trick shot challenge I want you to get your equipment out such as a bucket or a box or a washing basket.

And I'd like you to set up a series of targets at varying distance away from you and attempt to kick your ball into these consecutively.

So hit one and then move to the next one.

Use different passing techniques that we've learned and make sure you do this in a safe environment.

So you're not going to break anything or knock into anything.

Once you've finished doing this resume the video We're going to get into our cool-down now, you don't need me to tell you how to do a cool-down 'cause you've done plenty now in all of these lessons and in your regular PE lessons but please remember what effective cool-down looks like.

Well the first stage is called pulse lowering exercises.

So it could be gentle jog walking around the area you're pressing your football in.

Can you remember what the second stage is? That's all right, it's stretching.

And particularly we're going to focus on static stretching which is holding the stretch.

So why don't you go ahead, pause your video and go and do your cool-down.

And once you finished that resume this video.

Okay, welcome back, you've finished your cool-down and a quick question on cool down, which of these activities is stage one of a cool-down? is it option one, passing the ball? Option two, walking around an area? Option three, arm swings? or option four, static stretches? And the answer is shout out to the screen.

Option two, well done, yes walking around an area is a pulse lowering exercise, well done you.

So this brings us to the end of the lesson.

And the question we started with was how is foot-eye coordination used in sport? So we talked about what foot-eye coordination is and the ability to process visual information to guide the movement of our feet and our legs in sports such as kicking controlling the ball.

And then we went ahead and we practised kicking doing different passing techniques.

And we also looked at controlling the ball as well.

We then looked at developing a series of challenges where you needed to hit targets.

So hope you managed to get a good bit of exercise in today's lesson chasing off that ball every time you're going for the target.

And I hope you enjoyed yourself and I will see you in the next lesson.