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Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. Wnuk here, and welcome to our unit on games.

This is lesson one and we're going to be focusing on hand-eye coordination.

So when you're ready, let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place in a space indoors, such as your living room.

Be sure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Put your hair up, if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause the video now if there's anything you need to get ready.

For this lesson you'll need to be wearing your normal PE kit, or shorts and t-shirts, or something like that.

If you're doing this lesson indoors, please go barefoot.

But if you're doing this lesson outdoors, please wear appropriate footwear, such as trainers.

In terms of equipment that you're going to need, you're going to have to find something that can substitute as a ball.

So ideally, if you do have a ball, that would be great.

If not a teddy bear, a pillow, or a toilet roll works really well for this.

And you're also going to need something that will act as a target, so laundry baskets, a bucket, a box, even a bit of paper that you can use as a target will be great.

The area you're going to need is about two metres around you.

If you need some time to get this stuff together, pause the video and do so now.

We're going to start the lesson with a warm-up.

As you've done plenty of warm-ups in your PE lessons before, you should find this quite straightforward.

And I would like you to go ahead and do stages one and two on your own.

Stages one is a pulse raiser, so it involves getting moving, so just running around.

And stage two, mobility and stretching exercises.

So pause the video and go ahead and do stage one and two in the warm-up and then join me for stage three.

Okay, so we've done our warm-up, the first two phases of a warm-up anyway, and now we're on to stage three.

And this one you're going to need what you're going to use as a ball, so you could either have any ball, ideally a ball, if not, a teddy bear would do well, or a pillow or something you can use as a ball.

Right, we've just done stages one and two then we're moving on to stage three, which is called your skill-related practise.

And we're just going to do it 'cause we're doing hand-eye coordination, we're going to warm up with some skill practise where we are going to throw the ball up and down and catch it.

Now you can go higher and lower.

The idea is not to drop it.

Try one hand.

Try the other hand.

Keep going and just keep moving around and you can start moving around.

So we're getting our feel for the ball.

Let's keep doing that.

Right, we'll do a few more ball skills in a minute, so the ball handling, let's do a figure-eight warm up.

It's pass the ball between your legs.

Get used to the ball.

Go the other way.

Pass it around our waist.

Change, go the other way.

And we can pass it around our head and the other way around our head.

All right, so we're getting our fingers ready for the ball.

So pause the video for a few minutes, few seconds, minutes, and have a go at just some skill-related practises like that.

Okay, brilliant.

Now you come back to me.

So why do we, why do we warm up? Well firstly, it's to physically prepare our body for the exercise ahead of us.

It's going to lower the risk of injuries 'cause we're doing the stretching to warm up our muscles and our tendons and ligaments, and it's to psychologically prepare, to help our mind get in the right state, ready for the sport we're about to do.

So true or false? The first stage of a warm-up is called the pulse raiser.

Is that true or false? It's true.

Well done, yes.

The first stage is the pulse raiser and it's to get your heart rate increased, to get blood moving around your body, to take oxygen to the working muscles.

Well done.

So here's what this lesson is going to look like.

Well, you've already done your warm-up and then we're going to start off with some catching activities.

Once you've done that we're going to follow up with some throwing activities.

Then we're going to do a throwing challenge.

And then you're going to finish the lesson with an end-of-the-lesson exit quiz.

Let's look at some of the key words from the warm-up.

First is pulse.

Now pulse is the repetitive increase of blood pressure on the artery walls, and this happens as the heart beats.

So every time your heart beats, it pushes blood, and that blood then pushes against the outside edges of the artery, or the inside edges of the arteries, and this can be felt as a pulse.

The next key word that we associate with a warm-up is skill-related practise.

And these are isolated drills or smaller conditioned games that performers complete as part of their warm-up.

And these are used to help get ready for the actual game that they're going to play.

So have a look at this question.

Which of these is not a reason why we warm up? Is it option one, to lower the chance of injury? Is it option two, to mentally prepare for the activity ahead? Option three, to increase blood supply to the muscles being used? Or option four, to reduce the blood supply to the muscles being used? Take your time, have a read, think of what's the right answer.

Well, I'm hoping that you said the reason we do not warm-up is to reduce the blood supply in the muscles.

We actually try to increase the blood supply in the muscles 'cause the blood supply takes oxygen to those muscles.

And if you watched unit one, oxygen is carried to the muscles, which then gives us energy.

So we're going to look at some skills today and we're going to be focusing on skills in netball, specifically, passing and throwing.

So what the keywords we're going to focus on today? Hand-eye coordination, that's in the title of this lesson, is the ability to process visual information to guide the hand and arm movement, such as when we reach or grasp things in sport.

So balls coming towards you and you're looking at the ball and you reach your hand out to grab it, well that's hand-eye coordination.

This lesson's going to follow a few activities.

And we're going to look at catching and throwing particularly, and they're used in sports like netball, rugby, cricket, rounders, and many more sports.

So to start catching, we're going to look at how we catch, the correct catching positions, and then we're going to practise some catching with various heights of incoming passes.

And then we're going to look at our different throwing techniques, and we're going to look at these different throws such as the chest, shoulder, flick, bounce, and lob pass.

And we're going to try as many different techniques as possible.

So another key word that we're going to look at and use is visual input.

And this is where we gather sensory information using sight to see, observe, and make connections.

Now visual input's really important for hand-eye coordination 'cause we need that information to process, that's the eye part, our movement of our hands, the hand-eye coordination.

Okay, so the first exercise we're going to do is learning how to catch the ball.

I'm sure you've done plenty of times where you caught the ball.

Let's do it the right technique.

The first thing we need to do is to create a W-shape with our hands.

So we're going to put our thumbs together and spread our fingers out to make a W-shape.

Okay, so can you can see that? My thumbs are going together and that makes a W with my fingers.

Now when the ball comes in, it hits the thumbs and then I close my fingers around the ball.

Now why are we doing it? Firstly, it shows that I'm ready to receive the ball.

If my hands are up there ready to receive the ball, people are going to know that I know I'm ready to receive the ball.

If I'm not, hands aren't ready, I'm not going to catch the ball.

Secondly, it's going to improve my grip.

So my back of my hand, the ball's going to be caught by my thumbs, fingertips are going to close around the ball so it increases the grip.

Thirdly, it's a good position to throw the ball for power.

My thumbs at the back, I can flick my fingers at the end to try and throw the ball.

And then fourthly, it's easy to adjust.

So I can go from here, I can move my hands to the side, still catch a ball, that side, and I can bring my hands easily round to cup the ball if it's low.

So you can work in a circular motion.

So that's why we do it.

So we're going to practise this now.

We're going to do it.

If you haven't got anyone to throw the ball to you, you can do this yourself.

Throw it up, hands in the W, catch it.

Throw it up, hands in the W to catch it.

So it's coming down, still catching a W.

Throw it up.


If you've got a wall, you can throw it off a wall, catch it off the wall.


So from there, W.

So what I want you to do is to throw the ball either against the wall or in the air, catch it in the W-shape.

If you've got someone to help you and they can vary it, and then it's even better.

But practise catching in the W shape.

Pause the video, go and have a play.

We're going to practise some catching now in various heights of catches.

But before we do, true or false question.

When preparing to catch the ball, we need our hands by our sides.

True or false? The answer of course is false.

Remember, we need our hands out in the W-shape to show we're ready to catch the ball.

So we're going to practise some catches at various heights.

But before we do, let's think about how are we going to prepare for the catch? Well, the first is to get ready, ready to catch the ball, which we said was bringing your hands out in front of you, extending your arms out straight to catch the ball.

Secondly, look at the ball.

Okay, if you're not looking at the ball, it's going to smack you in the head.

Well, not necessarily, but you need to be able to watch the ball to see where it is.

I want you to try and predict the flight path of the ball.

Okay, the ball will generally work in a curving action, a symmetrical curve.

Okay, and I want you to anticipate where the ball is going to go.

Thirdly, make a decision.

Okay, if you think it's going to go one way, decide and go with your decision.

Okay, and then finally, move your feet to where it needs to be.

So you can do this by yourself or you can have someone throwing the ball to you, whatever you want.

I've got, I'm on my own, so I'm just going to throw it off the wall to catch it to myself.

And you can do this indoors if you want, just make sure the area around you is safe, you're not going to break any pictures or mirrors or anything like that.

So make sure it's a clear area.

You can do it in your garden if you have a garden and a wall to use.

If not, get someone to throw it to you.

So at various heights.

So up like that high.

I might go low.

I might go, start bringing my hands around the bottom there.


Reaches high.

Keep going.

Change the heights.

Change the speed.

Change the pace.

If you've got someone helping you do this, get them to make it harder for you by throwing it harder, throwing it softer, changing the angles.

Remember, if it's going to the sides move your hands to the side and step with your body.

If it's going down, bring your hands round in an arcing fashion to catch it that way.

So, pause the video, have a practise at catching the ball at various heights.

Great stuff working on those catching drills.

But some of the key words that were used in that lesson? Well, first was extension, and I said it a few times.

Extension is where we increase the angle of a joint.

And this can be any joint in your body, particularly your arms and legs.

So extension is when we reach our arms out and straighten those arms. Which of these is the correct definition of hand-eye coordination? Is it option one, the range of movement available a joint; option two, the ability to process visual information to guide the hands; is it option three, the ability to process visual information to guide the feet; or option four, the ability to process auditory information to guide the hands? Now I'm pretty certain you know what the answer is.

And give a big shout-out.

It is option two.

Well done.


Hand-eye coordination is the ability to process visual information to guide the hands.

Another one of the key words we've mentioned today is flight path.

Now flight path is the trajectory or the course a ball will take while it's flying through the air, or following, the ball follows while it's in the air.

Now the flight path generally will follow a symmetrical flight path, which looks a bit like a rainbow or an arc.

This is sometimes called a parabolic curve.

Another key word that we mentioned is decision making.

Now when you catch a ball or throw a ball, you need to make some decisions.

Now decision making is the process of evaluating several tentative options and choosing the right one for a particular situation or goal.

This is really important in sport.

You have to make decisions all the time and really quickly.

Okay, guys, we're going to look at different passing techniques.

So the first pass is called a chest pass.

I'm sure you've seen these before, but a chest pass comes from the centre of your chest and the ball is held in that W position up in line with your chest.

And what you're going to do is you're going to extend your arms forwards, push the ball with your fingertips.

So from there, your elbows are bent and you extend your forwards to push the ball away.

I'm going to demonstrate here side on.

On my chest.

Push the ball away.

That doesn't bounce very well.

I'll come a bit closer.

So the ball is being pushed forwards towards the object, the target.

So I want you to pause the video, have a go at some chest passes.

If you've got somebody you can throw it to, that's great.

If you haven't, against the wall is fine.

And you don't need a ball to bounce about.

You can use a teddy bear or a pillow for this one.


So I'm assuming you've paused and had a go at that and we're coming back.

The next move is going to be a bounce pass.

So the bounce pass, very similar to a chess pass, but we're going to bounce it on the floor in front of the target.

So it's going to bounce down, hit the target, and come back to us in this sense, it's going to be the wall.

Again, you can do this with a teddy bear or a pillow, but just be aware it won't bounce, so.

I'm going to have one foot in front of the other and I'm going to transfer my weight forwards as I do this one.

As I say, my ball doesn't bounce so well for this one.

From here, bounce forwards.

Now you see my ball wasn't bouncing very well for that one, but yours might and that's no problem.

We're practising that pushing down into the ground.

I'm transferring my weight into the ball and moving forwards as I pass the ball towards the floor to bounce back up.

Pause the video.

Have a go at some bounce passes.

Okay, excellent.

You're back with us.

So while we're practising our passes, I want you to think about what we're doing.

Well, when we make a pass, to make it more effective we need to make a decision.

What type of pass are we going to do? Are we going to do a chest pass? Are we going to do a bounce pass? Are we going to do a shoulder or lob pass? Which I'm going to talk about in a minute.

Then I want you to look at the target.

You need to be able to look where you're going to pass the ball to.

There's no point in looking in the other direction, unless you're getting to that technical stuff where you're going to try and play a faint or a dummy's pass.

Adjust your feet.

So your feet might be squarer, one foot might be in front of the other.

Might be throwing the other way so you change your feet direction.

And then as you throw, you're going to transfer your weight.

Finally, we need to follow through.

Now follow through is what you do after the movement's finished.

So if I've passed the ball, let's use this ball here, and I've passed it there, my follow through is where I've left my hands.

Now they want to be pointing towards a target, and therefore, you know it's going to be a more accurate pass.

I'm going to show you a thing called a shoulder pass or a lob pass.

Now this one, the ball is going to go onto our shoulder, from the back here, and it's sometimes called a javelin pass.

And from there, we're going to extend our arm up and throw the ball forwards.

I'm going to do it into the wall here so you can see.

From here.

And as I throw, I'm transferring my body weight.

This is a good one for distance.

Now a lob pass is very similar to the shoulder pass or the javelin, except for I'm straightening my arm up higher from here.

I'm going to step back so you can see it a little bit higher.

From here.

Arm up.

So there's a shoulder or a javelin pass and a lob pass.

Pause the video, have a go at those three passes.


We're back.

And we're going to look at a flick pass next.

But before we do, true or false.

When you're throwing any object, you should have your eyes on the target.

True or false? Yes, it's true.

Yeah, should be looking at where you're throwing the ball.

Right, a flick pass, sometimes called a sling pass in netball, is where we move the ball from one hip to a different hip when we throw.

So I might have the ball in my back hip which is protecting it from anyone coming in at me, and then I'm going to flick it forwards.

And I'm just going to use my fingers to roll it off my fingers and flick the ball out.

Okay, so flicking it.

I'm pushing with my fingertips to get that ball out.

Now a sling pass, slightly different.

You come around the side and you sling it.

So you come around the side and you throw it, from my elbows, or inflexion to extension, but from a side on action.

So a flick is from your hip and flick it up, whereas a sling elbows up and across your body.

You need to be able to do it from both sides of your body, remember, not just one side.

So what I want you to do, practise the flick and move on to the sling pass as well for a few minutes and then join me back here.

Another key word from today's lesson is follow through, and this is the final stage of skill execution.

This happens in throwing after the ball is thrown.

So it's the position that your arm is left in or your body is in once you've let go of the ball.

And that will generally determine the direction the ball is going to end up in.

So we're going to move on now to some training for hand-eye coordination and another true or false question for you.

A ball in flight will usually follow a symmetrical curve.

Is that true or false? Well, yes, it's true.

Can you remember what the name of that curve is called? It's a bit more tricky.

Hopefully said a parabolic curve or a parabola.

Well done if you remembered that one.

That was tricky.

So what is hand-eye coordination? Well, I want you to pause the video whilst you write down your answer using a sentence starter: hand-eye coordination is.

Well, I'm hoping you've managed to write this now, and it says hand-eye coordination is the ability to process visual information to guide the hand and arm movements such as reaching and grasping in sport.

Or something along those lines.

If you did, fantastic work.

Well done.

Okay, over there you can see I just set up some targets for me to use.

So I'm going to try this sort of trick shot challenge now where all we need to do exactly the same thing.

And I've set up a cone, which could just be a teacher, I set up this garden toy of my kids, I think it's a little thing on wheels.

I'm not sure what it is.

You can tell me.

Don't know.

Shout it out of the screen.

Okay, and then finally, we've got a bucket.

Okay, things I've got around the house.

If you're inside, a cardboard box, a bit paper, a saucepan, a laundry basket, anything you want to use as a target.

And then I'm going to do different passes and try and hit the targets.

So this might work.

It might not work.

So you might see a few cuts.

I might try it a bounce pass.


Try again.


Can I get this one wrong? Take that as a hit.

And I'm going to do a chest pass over there.

Hit it.

And finally, I'm going to try a lob pass to hit the cone, or a javelin pass.

Too hard.

You get the idea.

Have a play.

Enjoy it.

Now as you've just seen me trying to do my own trick shot challenge of hitting different targets when I'm throwing the ball, I want you to do the same thing.

And now it's your chance to pause the video and try a trick shot challenge.

So I want you to set up a series of targets of varying distances away from you and attempt to throw your ball, or whatever you're using as a ball, into these consecutively.

And I want you to try and use the different throwing techniques that we've been working on.

Please make sure you do this in a safe space that you've got plenty of them around you that you're not going to break anything.

If you're doing this inside, make sure you move things plenty of distance away.

Once you've finished having a go at this, resume the video.

Well how did that trick shot challenge go? I hope you were more successful than I was.

But now we're going to start to look at a cool-down.

And you guys have probably done enough cool-downs at school to be able to do this on your own.

So we're about to get ready for our cool-down and I want you to just remember there's two phases of your cool-down.

There's the pulse-reducing exercises trying to bring your heart rate down, and they might involve some light cardio, walking, marching on the spot, and you want to do this.

Maybe you can walk around your living room or wherever you're doing these exercises.

And then follow that with stage two, which is some stretching.

Let's pause the video and do your cool-down.

Once you finish your cool-down, resume the video and join me for the end of the lesson.

So you've done your cool-down and you've joined me back again.

And a quick question for you to finish off.

Which of these activities should not be part of your cool down? Is it option one, throwing and catching; is it option two, walking around an area; option three, a gentle jog; or option four, static stretches? And I'm sure you guys have all said option number one.

Yeah, throwing and catching wouldn't necessarily be part of this cool-down.

It'd be part of the main activity, but not our cool-down.

We're just focusing on our pulse-lowering exercises and our stretching.

So how is hand-eye coordination used in sport? Well, in today's lesson we've addressed what hand-eye coordination is, and that's the processing of visual information to be able to move our hands and our arms to maybe catch or grasp an object in sports, such as a ball.

And we've practised your hand-eye coordination, firstly looking at catching and that all-important W-shape when we try and catch a ball, and then we've looked at various throwing techniques.

And then you guys have put that into practise, hopefully successfully doing some trick shots at some targets.

We've also looked at decision making throughout this lesson and the importance of decision making.

Now, if you've really enjoyed this lesson, maybe you guys can go ahead and take up some netball or other ball sports like basketball.

But in the meantime, I will see you guys in lesson two.

Well done, and I'll see you soon.