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Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. Wnuk here, and today's lesson, we are focusing on whole body coordination.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

The session should take place in a space indoors such as your living room.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause the video now if there's anything you need to get ready.

For this lesson, you're going to need to be in your regular PE kit such a shorts and t-shirt.

If you're going to be doing this lesson indoors, please go bare feet so you don't slip over, and if you're doing this outside, a pair of trainers would be most advisable or other appropriate footwear.

In terms of equipment, we're going to need a ball ideally, but if you don't have a ball, anything that can substitute for a ball, such as a toilet roll or a teddy bear or a pillow.

And you're going to need an object that you can use as an obstacle, something to act as a defender.

So it can be a chair.

It can be anything like a bucket or a watering can.

The space around you needs to be about two metres either way.

And if you've got more space, well that would just be even better.

Please pause the video if you need to go ahead and grab this stuff.

Okay, now I'm not going to show you how to do a warm-up today.

You've done plenty before, and you've done many in your PE lessons at school.

So just remember, what are the three stages of a warm-up? Stage one is called a.

Pulse raiser, good.

Stage two is, and shout this answer out for me, stretching and mobility, well done.

And then finally, stage three is the.

Shout it out now.

Skill-related practise.

All right, I want you to go ahead, pause this video, and go and complete a warm-up.

So what does this lesson look like? Well, you've already done your warm-up, well done you.

We're going to move on to activity one, which will be dribbling, 'cause we're going to be focusing on basketball today.

We're going to then do some shooting.

We're going to then do a basketball circuit.

And then we're going to finish off with the end of lesson quiz.

So some of the key words for today's lesson.

Well the first is whole body coordination, which is basically tied to this lesson.

This is the simultaneous movement of different parts of your body involved in a particular action.

So whenever I'm moving with the ball, and in most sports, we will use whole body coordination.

So which of these skills uses whole body coordination? Is it option one, bouncing a ball, option two, jumping, option three, running, or option four all of the above options? It is option number four.

If you got that right, you are fantastic.

Well done.

So the skills in basketball that we're going to be focusing on today, and some key words for you, we're going to be focusing on our hand-eye coordination.

And this is revisiting a previous lesson when we looked at hand-eye coordination and it's the ability to process visual information to guide hand and arm movements such as reaching and grasping in sport.

That's pretty important for basketball, because you're going to be using your hands to bounce the ball and hands to shoot the ball.

I'm particularly looking at dribbling and shooting today, and these skills can transfer to other sports such as handball and netball, not so much the bounce, the dribbling in netball, but definitely the shooting.

We're going to focus on the dribbling techniques, and then we're going to look at a movement called a triple threat, bouncing and dribbling.

And then we're going to look at some shooting techniques, such as the jump shot and a lay-up.

And we want to ideally be able to perform these on both the left and right sides.

So the first key word for today's practical lesson is a triple threat, and this is a stance an attacking player will take when facing the defender.

And you're going to be the attacking player in a few minutes making this triple threat.

And it's a position where it allows the attacker to shoot, to dribble, or to pass the ball.

So we're going to get on with our practical now, so if you need to pause the video to go and get your equipment, then please do so now, and join me in a few minutes.

Okay guys, we are going to look at whole body coordination in basketball.

Now you need a ball for this.

If you've got a ball, if you haven't, some of the dribbles will need something that bounces, others won't need something that bounces, so a toilet roll or pillow or a teddy bear will work just as well.

If you've got a football lying around, or even a basketball, that'd be amazing.

I'm just using one of my garden balls that my kids have left out for me to tidy up.

So we're going to start you showing a move called a triple threat.

A triple threat is a position where we can get into and it gives us three options, we can either pass, we can either shoot, or we can dribble from that position.

It allows us to cope with pressure, i.


, we got a bit of time to think about what we're going to do, but also puts pressure on the opponents, because we can do three different skills from it.

So let's just demonstrate it for you.

The triple threat.

We're going to start with our feet shoulder width apart.

Our knees are going to be slightly bent.

The ball is going to be in two hands, and I'm going to put it just on my back hip here.

Now it doesn't have to be on the back hip, keeping me you always put it back hip here.

My weight is leaning forwards, my head is up, and I'm just looking and scanning the field around me.

And that's why it's a triple threat, because I can pass, I can step, shoot, or I can go to the.

So that's the triple threat position.

So I just want you to pause the video and just get into that triple threat.

It won't take long, a few minutes, just practising that triple threat position.

Excellent stuff, right on guys.

Now, the next thing we're going to do is a triple threat with the ball in our hands, we're going to bounce the ball in our hands, pass the ball, we're going to step forward, catch it into a triple threat.

So just put the ball down like that in that triple threat position, step forwards into it.

I'll show you from the side on.

So my hands are ready to go in any position.

I want you to try and playing off the wall.

Catch it in that W shape remember, get into the triple threat so someone passing you the ball.

So catch the ball, in that triple threat position.

Now, we're going to practise that triple threat.

It's going to be quite a key part of all the drills is a ready position.

So pause the video, practise catching the ball in the W shape, ready to do a triple threat.

Excellent stuff guys, well done.

Now, before we move on to the next drill, what skills can we do off a triple threat? Is it pass? Is it a dribble? Is it a shoot? Or can we do all three? And it is, yeah, you're right, all three.

It's called a triple threat, because we can do three things, pass, shoot, or dribble.


So we're going to start off with whole body coordination, which is moving our limbs simultaneously to create a movement in sport.

I'm going to start with dribbling the ball, I'm going to start with bouncing the ball.

So with this, I'm going to use my fingertips, not my palm.

I'm going to extend my arm from my elbow, so extend this flexion, bent arm, extension is straight arms, so I'm going to strengthen my arm, pushing the ball into the ground with my fingertips, and keep my eyes up.

I'm not going to be looking down or my head down and keep my eyes up using peripheral vision, so I can see the field around me without looking down at the floor.

And I'm going to be getting reasonably low or try and keep low with this one.

So if you need to look at the ball to start with, that's fine, but if you want to do, want to try and keep your head up, looking forward, now with the other arm, we're going to keep it up here, to create an arm bar, which is like a guarding the ball.

And what I'm going to do is practise with this one hand, change hands, do the other hand, that was slightly harder my left hand, 'cause the ball is not as bouncy as I'd like, and I'm not very good at my left hand.

So standing still, practise bouncing the ball.


Practise that arm position as well, getting that guard arm up.

Excellent stuff.

If you can move that on a bit, you could think about passing different ways, different sides of your body.

So we can do side to side.

you can do is try, is you can try passing it behind your back, if you want experiment through your legs, it's up to you.

But let's just practise the simple bouncing.

We're going to put this into moving now.

so we're going to coordinate our legs and arms in moving fashion.

And I'm just going to go back and forth across my patio, just dribbling the ball, simple.

Okay, we'll keep it on one side to start with and then maybe cross over to the other hand.

Now you can speed that up as you want, okay, and we can start putting some obstacles in the way if we want to, or we can just keep it simple, just dribbling backwards and forwards.

Now be purposeful about your dribble.

Make sure you've got some actual direction where you're going to go, make a decision on which way you want to go.

Try and get low while you're dribbling.

And if you can increase speed, increase speed.

Remember that peripheral vision is really important.

So true or false.

When we're dribbling a ball, we need to be looking down at the ball.

Well, the answer is false.

I've said it already.

The peripheral vision.

You need to keep your head up but using your eyes, the field of vision, just outside, just at the bottom edge of your vision to try and see the ball.

Just outside the centre of your gaze.

Okay, now when do we dribble? Well, there's a couple of times we might want to dribble.

Well, firstly, it's in progress up the court, move up the court, attacking the opposition.

Other times is you might be trying to drive to the hoops.

You might be dribbling into drive to the hoop.

Another time, it might be dribbling to move to a better shooting or passing position, or shooting, but we've talked about that already.

You might be trying to run down the clock, or the last minutes of the game, you are on a tight lead, and you want to just drain that time off a little bit, and you might just dribble the ball to kill some time.

So there are reasons why you would dribble.

Practise your dribbling while you're moving up and down an area.

Awesome dribbling everybody.

Well done.

So a quick question on dribbling.

When should you not dribble the ball? Is it to move back into your own half of the court? Is it to advance up the court? Is it to run down the clock? Or is it to create a shot or a better pass? Have a read of all those options and have a think.

So it is option number one, yes.

We not allowed to move back into our own half of the court with the ball.

This is called a back court violation.

You're not actually allowed to dribble your own ball or pass your ball back into your half of the court once you're in the attacking half.

So another key word for you today, peripheral vision.

I mentioned it in our dribbling exercises.

Now it's part of vision that occurs outside of our central gaze.

So when you're looking at the screen now, you can probably if you're working on the laptop see your keys, but you're not actually looking at them.

That's peripheral vision.

Another key word is pressure.

We talked about pressure, about the triple threat being able to apply pressure and being able to cope with pressure.

The pressure is the demands of a situation imposes on an individual.

And sport is great for learning how to cope with pressure.

So when you do sport, when you do basketball, you learn to face pressure from attackers and defenders and you learn how to overcome that pressure and cope with it.

That's why sport is fantastic to do.

We're going to get onto our next round of activities, which is going to be shooting, so you might want to grab your stuff and join me in a few minutes.

Okay, so we're going to now put some shooting in practise now.

And the first shot we're going to do is called a jump shot.

So with the jump shot, I'm going to go from a triple threat position, and I'm going to step back, I'm going to plant my feet down.

Then I'm going to have my hands on the ball, two hands on the ball.

My non-shooting hand is going to be on the side of the ball.

So I've got here my non-shooting hand, my left hand.

My shooting hand is my right hand.

I'm going to step my feet together, and from here, I'm going to bring the ball above my head, elbows tucked in, and we extend the arms, at the same time jump and release the ball.

It's going to try and go in a high arch, aiming for a target.

Now my follow-through position is extending my arm, pushing my fingers towards the target, to try and create some spin on the ball.

I'm going to show you from over here.

So I'm in a triple threat position, I'm going to step back, ball up, so my shooting hand's underneath the ball, my non-shooting hand is on the side of the ball.

From here, bring above my head, I'm going to extend my arms and jump at the same time.

Now I'm aiming for a point on my wall.

You need to pick a point in order to aim for.

I'm going to do it a bit quicker now, but the key thing is going from triple threat, step back, non-shooting hand on the side of the ball, ball above the head, extend, and jump at the same.

It's a jump shot.

Triple threat, step back.

Try and get a high arch of the ball, so it will drop just either off the backboard into the ring or straight into the hoop.

So true or false question before you go and practise it.

When creating a jump shot, your non-shooting hand needs to be under the ball.

Is that true or false? Well, the answer is false.

The non-shooting hand needs to be the side of the ball.

The shooting hand comes under the ball, extended up, with the non-shooting hand supporting the ball.

Pause the video now, have a practise at some jump shots.

Okay, so for this drill, I'm going to use three kinds of, I put three different colour cones out, and if you haven't got cones, you can use socks, t-shirts, anything that you can just use as a marker.

We're going to do a lay-up.

This is again using whole body coordination, which is a moving into a shot.

Now I've got three cones for a reason, 'cause I'm going to step from one to the other to shoot.

I'm going to explain as we go how to do a lay-up.

But the first thing is I need you to look at a target.

Now my target is going to be up on my wall just by my drain pipe there.

And that's where I'm going to imagine that the hoop or the backboard to be.

And my goal is to bounce my ball off that backboard.

So I'm going to go set myself up and show you how it goes, and I'll walk very slowly through it and show you some variations.

So the first thing I'm going to be is looking at the target.

I'm looking at a target, which is going to be just up there, just out of camera shot.

I'm going to start on my third cone.

I'm going to walk through this, to the ball in two hands, and I'm going to step forwards with the foot that's closest to my target, which is my shooting foot.

So I'm going to step forward there with one foot, ball in my hands.

Then I'm going to take a second step with my non-shooting foot.

As I do that, I'm lifting my knee up of my shooting leg, which is closest to the wall.

So watch.

I'm going to step, shooting foot, non-shooting foot, knee up.

Now you can lift both hands up or one hand at this point.

What we're going to do is do that, I'm going to extend my arm and jump and push it to the wall.

So I'm going to do it slow for step, step, step.


Now the follow-through action is lifting my arm straight up and pushing my fingertips to extend my arm up.

So step, step, catch the ball.

So you're rebounding the ball.

You can do this faster as you get better at it.

We're only taking two steps with the ball in our hands, 'cause you're only allowed to take two steps with the ball in hands in basketball.

So in a lay-up, two steps to do this lay-up shot.

If you get good at that, you can add in a bounce.

So you go one bounce, step, step, catch the ball.

Do that in two bounces.

And if you get good enough, we can dribble into it and step up, and do a lay-up straight into it.

Pause the video.

Set your drill up.

Have a go at your lay-up.

Okay, you've practised your lay-up.

Well done on that one.

Quick question.

How many steps can I take with the ball in my hands? Is it one step, two steps, three steps, or four steps? The answer is two steps.

Yes, you're allowed to take two steps with the ball in your lay-up shot.

Well done guys.

See you in few minutes.

How did you find all those shooting drills that we've just been practising ? Well, I hope you enjoyed them.

And the first key word from this block is called a jump shot.

We did a jump shot just earlier, and this is a shot made while a player is jumping off the ground.

It's quite straightforward, isn't it? A jump shot.

We also looked at a lay-up.

And this is an opportunity to drive towards an opponent's basket, jumping close to it.

And your aim is to release the ball against the backboard to then hopefully land inside the hoop.

So we're going to look at some training for whole body coordination, but before we do, a quick true or false question.

A lay-up requires whole body coordination to combine dribbling, running, jumping, and shooting.

What's the answer? Yes, it is definitely true.

And it's a great example of whole body coordination, 'cause you're doing so many different activities.

So let's look at some perfect models.

Now this young lady is in a position of a triple threat, and I want you to tell me what makes this a good example of a triple threat, what's she doing with her body? So have a scan of that image and think what she is doing that makes it very good triple threat.

Okay, now shout some out at the screen for me.

Have you said this? Her feet are shoulder width apart? Or even wider by the looks of it, but they're wide apart.

Have you said this, the knees are bent? Have you said the ball is in two hands? Have you said the weight, her weight is leaning forwards? Maybe you said this one, her head is up? Right, this young man is dribbling.

What makes this a perfect example or a very good example of a dribble? So, think carefully.

You can even write some of these down.

Pause the video if you need.

Now tell me, tell me what makes this dribbling technique a good example of a dribble.

Well, yeah, his fingers are spread.

You just see them on the ball.

His fingers are spread on the ball, and he's using his fingertips to dribble that ball, driving it into the ground.

He's got a low body position.

He's getting low.

He's protecting the ball with his free arm, creating an arm bar or guarding the ball, so they're not coming and try and take it off him.

He's moving fast and with a purpose, and his head is up.

So good work guys.

All right, another key word for us.

Independence, and this is when you don't rely on another person.

Now this is important, because I'm going to ask you to create a set of basketball drills or circuits independently.

I want you to do this on your own.

All right now, all I've done is try to be a bit more creative.

I've left my cones out just to help me, guide me through for my lay-up.

I've put a chair out, which I had knocking around in the garden, but you can use anything you like.

A bit of paper, a cardboard box, anything.

Put it down, that can be your defender.

And I'm just going to try and link in our dribbling and shooting.

I'm just going to keep the ball going, so I'm going to rebound the ball, keep it going.

Going to start with the wall, catch it, and I'm going to dribble straight into my my lay-up.

I rebound the ball.

Dribbling, dribbling, bring it to the defence, back, jump shot, rebound the ball, triple threat, triple threat, what we're going to do? Step, jump shot, dribble, dribble, step and pass it to myself.

There's a defender.

Go around the defender, step, jump shot.

Nothing planned, just being creative, thinking off the top of your head.

Key thing is to coordinate our whole body.

So be creative, and enjoy yourself.

Right, now it's your turn to get creative, and you're going to do your own basketball circuit.

I want you to independently design and set up a basketball circuit that utilises different skills we've learned today.

Remember, you can use cones or markers and put some objects in the way to use as pretend defenders.

Try to keep changing direction and incorporate different targets, say put something on the wall to try and aim for, and please make sure that this is done in a safe environment.

We don't want to break any windows.

Once you've completed this, resume the video.

Right, I hope that drill went okay, your circuits in basketball went okay.

But we're now going to get into our cool-down, and as always, I'm not going to show you how to cool down, because we've done plenty before, but I want you to try and make sure you follow the two stages of a cool-down.

Now try and remember what stage one is called.

It is the.

Is it the pulse raiser or the pulse lowerer? It is the pulse lowerer.

So we want to be reducing our pulse by some gentle jogging or some walking around the area you're training in.

Followed by some stretching.

Go ahead, pause this video, and go and complete your cool-down.

So it brings us to the end of the lesson.

How is whole body coordination used in sport? Well we looked at the definition of whole-body coordination, which is to simultaneously use our, different parts of our body in a sporting action.

We looked at hand eye coordination particularly, which is the visual processing of information to coordinate our movement of our hands and our grasp of the ball and move our arms. We then looked at some different movements in basketball.

So we looked at our dribbling, and we also looked at shooting.

And we talked about pressure and coping with that pressure and how things like the triple threat can help you deal with the pressure.

We also talked about generally how pressure is dealt with well by doing lots of sport.

So well done for today's lesson.

I hope you enjoyed yourself, and I will see you very soon in the next lesson.