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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. Wnuk here.

And we're into Lesson Six of our Games Unit.

And today we're looking at how to overcome opponents in sport.

Let's do this! If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This session should take place in a space indoors, such as your living room.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks, Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up, if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause the video now if there's anything you need to get ready.

All right, for today's lesson, you need to be in your regular PE kit, such as shorts and a t-shirt.

If you're doing this lesson indoors, please go bare feet so you don't slip over.

If you are doing this outdoors, please wear appropriate footwear, such as trainers.

Now, the equipment you are going to need, ideally, if you have a ball, that would be awesome.

But if you haven't got a ball, you could use a toilet roll, which works just as good, or a teddy bear, or a pillow.

Now, if you can grab yourself some balls of socks, they will work really well as cones, or a t-shirt, or a jumper that you can put down on the floor and use as a marker.

I'm going to be using a bucket for, a couple of buckets in this drill to create goals.

However, you could use any household object.

And I'm also going to use a watering can to use as a defender, but you can put down anything that stands out, such as even a bit of paper would be fine.

The area around you should be around about two metres clearance.

If you've got a bigger area, that is even better.

Please pause the video, if you need to go and get any of this equipment now.

Okay, we're going to start with our warm-up now.

We've done plenty of warm-ups over the last couple of lessons and in Unit One as well.

So I'm going to show you how to do a warm-up.

But please remember, there are three stages of the warm-up and they start with stage one, which is a, say it with me, pulse raiser.


Such as running round, getting your heart rate raised.

Then we have stage two.

You tell me what stage two is? Stretching and mobility, excellent.

And what type of stretching do we generally like in stage two? Is it static stretching where we hold a stretch or dynamic stretching where we keep moving in our stretches.

That's right, it's dynamic, well done.

And then finally we finish up with stage three, which is our skill-related practise.

Now we're focusing on handball today so our skill-related practise is going to incorporate controlling the ball in your hands, obviously.

So some figure eights with the ball between your legs, you can practise some just bouncing with the ball, just get loose and get ready to warm-up with your ball in your hands.

Pause the video now and go and complete your warm-up.

So this is how the lesson is going to look.

Well, you've already done your warm-up.

We're going to then follow up with some handball skills.

Then we're going to do some outwitting of our opponents.

Followed by an obstacle course focused on handball.

And then we're going to finish off the lesson with an exit quiz.

Let's just look at some key words.

Well, the first is to outwit, which is to get the better of someone by superior ingenuity or cleverness.

So basically to out-think someone.

And this happens an awful lot in sport where you need to get past a player.

You need to outwit them.

You need to outfox them and think better than they are.

Another reason why sport's so good because it's all about cognitive processing, using your brain.

So which one of these is an example of someone outwitting another person? Is it Option One, beating a player by pretending to go in one direction and then changing direction? Option Two, beating a player by travelling in the same direction.

Option Three, beating a player through force.

Or Option Four, beating a player through their speed.

I'm sure you guys have all said it is Option Number One.

Yeah, beating a player by pretending to go one way, but then changing direction.

Well done.

Okay, so we're going to look at some skills in handball.

We're going to employ some tactics.

Now these tactics are actions that are carefully planned to achieve a specific goal.

Your tactics are generally drawn up before the game and it's a way of gameplay, for example, and it tends to be done by a coach.

Now I'm going to look at outwitting opponents and we're going to firstly focus on some handball skills, such as passing, dribbling, and shooting.

And then we're going to move on to outwitting strategies, such as dummy, a fake or a faint.

These moves can be used in different sports such as football, basketball, netball, and rugby.

And, but we're going to refine them today in handball.

Okay, so we're going to look, start looking at how to overcome opponents and we're going to use handball.

Now in a lot of videos, I talk about using a toilet roll to substitute as a ball and I'm going to show you the basics using the toilet roll and then move on to a ball.

So we're going to start off with some passing.

Now in handball, we could pass with one hand, okay? And let's just work through the basic technique.

So I'm going to step one foot in front of the other.

I'm going to lift the ball or the toilet roll, in this case, above my head and backwards slightly.

I'm going to turn my body to the side.

And my throwing action is going to be with my elbow bent to extend it.

So I'm going to do flection to extension.

And what I'm going to do is twist my body as I throw the ball.

So, ball up behind your head and up, I'm picking a target, I'm looking at the target, and I'm going to twist and throw the ball.


Now we're going to do that by myself against the wall.

I'm going to keep catching it and return, and receive the ball.

Remember, when we catch the ball, W-shape with our hands.

Ball up, sight onto the target, looking at the target, twist and throw and catch.

Twist and throw and catch.

Now notice I'm transferring my weight forwards.

Simple passing job.

Aim for around where your chest would be, that's the position we'll do, but keep coming in and catching.

Just keep throwing and throwing, trying your right hand and your left hand and keep having a practise.

So, pause the video and just have a go at practising some overhead passes or overarm passes.

Excellent, so you've had a go at that.

We're going to just quickly move on to a bounce pass.

This is a very similar action.

Instead of throwing it against the wall, around chest height, we're going to throw it down to the ground so it bounces off the ground and up to where your partner would be.

Shoulder up, transfer your weight, step forwards.

Now remember, each time we're catching in that W-position.

I'm going to transfer my weight forward so my eyes are on the target.

So I want you to pause the video, have a few goes at that.

Okay, brilliant stuff, guys.

The next part I'm going to do is just a flick pass and that's a one-handed pass.

But we're going to from underarm, we're going to extend our elbow up and flick, by extending our arm upwards rather than an over, overarm pass.

So come here, step back, step forward through the pass.

So lots of practise with that.

And if you've got a partner at home, you can do that with a partner to keep it more interactive.

Try moving forwards and backwards while you're passing the ball.

And you can do that with a toilet roll like I demonstrated earlier, or a teddy bear, or something that resembles a ball.

Pause the video, have a go at some of the flip passes.

Okay, are you, I assume you've had a practise at flipped passes.

We're going to do one more pass, which is the jump pass and this is very similar to the overarm pass.

The ball behind your, behind your head as you throw it.

And this time we're going to do a bit of a jump into it, we're going to step and jump.



So for this one, I'm stepping forwards, I'm jumping up and throwing the ball at the same time.

It's just as simple movement.

Have a play with that one.

Okay, the next activity we're going to look at is dribbling.

Now we looked a bit at dribbling in basketball lesson.

So you can go back to that lesson to have another look at the basketball lesson if you want to.

But dribbling is pretty similar.

The difference this, the ball is going to come up a little bit higher, so around our waist height.

And we're going to be pushing it out in front of us as we run with the ball.

I'm going to show you side on, but all we need to do is find a space, dribble backwards and forwards.

I'm going to slowly first and then gradually speed up our speed.

Very straight forward.


Okay, not two-handed bounce.

And you can't dribble with two hands like that.

It's got to be one hand pushing it down to the ground.

Okay, try and push it out in front of you so you can run on to it.

You can change hands in the dribble, change sides, if you want to, but just start off practising one-handed.

So go right hand, then go to the left hand, right hand and left hand, and gradually increase the distance and the speed.

Once you get the hang of that, you can start trying to change direction.

You can stand still, sideways, change direction if you want.

Okay? So practise that dribbling movement.

Once you've done that, so pause the video, practise the dribbling video, and then come back to me.

Brilliant stuff.

just real quickly I want to show you one more element in the dribbling, which is going to receive the ball, and then go into a dribble.

Now, one of the rules in handball is once you've got the ball in your hand or hands, you can only take three steps.

Once you've taken three steps and you've stopped, you can either pass the ball or shoot, but you can't dribble again.

So you can dribble, you could hold the ball in three hands, in your hand for three steps and then you got to either pass or shoot.

But first we're going to start with ball off the wall, catch it, dribble, I might take three steps and then pass it again.

Let's have a look.

Two hands, one, two, three, pass.

So we're putting the dribble, steps, and a pass together.

Have a play with the dribbling, stepping, passing.

Okay, excellent.

Just a quick question about the attacking play.

How many steps can you take with a ball in your hand? Is it one, two, three, or four? Have a think about that one.

And the answer is three.

Well done if you got that one right.

Carry on practising some of those dribbling.

We're going to come back with some shooting in a few minutes.

Okay, for the shooting drill, I want you to set up something similar to this.

I've put some cones down.

If you haven't got cones, you probably won't, balls of socks work really good for this.

And you can do this inside or outside.

I've put two buckets out to make goals.

And again, you can just use t-shirt or a jumper or something that makes it goal and like this.

Now we're going to do a shooting drill.

Shooting's very similar to the passing.

I can bring my arm back above my head but I'm going to do this, as I, as I, as in more of a target price, I'm going to aim.

Now, it doesn't matter if I go low, I can work on low shots or can work on high shots.

Now, if you think about how it goes, just above the person, an average person's head height.

So you don't want to be throwing it over the head too much.

And I would suggest you throwing it down into the corners to practise to start with.

So all we're going to do is we're going to take three steps.

Going to bring my arm back, I'm going to transfer my body weight forwards, aim at the target, and throw the ball.

And I'm going to aim, as I step, I'm going to follow through with the ball pointing to where I'm actually releasing the ball and the direction I want the ball to go.

So just watch.

I also got to mention that, the cones there are working as a line that I'm not allowed to cross.

And in handball this is called a D and you're not allowed to cross past the D.

So I'm going to step forward three steps.

One, two, three, and release the ball.

I've got another ball down here.

I'm going to go try that again.

So, I'm going to go from a different angle.

One, two, three.

And I score.

Now, we can make this even harder by catching the ball on the move, taking three steps and then throwing it.

So catching the ball on the move, I'm going to play off my wall, catch it, take three steps, and take a shot.

Catch it, one, two, three.

Goal! Okay, so set up your, your buckets, or whatever you're going to use as your goal.

Set up your cones, don't cross that line, catch the ball on the move and shoot.

Pause the video.

Have a few goes at that.

We're going to extend this a little bit harder now by increasing to a jump shot.

And it's pretty much the same movement but this time we're going to jump in the air.

Don't bend your lead leg into the air.

You're going to keep your legs straight as you jump, or your lead leg straight.

But we're going to jump up, throw, and aim for the goal.

The difference between a standing shot and a jump shot is that we can jump and land inside the D.

That's the only time you're allowed in the D in handball is if you're landing inside it.

You can't run across it.

You can't step into it.

But if you're taking a shot and you jump, you can land inside the D.

So I'm going to do this from just three steps and jump into it, but we can do that off the wall as well.

So, you can set this drill up, you can practise by catching it on the move, but take, jump, and throw into the goal and you can land inside that D.

So pause the video, have a go at that and then join me back in a few seconds.

So a quick true or false question for you.

When you're taking a jump shot, you can jump and land inside the D.

Is that true or false? Well, the answer is true, yes.

You can jump into the D providing you let go of the ball before you land.

Great stuff, guys.

Right, we're going to work on the next key term, which is strategy, which is a plan of action designed to achieve a specific goal.

Now, this strategy could be very similar to a tactic but it's a bit more global and looks at a larger, the bigger picture rather than a specific tactic.

So we're going to get into our next round of activities, which is our overcoming opponents tasks.

So you might want to pause the video and grab your equipment and I'll see you in a few minutes.

Okay, guys, we're going to now start looking at how we overcome a defender or overcome an opponent.

And what I've done now is I've added another target.

I've added something I have lying around in my garden.

And this is now going to act as a defender.

This is a watering can, but you can use anything you like, even just a cone, a bit of paper, something to give you a visual stimuli to try and recognise that that is going to be a defender.

So we're going to look at some different skills that we can employ to try and overcome this defender.

So the first we're going to look at is the sidestep and we're going to incorporate a dummy pass at the same time.

Now, we did sidesteps in the rugby video, which was about moving in sport.

So if you're struggling with the sidestep, you can always go back and revisit that sidestep motions that we practised.

Well, we're just going to to straight into it and we'll put a dummy pass into it.

So I'm going to sidestep, run towards there, I'm going to sidestep, I'm going to do a dummy pass.

And then I'm going to take a shot at the goal.

I'm going to go very slowly to start with and then do it a bit faster for you to try it.

I'm going to take a bounce.

Remember, I've got three steps.

So, the dummy pass is pretending I'm going to pass but I actually keep holding the ball.

So I go step one way, so I'm going to step that way, and I'm also going to pretend to pass the ball that way, and the defender hopefully will go in that direction.

But then I'm going to push off, change direction, and take a shot.

I'll do it a bit quicker.

This is about changing your movements.

Remember agility.

If you think back to some of the other lessons, changing direction and speed.

And what I'm trying to do to overcome the defender, I'm trying to overload them with information, presenting multiple stimuli, or stimuluses, stimuli, to confuse them.

So they're thinking about which stimuli to focus on and that can be confusing.

Now, the quicker I do this, the quicker I present these stimuli, the slower that their reaction will be.

It will increase their reaction time.

The reaction is the time taken to process the stimuli.

So if I can slow them down, I'll have a split second to get past them and overcome them.

So, set, you dribble up, like so, with an obstacle to act as a defender and practise the sidestep with the dummy pass followed by the shot.

A few minutes to practise on that and then come back to me.

How was that dummy pass drill? I hope it went all right for you.

So the next drill we're going to be practising is a fake.

And we're also going to look at a faint.

Now in handball, they're pretty much used interchangeably.

They mean the same thing.

I'm just calling one a fake for this setup.

And then we're going to look a faint for a different setup just to make it easier to distinguish between the two.

So for this fake drill, I'm going to fake going one direction, step around the defender, and take a jump shot.

This is quite similar to the sidestep.

I'm going to pretend that I'm going this side of the defender.

However, I'm going to change direction, go to this side, take a jump shot to land inside the D, but throwing the ball before I land.

Okay, so I'll walk through the first one then I'll show you a bit quicker.

Ball in your hand to start with.

I'm looking at my targets.

I'm going to step one way, change directions, step, step, jump and throw.

So, I stepped one way and I quickly changed direction took two steps, got my three with the jump and the throw.

A bit quicker with a bounce to start with.

So you might need to play that video back a few times to get the foot work right.

But please have a few goes at this one.

Start slowly, then if you get better, start with one bounce then you can add dribble into it, you can play off the wall and catch it and then dribble into it.

But we're trying to fake the defender out by going one way, quickly changing direction, overloading them with information to get the advantage, to overcome and score.

Pause the video.

Have a go at that.

Okay, so this faint drill, I've set my cones up slightly different to make a sort of T-shape.

So I've moved one cone back here.

I'm going to be facing the camera to show you this one.

I've got my defender, which is my watering can, still in the middle.

And this time, what I'm going to do is I'm going to step backwards, forwards, and then take a shot.

I'm going to show you towards the camera so you can see the foot action.

But basically we're going to, I'm going to break it down into a couple of stages.

So the first stage, facing my defender, ball in my hand, remember our ball's up here above head height.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to turn my body as I lift the ball up.

I'm going to create, pushing the defender slightly away, creating a barrier to protect the ball.

So your first step is that movement.

The second step is a hopping action.

I'm going to go back and forwards in a V-shape or a W-shape.

So I'm going to go back, forwards.

So we're going to fake the defender out by just thinking I'm changing direction quickly.

So I'm going to go, starting in the middle, ball in hand, step, forwards, shoot.

So the action, just getting close to the camera so you can see again, my arm's coming across the defender.

I'm going to step backwards, forwards, take a shot.

So set your cones up and we're going to try and work on that foot work which is sort of a step, step back, then forwards.

And as we're doing it, moving to the side, blocking the defender out with my arm to take the shot or pass or whatever we're doing.

We're trying to overcome this defender.

Now with all these drills and all these skills, to be really functional and really effective, if you can do it on both your left and your right side, you're going to be a much better player.

So pause the video, set up your faint drill and have a go at both left and right.

And then revisit the fake drill and the sidestep, revisit the pass with both your left and right hand.

Pause the video, have a go at that and then join me back in a few minutes.

Okay, how did you find those activities? I hope you enjoyed them.

Right, let's look at some key words.

The first one is stimuli.

And I mentioned it before earlier, stimuli, which is a plural of stimulus.

This is, these are things that cause a specific functional reaction.

So in a 100 metre sprint, the gun going bang or gun going off is a stimuli.

And then you react to it by sprinting.

And in handball, you see the ball going one way and then you react to it, which is, which is reacting to the stimuli.

Now reaction time.

I mentioned that as well.

Now this is the time taken to respond to a stimulus.

So again, the gun going off, bang, and how long it takes to process that information before we start moving.

And in handball or any team sport, we can slow defenders down by presenting a stimuli and then confusing them by another stimuli, which slows their reaction down.

So the more stimuli, the faster you react.

Is that true or false? Yeah, the answer is false.

So if you present multiple stimuli it will slow people down in their reactions.

It will increase their reaction time, which makes it get slower.

So let's have a look at this person taking a shot in handball.

It's a jump, jumping, a jump shot or a jumping shot.

So what makes this a good example of a good shot? You might want to pause the video now to make some notes on this.

Look at the technique and tell me what he's doing that makes it a good shot.

Okay, now say them to the screen for me.

Did you say this? He's looking at the target.

We're assuming he looking at the target but it's pretty obvious he is.

His shooting arm is back and up, it's raised up backwards and above his head.

He's transferred his weight forward.

Well, he's definitely transferred the weight forward because he's jumping forward and he's jumping into the D.

So he's going to release the ball before he lands to make it a good jump shot.

So some more key words for you.

A sidestep.

Yes, we completed a sidestep earlier.

This is where you step sideways one way but change direction to evade an opposing player.

Now we look to the sidestep way back in our rugby sessions as well.

We're moving with the ball and it's used in many sports like handball.

So let's move on to some training to overcome opponents in sport.

And another skill we looked at was it using a dummy? Not the dummy on the screen but a tactic used by a player to trick an opponent by pretending to pass, but keeping possession.

So we looked at dummy pass.

And it's a way of delaying the defender's decision-making and increasing the stimuli to slow their reactions down.

Now, selective attention is a process of filtering out irrelevant stimuli.

Now, if you've got lots and lots of stimuli, that selective attention takes longer and isn't as efficient.

And if you've got lots of information coming through, that will slow down your information processing and decision-making, which slows everything down.

So as a, as an attacker, you want to overload a defender with lots of information to really disrupt their state of attention.

So in handball, what information should we be filtering out? Is it the position of the opponents? Is it the crowd who are watching? Is it the position of your teammates or where the ball is? So this question is asking you, well, what information isn't important to you completing this movement? And that is the crowd who are watching and I'm sure that's the answer you said.

So does a dummy, oh, a, a dummy pass means you make a predictable pass? Is that true or false? Well, the answer's false.

I'm sure that's what you've already said.

A dummy pass involves pretending to pass and trick the opponent, but retaining possession.

So how can you outwit an opponent in sport? I want you to pause the video whilst you're writing the answer down using this sentence starter.

To out wit an opponent.

All right, I hope you wrote something along these lines.

To outwit an opponent, a player can incorporate tactics and strategies to overload an opponent with multiple stimuli and this will slow their opponent's reactions.

Or something along those lines but those key words in there, tactics, strategies, overload, stimuli, reactions.

That's the sort of thing we're looking for.

Well done if you've got them in.

Okay, for this exercise, I've just basically had a bit of fun.

I've added in some new objects to create defenders.

So I've moved my goal back a little bit to give me more space.

I've got my buckets there and as a goal, I've added in a little target, which is this garden toy right in the back there.

That's what I'm going to ultimately aim for.

I've got a chair, which is going to act as the defender who's guarding the D.

And I've got this watering can as defender out in the pit on the field it could be another player on the court.

I'm going to throw the ball off the wall, I'm going to let it bounce, I'm going to then dribble it straight from the bounce, sidestep this defender here, then I'm going to go to this defender and I'm going to try and pass him using one of the drills, the exercises that we've been practising.

So it's your turn to get on with some creativity now.

Now I'm going to ask you to recreate a similar sort of obstacle course that you've just seen me do.

I want you to set up a series of obstacles that you will act as an opponent.

Use techniques we have learned today to pass these and move to the next one.

And then see how long it takes you to get through the course.

Please make sure that this is done in a safe environment.

And once you've completed this, resume the video.

So we're into our cool-down now.

And I was always, I'm not going to show you how to do a cool-down because you should know by now.

Just to remind you, the cool-down consists of two activities, a pulse lowering exercise, such as walking around the area you've just been training or stretching.

And stretching, sorry.

Static stretches, ideally.

So pause this video and go ahead and complete your cool-down.

And once you've finished, join me back in for the rest of the video.

So that brings us to the end of the lesson and the end of the unit.

But before we go, let's recap on how we overcome opponents in sport.

Well, we looked at different methods and what overcoming an opponent means.

Outwitting an opponent, for example, by using your cleverness.

But we also looked at strategies we can employ such as overloading them with information, slowing their reaction times down.

And we, we incorporated how to sidestep, how to dummy, how to faint and fake an opponent out.

And we put this into practise.

So we got our heart rate raised up quite significantly and we did a lot of physical exercise.

So we improved our health and fitness at the same time as our mental wellbeing by practising these cognitive skills and getting our brains processing this information.

Anyway, I hope you've really enjoyed this lesson and the unit and I hope I'll see you very soon.