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Hi, I'm Mr. G Wnuk here.

And I can't wait to take you through this lesson of power and how we can train it.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

The session should take place in a space indoors such as in living room.

Ensure here is space for you to work safely including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause the video now if there's anything you need to get ready.

For this lesson you're going to need a few items of equipment.

Starting with your clothing.

You need to be in your normal PE clothing shorts, and t-shirt are fine.

If you're doing this inside please make sure you've got bare feet.

If you're outside, suitable trainers The equipment you're going to need for the lesson is as follows; a pillow or a Teddy bear or both, some trainers that you're going to use as markers or alternatively balls of socks work really well.

If you have stairs or steps in your house or outside your house you can use these in this lesson as well.

But if you don't have them, don't worry about that, we can make do.

Safety area of a space you're going to need is around 1.

5 cliff metres clearance around you and hopefully you have a regular size ceiling, head height clearance.

We're going to start with our warmup.

Welcome back guys.

We're on lesson number two where we're focusing on power is our component for this and how we train our power.

So we're going to start with our warmup.

Again before we go, if you're inside makes you got no socks on.

Make sure the area around you is clear from anything that you might knock into or hit or trip on or knock or break.

So we start all three stages of a warm up.

Pulse raiser followed by our stretching and mobility followed by our skill related practise.

Let's go with a pulse raiser.

So I'm going to start with high knees, straight line.

Pumping my arms. That one of the benefits of a warm up is that it gets our heart rate increased.

I'm going to skip now.

Skip Our heart rate increased means that oxygen is taken in our blood.

So I'll work your muscles to give us energy.



Pause the video.

Carry on with your pulse risers for about three or four minutes and then join me back.

Okay, welcome back.

We're going to now do stage two of the warm up.

Can you remember what that's called? Yes you're right.

It's stretching and mobility.

So we're going to do some dynamic stretches which is where we stretch and move our body while we're stretching.

Okay, so this is harm to start with.

Okay, so we talked about our benefits in warm up about getting your heart rate increased.

Now explaining for the warm up.

We talked about this last lesson to increase sign over fluid in the joints.

So no over fluid in the joints.

When they get warmer, you get more sign over fluid and it helps lubricate the joints, make them move easier.

Okay I'm going to do some arm swings, backwards and forwards.

Also what it does is it increases flexibility of our soft tissues in particular your muscles, your tendons, and your ligaments.

Now I'm going to go diagonals.

Okay, So I'm going to swing my arms up and down.

Now, the muscles, we know what muscles hopefully know what they are but they are joined to our bones and they help contract to move your body joint.


The tendons are what joins your muscles to your bones.

And then finally we have ligaments.

Just go up and down just quickly.

Our ligaments, joint bones together, bone to bone and they hold your joints together.

Excellent we're going to do some leg swings.

Leg kicks, step back and kick your legs and touch your toes.

Now the benefit of warmup, is it gets change legs, is it gets your adrenaline pumping and going up increased.

Adrenaline is good Cause it helps get you ready for your exercise.

Gets your heart rate increasing gets your breathing rate going.

And it all, it all gets you ready for exercise.


Pause the video.

You can do a few more dynamic stretches where we're moving through stretching.

Okay we're back Now because there's plyometrics.

We're going to do stage three which is skill related practise.

We're going to practise a few jumps.

Now plyometrics is called jump training.

So jump training.

I mean just do some normal standing jumps.

I'm going to bring my arms down and swing my arms up, swing your arms up, make sure you've some clearance above you.

Keep touching my light hit me.

Okay, so just a few.

This time we're going to do some squat jumps and squat jumps and crouch down jump.

Swing your arms back it's like I'm skiing and feeling.


A few of them.

Tuck jumps if you cannot do a full tuck jump half tuck jump where you just pat your legs.

But a full tuck jump is your knees up.

And we kick hard.


I feel like my pulse has risen.

True or false question for you, does a warm up help get oxygen to your muscles.

Is that true or false? So warm up helps get oxygen to your muscles.

Is it true is it false? Its true well done.


The warmup is there to get your heart beating carries the oxygen on your blood around your body, to your working muscles which then use that oxygen for energy.

Brilliant work guys.

We're going to do an experiment.

So the second I'm going to jump outside.

I'm going to do a plyometrics experiment.

So what does a lesson look like? Well, we started with our warm up already and in a few minutes, we're going to do an experiment on plyometrics.

Then we're going to move on to lower body plyometrics followed by upper body plyometrics.

We're going to then do some modified medicine ball work.

Then we're going to design a plyometrics training session.

And then we'll finally, we'll finish off with an exit quiz.

So what are some of the key words that we've covered in today's lesson so far? Well, we've said about tendons which are soft tissues that attaches bones to muscles.

They allow the muscle to contract and pull on the bone to create movement.

We've talked about dynamic stretching.

This is when stretch is competed while you're moving.

Static stretching is where the stretch is still and held.

This movement is constantly moving and it's quite replicative of game situations.

So it's good to do dynamic stretching.

So a quick question, which of these are not a stage in a warmup? Is it option one, a pulse raiser, option two, a pulse lowerer, option three, mobility and stretching and option four, skill related practise.

So which one do you think it is? Have you thought of it yet? If you said option two, you are right.

A pulse lowerer is not a stage in a warmup.

It's part of the cool-down.

So we are going to go and do an experiment now.

So we're going to need that bit of space for this one, some heights if you can, It's somewhere you can reach up and jump up and touch.

So you might need to pause the video and get yourself into a decent position.

So this is how the experiment or look I'm going to talk you through myself, doing it.

And as you can see, I've got lots of space around me and I've got a good high clearance.

I've taken myself outside to do this one.

So as you can see, I'm reaching up to see how high can reach without jumping.

I'm going to then and crouch down in first instance and jump up as high as I can.

That's stage one, experiment one.

So you can pause the video, have a go at that experiment one just a normal crouch and jump and touch as high as you can.

The next one I want you to do is a slow squat and see how high you can jump from a slow squat.

Then we're going to do a squat where I'm going to hold it for five seconds.

So I'm stopped there and account in my head five seconds.

Then I'm going to jump.

I want to see the difference in my height.

And as you can see, it wasn't very high.

And the last one is as fast as you can.

Now, all we need to have a go at that experiment.

I want you to try to measure the height of your jump and see which one changes the most.

See which one gives you the highest jump and see which one gives you the lowest jump.

One of the key words from this lesson is plyometrics training.

This involves jumping, where the muscle lengthens on landing and then quickly contracts and shortens to provide power for the next jump.

So hat factors affected your jump plate in that experiment? Well, it could have been the time between the downwards and upwards phases.

If you spent a long time going down and then pausing before you went up, that takes out the jump height and makes it lower.

That phase is called an amortisation phase.

And the longer that phase is between the downwards and upwards the lower amount of power you're going to generate.

The speed of the downward phase.

The quicker you go down, the quicker your muscles recall to go up.

The speed of the upward phase.

Obviously the faster you're going on the way up will mean you'll generate higher jump going up.

And the depth of the downward phase.

And this comes from equal and opposite reactions.

So the lower you go down, the stretch you can put on your muscles the higher you about to jump Also your leg strength.

If you've got big, strong muscles you should be able to jump a lot higher.

So another key word today's is power.

Now that is the rapid application of muscular force is also known as this equation which is strength times speed The stronger you are, the faster you are, the more power you're going to generate.

And if you look at some of the basketball players they can really jump and dunk.

When they're jumping, their power is immense and they can really get fast contractions to their muscles and really strong contractions to get a lot of height.

So we're going to start with our next bits of practical.

So get yourselves ready.

And we're going to do some practical.

We're going to to focus on lower and upper body plyometrics to start with.

Jumping power, we've already alluded to is use in basketball.

But also in sports like volleyball, football, and netball.

Where you need to jump up and block for example, in volleyball, if you were going to jump up to create a header in football or jump up to receive the boy netball.

Upper body power is used in other sports, such as tennis, martial arts striking and fielding.

where you've got to generate a lot of power from your arms and your shoulders.

So the types of training we're going to to look at today.

We're going to do some lower body training and we're going to make some jumps, hops, depth jumps and jump ups followed by some upper body training where we're going to look at mainly are press-ups and modify those press-ups with different hand movements, taps and claps.

The first set of exercise in plyometrics training.

We're going to do some basic jumping skills.

I've laid some cones out to show what I'm going to be jumping over but you could put the train down his stairs or hall of socks, just as important.

If you can do this inside, you can lay the socks out.

It's up to you.

Just needs to be something you can jump over.

So without further ado, let's get on with it.

First drill two feet jumping over my cones.

Swing your arms, drive up, like so from going from the side arm to the side swing your arms up and jump over it.

Key things to remember when we're going down we want to be quick.

The downward phase our muscles are getting stretched is called Essentia contractions.

They're still contracted, but they're getting longer.

They're getting stretched and they're going to use plasticity to recoil.

Try again, Two fit jumping just over the cones.

Use your arms, take some breaks in between 'cause it does tyre out quite quickly.

Next here we're going to do this a step over and two two foot jump.

So step over two feet, jump over the next one.

Step over two feet, jump over.

Show from side.

So I'm going to step over two feet and jump.


Two foot jumps.

Step over two feet your jump up.

Okay, well let's do, pause the video? Have a practise of that.

Excellent, we're going to now do some hopping.

So we're going to do pretty much the same thing but just on one foot.

So kind of laid out and if and just bound over just make the hops.

The reason I'm using cones or socks is if a land on it I'm not going to twist my ankle.

So it's got to be something flat, something that you're not going to slip on.

Once you done one leg try the other leg.

If you were to drive your arms. See I've knocked a cone, but didn't hurt me.

Okay, so remember, as we got down into the movement our muscles are stretched eccentrically.

And then we're going to apply force of contraction to lift ourselves up.

and that's called a concentrate contraction.

Next drill.

So pause it there.

Have a practise at hopping.

So quick question.

What is power? Is it the range of movement, a joint? Is it the ability to overcome a resistance? Is it the rapid application of muscular force or is it the ability to sustain repeated contractions over time? Which one is it? Excellent it is the rapid application of muscular force world on that's power.

The ability to contract our muscles really explode up out the ground.

Great work.

The next plyometrics drill, we're going to practise is a jump up.

I'm going to jump up onto a step.

So if you've got stairs at home, you can do this inside no problem.

If you've got garden steps, you can do this.

Just make sure its not wet or slippery.

Make sure you've got appropriate footwear on.

I've got trainers on now but if you're inside barefoot, no socks.

Okay, now what we're going to do is going up to the step.

I'm going to crouch down, bend my knees and swig arms up and jump to land on the top of the first step that's all.

I'm going to step back down and repeat it.


You face the step.

Arms up, bend my knees, swing and jumping up and step back.

and be careful.

You need you to do it forwards enough, so we don't drag on the shins on the front of the step.

So watch one more time.

Bend my knees, swing arms, jump up.

Do set of about five no more than five or six because the eccentric contraction is downward movement followed by the high explosive concentric contraction drives us up can actually hurt your legs if you do too much of them.

The legs or the muscles or legs are working, particularly the quadriceps.

They're getting stretched as we go down and they're being contracting as we go back up.

The other muscle that's working is the gastrocnemius which is this muscle in the back of our calf or like calf muscle.

It's called gastrocnemius.

Okay, pause the video.

Have a practise of those step jumps jumping up.

Okay, the next drill we're going to do is a depth jump.

And this one really uses the eccentric contraction to load our muscles, to get the energy as it stretches ready for the recoil back up.

So we're going to start on the step.

And we're going to step down and then I'm going to explode up jumping up.

So start on the step this time.

I'm not jumping off, I'm just stepping down into that shape.

So there's one foot forwards land in that shape.

And then we're going to explore up no waiting.

So step, okay, come back.

This'd be good at something like a volleyball or basketball where you tryna block someone and you swing your arms up.

Five of these, step.


Pause the video.

Have a go at the depth jumps.

Well, hope you enjoyed that practical.

And you started to develop some resilience by pushing yourself nice hard and challenging yourself We're going to now look at these questions.

So which of these are the correct definition of power? Is it the range of moving around a joint? Is it the ability of a muscle to overcome a resistance? Is it the rapid application of muscular force or is it the ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions? Have a think about it.

Which one do you think it is? Which option is it? Option 3 Is the rapid application of muscular force.

Can you remember what the equation was? Strength times times speed.


Right some more key words.

so we talked about in the practicals some eccentric muscle contractions.

Now this is what happens when the muscle is going in, when the movement is going downwards.

And what happens is the muscle being contracted is also lengthening.

So wherever we go down, if there was some point of squat our quadriceps is contracting, but let's get into the longer as we go down followed by the concentric contraction which is where the muscle is contracting and shortening.

And this generally happens on the output phase of the movement.

So which contraction is completed when the performer is in the downward phase of a movement? Is it eccentric or is it concentric? That's right, It's eccentric on the downward phase of a movement when we're going down, the muscle is getting longer and extending out, that's called an eccentric contraction Is usually followed by the concentric contractions.

When we return back up.

Another muscle I talked about in the activities was the quadriceps.

So then the muscle on the front of your leg on the upper part of your leg, often known as the thigh the thigh muscle.

And as you see in that diagram that just pointing to those quadriceps they're very big muscles, very powerful muscles.

And they used to, to straighten your leg.

But when you're going down and squatting they're also controlling that movement as you go down Which of these statements explains the quadriceps the best? Is it the muscle found at the back of the lower leg, the muscle found at the front of the lower leg, the muscle found at the back of the upper leg or the muscle found or the front of the upper leg? Take your time, read all the options decide which one best explains the quadriceps.

Which one is it? Yes its option 4 The muscle found at the front of the upper leg.

We're now going to work on our upper body plyometrics and we're going to be working our pectoral muscles which are chest muscles And your triceps which are the muscles on the back of your arms. Now with these we're going to be doing a press up Variations on press up.

So I'm going to show you how to do these variations and you can decide which variations you want to do.

When you guys saw I don't see.

So we've come inside.

So I've taken my socks off so I don't slip and I've got space around me that the check is clear.

I'm not going to bang into anything.

So the first bit, I want you to think about move my towel away first I want you to think about is present now this is called a plank position we are in the plank position in a press up, my arms are straight.

So much of how hands and shoulders are in one straight line.

My bottom is up.

So I'm tense, but not up too high.

And is not too down like that.

So it's in a straight line between my head and my shoulders and my feet.

So I make a straight line And when we do a press up we just bend our arms backwards and push up.

Now that's quite hard.

So from there, you could go into the plank position bend your knees and make it slightly easier by doing a knee, press up.

There's nothing wrong with doing a knee, press up.

If you find that hard, bringing ease in to make a box shape we doing the same thing but you're going to bend your arms backwards.

So we just go down back and your chin goes towards the floor.

We're still working the triceps, but lesser the chest as we do this movement.

So you've got three variations with it.

You have a full federation where we can make it slightly easier.

By putting some things to put our hands on.

Now you can do that from your knees.

Or you can do it on your toes.

And it just makes it slightly easier.

You can choose whichever progression you want to use.

To do plyometrics and upper body with press-ups, we're going to move our hands into press up position.

So first movement we're going to do is, a sideways hand placement.

So I'm going to go down and I'm going to move my hand to the side and back down, other side back and forward, touch forwards, back forward back.

So I've got one, two, three, four.

Sides sides, forwards and forwards.

So we can do that from our feet from our knees, from the box if you like, it's up to you.

The quicker you do it the more power your body's going to utilise.

Now when we press up, as we go down our muscles are getting stretched and when we get down, the tricep muscle is being stretched and getting longer.

Now is that's an eccentric injection.

When I push up, it gets shorter and contracts.

I helps me spring up that's the concentric contraction.

So moving press ups.

The next thing we're going to do is press up tap.

But before we do, pause the video, have a go at your moving press-ups.

Okay, we're back.

And now we're going to do the press up tap.

So the press up tap I'm going to start from my knees.

Just to show you, I'm going to go down and I'm going to touch my shoulder and go back down and tap the shoulder.

Now my back and my knees bent close into a box shape and I can do the same thing down, tap, down, tap Or I can do a full press up, down, tap.

Now, the quicker I do it, the more power I'm going to work.

I only want you to do about five to six of these and then have a rest 'cause the power gets tiring quite quickly.

So we're going to go down and explode up, and tap your shoulders.

Pause the video, have a go at shoulder tap press-ups Okay.

Final upper body variation or press up.

And we're going to start getting into the press up clamps.

Now we're going to do these on our knees to start with, and we do a press up pop.

So from here, I'm going to be on my knees.

I'm going to go down.

I'm going to pop and just gently slim width slightly moved my hands out.

From there, I'm going to go down.

And I'm going to put my hands in.

The key thing is I lift my hands up, I was like oh no, if you struggling with that.

Let's take a step back and go to that one hand placement.

And the arms back.

And to other hand placement placement, but if you can both at the same time and try and get some air between your hands and the floor.

Remember we get down then we imply to push out the ground, popping up our press up.

Quick question.

When's there concentric muscle contraction? Is it on the upward phase of the press up? Is it on the downward phase of pressure up? Is it on the downward phase of a squat or is it a downward phase of a hop? Have a think, which one is it? Yes, you're right.

It's the upward phase the press up the concentric contractions are always when we moving up, not when we going down.

So from there anyway, we've gone from popping press ups.

We're going to now bring into a clap.

So I'm going to go down.

I'm going to push up, clap, push up ,clap.

Okay, so we're exploding out and trying to clap.

Only try this if you managed to do these pops.

If you haven't managed the pops don't try it until you're ready, but you can keep practising and practising until you get close to it.

Pause the video, have a go at your pops and your claps and I'll see you in a bit.

So some more key words I mentioned in that last exercise.

One of the muscles we talked about was the pectorals.

They're the chest muscles, the muscles of the chest.

And they help to extend your arms out forward in front of you just like in a press up position.

You can see them located right at the front of your chest there.

So we're going to do some specific training now for power.

I'm going to really focus on plyometrics.

I'm going to ask you a quick question first though.

So plyometrics training involves jumping where the muscle lengthens on landing and then quickly contracts and shortens.

Is that true or is that false? Think back to the training we've just done.

Is it true or is it false? It's true.


The movement remember is followed.

With the landing as an ease and contraction and then it followed by rapid concentric contractions really jump up high.

So what is power? When you pause the video, write your answer down, using the sentence starter.

Power is.

Hopefully you've reached a conclusion where power is the rapid application and muscular force and bonus points if you put down the equation, power is strength times speed.

So we're going to do some advanced upper body plyometrics now.

We're going to only look at some modified medicine ball plyometrics exercises with some basic medicine ball drills.

We're going to look at some basic slam ball drills.

Okay, so we're going to do some extra work on our plyometrics.

So we're going to use some equipment.

So now's the time to grab your Teddy bear or your pillow.

You can choose just ask whoever or anyone who owns it, whether you can use it.

I'm using my son's Teddy bear for this one.

Make sure the area around you is clear that you're not going to bash into anything or knock into anything.

Make sure above you is the clear as well.

The first drill is called a slam or modified slammed ball drill.

I'm going to take the Teddy bear, and lift it above my head.

I'm on my knees.

So this one's control my back.

And my abdominals.

And what I'm going to do is going to slam it as powerfully as I can into the ground.

And it bounces up and I catch it again.

So I'm going to do that arms up, bounce.

And as I put it down, I'm really contracting my pectorals and my shoulders and my resilience build at the back to really get this movement down So you can do about eight of them and then have a rest.

If you want to, you can do this standing up.

Just try not to use your back so much crunch your abdominals as you go and pull your shoulders down.

That's the first practise.

So pause, have a go at your slams. Okay, we're back.

And I'm going to use a pillow for this one.

I'm going to lie down.

Not too use a pillow to put behind my head.

But I'm going to do some modified medicine ball work and I'm going to bend my knees.

You can have your legs flat but knees bent is fine.

Just sort of stabilising my back, try and push your back flat.

Have the pillow on your chest.

But I'm going to do a chest pass into the air and catch the pillow.

The harder I push it the more power I need and I'm going to push it straight up in front of me and catch it.

Okay, now you can do this with a medicine ball, but when you're older, but pushing up.

As we push contracting our pectoral muscles and thrust up really fast in a powerful motion to try and get a driving out of it.

Talk about eight of them, then have a rest.

You can do it with the Teddy bear if you like.

It's up to you.

You can vary that by doing it against the wall,.

but watch out when it bounces back, it doesn't bounce into you.

So have a go at our modified slams and modified medicine balls and good luck.

And I'll see you in a minute.

Hope you enjoyed that training drills.

They good fun when you get going with them.

And you can research a few more if you want.

So quick question, which of these statements explains plyometrics training? Is it option one, continuous running that has few or no rest periods? Is it two, jump training that utilise utilises stretching and recoil of a muscle, three, exercises where the body is held in static positions by the core muscles or four, rapid combinations of running, stretching and skipping? Which one is it? If you said option two you're right.

It is jump training where we stretch the muscle and recoil that muscle to explode into the air.

So this is an example of how you might build a plyometrics sessions.

So I've only done five exercises here and I've kept them quite short.

So only eight, right leg hops and eight left leg hops then five two footed jumps followed by some upper body work of eight plyometrics press ups and then five ball slams or slams. So you won't do too much plyometrics training because the the wear and tear you put your muscles can really tyre you out and make you sore for a few days.

So you're only really want to do small amounts of repetitions, and you would do this at the start of another train session.

So you're going to pause the video and design your own plyometrics training session.

I want you focus on improving your power and you can use your upper body or lower body exercises we've looked at today.

So to get started, You could think about designing a circuit that has eight, two footed jumps as a starter, for example, but you can choose anything you'd like that we've looked at today.

Or if you've researched some other ones, you can put them in as well.

Once you've designed it, I want you to have a quick practise of it.

So, pause the video and then complete the task and then join me back in a few minutes.

So, time to cool down.

What a great little workout one that's plyometrics.

So we finished.

We need to do a cool-down.

So cool down.

Remember we have, as from the last lesson we break the cool down into two steps.

We have a pulse lower and our stretching.

So we start with the pulse lowerer.

Now suppose you start with a gentle jog.

So it's not as fast as we did in the warmup.

Just gentle joke on the spot just to slowly bring our heart rate down.

We can do some walking, some marching, so march with me.

And again, I want you to pause the video and carry on your pulse lower, or maybe walk around do some laps around your living room and then join me when you've done your posts lowerer.

Okay, welcome back.

I'm assuming we've done our pulse lowerer.

So we're now going to do stage two, which is stretching.

Now we've worked our upper body and lower body.

So we're just going to hold with the stretches this time.

We're not going to do dynamic stretches.

So let's do an upper body shoulder stretch arm across your body and put it across your body twist your and hold it.

So static stretches are when we hold the movement.

Dynamic stretches is where we stretch and move at the same time change arms. So hopefully you know of a few of these static stretches from your PE lessons at school, I'm taking you for your cue.

Okay, then I just just carry on with stretching in a second of the upper body is to quadriceps stretch 'Cause we've done a lot of hard work with our quadriceps today pick it for up balance push hips forwards, same to the side as you can see, foot to your bottom.

I'm driving hips forwards.

Change legs.

Why are we changing the legs? Well, make sure you can balanced.

I'll ask you a quick question.

What is an example of which of these is an example of a static stretch? So the first option is held lunge.

Second option is arm circles.

Third option is walking lunges and fourth option is hip rows.

What's the answer? You're right, it's a held lunge.

Static stretch where we lunge forwards and holding and we held that place.

That's a static movement well done.

So pause the video finished your cool-down and your static stretches.

And I'll see you in a bit.

So you finished your cool-down and I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.

What is power and how can we train it? So today we looked at that power.

We looked at the definition of power which is strength times speed.

Or the rapid application of muscular force.

Our ability to contract our muscles as quick as possible to really drive into the ground and explode out the ground.

How do we train it? Well with plyometrics training? So plyometrics tends to be jumped training but it really means that we are going in a downward motion followed by an upward motion.

That downward motion involves eccentric contractions where the muscles are getting longer and stretching followed by rapid contraction and shortening of that muscle to explode out of the ground.

And we looked at lower body plyometrics with our jumps and our hops followed buy some upper body plyometrics where we looked at our press-ups and how we can jump out of our press-ups.

And we finished the lesson off by looking at some slam ball exercises and medicine ball exercises.

Just varying that power.

Now, remember when you practise power you don't want to overdo it.

You just want to keep it quite short and you could always bolt it onto another training session.

I hope you enjoyed today's lesson and I will see you very soon.