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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Repton and I'm going to be your teacher for the year seven, outdoor and adventurous activities lessons.

I hope you're going to join me for all of the lessons so that we can develop our problem-solving, decision-making, evaluating improving skills.

So we need to start thinking about keeping safe in this lesson.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities make sure that you've got a trusted adult nearby when you start.

Ideally, we want this activity to take place in doors, but if it's safe, warm, and dry to do so, you're welcome to go outside.

Ensure that there's enough space for you to work safely, including overhead, use bare feet not socks, and make sure that the floor isn't slippery that you're going to be working on.

wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause now if there's anything that you need to get ready.

In this lesson, you're going to need nine different items that you can use as markers.

You're also going to need a pencil and some paper.

Pause the video now so that you can go and get anything that you're going to need.

So in today's lesson, our first activity is called Cardinal numbers.

Our second activity is a personal challenge and then you'll complete an exit quiz which I know you'll do really well at.

We also have some key words in today's lesson.

Our first key word is compass and a compass is a tool that we use for finding direction.

Our second key word is degrees.

The unit that we use to measure the size of an angle.

And our third Key word is route.

A way to travel from one point to another which could include a number of stops.

Well, our first activity today is called Cardinal markers.

On the next slide, you're going to watch a video of me completing the task and explaining what it is you need to do.

Watch the video and then move on to the next slide.

So now we're onto our activity, Cardinal markers.

You're going to need to set out some markers in a three by three grid.

I'm at school today so I'm using cones, but you can use any household items. You're also going to need your pencil or pen and the directions and instructions that are on the worksheets or the download.

Let's just have a recap of our compass points.

Remember, the red parts of the needle is always pointing to north that helps us to orientate ourselves.

So we'll do a few practise goes together.

I'm going to face backwards so that we're all doing this in the same direction.

So I'm going to start from the central red cone.

Let's all move one step to the West.

Well done.

Have we move one step south? Well done.

Let's move two steps East.


And we'll go back to our starting marker.

Well, the thing that we're going to need to use this time in today's activity is looking not just at North, East South and West, but thinking about Northeast, Northwest Southeast and Southwest.

So we're going to be moving diagonally as well as vertically and horizontally.

When we're thinking about Northeast, Northwest, Southeast Southwest, the North of the south always comes first.

So, let's go back to our mark in the middle and we're all going to move in a southeasterly direction.

I know that south is behind me and I know east is to my right.

So Southeast is going to be diagonally behind me.

Well done.

Back to my central marker.

This time I'm going to move Northwest.

I know that North is in front of me, I know that West is to my left, so Northwest will be diagonally up to the left.

Well done.

So we're now going to complete our challenge.

My first instruction says, start at the Northwest marker.

Move east one marker, I know that East is to my right, so I'm going to move one marker and I'm going to draw on my print.

Move East one marker, move and draw.

Move Southwest one marker, Southwest.

Move Southwest one marker, Southwest Move East one marker, East and move East one marker.

What letter of the alphabet have you created the shape of? Well hopefully if you followed the same pattern as me everybody has created the letter Z.

Well done.

Now it's time for you to have a go.

print off the instructions from the worksheets or the download and have a go at completing the different courses.

See what shapes and what letters you can create.

Good luck.

So you've just seen me have a go at completing the task.

Now it's your turn.

There's a little recap on this slide to explain what it is you need to do.

And on the next slide it will have the first set of instructions.

So, move to the next slide, pause the video to complete the task then resume when you're finished.

These are the directions that I used have a little go yourself.

Then resume once you finish the activity and then move on to the next slide.

Well done.

I hope you enjoyed those challenges.

What difficulties or challenges did you encounter when you were doing them? Was there anything that was a little bit hard? Anything that you had to really sit and work out? Have a little think? What helped you to make your decisions? Was it logical thinking? Was it having a compass? Was it trying to work out that you were trying to create a letter or a shape? What helped you? Now it's time for activity two, your personal challenge.

So now it's time for activity two, personal challenge.

We're going to repeat the previous activity but rather than using compass points, we're going to use bearings.

If you didn't do lesson one with me we'll have a quick recap on bearings now.

So with our bearings, we always orientate ourselves to North If I was to move a bearing of 90 degrees, I'm going to move 90 degrees and I would be facing East.

Then I'm going to orientate myself at North again.

If I was to move a bearing in a clockwise direction of 180 degrees, I would end up at South.

So I would be taking a step backwards.

I orientate myself again at North.

If I was to take a bearing of 270 degrees I would find myself at West.

But like with the previous challenge, we could bring in Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest.

So I'm going to orientate myself at North again.

And if I was to take a bearing of 45 degrees, I would find myself at Northeast, orientate myself at North.

If I was to take a bearing of 135 degrees, I would find myself going again in a Southeasterly direction So, have a go at completing the challenges using bearings.

And then could you write some of your own challenges using compass points and bearings.

See if you can challenge somebody in your household to complete your activities.

Good luck.

You're going to repeat the previous activity, the Cardinal markers, but this time you're going to use degrees instead of compass points.

After you've successfully completed your routes create your own using compass points and degrees and try them out.

You might even want to try them out on a member of your household.

Pause the video now and resume when your finished.

Did you find it easier completing the routes using the compass points or degrees? Did you prefer using North, South, East, West or using 90, 180, 270 degrees? Why? what would you do to make the routes more challenging? So let's think about real life and when you might use a compass and a map.

Would you use a compass and a map when you went shopping, when you were going on a walk, when you're playing a game or when you're doing a gym class.

what would your answer be? I think I'm going to go for option two and I'm right.

When I'm going on a walk, I might need a compass or a map to help me find my way, to help me navigate and find the right route.

Well, let's think about our learning outcomes.

You've worked really hard today, Well done.

In this lesson we've developed the following skills, your ability to follow instructions your ability to evaluate your performance your ability to improve your performance.

You've worked really hard today well done.

We'd love you to share your work with us at Oak National.

So, if you'd like to, ask a parent or carer to share your work on Twitter, tagging at Oak national and using the hashtag learn with Oak.

I look forward to seeing you again in our final lesson of our outdoor and adventurous activities units.