
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...



My name is Mrs. Repton, and I'm going to be your teacher for the Year 7 Outdoor and Adventurous Activities lessons.

I hope you're going to join me for all of the lessons so that we can develop our problem solving, decision making, evaluating, and improving skills.

So we need to start thinking about keeping safe in this lesson.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities, make sure that you've got a trusted adult nearby when you start.

Ideally, we want this activity to take place indoors, but if it's safe, warm, and dry to do so, you're welcome to go outside.

Ensure that there's enough space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks, and make sure that the floor isn't slippery that you're going to be working on.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Put your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause now if there's anything that you need to get ready.

In this lesson, you're going to need 10 to 15 different household items, a tray, and a tea towel.

Pause the video now so that you can go and get those things ready.

So in today's lesson, our first activity is called Memory Tray, also known as Kim's Game.

Our second activity is called Turn the Towel.

And then you've got an exit quiz, which I know you're going to do really well at.

We also have some keywords for today's lesson.

The first word is recall, the ability to remember.

Our second word is observation, the act of careful watching and listening.

And our third keyword is perseverance, continuing to do something in spite of any difficulties; basically, don't give up.

So now it's time for Activity 1, memory game.

You're now going to watch a video of me completing the challenge.

So watch the video, then move on to the instructions.

So it's time for Activity 1.

This is called Memory Tray, and this is all about developing our visualisation skills and our short-term memory.

So our short-term memory is the things that we're aware of in the here and now.

Chunking is a really good way of trying to develop our memory skills, breaking things up into smaller segments and smaller pieces to help us remember them.

And memory visualisation are all really good skills that we need when we're doing outdoor and adventurous activities and problem solving tasks.

So for this activity, Memory Tray, it's sometimes known as Kim's Game, you're going to need a tray with lots of household items. So, if we have a look at what I found, just been around my house.

I've got a cereal bar.

I've got a little tub of Vaseline.

I've got a teaspoon.

I've got a pen.

I've got some hand gel.

Everybody must have one of those at the moment.

I've got a ball, I've got a tea bag.

So you roughly need between 10 and 15 items. What I want you then to do is to take the tray back and try and visualise all of the items that are on your tray.

Try and get them to sink into your short-term memory.

Then find a member in your household who comes and places a tea towel over the top of your tray.

This is now the time for you to look away.

Ask the member of your household to remove one item from the tray.

After they've removed the item, remove the tea towel, and see if you can remember which item is missing.

Good luck.

So you've now seen me complete the task.

If you need a bit of a recap, all the instructions are down below.

Press pause, complete the task, and then resume once you've finished.

How effective were your observation and recall skills during that activity? Did you remember what had gone from the tray? Have a little think.

What strategies did you help to remember the items? Did you split the tray up into quarters? Did you try and visualise all of the larger items first? Have a little think, what strategies did you use? If you were to repeat the activity, what would you do differently? Would you use a different strategy or a different approach? Have a little think.

And now it's time for Activity 2, Turn the Towel.

You're going to see a video of me completing the challenge.

This will show you and explain what it is that you need to do.

There's also some instructions on the next slide.

Now it's time for Activity 2, Turn the Towel, and this is quite challenging.

For this activity, you're going to need a towel, a tea towel, or you haven't got one of those, a T-shirt.

I'd like you to place your towel or your tea towel on the floor.

This challenge is asking you to stand on the tea towel and turn the tea towel over so that you're standing on the other side without your feet touching the floor.

Let's see if I can do it.

Oh, I've still got the rest of my tea towel tucked over.


I've turned the tea towel.

My feet haven't touched the floor.

So now I'm going to challenge myself even further, how I reduce the surface area.

Can I make the tea towel smaller? So I'm going to change it and move it in half.

So I now have a smaller area in which I'm going to try and turn the tea towel.

This is definitely more challenging, oh! I'm sure you'll be able to do far better than me.

What's the smallest surface area that you can manage to stand on that you can turn the towel without touching the floor? Good luck with your challenge.

So you've seen me complete the task.

The instructions are down below if you needed a little recap.

Have a go at the task.

Press pause and resume when you've finished.

What was the hardest aspect of that challenge? Which bit did you find most difficult? How did you overcome that challenge? What skills or strategies did you apply? Did you have to adapt your approach as the tea towel reduced in size? Did you have to do anything differently? Have a little think.

So let's think about real life.

When, in real life, are observation skills and memory really important? Is it option 1, when sitting your exams? Is it option 2, when making a phone call? Is it option 3, when playing sport? Or is it option 4, when doing the food shopping? Have a little think.

Well done.

It's when you're sitting your exams. You need to use your observation and your memory skills to bring up lots of that past learning and knowledge to help you answer the questions correctly.

So what have we learned in today's lesson? You've developed your observation and memory skills.

You've improved your concentration skills.

You've developed your ability to solve problems and your ability to improve your performance.

Well done.

You've done incredibly well.

So if you'd like to share your work with Oak National, please ask a parent or carer if they can share your work on Twitter using the hashtag and the link below.

Hopefully I'll see you again for Lesson 3.