
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, my name's Mrs Repton, and I'm going to be your teacher for the year seven outdoor and adventurous activities lessons.

I hope you're going to join me for all of the lessons so that we can develop our problem-solving, decision-making, evaluating and improving skills.

So we need to start thinking about keeping safe in this lesson.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities, make sure that you've got a trusted adult nearby when you start.

Ideally, we want this activity to take place indoors, but if it's safe, warm, and dry to do so, you're welcome to go outside.

And show that there's enough space for you to work safely including overhead, use bare feet, not socks, and make sure that the floor isn't slippery that you're going to be working on.

Wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause now, if there's anything that you need to get ready.

In this lesson, you're going to need some household items of which one item needs to be a toilet roll, paper and scissors, and some sticky tape or blu tac.

Pause the video now, and get anything ready that you need.

So today, we're going to do our activity one, which is called mission impossible.

Then activity two is a personal challenge, and then you'll complete an exit quiz which I know you're going to do really well at.

We also have some keywords for today's lesson.

Our first word is manoeuvre.

Manoeuvre means a movement or series of moves that requires skill and care.

You're definitely going to need this later.

Flexibility, the range of movement possible at a joint.

Being flexible is definitely going to help you later.

And the solution, the actual process of solving a problem or a question.

So activity one is called mission impossible.

You're now going to watch a video of me completing the challenge.

Watch the video, then move on to the next slide to find out more instructions.

So this is our first activity.

It's called mission impossible, and it is definitely a challenge.

So you're going to need your scissors and you're probably going to need a few sheets of paper.

Your challenge is to get your piece of paper and your scissors, and to make a shape and to try and get your body through the shape without ripping the paper.

So I'm going to have a go first.

I'm going to try and make the biggest shape that I possibly can, and I'm going to try and get my body through the shape without ripping the paper.

So I'm going to make a bit of a frame shape.


I'm probably a little bit bigger than some of you, but this is the biggest shape that I can make.

Can I get my body through the shape? No.

This is where I've failed.

So I'm going to give you a few minutes now.

Can you have a go at making a shape and getting the piece of paper through your body, whether it's from head to toe or toe to head, without making the paper rip.

Press pause, come back to me when you've had a few attempts.

How did you get on? Was anybody successful with our first attempt? No, everybody failed like me? I'm going to show you how to do it.

I'm going to show you the solution for the activity.

So what I would like you to do, watch me then have a go.

See if you can complete the task.

So you're going to fold your piece of paper in half.

You're going to make a cut from the fold out to the edge of the paper.

You're then going to miss a few inches, and you're going to work your way down the paper, cutting from the fold to the open edge.

Then flip the piece of paper over, and cut in the opposite direction from the open edge into the fold.

And once you've cut all the way down, you are then going to cut through where the fold is, missing the end piece.

So you're going to make a cut.

Didn't quite make it all the way to the end.

Make a cut.

Make a cut.

Make a cut.

And finally making a cut, making sure that that final piece at the end is still intact.

When you then open your piece of paper up, you should have a nice, big flexible area, and the piece of paper should be a lot bigger.

Can you get a piece of paper through your body without ripping it? Well done, challenge complete.

So you've now seen me complete the task.

If you need a recap, the instructions are down below.

Pause the video to complete the task, then press play and resume once you've finished.

So what difficulties or challenges did you encounter in that challenge? It wasn't easy.

What did you do differently on your second attempt? Have a little think.

What did you do in the first attempt that didn't work? So maybe you changed it in your second attempt.

But now it's time for activity two, your personal challenge.

You're going to see a video of me completing the activity, and then it's going to be your turn to have a go.

Okay, now we're on to our second activity of mission impossible.

And this is a bit like if you were going on a survival expedition.

Now we're onto our second challenge.

And this is a bit more where you've got to bring in your problem solving skills.

You're going to have to ask somebody at your house if you're allowed to do this activity, and what I would like you to do, using some toilet roll is just sellotape or blu tac, a few different strips at different angles over a doorway.

You need to make sure that you've got some gaps because you are going to survive and rescue some household items that are on the other side.

So this is a bit like a survival mission.

If you were on a survival mission, what type of things would you have in your survival kit? Being that you're going to have to keep warm, so you might need a survival blanket.

You might need things that are going to help you create a fire, some Flint, some matches, some costume wall, and ideally, some food.

Or thinking about what was around you that you might be able to eat or drink to keep you alive.

If you did ever get lost when you're out on a survival expedition or you're out on a walk, don't panic, apply the stop process.

S is for stop, stay where you are.

T is for think.

Think about where you are, where you've come from.

Think about if there's anything around you that you remember or that you recognise.

O is for observe.

Are there any landmarks, are there any points of focus that you might have remembered passing? And p, think of a plan.

Think about what's best for you, or if you're in a group, what's best for the members of your group, then put that plan into operation, but stay where you are.

Right, back to our challenge.

Your challenge is to try and rescue some of the items on the other side of the doorway.

You've got to try and get them from that side through the holes without ripping the toilet paper.

But you can only use each gap once.

So have a think.

How would you plan this? Which item would you bring through the biggest gap? Which item would you bring through the smallest gap? Okay, I'm going to have a go.

So I've got to get my body through one of the gaps without ripping the toilet paper.

I've got through, now I need to rescue an item.

My biggest item is my handbag.

Excellent, I've rescued an item.

So I can't through the same gap again.

I'm rescuing my breakfast cereal.

Mission complete, over to you to have a go.

So you've seen me complete the task.

If you need to recap, the instructions are below.

Press pause, complete the task, and then press resume once you've finished.

What skills did you have to use to successfully complete this challenge? Did you have to use any of those key words like manoeuvre, being flexible, coming up with a solution? Have a little think.

Which was the easiest or the hardest gap to get through? Was the bigger gap or smaller gap easier or harder? Were the higher up or the lower gaps easier or harder? But when we think about real life, what skills that we used in today's challenge would come in useful? Would it be option one, sitting your exams, option two, making breakfast, option three, taking part in a quiz, or would it be option four, going on a walk when there were lots of stiles and fences.

What would your answer be? Definitely option four, having flexibility, being able to manoeuvre, thinking of a solution, how to get over those stiles and fences.

Well, let's think about our learning from today's challenges.

In this lesson, we've developed your creative thinking skills, your ability to perform under pressure, your ability to adapt and review a task, and your ability to improve your performance, your ability to do better and achieve your personal best.

If you'd like to share any of your work with us at Oak National, please ask a parent or carer to share your work on Twitter @OakNational, and use the #LearnwithOak.

I look forward to seeing you for lesson four.