
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, my name is Mrs Repton, and I'm going to be your teacher for the year seven, outdoor and adventurous activities lessons.

I hope you're going to join me for all of the lessons so that we can develop our problem-solving, decision-making, evaluating, improving skills.

So we need to start thinking about keeping safe in this lesson.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities, make sure that you've got a trusted adult nearby when you start.

Ideally, we want this activity to take place indoors but if it's safe, warm, and dry to do so, you're welcome to go outside.

Ensure that there's enough space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks and make sure that the floor isn't slippery that you're going to be working on.

Wear comfortable clothing, put your hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause now if there's anything that you need to get ready.

In this lesson, you're going to need some household items, a timer, you might want to use the app on your phone, a pencil, and some paper.

You're not going to know what the household items are yet but if you need to go and sort a timer, a pencil, and some paper, pause the video now and go and get them.

So in today's lesson, we're going to do a little warm up activity.

Then we're going to do activity one, which is called time collection.

Then we're going to do activity two, which is a personal challenge before you complete your exit quiz which I know you're going to do really well on.

We also have some keywords in all lessons today.

Our first keyword is scavenger.

And our first activity is a bit like a scavenger hunt.

So a scavenger is a person who searches for and collects items. Our second word is route.

And route is a way to travel from one point to another which could include a number of stops.

Our third key keyword is navigation.

The actual practise of staring, directing the course of, or finding a way through.

We're going to start off with a little warm up activity.

Welcome to a activity for lesson one.

In this warm up activity, we're just going to familiarise ourselves with the compass.

You might have an app on your phone, or you might have seen or have used some encompasses that look a little bit like this.

You will notice on a compass that the red part of the needle is always pointing North.

This helps us to orientate ourselves to find out where we are.

And this is particularly useful if you're doing orienteering, orientating competitions, or challenges.

Did you know that orienteering originated in Scandinavia? Anyway, moving on.

When we're looking at our compass, we have North, East, South, and West.

So we'll just have a little practise about orientating ourselves using our compass.

So I'm going to start at North.

I'm using a red pen just to show you that the red part of the needle on the compass is pointing red.

Can we all jump to South.

Well done.

Can we jump to West.

Can we jump to North.

Can't we jump to East.

well done.

when you look at your compass, as well as having North, South, East, and West.

We also have numbers.

These are all bearings.

So, if I was at North and I was going to jump a bearing of 90 degrees, I always go in a clockwise direction.

So if I was jumping a bearing of 90 degrees, I would end up at East.

If one was to jump a bearing of 180 degrees, I would end up at South.

Time for you to have a little challenge.

Can you jump at a bearing of 270 degrees.

Which compass point of view ended up on? Well done.

You should be standing at West.

What bearing if you jumped, if you were jumping to South? Well done.

You should have jumped 180 degrees.

Hopefully that's given you a bit of guidance on how we use our compass and you can use some of these compass skills in our next activity.

Activity one is timed collection.

So this is our activity time collection, select amount of time to play, perhaps 10 minutes and an area to place items that you're going to collect.

This will be your designated area.

Travel safely through your house to find the items that are listed on the next slide.

Once you've found an item, take it back to your designated area before going to collect the next item on your list.

You must only collect one item at a time.

Once your time's ended, add up the points they're listed on the next slide.

And if you have somebody at home, maybe use them, could they call out the next item for you.

Move on to the next slide to find out what your items are going to be.

But these are your items that you need to go and collect.

Set your timer for 10 minutes, press pause, and off you go.

Remember, press play once you're finished.

How did you get them? How many points did you collect? Did you manage to get all the items and before the time finished? How did you decide which items you were going to collect? Did you have a strategy? What approach did you take? Did you go for the ones that were nearest to you? Did you try and get the points that will have the largest value first? Have a little think.

If you were to repeat this activity, what would you do differently? So now it's time for activity two, your personal challenge.

Your time to try and achieve your personal best.

All of the instructions are down below.

What I would like you to do is to pause the video to complete your task and then press resume and play once you've finished.

How did you get on? Did you get more points? Did you get more items in the time that you were given? What affected your decision making during the activity? What helped you decide where to go next? What direction or what bearing to take? Have a little think.

How could you make the activity easier or perhaps how could you make it harder so that you were giving yourself more of a challenge? And now, let's have a think about when we might need to navigate or use our orienteering skills in real life.

When in real life might you need to use navigation and navigating a route in the quickest possible time.

Would it be option one, when taking some food out of the oven? Option two, when turning your alarm clock off? Option three, when competing in an orienteering competition? Or option four, when going to hand an assignment in? Which would you click on, which option? Well done, repeat to navigate when you were competing in an orienteering competition.

So let's think about our learning outcomes for today.

In this lesson, we've developed lots of skills.

But in particular, you've developed your planning and evaluation skills.

Your ability to improve your performance to achieve your personal best.

Your ability to make fast and effective decisions.

And your ability to perform under pressure.

I look forward to seeing you for our next outdoor and adventurous activity lesson.

If you'd like to share any if you work with Oak National, then please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Twitter using the hashtag below.

I look forward to seeing you for our next outdoor and adventurous activities lesson.