
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hi there.

My name is Mr. Lindley, and I'm going to be your PE teacher for today.

In this unit of work we're going to be looking at athletics.

We're not necessarily going to be looking at the different events, such as the shot put or the javelin or the a hundred metre sprint, but we're going to be looking at some of the fundamentals that make athletes great at those events.

So we might be looking at our agility, our speed our balance, our core strength.

And in this first lesson, we're going to be looking at our agility.

In order to take part in today's lesson we're going to need to keep ourselves safe.

If you're unsure of doing any of the activities make sure you've got a trusted adult nearby.

We are going to need a two by two metre square area to take part in today's activities.

So you might need to move a few chairs, clear the space and say you're ready.

If you can get outside, that's great.

Make sure you look above yourselves as well.

You wouldn't want to bang your head on anything.

Make sure you're wearing some trainers.

Don't just wear socks in case you slip.

Make sure the floor is not slippy.

And, also make sure you got your hair tied back.

Jewellery out, and you're wearing something comfortable.

As well as the area, you're going to need six household items. They're going to act as markers in our today's session.

From the videos later, you'll see I've chosen those six items there.

A teddy, a toilet roll, a can of food, a cap.

My water bottle and a spare trainer.

You're also going to need a timer, a stopwatch.

You can find one of those on your mobile phone or you might actually have a real stopwatch, that's great.

Pause the video now to go and get those items, sort the timer out, and clear your space.

Resume once you've done that.

In today's lesson, we're going to have a warm up.

Very, very shortly.

After that we're going to be moving on to activity one, which is the agility run.

And we're going to split that into two parts.

And we're going to look at reaction run.

And we'll have a look at our personal challenge.

Before you having the opportunity to have a go at the exit quiz.

Oh, it's time for the warmup.

Get yourself ready.

Jump up.

Let's get moving.

So let's get going with the warmup.

Before we get into our agility work today.

All I want you to do is copying me.

We're just going to be jogging on the spot.

Start with getting ourselves moving.

We're going to go for about 30 seconds on this So, keep up.

Increase the speed.

Make sure those knees are off the floor, pumping the arms at the side.

Another 10 seconds.

And stop that.


Now let's get going with some star jumps, we're to go 20.

Here we go.

And another 10 everybody.


Now, think about these legs.

We're going to be lunging forwards and getting that knee down to a right angle.

So both sides.

We can go in different directions.

Let's do another few of those.


Don't let the knee bounce on the floor.

Another three of those, please.

One more.


Let's work both legs together now.

We're going to do some squats.

Let's go down, squat and up.

This time I'm going to go with a squat with a twist.

Twist round, squat.

Twist round, squat.

Twist round, squat.

Twist round.


Now we're going to open the gate with our legs thinking about those groin muscles.

So bring out and round.

We're going to do four or five on each side.

Up and round.

And another one on each side.

And, superb.

Let's get ourselves down into a press up position.

And we're going to go through some mountain climbers.

So we just bring our leg up, like so.

Getting a little bit faster each time.

Getting those legs nice and warm.


Stand yourselves up.

Thinking about the arms and get those ready.

Big shoulders, arm circles backwards.

Getting a little bit bigger each time.


And let's go forwards, again getting a little bit bigger.

Each time.

And give your whole body a bit of a shake.

And we are ready for our agility work today.

Just while you get your breath back from that warmup.

There's a question for you.

Why do we warm up? There's an answer.

I don't know whether it's true or false though.

We warm up because we're feeling cold.

Yep, It's false.

And there's the correct answer; We warm up to ensure our muscles of course are ready for exercise.

And hopefully yours are now.

So let's crack on.

You are going to look at some key words.

You'll be using these words lots in today's session.

And there's the first one.

Agility; the ability to move quickly and easily.

Something we really need as a good athlete.

And secondly direction.

We're going to be moving in various directions today.

Forwards, backwards, sideways.

And that's going to be you.

So activity one, agility run.

I'm now going to give you an explanation, and a demonstration.

And so you'll be able to join in after that.

Here we are with agility run.

Hopefully you've managed to get six items around the house and that you've placed them down in a simple hexagonal grid.

Like I have done just here.

What I want you to do is be ready on your toes, because this activity is all about being agile.

I want you to run at one of the items. Touch it with a finger before returning to the middle.

And then heading off to do another corner, before returning to the middle.

We want to try and cover all six as fast as possible.

And it might look like this.

One item back to the middle.

Second item, back to the middle.

Third item, back to the middle.

Fourth item, back to the middle.

Fifth item, back to the middle.

And sixth item, back to the middle.

And so on.

You'll be able to get as fast as you can.

And going in different directions.

Good luck.

Now you've seen the demonstration.

It's over to you.

Pause the video, have a go.

And once you've done that, resume a little bit later on.

So, now you've had a go at agility run.

Moving to those different points in our hexagonal shape.

What I'd like you to do now is give yourself a bit of a personal challenge.

You're going to try and visit each of those six items one after the other, returning to the middle each time.

But you're got to do that three complete times.

Three circuits of the hexagonal shape.

You can go to those numbers in different orders of course.

But you do need to visit all six one circuit.

One rotation.

Do that three times.

And you're going to record your fastest time.

Using the stopwatch on your phone.

Once you've got your breath back, have another go at it.

See if you can improve on your personal best time.

Good luck.

Let's have another key word in now.

Reaction, something done felt or thought of in response to a situation or an event.

What's going to happen now, you're going to be reacting to my voice in this next challenge.

That challenge is reaction run.

Over for the demonstration now, to see how this one works.

well done with with agility run, hopefully you got on all right with that.

We're going to progress things on now and we're going to have a go at reaction run.

This time we've got the same items in the same places but I'm going to give each one a number.

I'm going to keep life simple for myself.

So I'm going to start with one right in front of me.

I'm going to go clockwise round? This is number two.

This is number three.

We've got four.

Five and six.

I'm going to call a short sequence maybe about three numbers.

It might be like this.

It might be three, one, six.

I'm going to run to three, back to the middle.

One, back to the middle.

Out to six, back to the middle.

As fast as I could do that short sequence.

All you're going to do is touch the items. Just like we've done before.

And as hopefully over time, the sequences might get longer.

I ended up could do one, four, two, and six.

One, four, two, six.

And it looks something like that.

If you've got somebody at home who wants to call out those numbers for you, that's great.

Otherwise listen carefully to my sequence of numbers coming up next.

This is the time when you need to pause the video.

If you are going to have someone in your household calling those numbers out for you.

If not, resume the video, keep playing and I will start calling the numbers out for you.

So on your toes.

Ready? Here comes the first sequence of numbers.

Two, one, six.


Great work.

Let's try another three, three number sequence again.

Can you go to, four, five, three.


Super work.

Let's make that a little bit more complicated and go for four in our sequence.

Can you go to these numbers? Listen carefully, on your toes.

I want you to go to one, five, three, two.


Great work.

Hopefully you've got back to the centre.

Really concentrating now, on your toes.

I'd like you to visit five different objects.

So you've got five numbers coming at you.

Ready to react, ready to run.

I want you to run to, one, four, three, two, six.


Did you manage to get back in time? Excellent work if you did.

Shall we push it on? Should we go to six numbers? Are you ready? Here they come.

On your toes, ready.

Let's go.

Six, one, three, two, four, five.


Excellent work my friends.

So after that reaction run, let's have a thing.

Which muscles were you using the most? There's four options for you.

Let me think.

Which one did you use the most? Yeah, it's option two.

Our quadriceps, well done.

On to activity three.

Now is the time for your personal challenge again.

Have a look at the demonstration to see how it works.

And then it'll be over to you.

We're now going to have a go at a personal challenge.

This is your opportunity to experiment, your opportunity to be creative.

We're going to have two aspects to this.

The first part is you changing how we are moving.

We've just done that reaction run by running to each of our items. Now, I'd like you to think, oh can I side step to each item.

Before moving on to the item there.

Or can I jump from one item back to the middle, and jump back to another one.

So you're going to experiment with different ways of travel.

And the second part to your personal challenge.

Is that, I don't want always want to be touching it with your finger.

Can you find different parts of your body, that when you arrive at the item you're going to touch.

Is it with your knee? Is it with your elbow? Is it with your foot? Try out different body parts have a go at those two personal challenges.

Off you go.

So, time to be creative.

Time to be a experimental.

Challenge yourself.

That's what this is about.

So I'm going to leave that up to you.

So press pause, have a go and resume a little bit later on.

So the learning outcomes from today.

What have we been developing? Well, we've been developing our agility skills but also our cognitive, our thinking skills.

We've looked at the ability to move while changing speed and direction.

And we've been making fast and effective decisions.

You really had a go at developing your resilience and ability to compete with maximum efforts.

So well done.

Thanks for participating in all those challenges and activities today.

I hope you've enjoyed yourself and I look forward to seeing you in another athletics lesson very soon.