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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello my name is Mr. Lindley, and I'm going to be your P.


teacher for today.

This unit of work we've been focusing on athletics, and in today's session we're going to be looking at, the jumping aspect of athletics.

Don't worry you won't need a long jump sandpit, or a high jump mat to take part.

Just a few toilet rolls, which I'll explain very shortly.

We do need to keep ourselves safe today's lesson.

So if you're unsure doing any of the activities, please make sure you've got a trusted adult nearby, when you start them.

We're going to need approximately three by one metre space, clear of any chairs or anything like that.

So you might need to move a few items. Don't forget to also check above you.

We wouldn't want you jumping, and hitting your head or anything.

Pop some trainers on, please don't do this in just your socks, especially as we are jumping.

I wouldn't want you to slip, and also check the floor in case it's slippy itself.

Pop something comfortable on.

Shorts and T-shirt would be great, put your hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery, and then you'll be ready for action.

In today's session we're going to need, up to about eight toilet rolls, that's all.

It you haven't quite got enough toilet rolls, you could always swap one of those, or two of those for some kitchen rolls.

I'd like you to pause the video now, go and collect those, and click resume once you're finished.

In today's session, we're going to have a warm up, very shortly.

After this we're going to have a toilet roll tower activity.

We're going to have a toilet roll activity, with an extension task to it.

Then we're going to have a real challenge activity for you, before you have a go at the exit quiz.

So it's time for the warm-up, time to jump up and get active, and get ready for the rest of the session.

So let's get going with today's warm up.

First of all we need to start with a pulse raiser, to get that blood pumping around the body, to those muscles we're really going to use lots today.

So let's just get jogging on the spot.

All you need to do is copy me.

Hopefully you cleared that little space of, three metres by one metre.

That's going to help with the warm-up, because actually you can jog forwards those three metres, and jog back.

Okay? Let's do that again.

Jog forward and jog back.

Getting that heart pumping, getting that oxygen round to those muscles.

Let's keep that going again.

Let's keep going.

Let's do four more.



Four, breathe.

Okay, back to jogging on the spot, but this time let's get those knees a little bit higher.

So might be a bit slower, but we're already focusing on the height of the knees.

Well done.

And maybe now lets get the legs going out the back.

With the bum kicks, right out the back, right up your obliques there.

Keep going.


Okay, let's turn that into some star jumps.

A great one for a pulse raiser.

Let's do another ten of those.


Five more.


And back to jogging.

This time were just going to do solid hops, okay? Solid hops.

Keep it going.

You can move forward in your little three metre space.

You can move backwards, forwards, backwards, forwards, backwards.

You could move that into side to side two footed.


Anything to get that heart rate really working hard.

Back to jogging, and we're going to go for a bit of a sprint now.

While I count to ten, are you ready? Go, faster, one, two, faster, three, four, fast speed, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Good work.

Okay, let's get down on the floor, and let's going to have some mountain climbers.

Really great one for working the legs, and getting the heart rate keep going.

Remember don't touch the foot at the top, just pull it into the air, and let's get working.


Already I'm starting to feel a little bit warmer.

I'm ready for action.

When done, jump up on your feet.

We need to think about our dynamic stretching.

Making sure everything is mobile, mobilised and ready for today's session.

Let's start with some lunges.

Loads of leg work today, but we're jumping for height.

So we really need to focus on, making sure all our muscles are ready for this one.

And if you've done a few lunges there, challenge yourself, maybe do a couple of lunge jumps.


Let's turn that into a squat, but this time we're going to have our hands, on our shoulders.

We're going to do a squat, keep your back straight.

Making all those muscles, in our legs, we're getting ready, for our more strenuous jumping activities, eh? Brilliant.

Okay, and this time we're going to hold the squat position.

We're going to hold it in that spot for about 20 seconds.

Arms out straight, head up, want to see if we can hold it.

Hold it, hold it, great work, feel the bit it hurts in your legs.

Warming those muscles up, and jump up, well done.

Give those bodies a shake, brilliant.

Arms, start with circles backwards please.

Getting a little bit bigger, lovely.

And big circles.


And bigger, we'll be swinging those arms today, to help us gain height with our jumping.

Think about our groins.

Let's just twist them around please.

That's it.


Making sure we're all ready.

For our hips, again, if you kick up to there.



Swap, if you can't see that from the side, I'll try it from the front.




Swap, and.


I feel like our body is ready for today.

Fantastic work with the warm-up there.

While you're getting your breath back, here's a question.

Which of these is not part of a warm-up? So everything what we did in our warm-up, which one was not part of my warm-up, that you completed with me? Read the options.

Yep, it was the low intensity activities, well done.

All three of the others we certainly did just then.

So here's a keyword, height.

It's the vertical distance from the base, to the top of an object.

That height is going to be increasing, in this first challenge, in the toilet roll tower challenge.

Watch the demonstration, listen to the explanation, and then you'll be able to have a go yourselves.

Activity one today, is the toilet roll tower.

You're going to need a whole load of toilet rolls, as we mentioned earlier.

Possibly a kitchen roll, you can do a combination of both.

Something that's going to create that tower effect.

I'm going to start nice and simple with three.

Now we're going to be facing the toilet roll tower, and two footed we're going to take off, and land two footed.

Thinking of technique, we're going to be swinging our arms, we're going to keep our head up, chin up looking forwards, our head high, and we're going to jump over, and just do a solid landing like so.

Have a go at that.

A couple of go's, get used to it.

Before the competition element kicks in.

We start to build up the toilet roll tower, for you to improve and increase the height of your jump.

So even more swing of the arms, bending the knees, chin up, and stick the landing, well done.

You'll need to keep going, until you start knocking over that toilet roll tower.

It could end up being as high as this.

Not sure whether I'm going to get over, but I'll give it a go.

I'm nicely warmed up, so here I go.

Stick the landing, I made it, brilliant.

As always with all of our activities, I always like to use the STEP process.

This is a way we can make things more challenging, or simplify things if we're finding things difficult.

We've got the S for space, T for task, E for equipment, and P for people.

This one we could change the task.

Once we've been able to jump over our, height of toilet rolls, maybe the amount you've got in your house, give yourself a challenge.

Set yourself a 30 second timer, how many times can you jump forwards and backwards, in the 30 seconds without the tower being knocked over? That would be a good one for T.

Or possibly space.

Could you change the space? Could you adapt two towers in a row, to give yourself more space to jump over.

Totally up to you, but it's a great way of always extending our tasks, or making them simplified.

Have a go, see how you get on.

Right, this one's quite a addicting.

You want to get higher and higher, and keep improving.

So good luck with this one.

Pause the video now to take part.

All the information is on the slide here, in case you need it.

And click resume once you've completed it.

Here's a bit of a statement for us.

Having our arms straight by the side, allows you to gain height while jumping.

So have a think about, how you were jumping over the toilet tower then.

Arms by the side helping you? It's false.

Swinging of our arms, that's what we were doing, and that helps the body to gain height when jumping.

Just what you were doing in that activity.

Here's another keyword, power.

Power is the ability to exert maximum force, in the shortest time possible.

Each time we jumped over the toilet roll tower, and we're about to do that again with our extension task.

It's power through the legs to get jump, and get over the height of the toilet tower.

So, extension task, activity number two.

Let's see from the demonstration, how we take the toilet roll tower challenge, and we extend it.

Listen carefully to the explanation.

Activity number two, the extension task.

The extension task to toilet roll tower.

So we were before jumping two fee, to two feet.

In this one I want you to jump from one foot, but land two footed.

And we're driving that spare knee up, to get the height, but landing still two footed.

You'll need to experiment, which knee driving up gives you the better height.

I've been able to practise at this, and for me I think it's my left knee driving up, and landing two footed, gives me the better option, but that is up to you, you need to experiment.

As time goes on, you build your tower up.

Still thinking about landing on two feet, but driving that knee up, to land two footed.

Keep going up, the height, maybe all the way up, to the toilet rolls you've got available.

See how you get on.

With our STEP model, our space, task, equipment and people, to try and make this more challenging, or a little bit easier.

It might be, you've only got a certain amount, of toilet rolls in your house.

So it might be, you focus on equipment.

Could you find something to act as the base? For me I found a bucket.

That could be my starting point.

I'm always going to clear that.

So then I can build the toilet roll tower on top.

Maybe that sort of idea, one at a time.

Keeping myself safe, because I know I'm always going to clear that height, but this would be the height that, I possibly would knock over.

Keeping myself safe, so that one was using equipment, to change, alter the task.

See how you get on, good luck.

See how high you can jump.

Right, you've seen that, it's your turn now.

Pause the video, all the information is on the slide if you need it, and click resume once you've had a go at completing it.

Here's another keyword for today, transition.

Transition is a movement, or change from one position to another.

In this next activity, we're going to be doing a combination of jumps.

So we're going to be transitioning from one jump, through to the next.

From the hop through to a step, through to a two footed jump.

And there's one more keyword for today, rhythmic.

Rhythmic means a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement.

And our rhythmic movement in our combination jumps, coming up next, is really key to getting this one right.

So what is this challenge? Here it is activity three, watch the demonstration, listen carefully to the explanation, and all will become clear.

Right, it's you're turn to have a go at this one.

Pause the video, on the slide here is all the information you'll need, and once you've had a go click resume.

So onto our challenge activity for today.

You're going to need some toilet rolls very soon, but initially just working in your cleared space, were going to have a look at the combination jumps.

In the world of athletics, that is the triple jump.

Where we are going to be hoping, stepping, jumping.

Hop, step, jump.

If you're going to do that with me now, we're just going to stand on one leg, and we're going to hop, then step to the other foot, and two footed landing.

Hop, step, jump.

Let's just try that again, do it with me, are you ready? Stand on one leg, and hop, step, jump, brilliant.

It's all about the rhythm.

The three parts to that jump.

When we get using the toilet rolls, what we can do is put ourselves a little gap in between.

This helps us work out, the distance between each section of the triple jump.

Jonathon Edwards, the greatest triple jumper our country's ever seen, he was fantastic at really splitting up the triple jump, the combination jump, into three equal parts.

So with our toilet rolls equally spread apart, let's try that now.

Are we ready? Standing on one leg, We'll hop, step, jump.

I can then increase the height of my toilet rolls, to give myself a little bit of a challenge.

So there I go, that's quite good.

Can I still do that, same rhythm.

Standing on one leg, hop, step, jump.

Staying in control and staying balanced.

If you're finding that quite easy, we can always have a look at using our STEP process, our things to make it harder.

Space, task, equipment and people, and for this one let's stick with the space.

Let's actually, if you've got it available, just spread out a little bit, your toilet rolls to give yourself, a little bit more of a challenge, to get over them in three equal jumps.

Have a go, see how you get on, good luck.

Well here's a statement.

To gain greatest distance, a streamlined body will result in a more effective jump.

Do you think that's true or false? So think about the combination jump you have been doing, if you were doing that at speed, outside, streamlined, going for distance, it is of course true.

The more streamlined we are, the more effective the jump will become.

The learning outcomes from today.

Well we've developed our agility skills, and also our cognitive, thinking skills.

We've been thinking about, the different jumping techniques needed in athletics, and we've been jumping from two to two feet, one to two, and one to one, and we've been looking at a combination of jumps as well.

You've also had a chance to develop, your problem solving skills, which is fantastic, and you've been able to make informed choices, to influence your performance.

Again really making you think.

I hope you've enjoyed today's athletics lesson.

I certainly enjoyed jumping, and I look forward to seeing you in another lesson, very soon.