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Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. Wnuk here and in today's lesson, we're going to be looking at how we can link sports skills together, let's do this.

If you are unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors, such as in your living room.

You should ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now, if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

For this PE lesson, you're going to need to be in your regular PE kit or a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

If you're doing the session indoors, please make sure you are barefoot.

If you're doing this outdoors, please make sure you've got appropriate footwear on such as trainers.

The equipment you're going to need for today's lesson are a ball.

And if you don't have a ball, something to substitute as a ball, such as teddy bear, pillow or even a toilet roll and a chair or something to act as an obstacle.

So you could use a bucket or anything you have around the house.

You may also need to use a pair of socks or something similar to act as a marker.

The space you're going to need around you is around about two metres.

If you need to pause the video to go and get this, please do so now.

So we're going to crack on with our warmup and you've done plenty of warmups before.

So I don't need to show you how to do a warmup but we're going to get through it now.

I want you to pause the video and I want you to complete your warmup and in your warmup, you should include the pulse raiser.

Where we are going to get our heart rate increased, so you can take blood to our working muscles which will provide them with valuable oxygen for energy.

I want you to do some stretching, such as dynamic stretching and then some skill related practise.

Now we are focusing on basketball today.

So anything to warm up your hands and get them ready to play some basketball.

So this is what the lesson is going to look like.

While you have already done your warmup, we're going to then move into activity one which is preparation and skills involved with that.

We're going to look at triple threat and linking it to different skills.

And then we're going to put a bunch of skills together.

So we're linking them all at once.

And then we're going to finish off with an exit quiz.

So our first key word of today's lesson is the word triple threat.

And this is a stance an attacking player takes when facing a defender, where the position allows your attacker to shoot, dribble or pass.

So is essentially very similar to the ready position in tennis, but it's called a triple threat and we can move in different ways.

Is it true or false, the triple threat allows a player to dribble, pass and shoot the ball.

True or false.

And you're saying the answer is, true.

Well done, yes.

We can take it from a triple threat into a dribbling position, into a pass or even shooting the ball.

That's why it's called triple threat.

So we're going to look at linking our skills.

We going to be focusing on basketball today and we can transfer these skills into different sports, such as hand ball.

And there are many other sports, but we are linking multiple skills together.

So we're going to be starting off looking at the preparation and receiving the ball and triple threat.

So this is an extension of your warmup.

Then we're going to be bringing in the triple threat and moving that into different skills and then finishing off with a linking skills course and circuits.

And whenever we do skills in basketball we want to try and do these both left-handed and right-handed or left or right stances.

So let's get cracking with activity one which is preparation.

So if you need to go and get your equipment, pause the video, do that now.

And if not, I will see you in a few seconds.

Okay, everybody, we're going to look at the basketball skills and we're going to start off with some very basics of how we handle the ball and how we catch the ball.

Now, you may remember this in other lessons and other sessions.

When we did hand-eye coordination with throwing and catching, we made a particular shape.

Can you remember what shape we make with our hands? Is it a M shape? Is it a T shape or is it a W shape? That's right.

It's a W shape.

So when we're ready for the ball, we need to put our fingers out, thumbs together, fingers out, ready to catch the ball in a W shape.

We extend our arms out forwards and we catch them in the W.

So we're just doing a recap a bit of catching with our ball control.

By throwing the ball up in the air, catch it, bring it in.

Throw it up in the air, catch it, bring it in.

If you haven't got a ball, you could be using a Teddy bear or you can even be using a toilet roll for this one.

So, up in the air ,catch W.

You can try to throw it off a wall, catch a W bring it into your body.

Now, try and bring it into the body to protect the ball.

So you don't spit it.

cause if you bring it out to the side and you miss it, someone's going to set the ball for you.

So W shape and bring it into your body.

So pause the video, find yourself a ball practise W shaped with some basic catching.

Excellent stuff guys.

Have you managed to get your catching warmed up and ready to go.

Now, one of the key positions to be ready in basketball is a triple threat.

Now and you could catch the ball and we're going to get into position where we're going to have our feet slightly one foot in front of the other.

Knees slightly bent and knees slightly forward and our body weight.

Slightly forward ready to go.

The ball , you need two hands but it's going to be slightly protected just towards your back for now.

I'm ready to go now.

So from this position, I can either pass it.

I can dribble it.

I can step back, take a shot.

This is called a triple threat, those three movements.

So when you grab your ball, get into that position and just show me that triple threat position.

So, get into that position.

Now, check yourself.

Are you slightly leaning forward Are your knees bent.

Is the ball with two hands.

Is the ball slightly protected.


If it is, well done.

So the first thing we need to do is I'm going to throw the ball up in the air catch it and go straight into that triple threat.

So catch it.

It's that triple threat.

Catch it.

Its a triple threat.

You can drop it and bounce it on the floor if you want.

Catch it triple threat.

So two options.

High, let it bounce , its a triple threat.

So there's a reaction.

So step forward.

Pause the video.

Have it go through effecting your triple threat from a self feed or throw into the air.

Excellent work on our preparation drills guys.

Now, I want you to think about how we can prepare to catch the ball.

So what shape do we need? What techniques do we need to use when we're about to catch the ball and what things do we need to do? So, you may want to pause the video and just think this through and make some notes and jot them down.

And then you can compare them to my list that I'm about to show you.

So the first thing is you need to get ready.

Okay, preparation means getting ready but also you need to be ready to receive the ball.

We need to look at the ball if you're not looking at it, you allow it to get it in your face.

So make sure you're looking at it and try to predict the flight path.

Now in past lessons, we've talked about the flight path being a curving, parabolic curve where there's the symmetrical shape where like a rainbow shape that a ball in flight would generally follow.

You need to make a decision.

So you anticipate , you evaluate the information in front of you, such as the flight path while you're looking at the ball and you make a decision I.


where you're going to put your body.

Move your feet when you've made that decision and then put your hands out in the W shape, ready to catch it.

So, which of these skills is the triple threat? So just have a quick look at those images and try and decide of them is a triple threat, is it option one, option two, option three or option four.

And the answer is, you're going to shout out at me.

What option number is it? One, two, three.

Yes, it is.

Option three.

Well done for shouting that one.


That is the, the, the triple threat position.

Ready to go into one of the other techniques such as shooting, passing, or dribbling.

So we're going to now link our triple threat into those three other skills.

So pause the video if you need to get yourself ready, if not join me out on the basketball court.

Now you've managed to master that triple threat.

I'm going to just ask you a quick question.

What moves or skill can you do off a triple threat? There are three skills.

So what's the first one? Passing, hopefully you said.

Cause that's what we're going to do first.

What's the second one? Dribbling.


And the third one.

Yes, it's shooting.

What I'd say are three things we can do off the triple threat.

So we're going to practise that now.

When you use my wall, I'm going to self feed gets that triple threat and then make a pass.

So I'm going to self feed it up in the air catch it, triple threat and a chest pass.

I'm going to catch it back to me.

Remember the chest pass, fingers at the back of the ball.

Elbows up, around chest height.

Push it towards your target.

So, self-feed up.

Walk into it ,triple threat, and nice and quickly.

We don't want to spend too long on it.

Catch it up in the air, triple threat, chest pass.

Now you can change it up if you want and mix it up.

Let's do a bounce pass, triple threat, bounce pass.

Triple threat, bounce pass.

And let's do one more.

We'll do a, let's do a baseball pass.

So we're getting a triple threat, catch the ball and a baseball pass comes from the back of the hand here.

Pause the video, have a go at linking your triple threat into your passing.

Excellent stuff, everybody.

Hopefully you linked it into different styles of passing not just one style of passing.

Next activity we're going to link is our triple threat into dribbling.

So just to recap on dribbling, put the ball into the ground.

Try and keep your head up and use the peripheral vision to see the ball.

Try and only use one hand and try to look your head up and use your fingers to push the ball into the ground.

Get low, bend your knees and to be purposeful.

So we made dribbling and moving make sure we're going in a particular direction.

Purposely move into where you want to go.

So we're going to do the threat for self-interest triple threat.

Then we can just dribble backwards and forwards up and down the line.

I'm going to walk towards my wall.

Ball in the air, triple threat.

We're going to dribble to my bubble.

And back.

Up in the air, triple threat, I'm going to step forward to the wall.

Give yourself some space, put some cones down or knot cones with some markers down.

So you get so much go to, but I want you to throw the ball.

Self-feed catching a triple threat practise.

You practise dribbling straight off your triple threat.

Try, remember to use both hands.

So one hand then the other hand.

Pause the video, have a play.

Excellent stuff.

The last shot we're going to do, movement we going to do, is a jump shot.

Now I'm going to aim down to that wall there.

So you can see in the angle and I'm going to to aim aim for the top part of my wall.

That's my target I'd given myself.

So just about no, I'm not going to try and hit my light but just around the top half by my light I'm not going to to hit the light, if I do I'm in trouble.

So make sure you don't do that at home, breaking any lights.

I'm going to to start for the triple threat.

Then I'm going to to step back into a jump shot and try and extend my arms up and shoot the ball.

So just quickly remember where the jump shot.

You go for a triple threat.

I'm going to step back.

And I'm going to bring my ball up in the air.

Stand my arms up and jump.

At the same time it's releasing the ball.

Ball needs to go high on arching shape to try and hit the target.

So, triple threat.

Step back feet together.

So I'm going to do it facing the camera now.

I'm going to let go of the ball.

I'm going to get triple threat, into that, step back, arms up.

I jumped and throw the ball.

Pause the video and have a practise linking the triple threat with a jump shot.

Good luck.

Excellent work.

Linking triple threat into those different skills, everybody well done.

So let's have a quick look at this question.

What type of pass involves one player pushing the ball into the ground before it reaches their teammate? Is it option one, a chest pass.

Option two, a bounce pass.

Option three, an overhead pass or option four, a baseball pass.

And of course the answer is a bounce pass.

I'm sure you got that wrong, right? Because you guys are fantastic.

Just have a quick look at the perfect model for dribbling.

We just looked at dribbling in this of better recap and consider this the things we need to be doing to try and become as good an example as this man on the screen.

So, let's break it down.

First thing, his fingers are spread out around the ball or on the top of the ball.

He's trying to get his body low.


Bringing your centre of gravity low will increase the balance.

Particularly if you're running fast.

protecting the ball.

Now, this is called an arm bar, which he's got his non dribbling hand out there and is protecting the ball.

And he's moving fast and with purpose.

So he's physically trying to get himself to where he wants to go as quick as possible.

And finally head is up or looking around to see what's going on.

If he's looking at the ball, he's not going to see anything he's using peripheral vision to see the ball but then focusing on other things while he's trying to make his decisions.

Another key word for today's lesson is the jump shot.

Now, we practised the jump shot earlier and it is a shot made while a player is jumping off the ground.

So, looking at the the jump shot, what is the correct technique for a jump shot? I just want you to pause the video and just look at this player in the green and try to make some notes about what he's doing with his body.

He's trying to make his jump shot.

So, hopefully you've now got a list of things that the player is doing about his technique.

And now let's look at his jump shot.

Well, he would have started with his feet planted on the ground.

See, in that picture, that he's midair.

The non shooting hand is on the side of the ball.

It was on that picture and it's coming off.

As he's taking the shot.

Always tucked in.

You can see both elbows are in line with his body, is extended.

His arms, his legs is fully extended as he's taking the jump shot.

And when the ball goes in the air, it will make an arching action that parabolic we talked about earlier.

And the follow through, he will be doing, you can't see it in the picture but he will make his follow through where he pushes his fingers towards the ball to create a bit of spin on the ball and also direct it in towards the net.

Okay ,so looking at these pictures, which of these is a lay-up shot.

Option one, option two, option three or option four.

And ,the answer is option four.


As you can approach him that you get your knee up as you come towards the net, and then you bring this knee the ball in the hand, that's closest to the net and the same knee and you push it onto the backboard to score.

Well done if you've got that one right.

So we're going to get ready to go into our next activities in a minute, which is linking skills.

But before we do, let's look at a few more key words.


Now this is a plan designed to achieve a specific goal.

Is very similar to the tactics.

Now, when we are going to be linking skills together you want to know what, you're going to be doing.

And plan ahead before you do it.

If you try to just make it up on the fly, that's where mistakes can be made.

Excellent stuff everybody.

Well now, I'm setting up a little bit of an obstacle course where I'm going to link my skills together.

So I've got here my one marker and you could use anything in your house.

A trainer would be fine.

It doesn't even have to have a marker.

But you could just do mentally picture out where you want the marker to go.

So I've got a marker there.

I've put one all the way over there.

And I'm going to try in a minute dribbling to there.

When I get to that yellow cone, I'm going to jump shot, aiming for that same position.

So, we're going to link these movements.

Pass, any possible but I'm going to go chest pass into a triple threat.

So I'm going to catch a ball.

So I'm going to pass it.

Receive it back off myself, into triple threat.

Then I'm going to dribble from the triple threat over to that cone there.

At the end of my dribble, I can't make another triple threat.

I just can't go into another dribble.

From there I'm going to take a jump shot.

Let's see if it works.

So pass.

So I've received the inset triple threat, dribble, into triple threat, step back.

Jump shot.

So what we're trying to do is link those skills together.

The passing ,the dribbling and the triple threat is that glue between them.

So I can make my decisions about what I want to do.


I want to try and go straight quickly into it.

If I preplan what I'm going to do is called a motor programme.

And a motor programme is a set of rules I'm going to follow.

So, I take away the demand of my memory by thinking about what a dribble, rather than all the individual actions.

Now, if I put them all together, it becomes more of a strategy or tactic and that can help me overcome problems. So it might be a certain play where you might be a pass into a dribble, gets a position to shoot.

So what I want you to do is set up a course obstacle course like mine and have a go once you've achieved it.

you've been successful at it.

Change it up, move it around but try and link the different skills together.

Pause the video, be creative and good luck.

Okay, now I want you to show your creativity and also strategy by designing your own basketball circuit.

So to set up a practise, of a basketball circuit that utilises different skills we've learned today and try to keep changing direction varying between passing, dribbling and shooting and incorporating different targets.

Now, remember the all important triple threat, however don't go into double dribbles.

So you can't dribble and then go into a triple threat and dribble again.

So think about that while you're doing these circuits.

Don't make them overly long, keep them short and sharp but try to vary it up.

So pause the video, go ahead and do your basketball circuit and then come back and join me at the end.

Well done working through that circuit, now it's time to cool down.

So just to remind you what an effective cool-down looks like, you should have your post learning exercises.

So walking around the area, you may have been training in or even jogging slowly around the area.

And then following up with stretching.

I think stretches is ideally it's always.

Pause the video now and go and do your cool-down down and then come back and finish the lesson off with me.

Okay, so that brings us to the end of the lesson.

And we were looking at how sports skills can be linked together.

So today we focused primarily on basketball.

And we were linking basketball drills with a triple threat position being a conduit into linking those skills.

So, we were putting in a triple threat into passing, triple threat into dribbling and triple threat into shooting.

We were talking about strategy and pre-planning our movements.

And that can increase our decision-making processes.

And then you went away and you practised your skills by linking them together in a circuit.

And I hope you were creative.

And I hope you enjoyed yourself.

And I hope you didn't just get the physical benefits out of this, but the thinking strategy and planning which will improve your mental processes and make you a quick decision maker.

So well done for today's lesson.

I will see you very soon in the next lesson.