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Hi, I'm Mr.Wnuk, and in today's lesson, we're going to look at how we can improve our reactions, in sporting situations.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors, such as in your living room.

You should ensure there's space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now, if there's anything, you need to do to get ready.

For this lesson, you're going to need your regular PE kit.

Shorts and t-shirt are fine.

If you're doing the session indoors, please make sure your barefoot, If you're doing this outdoors, make sure you've got appropriate footwear on such as trainers.

The equipment you're going to need for today's session, will be a ball, or alternative to a ball, something like a teddy bear, or a pillow, will work just as well.

You're also going to need some markers, something to put on the ground and act as a marker, So you could have some socks, or a pair of trainers, or something similar, to act as a marker.

You're also going to need to set up some obstacles such as a chair, and have a target.

So a basket or a bucket will work just as well.

If you haven't got a chair for the target, you could just use your markers just as well.

The space you need around you is about two metres.

If you need to pause the video to get this together, please do so now.

So we're not going to run through warm up, you're going to warm up yourself, cause you've done plenty in your past.

So, I am going to, talk you through, how to do a warmup.

So, the first stage of a warm up is your pulse raiser, so make sure you do some, jogging or some running, that's going to increase your heart rate.

Where it's then followed up with some stretching and mobility exercises, and particularly dynamic stretches such as stretches while you're moving, such as lunges, arms swings and hip rotations.

And then finally, I want you to try some roll, skill related practise.

So this would be, as we're looking at efforts day, you could start with some basic ball-handling work.

Pause the video now, and go and do your warmup.

So, let's look at what this lesson is going to look like.

Well, you've already done your warmup, which is fantastic but then we're going to look at tracking, an attacker.

We are then move on to creating space.

So if we were the attacker, creating space, and then look at some decision making activities.

And then finally we'll finish off with an exit quiz.

So let's look at a keyword for today's lesson.

Reaction time, where this is the time it takes to respond to a stimulus.

Now reaction time is the thinking time and processing of information.

So you'll see a stimulus and then you will process that information, and start moving.

That time between, recognising that stimulus, and starting of a movement, that thinking time, that's what reaction time is.

So we're going to look, at improving our reactions in sport, and we're going to particularly focus in netball but this works in all invasion games, that require defenders, to compete against attackers and vice versa.

So, as mentioned already, we're going to look at tracking an attacker, we're going to look at visual cues, we're going to look at creating space, with auditory cues, and decision-making actions, and making the correct choices.

Now just remember, those people who have the quickest reactions and decision-making will always have the advantage in a sporting situation.

So let's get ready for our first activity where we're going to be tracking an attacker.

We've warmed up, and we're ready to go.

The first activity we're going to look at, is tracking an attacker.

So, you don't necessarily need an attacker or anyone to do this with you you can set this up by yourself.

But what you will need is some markers.

Now I've set three markers on the floor here, they don't have to be cones, they can be, like a trainer, some socks, it's up to you.

Now it would help, if you got different colour, markers, and there's plenty of things around your house that have different colours that you could use.

So ask people at home, before you start taking these things and setting them up.

You don't have to be outside to do this, It can be done in the inside, you don't need huge amount of space, I've just created a space out here cause I can show you, with the camera angles.

So, with this, what we're going to do is employ a thing called a side step.

So a side step, is where we facing our attacker.

And we're just going to shuffle our feet sideways.

Shuffle feet sideways.

So like this So we could just hop in, and join our feet together.

Keeping low, bending your knees, and you're going to keep on your toes, and just join the feet together.

Try to keep your head reasonably level.

You'll be looking, at the opponent when you're doing this.

So firstly, we don't need to have all three.

Stand side on like me, ready in that, ready position knees bent, hands out just slightly in front of you to keep balance and then just practise your side steps.

So why don't you pause the video, I just want you to do side to side five times, and then come back to me, and we'll get onto the drill.

Pause the video.

Excellent stuff.

So that actual drill can should link in, to stage three, of your warmup.

Do you remember what stage three was called? Skill related practise, excellent.

So we've started, skill specific movements ready to play.

So in this setup, I've now got three cones, and I've got fourth one down here I've got a blue one here.

Three cones along so, and it doesn't have to be three cones.

but, I'm going to call the red one, number one green one, number two, and the yellow one, number three.

Number four, is the blue.

Now, I'm just going to show you a very basic one.

We're going to go from one, two, three, four.

Okay, so we're going to run forward, we're going to side step to the green, to the red, sides steps to the green, side steps to the yellow and then backtrack to the blue.

So, just put watch how I do it.

So, why not? Side feet, side step green, side step three, backtrack so we are in front, of that cone the key thing is to get in front.

If this is an attack, we want to try and get it between our attacker and what they're aiming for.

So we're going to get round and in front.

So, pause the video, Set it up and just go with that moment movement.

One, two, three, four.

Have a practise.

Excellent stuff.

Now, if you've got someone with you, we can do a coach calls, where a coach shouts out the colours and you move to those colours.

If you have no coach calls, I'll act as a coach in a minute, and call out the different colours for you.

So, you can do at the same time on all the colours we've got numbers.

One, two, three, four.

Ready? I'm going to go from one to two to one to three to four.

So I'm going to go back on myself, over there, back here.

So we're going to run up, one, two, one, three, four.

Okay, now I'm going to put another cone out.

You need to pause the video, practise that, while I set up the other drill, we're going to then do some coaches calls.

I'm going to do this facing the camera so you can see now, and I'm going to coach your calls.

So we're going to still go from one, over there, two, three four, and I'm going to call out the different numbers, and you're going to go reacting to those numbers.

It doesn't matter if you haven't put the one two three four, but as long as you know which numbers you're going to go through.

Remember, remember we attack defend attack, defending attacker, they're going to be trying to get everywhere around you, so that's what we're trying to react, to which way the attacker is going to go, and your reaction you're going to use is auditory, by listening to me.

Ready we start on four.

So four, one, three, two, three, one, four, one, four, two, one, three, and so on and so on.

So, you can get someone to help you out with this one, Or you can, just go through in your head, call out anything you want, in your mind, and just go to those target.

The key thing is, sidestepping, fast feet, reacting, ideally, auditory reacting, which means using your ears listening to the stimuli, pause video, have a go.

Brilliant work, with that, tracking, and so of defensive work you were just working on, well done.

So let's get some key words.

A cue, right, we talked about, the stimulus, and a cue is another word for stimulus.

And it's the signal, to start doing something.

And with these can be visual, and they can be auditory, and they can be lots of other types of cues, You could get it from touch, as well, but, in the sessions that we're looking at today, we're particularly looking at visual and auditory.

And auditoryy means listening and hearing.

So, having a longer reaction time means you can move quicker, Is that true? Or is that false? Think carefully about this one.

Well the answer is false, a longer reaction time means slower slower movements.

So just be wary of that one, and the whole process and whole activities that we're looking at today is to increase our reaction time.

So, we've mentioned cues and lets have a quick look at our visual cues.

Now this is, when the brain is focusing on information that crosses our visual path.

So, essentially what we see with our eyes.

An example in netball with a wing defender, will watch the run of an opposition wing attack, and then try and track their path.

Okay, and then we have auditory cues, and these are sounds, this is a sound signal that represents, the incoming information and we detect it through our ears.

And an example in netball will be a goal defender may hear a call from a teammate to follow an opposion goal attack who is behind them, So you might use, your teammates, or your coaches, to give you instructions and help cue you, and trigger a response, that you would then move quicker.

So let's look at the attackings style now, where are we going to be creating space and trying to evade a defender.

Okay,so we're not going to be a defender anymore, we're going to move to be an attacker and we're going to create some space.

And we're going to use, visual reactions and visual stimuli to do this.

Now you need, to set up, at least three smackers.

So I've got one there, I've got a yellow marker, a blue marker, and a red marker.

And it would be really handy, if you've got some different colour socks for this one.

So if you've got some red socks and blue socks and some yellow socks, and you might have white socks, grey socks, and, other shade of socks, black socks, maybe.

And, I want you to have, three laid out on the floor, One at the side, one at the front, one at the side, we're always going to start in the middle, and you're always going to run backwards to that blue cone at the back.

Now, I've got three colour cones behind my back.

What I'm going to do, is I'm going to shuffle them up, and I'm going to pick one cone, and of the corner is where I've got to get to.

And, it's a visual reaction for me.

And what I'm going to do, is I'm going to run from the middle, to the back, to that cone, and I want to call for the ball, cause it's getting free space.

then I go, ball, I want the ball.

So watch this, I'll demonstrate it for you, you keep your cones up the toes, or your markers, behind your back, you start in the middle, then we're going to track back behind the wall cane, and then react to the cane that I've got in front of me.

As quick as you can.

So, yeah.

Ball and then you've received the ball.

If you've got someone with a ball who can throw it into this, even better Stand in the middle again, shuffle them up again and blue.

Ball, okay, One more time, in that position of, I know which ones I'm getting.

Yeah, ball.

So, we're going to have to visually, to precedent information around us, and then creating space to receive that ball.

Pause the video, have a go at that, move back, into the space, receive the ball.

Call for the ball, so you know you'll see it, pause the video, have it go.

Much like our first drill, we're going to now start, at the back cone.

You're going to run forwards towards the green cone, and then you're going to that, who's going to be an imaginary defender, and then you're going to pay all of them to one or the other cones.

Now you might need to do a side step on this one, or faint where you might go one way and change direction.

Now We can do this the same way, with this the colours behind our backs and pull them out.

Or someone can even call it, and go coach calls.

I'm just going to demonstrate with the coach calls version, There will be three first.

This comes first, So we're going to run to the there side step, ball.

Then we go to yellow cone now but this time I'm going to do a dummy or a faint.

So, the yellow cone, then you go up step ball.

And then the last one, I'm going to go around the cone, to the blue cone.

So I'm going to go there, step round blue.

So I'm side stepping around the opponent.

So, I want you to be creative with this, and try different ways of doing it.

So you kind of have coach calls or someone's calling it out for you, or you can pick the colour from behind your back, and go to that cone.

Pause the video, have a practise of creating some space.

Brilliant work, on creating space.

Now, we talked earlier about stimulus.

So, can a stimulus can be both seen, and is that true or false? Well of course the answer is true, now, today we looked at visual and auditory information that can act as a stimulus that we need to react to, but as I've mentioned earlier you could be reacting to touch.

You could be reacting, to balance, for example.

So, there's a lot more than just visual and auditory information, but either way, the stimulus can be multiple things.

So, another key word for today's lesson is fluency of ideas, and it is the rapid generation of ideas not evaluating them, just being very creative and generating lots of different ideas.

And this is really important when we're in attacking situations, where we want to try and lose a defender.

So the quicker you can process different ideas, to try and get past defender, the more successful you're going to be.

And we talk about creativity, about making things up, and trying to generate ideas.

Now this fluency means we're not sitting there and analysing that idea we're just doing it, and hopefully it will work.

So, we're going to look at decision-making, activity now.

And we're going to look, at that application of that fluency of ideas.

This next drill, we're going to set up some targets, and you're going to need to be creative and you can put it however you like.

I've put one bucket over there, Cause I've got bucket and other bucket over there.

They don't have to be buckets.

They could be laundry baskets, could be bits of paper.

It doesn't even have to be that.

It could be a sock, something you're going to aim for.

Now, what I've also done, is I've moved my markers around, in front of it and they're going to act as opposition.

Now, the key to this is, to make the right decision in terms of passing, which is the correct pass to make.

So, you don't want to try to make a pass, that's going to go straight through, for example that cane there, you want to try and go in between them, and you can't make a decision til we've assessed the situation we're in.

So you're going to start with the ball, in your hands, facing away from the target.

And you're going to throw, over your head.

As soon as you throw it over your head, you then spin around, wherever it's gone to, you're going to catch it, and then from that position you're going to assess the best pass to make it.

So are they going to be aimed at that target or that target? If you don't have an available pass, you might choose to play it off your wall and move into better position, around the cones.

So, let's see if this works.

So I'm going to start facing backwards, the ball is going over my head, get back retrieve down there which is my best shoot, pass the ball right there, defender there, failed.

Let's try that again.

So, ball over there listen for the bounce.

Retrieve it, pass.

'Cause you see the sense of pass, was straight in front of me based on where the ball was.

Listen for the vet sound, retrieve it, play back, try to avoid in the cones in front of you.

Remember, in netball you can't move with the ball, we can pivot our feet but don't step with the ball.

So, set your sack up however you like, put your targets wherever you like, and aim for your targets.

Pause the video, be creative and have some fun.

Fantastic work.

I hope you are able to be as creative as you can, and generate lots of different ideas to try and make the correct decision.

Now, decision-making is a process of evaluating several alternative options and choosing the right one for a particular situation or goal.

So, when we're scanning the area around us and trying to decide which pass to make you're making quick decisions.

The quicker you make them, as I mentioned very early on in this lesson, the more advantage you gain over the oppositions.

So, let's look at what needs to be considered when we make a decision to pass.

And what type of pass we're going to make and how are we going to make the pass.

So I want you to pause the video, and just jot down on a bit of paper, some ideas or some things you might need to consider when you're making a pass in netball, but in any other sport will be fine as well.

Okay, let's see if your list matches my list and if it does, just give it a big tick as you go.

So the first thing that I say is, you need to consider your starting position.

Now this is often referred to, as an element of a schemer, okay? And a schemer is the, set of rules and the processes will follow when we're doing a movement, and we need to consider, before we operate that schemer, our starting position.

We also need to decide how far we are away from the target, which is bound to be our teammates Cause we're making a pass, Obviously if we're close, or far away, that will determine what type of parts we'll play.

If you remember where we looked at hockey, a push pass is probably going to be a close pass, as you might hit it, which would be a longer pass.

Okay? You're going to consider the angle, If you're facing square one, if you're side to side, that it's all going to determine what type of pass you'll play, and you're going to decide, where the oppositions are or the opposition players are the opponents and, you make decision based on that.

So if opponents standing in front of you might have to do a bounce pass to get around them, you might have to throw it.

And then finally your teammates, are they moving? Are they moving into the space, you're going to pass into, are they other static? Where are they standing? All of these factors from the starting position down to your teammate's position, are factored in and considered to make a decision in a split second, your brain is that good, that you can just process all of that, very quickly.

And, that's why sport is fantastic from improving our decision making, improving our mental processing and the more we play sport the better we get at this sort of things.

We can apply that to real life situations as well.

Well, for easier life, but other real life situations.

So, lets look at another key word, which is anticipation.

So when we're trying to make a pass, when we're trying to receive a pass, or track a defender or lose defender, we are making anticipation with judgements, which is the process of quickly evaluating and predicting the outcome of an action before the action is completed.

So, that will occur, a lot in sport, and again that helps you improve your decision-making processes.

So, let's go true or false.

Anticipation is predicting an outcome after an action is completed.

True or false? And the answer is false yes if you said that you are right, fantastic work.

The anticipation is predicting the outcome before an action is completed.

That's what predicting means.

So let's look at improving reactions in sport.

What is the stimulus that is detected through the eyes? Is option one a visual cue option, two reaction time option three auditory cue or option four anticipation.

And the answer is say with me option number one.


Visual cues.

Yeah that's means we're detecting something using our eyes, It's a visual.

So we've talked about anticipation, and knowing anticipation will improve our reaction time.

And there are two types, So the first type of anticipation called temporal anticipation.

Now this is when the performer will predict when something will happen.

It's about the timing of a movement.

You're predicting the timing.

So an example in netball would be a goalkeeper who might be watching the opposing sensor but while also trying to mark and track the goal shooter from the opposite side.

And they might predict and try and anticipate, when or the timing of when a pass will be made.

And then hopefully incept it The next type called spatial anticipation.

And this is when a performer will predict what will happen.

So it's different to than temporal which is when spatial is what will happen.

An example in netball will be a centre predicting that the opposing wind defendable, will bounce pass the ball to their centre during a counter attack.

So, it's not the, so the temporal is about timing and spatial is about the actual events predicting what will happen.

If you know both of these and you can work on these, you can improve your reaction times.

So how can reactions be improved in netball? I want you to pause the video whilst you write your answer down using the sentence, starter, reactions can be improved by, Okay, hopefully you put something along these lines.

Reactions can be improved by using anticipation to predict the movements of other players and the ball.

And this can be spacial, temporal and players may use both visual and verbal cues to help make their decisions.

Now ,you probably haven't got that word for word, but hopefully you've talked about anticipation.

Hope you talked about temporal and spatial anticipation, and also you mentioned visual or verbal cues and if you have just give yourself a tick every time you mentioned one of those, well done.

So it's now time for our cool-down and you've done plenty of cool downs before.

So I'm not going to show you how to do a cool-down.

But I'm going to ask you what is the first stage of a cool-down called? That's right.

It's the pulse lowering exercise where we're trying to reduce our heart rate slowly and gradually.

We're going to follow it up with some stretching and ideally some static trapeze.

So can you pause the video now and go and complete your cool-down.

So this brings us to the end of the lesson and let's approach the question that we started with which is how can we improve our reactions in sports situations? So we took a netball approach to this lesson and we looked at creating space as an attacker, and we also looked at marking and tracking an attacker, of a defensive situation, both of those were quite good reactions.

We also looked at quick decision-making and trying to improve our decision-making.

So we looked at the two types of curing used a stimuli which was visual cues and auditory cues and we try to react quickly to them.

We also try to look at anticipation and temporal and spatial anticipation and all of these things combined can help us make a decision quicker.

And the quicker we make a decision, the more advantage you're going to have over our opponents.

And, as I've mentioned few times, today already, and in a few lessons, the sport is fantastic conduit that helping us improve our decision-making.

And that's why we should try to play sport on a regular basis, to make sure our mental processes are as sharp as they can be.

So I hope you enjoyed today's lesson, I hope you are creative, and some of those decision-making and generating lots of ideas when we talked about fluency of ideas, but,for now I will speak to you very soon and see you later.