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Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. Wnuk here, and today's lesson, we're going to be looking at how we can outwit an opponent.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors, such as in your living room.

You should ensure there's space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Put hair up if needed.

And remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

For today's lesson, you're going to need to be in your PE kit or similar clothing such as a shorts and T-shirt.

If you're doing this lesson indoors, please make sure you're barefoot.

And if you're doing this outdoors, make sure you're wearing appropriate footwear, such as trainers.

The equipment you're going to need for today's lesson is a ball, ideally a football sized ball, something you can kick around.

If you haven't got something like that, a household object, like a pillow, or a teddy bear, or even a toilet roll will work just fine.

You also need something to put down as a marker.

So bundle of socks, or even some trainers that you're not using.

The space you're going to need around you is around about two metres.

So, if you need to pause the video to get this stuff together, please do so now.

So, let's start this lesson off with a warmup.

I'm not going to show you how to do a warmup, 'cause I'm sure, by now, this is the end of this unit, you know how to do plenty of warmups yourself.

Just remember that we need three steps to our warmup.

A pulse raiser, where we're going to run around and get our heart beating quicker, and get that valuable oxygen taken to our muscles.

We need to stretch and mobilise.

So ideally, some dynamic stretches, which is stretching while moving, things like opening the gate, and closing the gate.

And then some skill related practise.

Now, I've already mentioned this is football, so you might want to do some keepy uppies, or some just general skills that might just get you used to using the ball.

Pause the video now, and go ahead and do your warmup.

So, let's have a look at what this lesson looks like.

And we've already done your warmup, which is great.

And now, we're going to move to activity one, which is moving the ball.

We're going to move on to passing the ball.

And then going to look at counterattacks.

And all of this is aimed at outwitting our opponents.

And then we're going to finish off with an exit quiz.

So, our first keyword of today's lesson is foot-eye coordination.

'Cause obviously it's football, we need to coordinate our feet and our eyes.

So this is the ability to process visual information to guide the foot and the leg movements, such as kicking, and foot control in sport.

Another keyword for today's lesson is to outwit.

And this is to get the better of someone by superior ingenuity or cleverness.

So today we're going to try and overcome our opponents and outwit them.

So, overcoming an opponent is used in most sports, and there is generally a need to overcome or outwit opponents.

And particularly in team games.

So we're going to start by moving the ball, dribbling, and taking on opponents.

We're going to look at passing the ball, such as one-two passes and triangles, and then we're going to look at a counter attack.

So, we're going to start off with dribbling.

If you need to pause the video to go and get your stuff together, then do so, if not, I'll see you out on the field Okay, we're warmed up, we're ready to go.

And we're going to be doing football, and we're going to be doing some skills where we're trying to outwit our opponents.

So the first thing we're going to do is some basic dribbling.

Now with regards to the dribbling, we're going to try to dribble the ball slowly, and then accelerate.

And what I've set up is some markers there, which is going to be my point I need to accelerate to.

And I'm going to start right at the back of my patio.

I'm going to dribble slowly up, and then accelerate to my cones, and just go past the cones.

You don't have to have cones.

You can use some shoes, a bucket, some socks, whatever you want to, to act as markers.

So the key thing is is to dribble just in a straight line, and then accelerate as we go past.

So it could be two feet or one foot.

And then accelerate past.

So, have a few goes at this, set up, dribble, and then fast.

Trying to get the ball moving.

Pause the video, just get warmed up, and stage three of the warmup, remember, of this just gentle dribbling, just get used to the ball.

Pause the video, have a go now.

Excellent stuff.

Next dribble we're going to do is called a step over.

And what we're going to do is dribble up to the cones.

Are we're going to step over the ball with our dribbling foot, and take it away with the non dribbling foot.

So, I'm going to dribble up with my right foot, step over it, and take it past the cones with my left foot.

So go slowly first, step over, dribble round the cones.

Okay? Do it from a slow pace first, and if you get good at it, then you can get faster.

Let me just show you from the side on how it will look.

So as I get close to the cones, going to step over, with one foot round it, and then take it on the outside of my other foot round the cones.

So, I want you to pause the video, and try and outwit your opponent, which is the cones, by doing a step over.

The next skill we're going to do is called a la croqueta.

And what we're going to do is we're going to dribble forwards with one foot, move it to the other foot, and dribble past it, past your opponent.

So it's a case of you're dribbling up on your dominant foot, sliding across your body, and round your opponent.

So we come forward, go from the side, so you can see, again.

So I'm dribbling forwards to here, slide it, and past.

So take it slowly first, and then build up pace until you can outwit your opponent, by doing a la croqueta, by coming forwards, slide it across your body, and then round them.

Pause the video, and have a go.

The next drill we're going to do is basically called a feint, or a fake.

And what we're going to do is we're going to dip our shoulder one way, and then take the ball the other way.

So we're going to try and confuse our defenders and overload them with information.

They're going to think we're going to go one way, but we're going to actually go the other way round them.

So we'll just do it slowly first.

We go up to the defender, step to one side but go around them with the same foot.

Okay? I'll show you from the side.

So if I'm going up to my defender, dribbling towards them, step to one side, we're going to take the ball round the other way.

So, now we're going to try the fake.

Just do it slowly to start with, and build it up slowly, and get faster and faster.

We run towards them, step to one side, take it around them or the other way.

Pause the video, have a go.

The next skill we're going to use to try and outwit our defenders is to create a dummy shot, or a fake shot.

And what we're going to do is we're going to dribble up to the cones, and pretend to shoot, but instead of shooting, we're going to change the direction of the ball, and take it around our defenders.

Again, practise this slowly first.

So you're walking up, walking up, pretend to shoot, but curl it around the defenders, and go.

Now, you can stay on the same foot, you can change feet, it's up to you.

From the side.

I'm dribbling it up to my defenders, take a shot, swing it round to the other foot, and confuse them.

And this is an example of presenting two stimuli really quickly next to each other.

The defender has to work on the first stimuli, which they think is a shot, before they can process the second stimuli, which is the change of direction and follow you.

So this is something called the psychological refractory period, where they have to spend that time thinking about the movement.

All it means is you're trying to sell them a dummy, by staying one way, they think about that way, and then you go the other way, before they've processed that information to move.

Pause the video, have a go at the dummy shot.

Brilliant work on those dribbling.

Which was your favourite style of dribbling to get past an opponent? What was your favourite skill? Did you manage to complete them successfully? And, do you think you could have made up your own skills, or tried some more difficult ones? I'm sure you could.

So another keyword for this part of the session is information overload.

And the idea is we're trying to outwit our opponents by providing them information overload.

And this is the difficulty in understanding a situation by making a decision because of too much information to deal with.

So we want the defenders to be overloaded with information, and find it hard to make a decision, slow their decision making down, and give you the advantage.

So another keyword is stimuli, which is also stimulus, which is a singular version of it.

Now, these are things that cause a specific functional reaction.

So a stimuli in football might be the ball movement, and then you react in a particular way.

If it was athletics, and 100 metre sprint, the stimuli would be the starter going, take your marks, set, and then bang of the gun, and it causes a reaction to run.

So now we have two quite difficult laws.

And I'm not going to ask you to write these out, but it's quite interesting to know these.

The first is Hick's law.

Now this is when you present someone with more than one stimuli.

And if you've got multiple stimuli, it essentially slows their reactions down.

So in a footballing situation, a defender might have two attackers to deal with, and they've got to make the decision between two players, and that essentially will slow their decision making.

If there was three attackers, it would make their decision making even slower.

And it sort of produces a graph like this.

Whereas we increasingly add stimuli, then there's people to think about, the slower it makes them go.

So the more choices someone has, the longer it takes them to make a decision.

The next theory is called a single channel hypothesis.

And this is where the brain can only process one bit of information at a time.

So in football, an attacker may dip their shoulder to fake going one way, and then change directions.

And we looked at that with some of the skills earlier.

The defender would need to process the dip of the shoulder before they could react to the change in directions.

So it sort of looks like this, and it means that we cannot actually multitask.

It means that we have to clear one bit of information, and then we move on to the next bit of information.

Some people can do that quicker than others.

So, a feint or a dummy is a way of overloading the defender with multiple stimuli.

Is that true or false? Yes, the answer is true, and this will slow the defender's decision making, giving the attacker the advantage.

And that's what we want to get out of the sport, trying to outwit our opponents by gaining an advantage.

So let's move on to activity two, which is passing.

So if you need to get yourself ready, feel free to pause the video, and get ready.

Now, in football, a lot of times, you'll hear people talking about playing triangles.

And what they mean is to get around an opponent, you want to play a triangle.

So at this point here, I'm standing here with the ball, I'm one point of the triangle.

Now this could be my defender over here, and I want to play to another point of the triangle, which might be here.

Now the ball ends up at the third point of the triangle, and so do I.

And this is how we're going to get past our defenders.

So that's my defender over there.

I've got the ball.

I'm going to come in here, play a triangle, and receive the ball here.

And we can do it from the other direction.

Triangle, past the defender, ready to score.

So I want you to just set up a simple triangle passing drill to try and get past the defender.

Now, if you've got someone in your household who you can do this with, that's even better, they can be the defender, or they can be the other attacker, and try and join you in outwitting, and overcoming, and overloading the opposition.

So pause the video, have a go at that passing in triangles.

Excellent stuff.

Now, what we're trying to do is overload the opposition and overloading means I've got more attackers in an attacking position than the defenders have.

And in this sense, I've got one defender, me, as an attacker, and my imaginary attacker, which is the wall, is going to be the second attacker.

So there's two V one situation.

From now, what I'm going to do is going to dribble to the cone, pass the ball, to go around my defender.

So I'm going to just link the dribbling and the passing to create a triangle, around the defender, and then get back, get the ball, the other side of the triangle.

So, starting over here.

Dribbling in, pass around the defender, on to score.

Now, try to control the ball, while cushioning as you receive the ball back.

And try and pass with the instep of your foot to get more control over it, which is the inside of your foot, here.

So pause the video, try and link in a dribble, pass, while we try and get round the defenders in your triangle shape.

Great work on that passing.

I hope you were successful.

And let's have a look at some of these skills that we've practised.

So a player will use laces to perform an instep pass.

Is that true, or is that false? And I'm sure you're going to tell me the answer is false, because that's the answer.

A player will use the inside of their foot to play an instep pass.

Okay, let's have another look at a keyword, and this is overload.

Now, slightly different to the word we used, information overload.

Overload is a footballing term we use when attacking team have more players in the phase of play than a defending team.

So if it's a two V one, two attackers versus one defender, that's an overload.

And it's not just in football, it happens in lots of team sports, or invasion games, where you've got one team versus another team.

And obviously, the more players in one area, the more options you have, and therefore you can overload the opposition.

So, how can an attacking team overload the opposition? Is it option one, trying to get less attackers than the opposing defenders option? Option two, trying to get more attackers than the opposing defenders? Option three, try to match the number of defenders with their attackers, or option four, play with one striker versus four defenders.

Which option is it? And the answer is, option number, say it with me, two.

Yes, you want to try and get more attackers than the opposing defenders, that makes it an overload.

So let's go and get our practical on, with a counter attack.

Okay, time to get creative, and we're going to set up some counter attacks now.

And I want you to be as creative as you like.

Now I'm lucky enough to have a football goal available to me.

If you haven't, that's not a problem, you can just set up two markers to create a goal.

Now I've put some buckets out now to act as defenders, 'cause they're a little bit more visible than the cones.

But you could just use the floor markers.

Now we're going to work on a counterattack, and a counterattack is a quick break from a defensive situation.

So we're going to assume that I'm back here, and I've been defending, and I've managed to intercept the ball.

And from there, I want to quickly go around this defender here, go around that defender, to create a goal scoring opportunity.

So I'm going to make a pass, a triangle pass around this defender.

Then I'm going to do one of my dribbling skills past this defender, to create a shooting opportunity.

Don't have to do it too fast, 'cause we just want to work out a strategy, and a plan of action.

So I've come back here in a defensive situation.

I've got the ball at my feet.

I'm going to play attack pass here, going to step over, round, and shoot.

As a defender, come back on the ball, play my triangle pass past the defender, take it side on, get that into a shot.

Goal! Be creative as you like.

Set your defenders in different positions, try your one two, triangle passing around your defender, try and use your dribbling skills to beat that defender to create a goal scoring opportunity at the end of it.

Have fun, pause the video, be creative Brilliant work on the counterattacking.

I hope you managed to score a goal at the end of it.

Let's look at our last couple of keywords.

Counterattack is a quick attacking play completed by the team who was in defensive position initially.

And it doesn't happen just in football, it happens in lots of sports where there's a quick turnaround from defence to attack.

And often results in lots of goals being scored.

So an example of a counterattack is a fast break.

True or false? Yes, it's true, well done if you got that one right, you're fantastic.

Let's cool down.

I'm not going to show you how to cool down, 'cause you know by now.

So, you need to include two things.

The pulse lowering exercise, and some stretching.

And try to make those stretches static, where you're holding the stretches for about at least 10 seconds, preferably more.

And really lose the tension in your muscles, and increase your flexibility.

Pause the video now, and go and do your cool-down.

Okay, so, great lesson, everybody.

You worked really hard, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves.

How can we outwit an opponent? Well, we applied football to this, and we started off with dribbling, and we started by doing different moves to try and outwit our opponents.

And then we tried passing to create overloads, and then applied it into a counterattack.

And we talked about lots of different words today.

So we talked about information overload, which was where we're providing so much information that the defenders can't process it enough, and it slows their decision-making down.

We talked about increasing the amount of stimuli available.

So we looked at applying Hick's law, which is adding more and more stimuli will slow the decision making process.

Or the single channel hypothesis, where we present one stimuli and then another one quite quickly, and we have to process the first one before we can move on to the next one.

So all of these things help outwit an opponent or give you an advantage.

And that's what sport's all about, is trying to beat an opponent, and try and gain an advantage over them, and hopefully you'll score from it.

Anyway, fantastic work in today's lesson, fantastic work in this unit.

I hope you enjoyed yourselves.

And for now, I will see you later.