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Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. G Wnuk here and in today's lesson, we're going to look at moving a sporting implement.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors, such as in your living room.

You should ensure there is space for you to work safely including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks, make sure the floor is not slippery, wear comfortable clothing, put hair up, if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now, if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

For today's lesson, you are going to need to be wearing your regular PE kit, some shorts and a T-shirt are great, and if you're doing this indoors, please make sure you are bare foot.

If you're doing this outdoors, make sure you've got appropriate footwear on, such as trainers.

Equipment you're going to need today, well we're looking at hockey predominantly, so we need something that will act like a hockey stick.

Ideally, a big long umbrella works really well.

If you haven't got something like that, a broom handle would go well, something long and thin that you can use, but just ask whoever owns them if you can use them first.

You need a ball, something the size of around a tennis ball, but if you haven't got a ball, a bundle of socks will work just as well, and you will need to find something to act as a target.

Something that you can aim into, such as a bucket, or a basket, or a cardboard box.

You will also need something to act as markers, which socks work brilliantly for anyway.

The space you're going to need around you is around two metres.

If you need to pause the video to go and get this stuff, please do so now.

It's time for your warm-up.

You should know how to do a warm-up by now.

So I'm going to let you get on with it yourself.

Just remember, that we have three stages we need to follow in a warm-up, the pulse raiser, the stretching and mobility exercises, try to think about dynamic stretching, which is stretching whilst moving, and some skill-related practise.

If you can't think of any skill-related practise, do not worry because we will cover that in our first activity.

Pause the video now, and go get yourself warmed up.

Right, this is what the lesson's going to look like.

We have already completed the warm-up.

We're going to then start in with some dribbling.

We're going to look at some passing, and we're going to look at linking skills together, and then we're going to finish off with an exit quiz.

So lets look at our first keyword today, which is decision-making, and sport is fantastic for helping you become a better decision maker, and this is the processing of information available to make the correct choice of movement based in the situation you are in.

We are going to be looking at hockey today, and they're going to be plenty of decisions that you are going to be needing to make.

Today, we're looking at moving a ball in hockey, and hockey is a sport that requires you to use an implement, which is a stick, to move another sporting implement, which is the ball.

So we're going to look at dribbling, and we're going to look at various types of dribble.

We're going to look at passing, and we're going to look at linking the dribbling and passing together, and we're also going to be throwing in there some receiving.

So, go ahead and find all the equipment you need, and we're going to get started with dribbling.

Excellent, you've all warmed up, you're ready to go.

What was the second stage of a warm-up? Is it a pulse raiser? Is it skill related activities, or is it stretching? I haven't said them in order, just so you're clear.

It's stretching, well done.

Yeah, the second phase of a warm-up should be stretching to really lengthen those muscles, to try and prevent injuries, and on cold days, such as this, it's a great idea to make sure you do an extra long warm-up.

So today we're looking at moving an implement in sport and we're going to focus on hockey, and if you haven't got a hockey stick at home, which you probably don't, I'm going to use an umbrella, you could use anything that's reasonably long and sort of a pole shape.

So, a broom stick, if you haven't got that, you could, if you ask your parents, take the handle off your vacuum cleaner.

So it's up to you what you use but try and get something up.

An umbrella works really well for this.

We're going to start with the grip.

Now, in hockey, it doesn't matter if you're left-handed or right-handed, you always grip the top of the stick with your left-hand, okay? So we're going to hold it out with the left-hand.

Now, in hockey, you've also got the top part of the hockey stick, which is called a grip, and you put your right-hand at the bottom of the grip.

Now, the left-hand does all the controlling movement, the twisting, whereas the right-hand is there for power and support.

Now, when we're standing in hockey, we need our knees bent slightly with the stick just out in front of us, left-hand on, you can straighten your arm out and bend your knees, so the stick is just resting on the ground.

So, pause the video and now, go find something that you can use as a hockey stick and practise the grip and the stance position.

Excellent stuff, so you've practised that, and now we're going to practise moving a ball.

Now, if you haven't got a ball and you can do this inside, please do try it inside.

I'm only outside, so I get a bigger camera angle, so I can show you these.

If you, you can use a balled bundle of socks.

So you can get a pair of socks, or two pairs of socks, bundle them up to make a ball, the size about a tennis ball.

If you've got a tennis ball that works even better.

So I've got my hockey stick and my ball, and I've put two markers out.

Now you don't have to use cones.

You can use a pair of shoes, or a pair of socks or a T-shirt, whatever you want, but something can mark distance, and we're going to start off with a dribble, and we're going to just do a, and we're going to do a loose dribble to start with.

So what we're going to do, I'm going to start at the back cone, and I'm just going to hold the hockey stick, left-hand remember, and I'm just going to tap the ball forwards, and move it forwards, and I'm going to stop, and then I'm going to turn around, tap the ball forwards, and stop.

Now, the key to the loose dribble, is that you're tapping the ball and you're leaning slightly forwards away from your stick, and then you move on to tap it again.

So, all I want you to do, this is just a warm up, practise that loose dribble, okay.

Pause video, go have a practise on that.

Awesome stuff, I hope it went well for you.

We're now going to do a straight dribble, and a colleague of mine calls this the bubblegum dribble, and you've got to imagine there's a bit of chewing gum or bubblegum stuck to the end of your stick, and that ball needs to stay on the stick.

So, let me demonstrate for you.

Same principal, come to this cone, left-hand on the top, and you're just going to dribble the ball slowly using straight dribble, turn it around the cone, keep it on the stick if you can.

So the ball is staying as close as you can to the stick.

Now, I did it very slowly there just to demonstrate with you, and you're just going to take a bit of practise, 'cause we're not using a hockey stick, we're using something similar.

Pause video, have a go at that straight dribbling, and see you can get faster and faster.

Good luck with that one.

Okay, so the final dribble we're going to do is an Indian drill.

Now, in hockey, you can only use the flat side of your stick.

You're not allowed to use the back of the stick, which is the curved part of the stick.

So, we're going to twist with our left-hand, the stick side to side, and we're going to control the ball.

All we're going to do, is going to stand still, we're going to move the ball from one foot to the other foot, just turning our stick though.

So we're going to twist the stick side to side controlling the ball.

So you start at one foot, twist it, and twist it, twist it, and twist it.

Now it's quite hard to get this right, so do it slowly to start with, and as you get better, you can go faster.

When you can do that, I want you pause the video in a second to practise that, when you can do that, we're going to then start to move.

So pause the video, have a go at that.

Just moving backwards and forwards, side to side, sorry.

Okay, we're back here now, and we're going to start doing the same practise, but as we do it, we're going to move forwards.

Now this, is called the Indian dribble, and as we get further and further, we can get quicker and quicker at moving it side to side while we're walking forwards.

So pause the video, and practise that Indian dribble.

Fantastic work on your starting point with hockey and dribbling the ball.

How did you manage with the umbrella? So, what's the correct way to hold a hockey stick? So, think back to what I was saying.

Can you remember some of those key points? Well, the right-hand is at the bottom of the grip.

It's always at the bottom of the grip, and the left-hand is always at the top of grip.

It doesn't matter if you're right-handed or left-handed, you always play that way in hockey.

You always need to have two hands on a stick, and it should be out in front of you facing forwards.

Remember, you can't hit the ball with the back of the stick, or the curved part of the stick.

Bend your knees slightly and feet apart, with your weight forwards to give you some balance.

So, quick question, which hand controls the hockey stick, your left or your right? Your right or your left? And the answer is, your left, fantastic.

Remember, the right hand supports the stick and gives it more power, but the left-hand does all the work.

So lets look at a keyword.

The Indian dribble is something we looked at earlier.

It's when the ball is quickly pushed to the right and then quickly to the left, and then to the right, and repeated while twisting the hockey stick right and left.

Okay, let's get into activity two, which is going to be passing.

Pause the video, if you need to grab any of your equipment, and I'll see you in a few seconds.

Okay, we're going to now practise moving the ball by passing, and the pass we're going to try is called a push pass.

Now, I'm going to demonstrate and show you the basic positioning, I want you to copy along with me, and then you can pause the video and have some practises with it.

So, push pass works with the ball is going to start in line with our back foot.

I'm going to say side on to my target, which is my wall here.

The ball is on my back foot, and the way the push pass works, is I'm going to transfer my weight from my back foot and to my front foot, and as I do, I'm going to slide the ball on the floor towards the wall.

Now, this is pretty tricky with an umbrella and a ball, but we're going to give it a go.

So the ball is on the back foot, and I'm going to transfer and slide the ball against the wall.

Now, I'm going to try and point my stick to the target when I've finished.

So, I'm going to transfer the ball, push.

Didn't go very well with that one, but we'll try again one more time.

The technique is what we're looking at, rather than the distance.

Without the proper equipment it's quite tricky.

So on our back foot, push, okay.

When you get the hang of it, it comes a lot easier.

So we're going to go on our back foot; weight on our back foot.

We're going to put the ball in line with our back foot.

We're going to transfer, bend your knees, transfer your weight forwards, and push the ball towards your target with your stick pointing towards the target.

So, I want you to pause the video, set up a target, maybe a wall, could be further away than a wall, and practise the push pass.

Good luck.

Okay, you've been practising the push pass, but now we're going to look at stopping the ball and receiving the ball.

So, I'm going to use my wall and I'm going to control the ball off the wall.

Now, the key thing with hockey is we don't want to stop the ball dead.

We want to try and slow the ball down.

If you just try and stop the ball dead, it'll bounce off your stick and roll away.

So we're going to try and control the ball, slowing it down, and the way we're going to do this, is to retract the stick in line with the ball.

So, my target, I'm going to roll the ball against the wall, I'm going to then control it with my stick.

I roll it against the wall.

Control it as it comes back.

A bit harder there.

So I'm going to roll it against the wall fast, and control it as it comes back.

Against the wall, control it.

Now, try and, if you have a flat edge of the stick, you'd tilt your stick slightly forward.

So you can still roll your wrists forward, but don't stop it dead, try and control the ball back.

To the wall, control, and then you can push pass it back.

So, have some practises of rolling it against the wall, try and control it, and push it back into the wall.

It's a tricky one, but the more you practise and persevere with it, the best you will come at it.

Pause the video, practise trapping and stopping the ball.

Good luck.

Fantastic work on the passing.

It's quite challenging, isn't it? Well, we looked at the push pass, and this is a pass in hockey that is short and quick.

So, if we're going across a short distance and very quick, the push pass is the type of pass we will play.

The ball starts at the back foot and is moved forwards with the stick staying on the ball as it is passed.

So you keep that stick, contacting the ball, as you push it along the ground and slide it forwards.

Okay, so we also looked at some receiving the ball.

So let's recap some of those key coaching points about when we receive the ball.

So we need to get behind the ball; get your whole body behind the ball.

We cushion the ball.

So, we try to retract the stick, as the ball comes in.

We slow the ball down rather than stopping it.

If you just stop it, it's going to smack and bounce off.

Keeping the stick low, bending your knees, and looking at the ball.

So, which of these is incorrect when playing a push pass? Is it option one, the right-hand at the top of the stick and the left-hand lower down the grip? Keep the stick against the ball? Option three, start the ball at the back foot? And option four, use the pass, used if the pass is over a short distance? Which one is correct? Well, you were all going to shout out the right answer, which is option one.

Yes, it's the left-hand that goes on the top of the stick, not the right-hand.

I'm sure you know that, and I'm sure everybody got it right.

So, true of false, when receiving a pass in hockey, you should try to stop the ball's motion.

Is it true or is it false? Well, the answer is false, which I'm sure you know, because we're not trying to stop the ball, we're trying to slow it down, and move it straight away into another skill.

So, let's look at how we can link skills in hockey.

So a keyword for today is a motor programme.

So a motor programme is a series of steps and rules that are put together to make up a movement.

So when we're learning these skills, all those coaching points take up valuable memory, such as push pass, and when we're learning the push pass, we think about getting low, putting the ball at the back foot, leaning sort of backwards and then moving the ball forwards to our front foot, and all of those little combinations take up memory, but we store it as a motor programme, which is called a push pass, which reduces the amount of memory, which means we can recall it quicker.

The more practise you get, the quicker you can develop and reach, retrieve these motor programmes.

So they're really good things to do in sport, and it usually comes from repeated practise.

True or false, a straight dribble involves tapping the ball in front of the stick and then running towards it.

Well it's a straight dribble requires the ball to be in contact with the stick throughout the dribble, and we refer to it as a bubblegum dribble, or a chewing gum dribble, where the ball is really stuck onto that stick, like it's got that chewing gum on it.

Okay, I've set up a very basic obstacle course here now, and you can be as creative as you'd like with this.

You don't have to have cones.

You can just use trainers.

You could use cans, you could use socks.

It's up to you, but I've set one cone up there.

This is where I'm going to start from, and I've set a little gate up there to try and go through, and when I go through that, I'm going to try and pass it into the bucket that I had lying around.

Now, you don't have to have a bucket.

You could have a washing basket.

It doesn't even have to be something like a bucket.

It could just be a bit of paper, but you got a target.

So, all you need to do, linking in dribbling, a controlled dribble, followed by a pass into a target.

So, let's see if I can get this right.

Okay, so I'm going to just do gentle dribble around here through the cones, and okay.

Slightly missed my target, but I did hit it, which is more important.

So, you can be as creative as you like, and go around any loop, any cars, make it more complicated than this, but try and dribble into a pass.

If you want to try and make it even harder, you could try playing it off the wall to control it, then dribble into a pass.

Be creative, have fun.

Good luck.

Now it's your turn to get a bit creative and I want you to build yourself an obstacle course.

I'd like you to set up a series of targets and obstacles at varying distances away from you and attempt to dribble the ball around these, and pass the ball into a target, using the skills we've learned today.

Please make sure you complete this in a safe environment.

So, be creative, pause the video, and set your course up and practise it.

It's time for our cool-down, and you've done plenty of cool-downs before.

So, I'm not going to show you how to do a cool-down, but I am going to ask you how to do a cool-down.

What is the first stage in a cool-down? The first thing you do is a pulse lowering exercise, a pulse reducer.

Okay, so you might go for a walk around the area you've been training in, or gentle jog, and then you follow that up with what? And I'll give you a bonus point, if you can tell me the right type.

Yep, that's it stretching, and if you said static stretching, that is even better.

Yeah, we're trying to stretch those muscles to reduce the risk of injury and loosen the tension in our muscles.

So, today we looked at moving a sporting implement, and we looked at hockey, and you used some interesting equipment to do that.

So we started off with, firstly, how to grip the hockey stick, and we discovered that left-hand always needs to be at the top of the hockey stick with the right-hand further down on the grip.

We looked at various dribbling techniques and we went from a straight dribble to a loose dribble, to an Indian dribble.

We then looked at a push pass and how to stop the ball, and we discovered that we don't want to stop the ball dead, but we want to slow the ball's path down.

I then asked you to create your own circuit or obstacle course and try to link the skills.

Now, all of this time, we were improving our decision-making and we were forming a motor programme, that storage of memory of how we store a skill in our heads, and that comes from repeated practise, and that's what I'd like you to do.

If you get a chance, go back and have a go with some of all these skills in wherever you're doing it and just have some fun, but now I will see you very soon in the next lesson.