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Hi it's Mr. Wnuk, and we're going to be looking at how we can measure your fitness.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors such as in your living room.

You should ensure there is space for you to work safely including overhead.

Use bare feet not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now, if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

For today's lesson, you're going to need to be in your regular PE kit, such as shorts and t-shirt.

And if you're doing this indoors, please go barefoot.

If you're doing this outdoors, please put some trainers or some suitable footwear on.

The equipment you're going to need varies a lot in this lesson.

So, you need a way of measuring.

So, a tape measure would be great if you have one.

If you do not, and you know you could make some measurements using some paper and then later on we can go back and measure the length of the paper the amount of bits of paper you used.

You need a ball and if you haven't got a ball, a ball of socks.

Something to time yourself with such as a stopwatch probably on your mobile phone.

You need a ruler; ideally, a 30 centimetre ruler.

You need something to make some notes with and some pairs of socks that you're going to use as markers.

The space you're going to need for most of the activities is one and a half metres around you.

So if you need to pause the video and go and collect that stuff, please do so now.

Now the first measurement of fitness that we're going to look at is your resting heart rate.

So we've done this in previous lessons.

I'm not going to explain now how to do it 'cause you should have watched the previous lessons but I'd like you to measure your resting heart rate now and then make a note of it.

So pause the video and measure your resting heart rate.

Right, now we're going to get into the warm-up.

So you've done plenty of warm-ups before in your career as a student and throughout these lessons.

So I'm going to get you to pause the video and complete your own warm-up.

Just remember to do the three phases: the pulse raiser, the stretching and mobility and then some skill related practise.

So this is what the lesson's going to look like.

Well, you've done your warm-up.

We're going to then measure your skill-related fitness.

We're going to then complete some health-related fitness tests.

We're going to then make a performance profile and then finish off with an exit quiz.

So, let's look at some keywords.

Well, the first is components of fitness.

I've mentioned it already.

These are elements that make up an individual's fitness.

If you imagine yourself as a wall and every brick is a component of fitness and you put those bricks together to make up you, your wall, you, so we're going to look at those individual competitive components of fitness now.

The first set of components of fitness are skill-related components.

There are six components in this category.

They are balance coordination reaction time agility speed and power.

And then you've got health-related components of fitness.

There are five of these components: cardiorespiratory fitness body composition flexibility muscular strength and muscular endurance.

Now to differentiate between the two skill-related components of fitness are things that you need to be good at sport and health-related components of fitness are things you need to be healthy enough to complete every day activities.

So, which of these components of fitness are health-related? Option 1: Agility Option 2: Muscular endurance Option 3: Balance or Option 4: Coordination It's a tricky one.

It's muscular endurance, something you need for everyday activities and everyday life.

So, we're going to be testing your fitness.

And we're going to let each of the 11 components has a fitness test.

We're not going to measure them all because we don't have facilities to measure them all but we're going to look at a few of them.

And what we do is once you get those results we're going to compare them to normative data i.


, data that's been collected of lots of different people doing it over time and we can work out what the average score is and above average and below average.

So, the test we're going to look at today is skill-related and these are the ones we're going to look at: the stork balance.

the ruler drop, the standing long jump and the wall ball throw and then health-related tests we're going to look at the sit and reach the press-ups and sit-up tests.

Now, when we are doing tests we just need to bear in mind that some of these tests do have strengths but they also do have weaknesses and some criticisms of the test.

But, in general, they are good for measuring generic fitness and that is what we are going to be doing today.

So, we're going to start off with some skill-related fitness tests.

So, have your equipment ready.

And we're going to start with our first test.

This test is going to measure your balance.

It's called The Standing Stork Test and I want you to do this on your right foot and your left foot.

So first of all, start with feet together and your hands on your hips beginning with one foot up in the air and rest it against your knee.

From there, you're going to go up on your tiptoes.

And at that point, you're going to start a timer.

So, if you want to time it with a stop watch in your hand that's fine.

You might need to take your hand off your waist for this one for that, or someone could time for you.

So, foot flat, knee, a foot on your knee up on your tiptoes and then time starts.

And as soon as you wobble, put your foot down the timer stops and do the same for your other foot and see what time you get.

So, Standing Stork Balance.

Pause the video.

Go and have a go.

Well, how did you do on that stork balance? Did you manage to write down your scores? Well, that measured our balance, which is our ability to keep the body stable such as when you're completing a handstand or standing on your tiptoes with your foot against your leg and your hands on your hips.

For this test, we're going to look at your reaction time and we're going to do a thing called a Ruler Drop Test.

Now, for this one, you will need an assistant and I'm going to bring my daughter in who's going to be my assistant.

You also need a ruler.

A 30 centimetre ruler will be great.

Now the best way of doing this is to have your arm flat on a surface.

So, I've put a chair down here.

You could sit on a chair and put your arm against the table.

It's fine but you try and keep your hand and your arm flat with your hand poking over the edge.

So my assistant's now going to lift the ruler up with the zero end closest to my fingers.

So, we're going to lift it up this way and she's going to lower it down to along my fingers.

Now, the key thing is she's going to drop it.

Not yet.

She's going to drop it without me knowing when she's going to drop it and I've got to react by closing my fingers.

So, when you're ready.

Okay, so I've caught it and then I look at the bottom where my finger is or the top of where my finger is and it says nine.

And I can tell that that is nine centimetres.

Once I've done that, you're going to write that score down and then we're going to look it up on our comparison table to see where that puts me.

Go and pause the video and have a go at your reaction test, your Ruler Drop Test.

Good luck.

How did you get on in your Ruler Drop Test? We were measuring your reaction time there and that was the time taken to respond to a stimulus.

Stimulus is seeing the ruler dropping and our time it takes us to think, right, I've got to close my fingers around that ruler before it hits the floor.

Hopefully you managed to catch it before it did hit the floor.

Reaction time is the ability to move quickly in completing the action.

Is that true or false? It is false.

It's the time of thinking about moving? So, it's the time of processing that stimulus to the starting point of that movement.

That's what reaction is.

This test is called a Standing Long Jump.

And we're going to use this to measure power.

You need two socks.

So, if you need to pause the video and get two socks, go get them.

One sock's going to go on the floor where your starting point is.

The other sock's going to be measuring where you land.

You might need an assistant.

If you've got one, you can use an assistant.

If you haven't, then don't worry.

So, first sock's laying down like this.

You're going to crouch down, swing your arms forward and jump as far forward as you can.

Then your assistant is going to come and lay the sock behind your heels where you've landed.

If you haven't got an assistant, that's no problem.

You can just hold the sock in your hand and just put it down on the floor by yourself.

So, you're going to start behind the first sock swing your arms up and down and land.

My assistant's going to run in put the sock down behind my heels.


Now my assistant's going to bring out the tape measure for me and we're going to measure.


So, I'm going to measure from.

Start the end of the sock where it was against my heels and then, could you set that over there for me? Take it over there.


And she's going to lay them by the starting point.

And then we're going to write that score down.

We're going to look on my tape measure and figure out how far I've jumped.

So pause the video, go and have a go at the Standing Long Jump.

All right.


How did you get on in that last test? Well, we were measuring power then.

So, the further you jumped the more power you were able to generate and power is the rapid application of muscular force is strength times speed.

We've seen this definition a few times now.

So you should remember what that means.

And essentially the more power we have the further and the higher we can jump.

Which of these statements explains the quadriceps.

Now, the quadriceps were used in that last test.

Is it option 1? Read these carefully.

Option 2? Option 3? Or Option 4? That's right.

It is Option 4.

The quadriceps are the muscles found at the top of the upper leg or the front of the upper leg.

Sorry, the top of your front of your leg.

So we're going to look at our coordination now and we're going to go and do a Wall Ball Throw.

So you need a ball and a wall.

If you don't have a ball, you could use a bundle of socks like a ball of socks.

Possibly even a toilet roll would work with this.

But, if you do have a ball, that's even better.

It needs to be a smallish ball 'cause you're going to try and catch it in one hand.

So you go to your wall and you take a step back about two metres back, one or two metres back is fine.

So I'm back here and I need to throw the ball from one hand to the other hand.

Every time I catch it that counts as one and so on and so forth.

Okay? So the aim of this drill is to see how many you can get in a row.

If you drop it, just pick it up and you just carry on.

So you've got 30 seconds to do this.

So get you someone to help time you or put a timer on your own phone and then have a go and see how many catches you can make in 30 seconds.

Good luck.

Excellent work.

How many catches did you make consecutively in that Wall Ball Throw? Well, if you manage to do a lots then you've got great coordination and that's the ability to move two or more limbs at once.

Specifically, we were looking at hand eye coordination in that movements.

So we've completed the skill-related fitness tests.

Now we're going to look at the health-related fitness tests.

This test is called the Sit and Reach Test.

This's going to measure your flexibility.

Now, what you need to do is you sit with your legs as flat as you can.

If you've got something that you can put against your feet to keep your legs straight and flat that's great.

If you haven't, that's not a problem.

We're going to reach down you need to warm it up properly.

And it's wanting to see how far you can get your hands past your toes.

Now, as you see, I can just about touch my toes.

So, if I was doing this test, that would be zero for me 'cause I can only get to my toe line.

If you can't say if you can only get to there, that's a minus score.

If you get further, then that's a positive score.

So I'm going to bring my assistant in.

Move back this way for me.

There we go.


And Molly's going to demonstrate for us.

So, keep your legs nice and flat reach your arms forward for me.

And she's going to reach as far forward as she can.

And she's going to go as far there.

Now, when you have an assistant or if you've got someone to help you we can use our sock again to put a measurement.

So I can start off by putting my toe line here with my sock and Molly's going to reach forward as far as she can and I can see where her toes are lined up and I can now measure the distance between her heels and where her feet was.

Move back there for me.


So, I can now measure between the end of her foot to where she actually made her fingers went to.

Now, if she hadn't reached this far she would have been here and then I would have gone for a score of minus whatever that number is.

So, I want you to pause the video now, go and practise and have a few goes at your Sit and Reach and see what your score is.

You can get.

Good luck.

So, the Sit and Reach.

Did you manage to touch your toes like me? Did you manage to go past your toes like my assistant? Or did you not manage to get anywhere near your toes and flexibility is something you need to work.

Well, flexibility is a range of motion at the joints or available at the joint.

And some people are fantastically flexible.

Some people just are not but it is important to stretch regularly and try and improve your flexibility to try and reduce injuries.

Which of these is the correct definition of flexibility? Is it option 1: The range of motion and movement available at a joint? Option 2: The ability of a muscle to overcome resistance? Option 3: The ability to keep the body stable? or Option 4: The ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions? Well, I'm sure you're shouting out at the screen as loud as you can Option 1: A range of movement available at a joint.

Well done, you! The next test is going to measure muscular endurance and this is a press-up test.

You need to complete as many press-ups as you can consecutively without stopping.

As soon as you can't do any more then you write that score down.

If you cannot do your press-up there's a modified press-up on your knees but you must lean forward, not pushing backwards, lean forward so your weight is over your shoulders and your elbows and your wrists and then you lower yourself down and up.

If you can do a full press-up, or if you do it on your toes bottom up in line with your back it's a straight line between your head your bottom and your feet and then you lower yourself down and you go as many times as you can until you have to stop.

Lower your chest down to in line with your elbows and then up and you just keep going until you can't do any more press-ups.

Once you've gotten to that point write that score down and we'll compare it against the norm data in a bit.

Good luck.


The press-up test.

How many press-ups did you manage consecutively? In other words, how many could you do before you had to stop? Well, if you got a big score then you've got fantastic muscular endurance; the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to contract many times without fatigue which means tiredness.

Well done if you got a high score.

Well done if you got a low score 'cause you tried and that's really important as well.

This next test is measuring muscular endurance.

It's called a One Minute Sit-Up Test.

Now it might be easier if you've got something to weight your feet down.

If you haven't got anything to weight your feet down someone can hold your feet.

That's great.

If you haven't, that's not the end of the world.

You're going to sit with your feet flat knees up and you're going to lie back elbows out, fingers to your temple, the sides of your head and then you're going to sit up and down, up and down.

And you're going to try and do as many sit-ups as you can in a minute just by going up and down elbows come up to your knees and come back down.

So you're going to count how many you can do in a minute.

So you need your stop watch on your phone or something like that.

Set your timer off.

See how many sit-ups you can do in one minute.

Write that score down once you've done it.

Good luck.

So you've just done the sit-up test, which is also a test that measures muscular endurance.

Now, true or false.

Is muscular endurance.


Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle group or group of muscles to perform repetitive contractions against a force for an extended period of time.

Is that true or false? Yes.


It's true.

I nearly said false.

It's true! Yes.

And if you did lots of sit-ups then you've got 1.

Abs of steel and 2.

You've got fantastic muscular endurance.

Well done for all of you for getting through these tests.

So how fit are you actually? Well, we're going to look up performance profile now and try and map our fitness.

Fitness is the ability to cope with the demands of your environment.

So, it's relative to your environment.

We talk about fitness a lot but if your environment is quite a harsh environment then you have a slightly different level of fitness to someone who's got quite an easy environment where you don't need to cope with much.

We're going to now complete a performance profile based on your fitness.

So you need to go to the website that's associated with this lesson and download the worksheet that covers the performance profile.

On there will also be some normative data to compare your scores with.

And those normative data is either in poor below average, average, above average or excellent.

And we're going to shade in the component for each of your components finished that we measured and they include what's on the screen now; Resting heart rate Balance Reaction time Power Coordination Flexibility and muscular endurance.

So this is what the performance profile sheet looks like.

Inside the central sections is where you are going to write down the components finished.

So I'm going to start off with resting heart rate here.

Resting heart rate.

Bear with me 'cause this is tricky on a computer.

I haven't got a pen.

So in this segment, I'm going to show you this segment This segment here.

I'm going to shade in where my resting heart rate is.


My resting heart rate is below 60 beats per minute which is Bradycardia.

So I would have an excellent resting heart rate which is all the way up here and I might shade in the whole of that area.

Yeah, because this top column here is where you go to excellent.

But, if I was going to do my flexibility, for example let's go flexibility and I struggled to touch my toes.

I just about touched my toes.

So I got a zero score which would probably put me in a very low area.

Let's say I'm poor.

Let's just say I'm poor for flexibility.

And poor would be this box here and I'll shade in just up to here.

And I'm going to start creating a visual profile.

So this column is poor.

The next column here could be this is below average.

Let's go with the next column which I'm going to do in this purple colour.

And this is average.

So if I scored average on something, I'd shade up to there.

And then finally, if I was above average I would shade up to here and shade in everything in there.

So what you're going to do is create yourself a visual profile of your levels of fitness based on your scores from your normative data.

What it's good for is it helps you identify your strengths and your weaknesses.

So for me, one of my strengths is my resting heart rate.

And I'd probably think one of my own personal strengths would be muscular endurance.

My flexibility is one of my weaknesses and I can see that straight away on my screen.

So, what that allows me now to do is set myself a target set myself a goal to work on my flexibility.

What does your graph look like or performance profile look like and what will your goals be? So, pause this video download that website that worksheet from the website and complete your performance profile.

So, it's now time for our cool-down.

You've done plenty of cool-downs before.

You don't need me to show you how to do a cool-down anymore but we do need to recall that our cool-down consists of two activities: Our pulse lowering exercise which is a gentle jog or walk around the area you've been training in and some stretching; ideally some static stretching.

Pause the video.

Make sure you've done a cool-down.

So, that's the end of the lesson? How can fitness be measured? Well, we looked at what fitness is and we said fitness is the ability to cope with the demands of the environment.

And then we broke down fitness into its components.

And we said there were skill-related components and there are health-related components.

And those skill-related were components that were particularly good to help you perform sports movements.

Whereas the health-related components are there that you need for everyday life and just be generally healthy and move around.

And then we went through a number of tests.

We looked at some skill-tests, then we looked at some health-related tests.

And then I got you to compare those scores to the norms and produce a visual performance profile which you could then use to set yourself some goals in your future training.

Now, what I'd like you to do is use them to help plan out your training and decide what you need to work on.

We will pick this up in our next lesson when we start to plan personalised training.

So for now, I really hope you enjoyed the lesson.

I hope you've learned something about your own personal fitness and I will see you very soon.