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Hi, it's Mr. Wnuk here, and today we're going to be looking at how to personalise your training.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors such as in your living room.

You should ensure there's space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

For this lesson you're going to need your regular PE kit such as shorts and T-shirt.

If you're doing this session indoors, please make sure you're going barefoot so you don't slip over.

If you're going to be doing any of this outdoors, please make sure you put some trainers on or appropriate footwear.

Throughout this lesson you may need some various bits of equipment.

You will need to write some information down such as when you're planning out your circuits later on in the lesson.

But you also will need something to time yourself with such as your phone.

You will need, you may want to include your rucksack with weights in, your resistance rucksack, we did from a few lessons ago.

A chair, and some markers such as your trainers, you could use as markers or balls of socks.

The area you're going to need around you is about 1.

5 metres.

If you need to pause the video to collect any of this stuff together, please do so now.

So let's get straight into it and get on with our warm-up.

You've done plenty of warm-ups before, you know what you're doing.

But why are we doing a warm-up? Well, the first thing is to do, is to physically prepare your body.

It makes sure your body is ready for the exercise ahead of you which then reduces your chances of injuring yourself.

It also psychologically prepares you for the activity ahead.

A warm-up allows you to get into the right mind frame to do the exercise we're about to do.

So you're going to pause the video now and go ahead and complete your warm-up which needs to include a pulse raiser, some stretching and mobility and some skill related practise.

So pause the video and go and complete a warm-up.

This is what our lesson's going to look like.

We are going to start off with a, well, we've completed the warm-up and we're going to start off with some exercises where we modify our exercises to make them personal to you.

We're going to look at how we order our exercises and then we're going to design and build our own training circuits.

And we going to finally finish off with an exit quiz.

So the first key word for today is FITT which stands for frequency, intensity, time and type.

It is a principle of training and it relates to how often we train, how hard we train and how long we train for and what the exercise is we do.

So the frequency is how often we train.

And that is down to our lifestyle choices.

You should be now considering your own lifestyle choices.

And it is recommended that you train or you get at least three times a week training under your belt just to maintain good physical health.

Intensity is how hard you work.

And throughout this unit, we've been looking at different intensities.

And more often than not we've been pushing ourselves to high intensity, making yourself work hard.

The length of time we train for is usually, throughout this lesson, about an hour.

And then the type of training.

Well, we've looked at various training methods throughout this unit and the types of exercises we do, but today we're looking at circuit training.

So which of these is the correct explanation for FITT? Is it option one, frequency, individualised, time and type? Is it frequency, intensity, time and type? Is it option three, frequency, intensity, type and tedium? Got those two wrong way around, sorry.

And option four, frequency, effort, duration and tedium.

What does FITT stand for? Well, I am sure you're shouting and screaming at the screen saying, Wnuk, it's option number two and you are correct.

Well done.

So we're going to start looking at our personalised training.

Now, every single training that we do, you do, that I do, needs to be individual to the participant, to you, to me.

There's a huge amount of exercise possibilities and choosing must be carefully planned out.

Modifying exercises is what we're going to look at to start with.

And then we're going to move on to order of exercises.

And we're going to start off by looking at reps versus time, intensities, types of exercise and exercise adaptations.

We're also then going to start looking at the orders of exercise.

So when you're ready, we're going to get our stuff together and we're going to start off with activity one which is modifying our exercises.

Okay, everyone, we're looking at how we can build your training around you.

And I'm going to show you different methods of adapting your training.

Now the first one we're going to look at is playing between time and reps.

Can you remember what reps are? We've done this in previous lessons.

Now we have reps or sets and reps is one complete movement.

I'm sure that's what you're shouting out.

A set is a block of movements.

So we're going to look at the varying between a rep and the sets.

And I want you to do this alongside with me.

So the first exercise we're going to do, and you know how I love press-ups, we can do some press-ups.

And we're going to try, you've done plenty press-ups with me, so you know the different methods of press-ups.

And I want you to, firstly, I want you to try 10 press-ups.

So we're going to go together in press-ups.

So get down on the floor, get your hands ready, and here we go.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Okay, so that's reps.

Now, when you do exercises, you count your reps and just aim to do a set of 10.

Okay, 10 reps.

You could however, change the intensity and the difficulty by making it a time based activity.

And we could go for 30 seconds.

We could go for 10 seconds.

We go for, we're going to do 20 seconds though.

So we do the same thing now, or our press-ups, instead of doing a amount of reps, we're just going to see how many we can do in 20 seconds.

So get down on the floor, ready? I'm going to start my timer.

And we're going to get going.

So we're ready in three, two, one, go.

And count how many you do.

See if you can do more than me.

We're halfway there.

And stop, so that was 20 seconds.

How many did you do? Did you beat me? I did 21.

Did you beat me? If you did you're awesome.

If you didn't, you're still awesome.

But good effort on this one.

So you can do any set of exercise, any exercise you want and you can either do reps or you can do time.

So that's the first decision you need to make when you're planning your training.

So I hope you have made a decision whether you prefer to look at reps or time.

And one of the principles of training that links to any of the training that we've done is called progressive overload.

And this is a principle that states that training should be gradually getting harder.

And it should also be more than your body can cope with.

There's a term called no pain, no gain.

If you are not pushing yourself hard enough your body won't adapt and you won't get the benefits of exercise.

So every time you exercise it should be pushing you under some stress.

But that needs to be gradually applied, you can't just go full force straight away, you've got to build it up very slowly.

So an example of modifying an exercise is to change from counting the reps to using a time limit.

Is that true or false? Yes, you're right, it is true, we looked at it earlier.

You can either amend your time or you can look at reps.

It's up to you.

Okay, the next variation in your training you can do, you can go to high intensity or you can go low intensity.

High, low.

So, you know how I love doing high intensity, the last couple of lessons have been high intensity lessons.

So you should know these moves by now.

The first move is a burpee and you could do this, I want you to choose between these two now.

So burpee, remember, squat, hands, back and jump up.

That's one move you could try.

Or you could try lunge jumps.

So we're jumping in that lunge shape.

That's high intensity exercises 'cause they're working your whole body, lots of muscles are working, your heart rate's getting really high and you're getting a good workout with that one, high intensity.

Now, if you struggle with that, because not everyone can do them, we can make it low intensity.

So your option is to do a low intensity.

The first one is a squat.

Done plenty of squats in previous lessons.

Knee, over feet, chin, knee, toe, arms out, and up.

When we come up, push your hips forwards, so we're squatting.

Or you can do back-stepping lunges.

So I've given you two variations.

High, low intensity burpees, or low intensity squats, high intensity lunges, low intensity lunges, lunge jumps or lunges.

So we're just going to do a block of 10 exercises.

It's your choice.

And I want you to choose what are you going to do, high intensity or low intensity? So pause the video now, have a quick go of 10 of whatever you want to do, pause it now.

How did you find that session? High intensity or low intensity, which do you prefer? Which do you want to use? Which do you enjoy the most? Now specificity is another principle of training.

And this states that training should match the needs of a sport.

And that image on the screen is a good image to represent specificity.

If you're a road runner swim training is not very specific to you.

You won't match your needs of your sport and vice versa.

If you're a swimmer running on the road doesn't really match the needs of your sport.

So you need to think about you, yourself right now.

If you are a sports person and you want to get better at your sports, your training, your fitness training, should match the needs of your sport.

And you should think about what your strengths and weaknesses are on your sport and how you can improve your sport by improving your fitness, and then matching that through your training.

Now type, we mentioned it a few times.

Now type is the principle of training that is used to explain what training method or activity is being carried out.

We've covered lots and lots of types of training.

We've looked at circuit training, which we're doing today, we've looked at it before.

We've looked at plyometrics.

We've looked at resistance training.

We've looked at aerobic training.

We've looked at speed and power training.

And on some of the other units we've also looked at balance training, muscular endurance training through different activities.

So we've used, for example, shadowboxing and sort of combat style training.

And we've looked at anaerobic training through Tabata training and HIIT training.

So all these different training methods and the good thing about this is it adds variety to your exercise which can keep you motivated and prevents it getting boring and in sport, they call boring tedium.

So we don't want it to be tedious.

We want it to be interesting to keep you coming back and motivating you to do it.

And you have that choice of whatever training you want to do.

An example of specificity is a swimmer training by running laps on a 400 metre track.

Is that true or false? Well, hopefully you thought back to that picture I showed you, a swimmer needs to train in a pool to meet the principle of specificity.

That doesn't mean a swimmer can never go running because I'm sure plenty of swimmers do, they call it dry training.

However, it's not necessarily specificity in action.

Okay, so throughout all of these lessons every time I show you an exercise I try to show you a modification.

Now a modification means you're making it slightly easier or slightly more difficult.

Now, if you think back to all those lessons and we've made it harder by maybe adding weight or increasing our intensity, which we just did, or we can add weight like the rucksack in the resistance training session.

Or we can make it easier.

So I'm just going to recap a few exercises you could do.

So we've got our chair here and this chair we're going to use to do our dips first.

I'll try some dips.

So the first exercise, legs out straight, hands on the edge of the chair and dip down.

Elbows go back and dip down.

Now that's reasonably difficult, that's the starting point.

To make it easier, we can bring our knees up and feet up and dip down low, that's a modification.

Now you can make it harder by trying to lift one leg off the ground and doing it.

So there's one way of doing it.

So pause the video, have a quick go dips and figure out which level you want to try.

Awesome stuff, what level did you try? I gave you three options, which one did you go for? Great stuff.

I'm now going to show you, again, my press-ups, love the press-ups, press-ups.

You use the chair in a minute.

So our standard press-up.

We know how to do these now, we've done plenty of these.

Up and down, now, knees down to make it easier, okay? Up and down.

Your knees can come in slightly more to make a box shape and then we bring our arms backwards and go down.

That's a fairly easy one.

We can make it a different variation by putting our hands up higher and lowering ourselves down.

Just don't clunk your face on the edge of the chair.

But we can make it even harder now in the press-ups by putting our toes on the chair.

Now this is how we make it even harder, increase our intensity.

So we're in this shape, make sure it's a sturdy chair and lower yourself down.

So press-ups.

Pause the video, have a go at the different levels of press-ups, decide which one you want to do.

Excellent stuff, everybody.

Now the final one, the lunges, we've done plenty of lunges.

And before I've shown you how to make it harder by using your weighted rucksack.

So you can use that if you wish.

Put that there for the time being.

So we can do your normal lunge back.

Now, we don't always want to be jumping 'cause the slower we take it and the more control we do the longer that muscle is strengthening.

It's not necessarily power, it's working our strength.

So that's your lunges, you done plenty of lunges before now, you should know how to do that.

Let's make it easier.

We can just do a half lunge.

The key is make sure you bend at least one of those legs.

And try and stay low, but it's not too difficult.

You could go a longer lunge, right back, so your knee touches the ground, which makes it harder.

And then we can put our rucksack on, increase the weight and lunge back even harder.

I'd like you guys to pause the video, have a play with the lunges and see which level you would like to try.

Good luck.

Okay, so we've looked at how you can modify your training.

And throughout this whole course I've shown you various ways to modify your exercises, and hopefully you are able to.

Because you need to make training individualised, you need to show individual differences which is another principle of training.

And it says that everyone is different and training should be tailored to the individual.

There's no point in you doing the same training as I do.

There's no point me training the same way as your friend does.

It needs to be training specific to you.

Now that doesn't mean you can't both train the same way.

But what it does mean is that you might have a different goal to your friend, and at some point you need to change your training to hit your specificity, your specific needs, your individual needs.

So think about your goals, think about what you want to get.

Previous lesson we looked at performance profile.

What was your weaker areas, what was your stronger areas? What do you need to get out of your own training? Which principal of training is matching the training to the need of the individual? Is it option one, progressive overload? Option two, specificity? Option three, individual differences? Or option four, FITT? Yes, it is option three, well done if you got that right.

You are awesome.

So now we are going to look at a circuit and we are going to look at the order of exercises.

And I suggest you grab yourself a drink or bottle of drink and a towel and we will crack on with it.

So we're going to building our circuits now and this is all about your lifestyle choices.

Hopefully you're making the right choices to exercise regularly.

And through this lesson, you should be able to go away and plan your own sessions and build your training around you.

So I'm going to show you two examples of circuits.

I'd love you to follow along with me.

We're going to discuss them afterwards.

So hopefully you've been taking your heart rate as we go and we're going to use Tabata style.

So we're going to do 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest, while we go on to the next station.

Now we could have done reps and rest but I'm going for time today.

So the first exercise we're going to do is press-ups.

Yes, press-ups.

And for this session, you might need to pause the video, it would be helpful to get your bag, your weighted bag.

So, we're ready? We're going to do press-ups to start with, let's go.

20 seconds of press-ups.

And I'm going to keep going with press-ups.

You can do them any order you like, at a level you like.

If you want to make it easier or harder, but for today, let's just copy me.

And rest, so we've got 10 seconds rest.

Next one, we're doing a shoulder press.

So you can hold your bag and you can press it up in the air.

So I'm going to go 10 seconds on one arm and we're going to change arms in a minute.

Change arms. Pressing up, bringing that weighted bag straight up above our heads.

Okay, rest for 10 seconds.

The next exercise we going to do is some lateral shoulder raises, lifting the bag up sideways.

So lift up, lift up.

And change hands now, so lift up.

Make sure you got space, and not knocking into anything.

Okay, excellent stuff.

We're going to go into our lunges now.

So we know how to do our lunges, make sure the bag isn't in your way.

Step back lunges.

Here we go.

Just step back, step back.

Hopefully you're still copying me in this circuit.

We could do jump lunges if you want but I'm just taking it easy today, 'cause I'm showing you what to do.

But when plan your own one you change that intensity if you want to.

Okay, excellent stuff.

Next is squats, remember in that position.

And pushing your hips forwards.

Okay, ready, squat.

We've got one more after this and then we'll talk about it.

Oh no, we haven't, this is the last exercise.

Oh no, we have one more after this.

I'm going mad.

We're going to do a plank after this.

Okay, hips forward, 10 seconds recovery then into a plank.

Remember, your plank can be up like that, or we can modify it by going elbows or knees.

Remember those modifications.

I'm going for a straight forward plank in a press-up shape.

Tense your stomach muscles, keep your bottom in line with your head and just hold that plank.

And breathe.

Keep those arms locked out.

Okay, excellent stuff.

Now let's think about that.

That circuit we've just done.

Deep breaths.

Now, did, at any point, you feel yourself getting tired on a particular part of your body throughout that circuit? Yes or no? And if you saying yes, which part of your bodies did you start to feel tired on? Which tired out quicker? Now hopefully you started feeling tiredness in your shoulders.

And when you start getting tired, your form, which means your technique starts going, dropping down and making you make mistakes or your exercises become less effective.

So that order of exercises is actually wrong for what I'm after you doing.

So we spent a lot of time blasting our arms and shoulders.

And then we went down to our legs and just focused on our legs.

Now that's fine if we're working on our arms or upper body or if we're working particularly on our lower body, but this circuit we're trying to work on our whole body.

So that exercise would be okay if we're specifically targeting muscle groups.

But we need to give recovery time to a muscle after we've exercised it.

So this time we're going to try the correct order and we're going to get a rest between each run.

Our muscles are going to have a rest between each exercise.

So we're going to go back to our press-ups but we're going to vary it up, so we don't just go arms, arms, arms or upper body, upper body, upper body.

We going to go upper body, lower body.

Then we're going to go and work our abdominals.

Then we're going to add in some cardio and then maybe go back to our legs, and then the whole body exercise.

So we're varying it up, giving our body chance to recover.

So our first round of exercises is going to be press-ups.

So get down ready, we're going to carry on in Tabata style, 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest.

We're going to start straight away with our press-ups.

So get down on the floor ready.

I'll be there in a second once I've pressed play and we'll go.

Three, two, one, press-ups for 20 seconds.

Now remember your variations you can do.

On your knees if you wish, but let's go up.

'Cause we're trying to build resilience, trying to build our muscles, trying to get stronger, fitter.

So push yourself as hard as you can.

Okay, and recover.

The next exercise we're doing is a squat, so we've gone from upper body to lower body.

The squat, hips forwards to really work your gluteals in your bottoms. Squat, bottom forward.

This is working our quadriceps remember, and your glutes.

When we go down our quadriceps are contracting as they go up and down.

Remember, going down is eccentric and up is concentric.

As we get our muscles working.

And we go down we flex to extend, all those new words.

Have a rest.

On the floor, going to work our abdominals in a crunch.

Think back to some of the other lessons we've done, knees up, hands up, and elbows to your knees.

So we've now given our upper body a rest, giving our lower body a rest, and we're working our abdominals in the front, which are used to flex our torso forwards.

Okay, recover.

Next is a bit of cardio and to working our shoulders, we're doing shadowboxing, okay? 20 seconds, jabs.

So we're working our deltoids and your triceps.

Shadowboxing, done this before in other lessons.

And a bit of cardio because it's faster.

We're working aerobically and we're getting recovery, so it works aerobically as well.

Okay, now we're back to our lower bodies, so we've gone from upper body to lower body.

And we do some lunges, stepping back in the lunges.

Here we go, lunge, step, lunge, step.

And now remember, it's your choice to exercise.

This is lifestyle choices but exercise makes you feel good about yourself.

And that releases endorphins in your brain.

It makes you feel really good and makes you feel happy.

So the more exercise you do, stop sorry, the better it is for your mental health as well as your physical health.

Last exercise, let's blast it and finish off with a burpee.

You know how these go, ready, squat, jump back, up.

Now you can step out if you want to make it easier, down, step, step, in, in, up.

Or you can jump to make it harder.

Three seconds, four more, and stop.

Circuit complete.

So there's a right way to do it and depending on your goals, there's a wrong way to do it.

So think about what your goals are and then build your circuit around that.

Remember to modify if you need to modify.

Great work, everybody, see you in a few minutes.

How did you find that? Hopefully you got, firstly, a good workout, and secondly, you know in your head how you're going to structure your training.

Now we want to try and avoid fatigue.

Well, fatigue in the middle of the session anyhow.

Fatigue is tiredness from physical and mental exertion.

And when you start fatiguing, you start losing your form, you start making mistakes, there's a higher risk of injury and your training will suffer.

Which of these examples are in the correct order to reduce fatigue? Is it option one, bicep curls, tricep dips, press-ups, squats, shuttle runs? Is it option two, bicep curls, squats, sit-ups, shuttle runs? Option three, squats, lunges, bicep curls and press-ups? Or option four, sit-ups, planks, crunches, tricep dips? Think carefully, think about the order.

Which is the least likely to get rid of fatigue? Hopefully you said option two because bicep curls, we're focusing on the arms, then squats, which work on the legs, sit-ups which work on the core and then shuttle runs which work cardio or whole body.

So we're giving little bits of respite to individual muscle groups.

So we're going to start now personalising training through circuit training.

We're going to personalise it to you.

And I've mentioned this in previous lessons, goals.

And we're going to start setting some goals now.

This is a process of setting targets and it helps improve motivation.

So I want you to think about what your goals are.

What are your targets for your training? What do you want to improve? Circuit training is a set of exercise stations which together form a circuit.

Is that true or false? Yes, I'm sure you're saying true.

Circuit training is indeed a set of exercise stations which you've linked together to create one big circuit.

Remember, you don't have to move around in a circle when you're doing this, you just need to change the exercises and you can stay on the spot.

So here's an example of a circuit training session that I've just put together here.

So I'm starting with 10 press-ups.

Then I'm going to 10 weighted squats, 10 crunches.

So I've gone from upper body, lower body, abdominals.

Then I've gone for 20 upper counts, which is upper body and cardio and then legs for 10 lunges, and then finally finishing that circuit off with 10 burpees.

Then if I was doing this, I would be, I know I've done this in sets rather than times, or repetitions rather than times, and I would do this a couple of times.

I'd have a break and then maybe do this about four to five times.

So I want you to pause the video and build your own circuit.

And this circuit needs to be focused on improving any aspect of fitness that you want using the exercises that we've learned throughout this unit.

And to help you get started, the first station in a circuit could be 20 seconds of uppercuts on each arm, for example.

So pause this video, go ahead and build your circuit and then have practise of your circuit.

Once you've finished, resume this video.

Well done, everybody, great training and we are now into the cool-down.

So you must remember by now how a cool-down works.

I want you to pause the video and go ahead and complete your cool-down with a pulse lowerer followed by some stretches.

And that brings us to the end of this lesson and indeed the end of the unit.

And today we looked at how you can personalise your training.

And we've talked about various principles of training.

We talked about FITT.

We talked about progressive overload.

We talked about specificity and individual differences.

We also talked about setting ourselves goals.

All of that goes into planning your own training.

And then we looked at how we adapt our training, so we talked about modifying our exercises.

We talked about deciding whether we want to use repetitions or time in our training.

We talked about whether we want to go high intensity or low intensity.

And we talked about the order of activities to try and get the most out of your training.

So as we move on through this unit, through life, I want you to remember that training needs to be personal to you.

You need to build it so that you are motivated and can keep going, but don't forget all of these exercises, all of these classes we do, do more than just improve your physical health, they improve your mental wellbeing as well.

They improve your resilience and endorphins are released from doing lots of exercise, which makes you feel good about yourself and improves your mental wellbeing.

I hope you enjoyed today's lesson.

I hope you enjoyed this unit and I will see you soon I am very sure.

Take it easy.