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Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. Wnuk here, and today's session, we're going to be looking at high intensity interval training.

Let's do this.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors, such as in your living room.

You should ensure there's space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Put hair up, if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now, if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

For today's lesson, you're going to need to be wearing your regular PE kit such as shorts and T-shirt.

And if we're doing this indoors, please go barefoot so we don't slip around.

The equipment you're going to need for today's session is something to time yourself with, something to make some notes on, and something you could use as a marker, such as a T-shirt, a trainer or a pair of socks.

The area you're going to need around you is about one and a half metres.

If you need to pause the video to collect any of this equipment, please do so now.

So let's begin today's lesson with a warm up, and you know how to do a warm up.

So I'm not going to show you how to do one.

You've done them plenty of times before.

Just remember to include the three stages of your warm up.

The first being a pulse raiser, so some gentle jogging, to try and get your heart rate raised.

Let's do some stretching and then mobility exercises.

And I advise you do some dynamic stretching which is stretching whilst moving taking your joints through full ranges of motion and then some skill related practise.

So, pause the video now and complete your warm up.

So this is what the lesson is going to look like today.

Well, you've done your warm up.

We're going to then do some HIIT training, looking at Tabata, high intensity interval training based on Tabata.

We're going to then do some HIIT training and we're going to incorporate our ladders.

We did do ladders a few lessons back, but we're going to now look at them as HIIT ladders.

And then you're going to finish off with some HIIT circuit training, and finally finishing off with an exit quiz.

So let's look at some keywords today, the first one is HIIT, which stands for high intensity interval training.

And it involves alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods.

So you would be having a very short recovery period or doing something lighter in your recovery period just to try and get some oxygen back into those muscles before you blast them again anaerobically.

So today we're looking at this HIIT training, this high intensity interval training, and it will improve your cardiorespiratory fitness because it's going to be working anaerobic energy systems and aerobic energy systems to try and help you recover.

So it's often periods of hard anaerobic, followed by your rest periods, which is aerobic.

So we're going to start off with some Tabata and then we're going to finish off with some ladders both ascending and descending ladders.

So I've mentioned this quite a few times now, Tabata, and this is a HIIT strategy and it consists of 20 seconds of exercise, real extreme high effort, and then you follow it with 10 seconds of recovery and you usually do four minute blocks of Tabata That's really important.

And this is where this training is going to be very hard but we are going to blast it really hard for 20 seconds.

You get the most out as you can out of those 20 seconds of exercise.

So, which is the correct formula for Tabata training? So is it option 1, 10 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest, Option 2, 10 seconds of exercise, 20 seconds of rest, Option 3, 20 seconds of exercise 10 seconds of rest, or option 4, 20 seconds of exercise, 20 seconds of rest? Well, the correct answer, yes, is option 3, 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest.

However, when we get into this, I'm sure you'll be crying out for a longer rest period and a shorter exercise period.

So another key word, resilience, So I'm going to be mentioning this a fair a few times throughout the whole of these lessons, but resilience is your emotional ability to cope with difficulties and challenges.

Now, this will be a challenge.

Your resilience is managing to push through your training barriers and the pain that it might cause you and come out the other side fitter and healthier and it will improve your resilience no end.

So let's get ready, we're going to get into activity one which is HIIT using Tabata.

I suggest you grab a towel, a bottle of water and get ready to join in some hard exercise.

Welcome to our HIIT session, and we're going to look at Tabata or Tabata, depends how you want to say it, it's up to you.

Now the HIIT stands for high intensity interval training, So this is not going to be easy.

High intensity means the intensity is going to be hard we're going to be working really hard you're going to get really out of breath and you're going to get your heart rate nice and high and it's going to be difficult but we're not going to do for a massively long period.

So we're going to start with Tabata, where we're going to do 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest.

And I'm going to show you the moves and you can practise them with me, and then we're going to do the exercises.

So the first move in this first block of Tabata is mountain climbers, okay? So mountain climbers is in a press-up shape and jumping your feet, running your feet in and out.

Now you can just step your feet if it's too hard for you.

That's the first one.

Then we're going to do press ups, so press ups, feet out, hands underneath your shoulders, lower yourself down.

If you want to make it easier, go onto your knees and lower yourself down.

We've done a lot of these exercises in the other classes.

Tuck jumps, slightly newer, going to jump, lift your knees up, and just keep jumping and touch your knees.

If you can't do that, do half tuck jumps just by slapping your thighs.

And then our last exercise, is jacks, open and close jumping jacks.

So, have a quick practise of them before we get into our Tabata.

Okay, so we're ready to start our first session.

I've shown you the moves.

Now, remember we're doing 20 seconds of high intensity exercise with 10 seconds recovery that intensity that we're going to be putting in, we're going to be working anaerobically, we're not going to be using much oxygen to exercise, so we're going to start with the mountain climbers, then we're going to go into the press-ups, then the tuck jumps and then the jacks.

Okay, so we're going to go in five seconds starting with mountain climbers.

and let's go as fast as you can, keep pumping your legs.

As fast as you can.

Listen for the count.

Another 10 seconds.

Keep pushing, as hard as you can, get anaerobic.

Okay, stop.

10 seconds recovery.

We're letting aerobic back in, bit of recovery we're going to go as hard as we can with press-ups, fast as you can.

Ready, let's go, down and up, as fast as we can.

If you need to go on your knees, go on your knees.

If not, just keep going.

You might find your knees might be an option after 10 seconds or so.

Keep pushing.

Now, your arms will be burning by now.

Keep going.

Okay, rest.

Now we get tuck jumps, not a lot of time to recover.

Three, two, one.

Tuck jumps, knees up.

Remember, touch those knees, you're working your abdominals doing this.

If you need to do half tuck jumps, do half tuck jumps.

Just keep going.

Five seconds.

And stop.

Last one, jacks.

You can hear me breathing very hard.

You should be breathing hard too.


it's high intensity.

Jacks, here we go.

As fast as you can, open and close.

Keep going.

Open and close, arms out, legs out Three, two, one.

And stop.

Round one done.

Going into round two.

Now, with round two, we're going to do new moves.

The first move, you're just starting to get your energy back, have a quick drink if you need it, and listen to me.

First move is called a squat jump.

So we're going to crouch down and jump up and you can bring your arms up if you've got headroom, hands can stay by the side if you want.

So just crouch down into a squat and jump, and jump.

So squat down and jump.

Now that's first move.

We have done that in other lessons before.

The next move is called a lateral block jump.

And you're going to jump up and block your arms in the air, jumping to the side.

So I'm going to jump up, block, and block.

Keep your feet together, do the side to side and try and block like you're blocking a volleyball spike or something like that.

The next exercise is going to be four high knees followed by four runs.

So you go, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four.

Knees up, run.

So four high knees, four runs.

And then finally some squat thrusts, or call them frog jumps.

We're going to do feet in and out, to really finish your abdominals off.

Okay, so you've had your rest, and now we're getting into round two.

I've shown you the movements.

In 10 seconds, we're going to get going.

Going to start with the squat jumps.

I'm still breathing from the first session, you should be too.

Okay, you ready? Three, two, one, squat and jump.

Remember, you can put your arms up.

You can leave them by your side if you want.

It depends how much height you've got to clear.

10 seconds to go, keep going.

Five, keep going.

And 10 seconds rest.

Remember this one, the lateral jumps? Jump to the side like blocking.

Okay, ready to go in three, two, go.

Jump to the side, remember to block.

Put your arms up.

The higher you go, the more power you're going to generate.

This is a plyometric exercise, plyometrics will improve power which mean you'll jump higher, and be more explosive.

And stop and recover.

Next move, four high knees, four runs.

One two three four, run.

Okay, three, two, one.

High knees, one two three four, one two three four, one two three four, one two three four, two, one two.

High knees.


High knees.


High knees.

Speed it up if you can.

High knees.


High knees.


And rest.

Squat thrusts next.

Okay, here we go.

Three seconds.

No, not enough time to recover.


Last round, last exercise of Tabata.

You should be breathing hard.

Should be sweating.

But don't stop.

Let's keep your resilience up.

Don't give up, you can do it.

And rest.

If you want to take your heart rate, you know what we can do with heart rates, we do it lots already.

Good exercise in your Tabata.

Pause the video, have a rest.

So this is what we just trained through.

We went through round one where we did mountain climbers.

press-ups, tuck jumps and jacks, and we did round two of squat jumps lateral jumps, four runs and four high knees, and then four squat thrusts.

And we did 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest.

That was a Tabata round.

So, some of the keywords, plyometric training.

The jumping training we did was plyometric, and it involves jumping, where the muscles lengthens on landing and then quickly contracts and shortens to provide power to the next jump, such as those tuck jumps and those jumping jacks.

And power is the rapid application of muscular force.

It's also known as strength times speed.

So, which of these are examples of plyometric exercises? Is is option one, mountain climbers, option two, press-ups, option three, tuck jumps, or option four, jumping jacks? Which of the following exercises are plyometric exercises? NOw hopefully you said both tuck jumps and jumping jacks, and if you did, you are awesome.

If you said one of them, you're awesome, and if you didn't say any of them, and you're still awesome 'cause you're trying as hard as you can in these exercises, but tuck jumps and jumping jacks are both plyometric exercises where we are rebounding off the ground and improving our power.

So power is speed times time, is that true or false? Well, the answer's false, power is strength times speed.

Right, let's get ready to do our ladders HIIT ladders sessions.

So if you found the Tabata hard, well, it's not going to be too nice on you now, let's get on this ladders exercise.

Grab yourself a bottle of water and a towel, and join me for the exercises.

If you measured your Tabata heart rate, I'm assuming it went quite high.

Now if you can remember back, what is your maximum heart rate, how d'you calculate it? There's a maths equation to work out.

Can you remember what it is? That's right, it's 220 minus your age.

And that'll give you the amount of beats per minute that you need to be hitting to be your maximum heart rate.

So mine is about 180 beats per minute, I've just done the Tabata, my heart rate's dropped down to about 130 beats per minute right now.

So we're going to now do a ladder.

This ladder is going to start with an ascending ladder, which means we're going to start with one, then we're going to go to two, three, all the way up to 10 exercises.

And we're going to do two exercises, we're going to to vary them up.

So it's essentially a superset, if you remember back to our session, lesson two.

And we're going to do two moves.

We're going to do a burpee and a lunge jump.

I'll show you the burpee.

Going to crouch, squat hands go to the ground, jump your feet back, jump your feet in, and stretch jump up.

That's a burpee.

If you want to make it easy on yourself, squat, hands down step out, step out, step back, step back in and stand up.

And we're going to do a lunge jump.

So a lunge jump, lunge, lunge and stop.

That's one.

If you can't do the jump, step back, step back.

If you want to make it slightly easier, just do a small lunge.

But we're stepping back into it.

So I'm going to quickly show you, then you can pause the video and do it yourself.

I want you to time how long it takes you to get to 10 of the ladder, number 10 on the ladder.

And then you can try it again another day and see if you get faster, challenge yourself.

So, watch this.

I'll probably speed the video up to make it go quicker.

So first one, one, squat, burpee.

That's one.

Now I'm going to do two, two.

Now I've got to do one, two, Now three.

You get the idea.


One, three.

Okay, now four.

Anyway, you go from one, two, three, all the way up to 10.

High intensity interval training.

You don't get a lot of breaks, but you get to rest at the end of it.

Make sure you've got some water, have a go now.

Right, I am working hard.

You can see the sweat dripping already.

Hopefully you're sweating as well, 'cause it's high intensity interval training which means you need to be working really hard.

I mean, a hard block of work.

then you get your recovery.

The next exercise, we're going to do a descending ladder.

So I'm going to show you the moves and show you the beginning, then you can do it yourselves.

So, a descending ladder works like this.

I'm going to start with 10 high knees.

So high knees is the running action but that's one, then that's two.

Now, if you can't do high knees you can just jog on the spot.

But you're trying to push yourself hard, so push, the hardest you can do.

So you're going to do 10 high knees, and then you're going to do 10 star jumps.

Okay, so we're jumping open and closed in one jump.

Now, if you can't do that, you could do jacks, if you want to take it easier, or like I just showed you out to the side, so take the level that is your level.

So, let's start off with 10, then we go down to nine, eight, and we go all the way down to one.

And then, you time yourself, see if you can get quicker next time you do it.

Okay, I'll take you through the first one, and then I'll let you go on your own.

So starting off with high knees.

So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

And then one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Then nine, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Eight, two, three, and so on, and so on, and so on down until you get to one.

High intensity interval training.

You can hear me breathing hard, you can see me sweating.

I hope you are too.

Pause the video, have a go at that descending ladder.

Time yourself, see how long it takes you to do it, and then try another day and see if you beat your time.

Good luck.

So this is an example of the ladders that we did.

Firstly, we did an ascending ladder where we did burpees and lunge jumps.

And then we went from one to two to three, all the way up to 10.

And then we did some descending ladders where we did star jumps and high knees.

And we started at 10 and we came down to nine, eight and all the way down to one.

Hopefully you timed yourself and wrote down your scores.

Hopefully there were some good scores, and what I'd like you to try and do is record those scores every time you do this and see if you can get faster every time you do it.

You probably will notice that the more you do this, the quicker you'll get at going through these ladders.

So we've discussed aerobic.

This is where the body has time to use the oxygen to produce energy, and examples of aerobic exercise include low intensity exercise, rest and recovery periods that we did in the Tabata, for example.

And anaerobic is where your body doesn't have time to use the oxygen to produce energy.

Examples of this include high intensity exercise, which is pretty much what we've been doing nonstop today, and powerful movements.

So true or false, HIIT training works both anaerobic and aerobic systems. Is that true, or is it false? It is true because those rest periods, those brief recoveries we have hit the aerobic systems. Right, we're going to look at your HIIT for improving your speed and power.

So a lot of these exercises have been focused on power and lots of the movements have been very quick and rapid.

So we've been focusing a lot on the speed and power.

True or false, Tabata is a form of HIIT training.

True or false? I hope you said true, being the fact that we started off doing Tabata, and this session, this whole lesson is called HIIT training.

Yeah, I'm sure you put true.

So what is HIIT? Pause the video whilst you write a sentence using this sentence starter, "HIIT is.

." And I hope you put high intensity interval training that involves alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods.

And if you talked about Tabata and ladders, descending ladders, I'll give you bonus points as well.

So when you're planning a HIIT session, you might choose to build it to look something like this, and put in an ascending ladder, and you don't have to do the exercises that I suggested, you could do the burpees followed by lunge jumps, you could put whatever exercises you want.

And you could do a ladder up to 10, or you could do a ladder up to five, you could go a ladder up to five, and back down like a pyramid.

And then follow it with two rounds of this Tabata exercise, now, Tabata, remember, we know, it's 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

And we said at the beginning, it roughly should be about four minutes of exercise.

So you'd need to do eight blocks to hit that four minutes.

So I want you to now pause the video and plan your own HIIT session.

I want you to focus on improving speed and power and use any of the exercises that we've learned today, and throughout this unit, you don't just have to use the exercises we've done today.

To help you get started, the first round of exercises could be focused on Tabata, and could be burpees, for example.

So pause this video now, plan out your HIIT session, and then complete it, and then join me back in once you've done it.

Time for your cool-down.

I'm sure you're needing it now.

It was probably a tough session.

So you're going to pause the video and do your cool-down.

It needs to consist of something light, like a pulse lowering exercise where you're going to gently lower your pulse, not just sitting there, you need to move around.

So walking around the area you've been training, maybe a light jog.

Follow it up with some stretching exercises.

Pause the video, go and do your cool-down.

Well, that brings us to the end of the session.

What is high intensity interval training? Well, firstly, I'm sure you have found it challenging today.

And if you did find it challenging, how challenging did you find it? Remember, we've talked about intensity before, which is how hard you're working, the amount of effort you're putting in and high intensity interval training means you're putting loads of effort in and you're working anaerobically for intense periods of time and having minimum recovery times.

Short, but less intense recovery periods.

Now HIIT sessions work anaerobic and aerobic elements and this sort of training really good for all manners of fitness, but today we focused on power and strength.

So we did some Tabata, which was 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest and they generally last four minutes.

And we did some ladders where we did ascending ladders, where we started with one of the exercises, then we went to two, three, four, and so on and so forth.

And then we did descending, where we went from 10 down to one.

Hopefully you kept on measuring your heart rate and getting used to using your heart rate as a way of tracking your levels of fitness, and I hope that you enjoyed today's session even if it was hard.

And I will look forward to seeing you in our next lesson.