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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hi, Mr Wnuk here and in today's lesson, we're going to be looking at building some bridges.

Let's do this.

If you are unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors, such as in your living room.

You should ensure there's space for you to work safely including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Put hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

In today's lesson you are going to need a suitable working area, so a table, a kitchen table or a dining room table and some chairs work brilliantly for this.

You're going to need to bridge a gap, so some chairs would be fantastic.

The equipment you're going to need is a newspaper, some cans of food and some sticky tape.

And a safe space area around you around two metres.

Pause the video now if you need to grab any of that stuff together.

So, we're going to start off with a warm up and we've done plenty of warm ups before in any of our Oak lessons and at school.

So I'm not going to show you how to do a warm up, I am going to tell you how to do a warm up and I want you to focus on stages one and two of the warm up, which is a pulse raiser and some stretching and mobility.

Because there's going to be some exercise involved with our bridge building.

Pause the video now and then get yourself warmed up.

So, we've done our warm up, we're going to look at the starter activity now.

What I'd like you to do is I want you to write out a fitness challenge involving at least 10 repetitions and 10 different exercises.

So for example, 10 press ups and 10 squats and so on and so on.

So you need a list of at least 10 different exercises where you'll perform 10 repetitions.

Pause the video now and complete your starter.

So this is what the lesson's going to look like.

You've done your starter and your warm up, we're going to look at a bridge building challenge, and we're going to follow that up with a tower building challenge and then an exit quiz.

So our first keyword for today's lesson is creative thinking.

And this is the ability to consider something in a new way.

So we're going to look at it, look at this challenge that's in front of you and you're going to consider how to complete this in a new way.

And we're also going to look at fluency of ideas and this is the rapid generation of ideas, not necessarily evaluating them, but just generating as many ideas as possible and seeing which ones work when you go with it and this is linked to having a creative mind.

So, we're going to go straight ahead into our bridge building challenge.

So grab your newspapers and your sticky tape and your cans of food.

So your task is this.

You are going to use only one newspaper and you need to construct the strongest self supported bridge as possible.

This means it can't be stuck down to the gaps of the edges of the gap it spans.

You need to cover a distance of at least 30 centimetres, which is one sheet of A4 paper and you can use up to 10 small pieces of sticky tape.

Once you've constructed it, you need to then test it by loading it with cans of food and for every can it holds, you get to take five repetitions off your fitness challenge you have made.

So that fitness challenge with those 10 exercises, every time you take one can of food, you can take five repetitions of an exercise off.

So I want you to go give yourself a time limit on this of about 10 minutes to build your bridge.

So pause the video now and get building.

Wow, I hope your bridges were strong and I hope you managed still, to do a bit of exercise as well.

So let's reflect on what you just did.

Firstly, what strategy did you use to successfully complete this challenge? How did you build your bridge? Did you think of any construction designs that improved your bridge's strength? How creative were you with your design? And how successful do you think you would have been if there were more than one person helping you? If there was someone else helping you.

Do you think team work would have made it better? So let's have a look at a keyword.

Reflection, just been reflecting.

Reflection is a key life skill and throughout this OAA unit, we've been doing lots of reflection and it's a life skill that involves serious thoughts and consideration about something you've just done, which is what we just did, we reflected.

Activity two now, which is the tower challenge.

So, the process of thinking about how you built your bridge and what worked well is called reflection.

Is that true or false? Well the answer is true, yes, it is how to reflect.

So what lessons have you learned from our bridge building and can you apply that now into our tower building? That's what reflection is all about.

So you're going to pause the video to complete this challenge, the tower building challenge.

Using just one newspaper, you need to construct the tallest self supported tower, that means you can't stick it down to the floor.

You have a time limit of just 10 minutes and you may use up to 10 small pieces of sticky tape.

The tower must stand with no additional support or be stuck to the base with tape.

So it's a simple building challenge, how tall can you make it? Pause the video, go and make your tower and then join me once you've done that.

Okay, let's work on our life skills reflection.

What strategy did you use to maximise your height? And did it work? Did it fail, did you change it? Did you research any ideas? Did you look up how to build a tower? How to build the most successful tower.

You did some action research which means you're actually trying things out, did it work, did it not work? Did you adapt based on that? How would you have benefited, or would you have benefited from planning out your ideas you had in both tasks? So would you have planned it, if you had planned what you were doing, would you have benefited from it and how would you have benefited from it? So that brings us to the end of the lesson.

So we did some bridge building today and we done some tower building and we talked about reflection and the life skill of reflection.

We also looked at some other life skills, such as creative thinking.

And we then put it into a challenge.

I asked you to build a bridge, self supported and then we had a bit of a challenge there with how ever many cans you could hold.

How much exercise did you actually end up doing? We also then turned around and tried to build a tower and see how tall that was.

And I also touched on the fact of team work.

Did you think team work would have worked better with you and do you want to go back and revisit it with someone else who's in your house or around you or with friends when you can and see if you can make it any better? Thank you for joining me in the OAA unit, I hope you enjoyed yourself and I will see you very soon.