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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hi, Mr. Wnuk here and welcome to the OAA unit.

And this is lesson one and we are going to be looking at grid references.

Let's do it.

If you're unsure about doing any of the activities in this lesson, make sure you have a trusted adult nearby when you start them.

This lesson should take place indoors, such as in your living room.

You should ensure there' space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet, not socks.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, put hair up if needed and remove any jewellery.

Pause this video now if there's anything you need to do to get ready.

For today's lesson, please make sure you are in your regular PE kit, such as shorts and t-shirt.

And if you're doing this indoors please go bare foot for the practical aspects of the lesson.

The equipment that you will need today includes some writing equipment, a ruler, ideally a 30 centimetre ruler, something to time yourself on, such as your phone, some household objects, such as socks or cans of food.

And the space you're going to need is around about two metres around you.

If you need to pause the video to get this go ahead and do that now.

So we're going to get straight in with our starter activity.

So for this activity you might want to pause the video as we go through this, just to make some notes and jot some ideas down.

So we're going to look at orientating yourself.

Now orientating comes from the term, or is used within the term, orienteering, and it's to know where you are located in the current environment you're in.

So we're going to start off with, I want you to picture yourself right now, where you are.

Now, if you imagine a camera or like a drone on top of you, looking down on you, where would it place you in the current environment that you're in? In the building that you're in, for example.

And when I'm talking about the building you're in, I don't want just the building, I want to know where in the room you might be in, where's that room located in the building? So where would you place yourself on a map, looking from above? Now, I want you to zoom out a little bit and I want you to think about where you are within the local environment.

So you might be at home and you picture yourself in your local environment in your home.

You might be at school, which is a completely different environment.

So where would you be in if you zoomed out a little bit? And you have a bigger picture, looking down on you.

Right, let's take it out even further and zoom out a bit further.

And I want you to think about in reference to the country you're in.

Now a lot of you will be in the UK.

So zooming out and looking at where you would be in the UK, which part of the country are you based in? But if you're in another country, which part of the country are you based in for that? We're going to zoom right out as if we're looking at the world and the global map.

And whereabouts are you currently, if you could put a pin where you are right now, where in the map would you put it? And you can even draw a little picture to help you out if you want to in there.

So what's this lesson going to look like? Well, firstly, we looked at a bit of a starter activity to try and orientate ourselves.

We're going to be looking at grid referencing today.

And first activity is based around that.

We're going to look at how to plot references and we're going to have an exit quiz.

So the first key word that we're interested in today is grid referencing or grid reference.

And this is a map, a map reference indicating a location in terms of a series of vertical and horizontal grid lines, identified by numbers or letters or sometimes even both.

So sometimes when you look at a map, like a paper map, not a computer map, you'll see little boxes drawn over them.

And that's basically what a grid reference is.

And today's first activity.

We're going to look at how we can read these grid references.

So here's my very basic example of a grid reference.

As you can see, we've got A, B, C, D, E, that goes along the bottom and that line is a horizontal line.

And then we've got zero, one, two, three, going along the side upwards, which is the vertical line, the axis, the vertical axis.

We've got the horizontal axis and the vertical axis.

Now when we're reading these grid references we always go horizontal and then we go vertical next.

So the term that you've probably heard before is along the corridor and then up the stairs.

So we worked from the letters first in this example and then we go to the numbers.

So I put a triangle in the middle of this square right now.

In that particular square.

So if we want to work out that grid reference for that square, the first thing we can do, firstly identify the square of that triangle is located.

So we know it's that area.

And now we need to work out the grid referencing, the code, if you like for where it's located.

And the easiest way to do this is to find the bottom left-hand corner of that square.

And that's a great way to try and remember the order of the numbers and the letters that we need to look at.

So I'm going to go along first and I'm going to go along the corridor.

So along the horizon and I'm going to go all the way up to that point where the bottom left hand corner of the square is lined up, which in this case is D.

So once I've done that, I can make a note of that.

And now I'm going to go up the stairs.

So I've gone along the corridor and now I'm going up the stairs and I'm going to again go all the way up until I hit that bottom left-hand corner.

Which in this case is two.

So we now know that the triangle is in square D, two.


So, today one of our life skills that we're going to be learning about with grid referencing is called evaluation.

And it's an important life skill that you need to be able to utilise and develop, and sport and OAA will always help you develop these skills.

So evaluation is making a judgement about the quality amount or value of something.

So just a minute ago, when we looked at grid referencing.

we made an evaluation of where it was located within that map, that grid.

So let's put the evaluation skills we may have into practise.

So you might want to pause the video and just study this grid reference that I've put on the screen.

Okay, what's the first thing that you might notice is slightly different to the grid reference we looked at earlier? Hopefully you've identified that the horizontal line has now got numbers rather than letters.

And I've also made these into double digit numbers going up and along.

Now, when you get a map, usually it will be in numbers and it will usually be in double digits.

So I'm just trying to make it as realistic as possible.

So I've got a little task for you now and you can pause the video in between each of these tasks while you work it out.

Firstly, I would like you to write down or work out where that football is on the grid.

Hopefully you've got that written down now.

Now whereabouts is the church? And I've deliberately chosen a church because if you were doing a hiking route and you're planning your routes out, you might have a church as one of your points of reference or something you're aiming for.

It's a good little tip because churches have taps that you can fill up your water bottles at.

Usually outside taps for you to use, to fill up water.

Okay, hopefully you've got that grid reference for the church.

Now I'm going to mix it up a little bit and I want you to tell me what is located at grid 24, 11? Excellent stuff.

And then finally what is located at 23, 13? So just to recap how we do this we go from the bottom left-hand corner of the square and then we go along the corridor and then up the stairs.

So let's go for our first challenge, which was the football.

And hopefully you had 27, 14.

Then you had the church, which is at 26, 13.

Then I asked you to look at what was in grids, number 24, 11, which is the tree.

And then finally 23, 13.

And if you got all three right, you're bound to have had the telephone box, which again is a deliberate point of reference that you might see on a map, if you were plotting a hiking route.

So true or false.

When reading a grid reference, you need to first go up the stairs and then along the corridor.

True or false? And I'm sure you're shouting at me now, the answer is false.

We go along the corridor first and then up the stairs.

Well done, if you got that one right.

Okay, now a little bit of a pause task.

Now I'd like you to have a go at this grid referencing now.

So I put the world map on here and I've just done a very basic grid from one to four and one to three.

And I just want you to locate these countries and tell me what is in box four, point, zero? And I'd like you to free choice another country and write the reference for that grid down, please.

So if you've hopefully found the UK, which is in two, two which is the grid reference two, comma, two.

Make sure you've got a comma between them.

And then we're going to South Africa.

Where is South Africa? That is two, zero.

Now, if you didn't necessarily know where those countries were, quickly, have a workout on the grid where that falls and therefore you can find out where those countries are right now.

What was in grid four, point, zero? That was Australia.

Well done, men.

And then finally your free choice.

Now, obviously I can't press a button, because I can't figure out your free choice but shout it to me right now.

What was the grid reference and what was the country? Really? I want to go there.

Okay, so let's have a look at activity two, which is now plotting grid references.

So I've drawn a map of where I am teaching and sitting right now.

And that is in my home gym.

Because I get booted out of my house when I do these videos.

So I'm currently sent to my home gym and I've drawn a grid reference of my home gym, my layout.

And what I've got there is my running machine in zero, one, zero, one.

I've got my bike in zero one, zero three.

And then at the top there, zero, five, zero, four and zero five, which is quite large, I've got a set of weight machines.

Sorry, zero, four and zero, four and zero, five, zero, four.

And then my boxing bag is zero, five, zero, one.

So it gives you sort of an idea of a very basic layout of how you might want to plus the next task out.

So what I would like you to do is I would like you to pause the video and this is your first time challenge.

So I want you to pause the video and you can use a downloadable worksheet which is the same grid reference you just saw on the screen prior to this.

And I'd like you to draw a map of the room you're in.

I'd like you to draw items on your map, in the room, such as if you're in your front room, your TV or your sofa.

If you're in your bedroom, you could pick where your bed is, where your computer is, maybe where your desk is.

Also your doors, your windows, things like that.

Then I'd like to place 10 household items in various grid references on your map and then write these down.

So for example, you might put a can of beans in zero, one, zero, three and just write that down next to your grid reference.

Next to your map.

And then you need to stand in one location in the room you are based in and this is called your base location.

So you can plot anywhere on your grid referencing where you are.

And you're going to work from here.

Then you need to collect one item, bring it back to your base and then go and collect a next item and bring it back and so on and so on, until you've got all 10 items back at your base.

You need to then return the first item but put it in a previously unused grid reference.

So you need to work out what grid references you haven't used and then put it back in that reference.

And you just carry on until all 10 items are out.

Now this is a time challenge.

So you've got to do it as quick as possible.

And then once you've finished and you hit stop but you also want to check everything is in the right grid reference.

So you might need to think, this is a thinking task, but it's a fast thinking task and it's a physical task.

So you're going to be moving quite quickly.

So please just move anything that you might knock into or that might damage you or something that you don't want to get broken out of the way.

Pause the video, have a go.

And you can have a couple of guys of this, see if you can beat it, maybe have three goes and see if you can beat it on every second and third go, you go into it.

And then once you've finished having a go come back to the video.

Good luck.

Excellent stuff.

So let's talk about what we just did.

What strategy did you use to complete this task as quick as possible? So did you have a pre-planned route? Did you just wing it? Did you have to check your grid referencing more regularly? And if you did that work out better for you? Okay, next question.

How would you being able to read and interpret grid references help you in other activities? And I want you to think about more OAA activities.

Think about if you're planning a hike.

How would that help you? Okay, and then final thing is how confident are you of being able to look at a map and identify locations and landmarks based on that grid references? Okay, next challenge for you.

I want you to pause the video again and this is a good reference physical exercise challenge.

So hopefully if you haven't done so and you need to warm up a little bit, please do now.

And I want to use a downloadable worksheet, draw a map of your room you're in, and then draw items of your room, such as the TV, sofa, et cetera, just like we did in the first house.

Now I want you to choose five different grid references and write these down.

Now these good references need to have a little bit of space.

So don't choose your bed, for example, you need to put a space by your bed And choose as your sixth reference as your starting point for your base.

Now you need to time yourself and move from your base to your first grid reference and complete a physical challenge and then return to your base before moving to the second grid reference and so on and so forth, all the way up to the fifth grid reference.

Now the worksheet is online, so you can use that as your help and your ideas for your challenges.

And this is a timed challenge, so you're going to do it as quick as possible.

And then you hit stop on your timer when you get back from your fifth station.

You might want to do this a couple of times and see if you can get faster at it.

Pause the video now, crack on with it and then join me back again once you've finished.

Excellent stuff.

I hope you actually got the idea of grade referencing and physical activity, physical exercise as you're doing that, well done.

So let's look at this question.

In which of these scenarios would it be important to be able to read a grid reference? Option one, you need to relay your location to the emergency services.

Option two, your planning a hiking route.

Option three, someone is telling you where to find a location on a map.

And option four, reading grid references is important to all of these scenarios.

And of course the answer is option four and I'm sure that's what everybody put down and said, so well done you guys, you're fantastic.

Great work.

So today we studied and looked at how to use grid references.

And the first thing we looked at was what a grid reference is, which is a series of vertical and horizontal lines that are located on a map.

We then looked at how to identify objects and read those grid references.

And we went along the corridor and then up the stairs.

We applied this to evaluation skills.

And when we looked at it we were evaluating and using that as a life skill to make a judgement about where the item is on that grid reference.

And remember we go horizontally first along the corridor and then vertically up the stairs, working to the corner, the bottom left-hand corner of the box you're aiming for.

You then went and put that into practise and you hopefully have moved around your house and or room or wherever you're working and completed a bit of vigorous physical exercise as well, while we were doing it.

So great work in today's lesson everybody, well done on the grid references, and I will see you very soon in the next OAA lesson.