
Lesson video

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Hi, my name is Mrs Afshan.

I will be helping you with our learning today.

Today we will be learning about a very special place for Muslims, the mosque.

The lesson is called Belonging to a Mosque from the Unit, Places of Worship.

What makes them sacred? Some of the learning is brand new, But I'm here to help you.

The outcome of today's lesson is, I can describe how different Muslims might belong to a mosque.

Let's get started.

These are some of the key words we will be looking at in our lesson today.

The words are mosque.

It is a place of worship for Muslims. Salat, a prayer performed facing towards the Ka'bah in Makkah.

Jummah prayer, a special prayer on a Friday.

Shall we have a go at reading these? I can help you with that.

First, it'll be my turn, and then your turn.

The first word is Mosque.

Mosque, Salat, Salat.

Jummah prayer, Jummah prayer.

Great effort, well done.

We have three cycles in our lesson today, but first, let's look at what is a Mosque community.

A Mosque is more than just a building where Muslims pray.

It is also a place where they belong to a community.

Let me introduce you to Noor, this is Noor.

She goes to the mosque every day because she feels that mosque is a sacred place to feel close to God and be with others.

Here is an image of Noor's Mosque.

Let's watch Noor explain what a Mosque community means to her.

<v ->Mosque is a special place for me</v> because it teaches me more about my religion.

Mosque is a sacred place for many Muslims because they get to learn the Quran and pray Salat together.

When I go to the mosque, I get to meet my extended family and friends.

Many Muslims take part in the community service at the mosque.

I help my mosque community raise funds too.

<v ->The mosque is a special place where Noor feels safe,</v> supported and part of something bigger than herself.

It's not just a space for worship, but a community where people of all ages and backgrounds can come together.

Now let's look at what Noor said.

Noor loves going to her mosque because a mosque is a sacred place for Muslims. Many Muslims go to a mosque to pray Salat together.

Many Muslims made their family and friends at the mosque.

Many Muslims take part in the community service at the mosque.

Time for a check for understanding.

Which two things might a Muslim do at a mosque? Is it eat together with others? Pray Salat and come together, meet family and friends.

What do you think? That's correct.

Pray Salat and come together and meet family and friends.

Well done.

Noor believes there are different ways Muslims can show they are part of a Muslim and mosque community.

Noor says "Muslims can work together and support each other.

They can pray Salat together.

They can also help clean the mosque." Time for another check.

True or false? Cleaning the mosque can be part of the mosque community activities, true or false? True, that's correct.

Cleaning the mosque is important because it helps keep the place tidy for everyone who comes to pray.

Great work, time for a task.

I hope you're ready.

Sam is not sure how Muslim show they part of the Mosque community.

Alex tells her that Muslims pray Salat together to they're part of the mosque community.

Give two more ways to help Sam understand how Muslims show they're part of the mosque community.

You can pause the video now and come back when you're ready to check your answers.

Let's check our answers.

Give two more ways to help Sam understand how Muslims show they're part of the mosque community.

You may have said Muslims help clean the mosque.

Muslims meet their family and friends at the mosque.

Muslims work together and support each other.

Now, let's look at what events happen at a mosque.

Here's another British Muslim, Ahmed.

Ahmed goes to his mosque every week.

Ahmed says, "Every week I go to the mosque with my family.

I love seeing my friends, hearing stories, and sometimes even eating yummy food, but the best part is when we pray Salat together." Time for another check.

What is Ahmed's favourite time at the mosque? Is it seeing his friends, looking at the books or praying Salat together with others? What do you think? That's correct.

Ahmed's favourite time at the mosque is praying Salat together with others.

Great work.

This is what Ahmed shared with his class about his experience in the mosque.

Ahmed said, "A mosque is a very special place for Muslims. Everyone can go to the mosque, including children.

Muslims do lots of different activities at the mosque." Let's check if you got that.

Only adults can go to the mosque.

True or False? False, that's correct.

Mosques are special where people of all ages, including children, can go to pray Salat together.

Ahmed says that Muslims do lots of different activities at the mosque.

A mosque plays a central role in the life of many Muslims. Many Muslims go and pray Salat together at the mosque.

Many Muslims learn how to read Quran at the mosque.

The children learn about their faith in Islam through the Islamic classes and adults discuss important topics related to the Quran or everyday life, like learning about important values like honesty, kindness, and patience at the mosque.

Mosque are community centres where people come together for many purposes beyond just worship.

Many Muslims serve people and help each other at the mosque.

People can also find help when they are in need.

A mosque is a place for celebration as well.

Muslims gather there for festivals like Eid, where they come together in joy, share meals and give thanks for the blessings in their lives.

Time for another check for understanding.

What two things do Muslims do at a mosque? Is it pray Salat together? Play with friends or learn how to read the Quran.

Have a go.

pray Salat together, that's correct.

And learn how to read the Quran.

You got that right.

Time for another task.

What do you think is the most important activity to do at the mosque? Order the given statements according to what you feel is the most important to least important activity at the mosque.

The activities are learning to read the Quran, praying salat together, learning important values like honesty, kindness, and patience, and serving people and helping each other.

You can pause the video now and come back to check your answers.

Let's check our answers.

Here's one of the possible orders.

Praying salat together is the most important.

Learning important values like honesty, kindness, and patience.

Followed by learning how to read the Quran and serving people and helping each other.

Great effort, well done.

Now let's look at why is Friday sacred for Muslims? Here's Noor who talked about why Friday's important for Muslims. Noor says "Friday's very important day for Muslims. It is similar to how many people look forward to weekends or special days at school." Ahmed talks about why Friday is important for Muslims and Ahmed says, "Most Muslims go to the mosque on Friday to pray and be together.

It is considered a sacred day." Let's check if you got that, which is the sacred day of the week for Muslims? Is it Monday, Sunday or Friday? Friday, that is correct.

Let's find out a little bit about Friday prayers, which is called Jummah prayer at the mosque.

Armin explains, the Friday prayer at the mosque is called Jummah prayer.

Jummah prayer is sacred to Muslims as they come together to worship God and dedicate themselves to him.

Army talks about his experience at the Jummah prayer in a Mosque.

On Fridays, mosques are very busy as many Muslims try to pray together at the mosque.

Many Muslims wear clean clothes and are happy to be at the mosque.

Time for another check for understanding.

What is this special Friday prayer called? Is it important prayer, Jummah prayer or salat prayer? Have a go.

Well done, it is called the Jummah prayer.

Time for another task.

Hope you're ready.

Aisha thinks Friday is a sacred day at the mosque for many Muslims because they prayed Jummah prayer at the mosque on Friday.

Is Aisha correct? Give two more reasons why Friday is a sacred day at the Mosque.

You can pause the video now and come back when you're ready with your answers.

Let's check our answers, is Aisha correct? Aisha is correct, well done.

Aisha is correct because some of the reasons are, many Muslims go to the mosque on Friday.

Many Muslims pray Jummah prayer on Friday and be together.

Many Muslims meet friends and family at the mosque on Friday and many Muslims see Jummah prayer as a weekly reminder to follow God's teachings.

Great work, you did that really well.

So today we've learned that a mosque is much more than a place of worship.

It is a community where different events take place, but prayer is the most important.

We also discovered that Friday is a sacred day because of the Jummah prayer and the importance of being with the mosque community.

Thank you for being such great listeners.

Remember, the mosque is not just a building, it's a place where people support one another, strengthen their faith and build a sense of belonging.

Well done for your hard work.

I hope to see you in our next lesson, bye.