Hi, my name is Ms. Minton, and welcome to this Christianity Beliefs lesson on the nature of God.
Now, by the end of this lesson, you'll be able to explain Christian beliefs about the nature of God.
And how these beliefs influence Christians.
Now, lots of this learning today might be new to you, but please don't worry because I'm here to guide you through each step of this lesson, and I'm confident that by the end, you will achieve this outcome.
So let's make a start by taking a look at the key words for this lesson.
We have influence just, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent.
Now, the word influence means the ability to shape or change someone's thoughts, beliefs, or their actions.
The word just means fair or equal treatment and a state of justice.
And it also refers to the belief about God's nature that he treats all people justly.
The word omnibenevolent refers to the belief that God is all loving or all good, and the word omnipotent means that God is all powerful.
Now, our lesson today will have two parts.
We'll start by looking at Christian beliefs about the nature of God, and we'll then move on to look at how these beliefs about God influence Christians.
So let's get started and take a look at Christian beliefs about the nature of God.
Now, Fiona is a Christian and she says, "That as a Christian, I believe in one God, and my belief in one God is shared by followers of the Abrahamic religions.
But as a Christian, my beliefs about what God is like come from the Bible." Now, God's qualities and characteristics can be referred to as his nature.
So throughout this lesson when we're using the phrase the nature of God or God's nature, what we mean is what qualities and characteristics God has.
So in other words, what God is like.
Now, many Christians like Fiona have used the Bible to understand God, and they understand God as just, omnibenevolent and omnipotent.
So let's take a look first of all at what it means to say that God is just.
So to describe God as just means that God is fair and God will bring justice to all people.
Now, this belief that God will bring justice to all people is particularly relevant to the afterlife.
And this is highlighted in the gospel of Matthew in the parable of the sheep and the goats.
Now, the parable of the sheep in the goats says this, "When the Son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.
All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats.
He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." Now, many Christians believe that the sheep in this parable represent people who have lived good lives.
And that the goats in this parable represent people who have lived sinful lives.
Now, I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
How might Christians interpret this particular passage to show That God is just? Off you go.
So many Christians Interpret this passage from the parable of the sheep and the goats as suggesting that the end of time God will judge all people and he will separate the good people, the sheep, from the sinful people, the goats.
So let's check your understanding.
What is the meaning of the word just? Is it A, that God treats all people fairly? B, that God loves all people.
Or C, that God has power and authority over all people? Fantastic.
The correct answer is A.
The meaning of the word just is that God treats all people fairly, well done.
Let's now take a look at what it means to say that God is omnibenevolent.
So the word omnibenevolent begins with the Latin prefix, omni, which means all.
And the word benevolent comes from two Latin words, Bene meaning well and velle meaning to wish.
Now, the term benevolent can actually be used by itself.
And when using the word benevolent alone, it means well wishing, or more commonly people use it to mean good or loving.
Now, the term omnibenevolent as a whole means to be all good or all loving.
Now, many Christians use the term benevolent or omnibenevolent to describe the nature of God.
So to describe what God is like.
And for many Christians, the Bible contains many examples of God's love for humanity, which highlights that God is omnibenevolent.
For example, in the gospel of John 3:16, it says this, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Now, I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
How might Christians interpret this passage to show That God is omnibenevolent? Off you go.
So this passage can actually be used to show that God is omnibenevolent in two different ways.
The first way is that God is willing to sacrifice his only Son, so he's willing to give something up for humanity.
And then the second way is that Jesus' life was sacrificed to allow humans the possibility of eternal life.
So the purpose of God giving up his one and only Son, was so humans could have the chance of eternal life in heaven.
Now, God's love is also demonstrated in Psalm 86:15.
Which says, "But you Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." Now, I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
How does this passage show God as omnibenevolent? Off you go.
So this passage explicitly refers To God's love, but as well as this, it also describes God as having qualities that we'd commonly associate with being loving.
So things like compassion, grace, and faithfulness.
Now, another example of where God's love is highlighted in the Bible is Romans 8:37-39, which says this, "No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
For I'm convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Now, I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner or talk to me about what this passage says about God's love.
Off you go.
So this passage says that nothing at all can separate humans from the love of God.
Now, I'd like you to pause video again, but this time I'd like you to either think about or discuss with a partner, why is this important? So why is it important that nothing can separate humans from God's love? Off you go.
So this is important because it shows God as being all loving.
So it shows God as being omnibenevolent, and that's because it says that God's love is eternal and something that cannot be broken.
So let's check your understanding.
Which of the following are examples of God as omnibenevolent? A, God has the power to do anything.
B, God will separate the good from the bad.
C, God sacrificed the life of his only Son.
Or D, God is compassionate, faithful, and slow to anger.
You can select two answers.
Fantastic, the correct answers are C and D.
So God sacrificed the life of his only Son and God is compassionate, faithful, and slow to anger.
Those are both examples of God as omnibenevolent, well done.
So let's now take a look at what it means to say that God is omnipotent.
So we already know that the term omni is a Latin prefix meaning all.
Now, the second part of this word potent, is Latin for being powerful or being able.
So together, describing God as omnipotent means that God is all powerful.
And many Christians believe that God is all powerful because God can do anything and everything.
Even things that humans might feel are logically impossible.
Now, I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
Can you think of any examples from the Bible where God is seen as omnipotent? So any examples where God is shown to be all powerful.
Off you go.
So as part of your thoughts or your discussion, You may have considered Genesis 1 and 2, when God is described as being the creator of the universe and the creator of humans.
In Exodus 7 to 11, where God sends the 10 plagues to Egypt and helps free the Israelites from slavery.
And in the gospel of Luke through Virgin Mary's pregnancy.
So let's now take a look at an example of God's power from the Bible in a bit more detail.
So this passage is from Exodus 14:21-22, and it says this, "Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land.
The waters were divided and the Israelites went through the sea on the dry ground with a wall of water on their right and on their left." Now this passage is from the story of Moses leading the Israelites outta slavery.
Now, I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
How does God intervene in this example and show his omnipotence? Off you go.
So in this passage we see that God intervenes by parting the sea, and this parting of the sea allows the Israelites to pass through the sea and escape from slavery.
Now, I'd like you to pause the video again, but this time I'd like you to discuss how this particular example shows God as omnipotent.
So how does this example show God's power? Off you go.
So this shows God as omnipotent because this is something that only God is capable of.
Moses was unable to lead the Israelites to freedom without the power of God, and the parting of the sea is something that can't be explained through nature or logic or science.
So therefore it demonstrates God's power.
So let's check your understanding.
Which of the following best describes the word omnipotent? A, God is all loving.
B, God is all powerful.
C, God is fair, or D God is all present.
Well done, the correct answer is B.
God is all powerful, best describes the word omnipotent.
It's now time for you to have a go at a task.
I would like you to explain two Christian beliefs about the nature of God.
And in your answer refer to sacred writings or another source of Christian belief and teaching.
Now, a good technique for responding to this task might include giving a point and developing this point.
and then repeating that process with a second point and developing that point as well.
Now, within your response, you should make a link to a relevant source and explain what that source teaches in relation to your point.
Now, this source can be a quotation, or it can be a general belief or teaching.
Pause the video and have a go.
Well done for your work during that task.
So you are asked to explain two Christian beliefs about the nature of God and refer to sacred writings or another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer.
Your response might be similar to this.
One belief about the nature of God in Christianity is that God is omnipotent.
This means that God is all powerful and can do all things, for example, create the universe.
Another belief about the nature of God in Christianity is that God is just.
This means that God is fair and will bring about justice.
The parable of the sheep and the goats highlights God as just as it describes Jesus separating the good people from the sinners at the end of time.
Now what you can see here is that in my answer I have used omnipotent and just as my points, but you may have included omnibenevolent as one of yours, and that is absolutely fine.
I have also used the parable of the sheep and the goats as my source, but you may have used a different source that better fits with the point that you've given and that is also completely fine.
So well done for your work on that task explaining two Christian beliefs about the nature of God.
We're now moving on to the second part of our lesson, which is to look at how the beliefs about God influence Christians.
Now, the word influence refers to when something or someone has the ability to shape or change someone's thoughts, beliefs, or their actions.
And Andy and Sophia are discussing examples of influence in their everyday life.
Andeep says, "My friends often influence me.
For example, if I see my friends working hard in lessons, this might influence me to do the same." And Sophia says, "I've been influenced by books that I've read.
Sometimes books have powerful messages that can change how I see things and impacts my actions." Now, just like Andeep's friends influence him.
And books that Sophia has read influence her, Christians are often influenced by the beliefs that they have about God.
Now, as a Christian, Fiona believes that God is just, omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
I would like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
How might the belief that God is just, influence Fiona? Off you go.
So Fiona explains how her belief that God is just influences her.
And she says this, "My belief that God is just influences me to behave in a way that is consistent with the teachings of the Bible.
This is because I know that God will judge me and bring about justice based on my actions.
So if I can ensure that I've behaved in a way that God wants me to, I can have hope that God will judge me as someone who has been faithful." So let's check your understanding.
Give one way that the belief that God is just might influence a Christian.
A, not being concerned with the consequences.
B, behaving in a way that is consistent with the Bible.
Or C, holding others accountable for their actions.
Fantastic, the correct answer is B.
So one way that the belief that God is just might influence a Christian is through behaving in a way that is consistent with the Bible, well done.
I'd now like us to consider the belief that God is omnibenevolent.
So I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
How might the belief that God is omnibenevolent influence a Christian? And I'd like you to consider what thoughts or actions they may have as a result of this belief.
Off you go.
So as part of your thoughts or your discussion, You may have considered that Christians might hold the belief that God will show them forgiveness because he's omnibenevolent.
And that this means that they should show forgiveness to others.
Also, Christians may act with kindness and compassion in order to reflect God's omnibenevolence.
And Christians may say prayers of thanks and adoration.
And prayers of adoration are prayers that praise God and show God how much a Christian adores him.
Now, grace explains how her belief that God is omnibenevolent influences her, and she says, "My belief that God is all loving inspires me to show love and kindness to everyone.
For me, this involves carefully considering any moral decisions I need to make.
When faced with a difficult decision.
I'll consider how God shows love to me and how I can reflect this through my response to difficult situations." So let's check your understanding.
Which Christian belief might influence a Christian to act with compassion, kindness, and show forgiveness.
A, omnipotence, B, omnipresence C, omnibenevolence, or D omniscience.
The correct answer is C.
The Christian belief that God is omnibenevolent might influence Christians to act with compassion, kindness, and show forgiveness, well done.
Now Asher and Danielle are both Christians who hold the belief that God is omnipotent.
And they're discussing how this belief influences them.
Asher says, "My belief that God is omnipotent influences me to trust in God's plan.
And pray to God because I know that he has the power to act, answer my prayers and perform miracles." Danielle says, "I agree with you, but my belief that God is omnipotent also influences me to care for God's creation.
This is because one of the most significant examples of God's power was creation, and I want to make sure that I respect and care for this creation." The discussion between Asher and Danielle has shown that there is often more than one way that a belief can influence an individual.
So both Asher and Danielle believe that God is omnipotent, but the way that that belief impacts their thoughts, beliefs, and actions is different.
Now, let's imagine that I've been asked to give one way that the belief that God is omnipotent might influence a Christian.
My answer is that it might influence a Christian to pray to God for miracles.
Now, I'm going to ask you the same question.
So I would like you to give one way that the belief that God is omnipotent might influence a Christian.
So pause the video and have a go.
Well done, so another way that the belief that God is omnipotent might influence a Christian is to take care of creation.
Now, you may have also mentioned that it might influence a Christian to trust in God's plan, and if you've got that answer, that is also absolutely fine.
So well done.
It's now time for you to have a go at a task.
I'd like you to explain two ways beliefs about the nature of God influences Christians.
Now, good technique for responding to this task could be to use point, develop, point, develop.
And that means giving one way that God's nature could impact Christians, and then explaining how and why this would impact the life of a Christian.
Then giving another way that God's nature could impact Christians, and then explaining how and why this particular way could impact the life of a Christian.
So pause the video and have a go.
Well done for your work during that task.
So you were asked to explain two ways beliefs about the nature of God influence Christians.
And your answer might be similar to this, beliefs about the nature of God can influence Christians to look after creation.
This is because many Christians believe that God is responsible for creation because he's omnipotent, and Christians may wish to respect and care for the earth that God provided.
Beliefs about the nature of God can also influence Christians to show love and compassion.
This is because many Christians believe that God is omnibenevolent.
And because they know God will show them love, they wish to behave in the same way towards others.
So well done for your work explaining two ways, beliefs about the nature of God influence Christians.
We've now reached the end of our lesson on the nature of God.
But before we finish up, let's take a look at some of the key things that we've learned today.
So we've learned that the nature of God refers to God's qualities and characteristics.
And that Christians believe in one God who is just, omnibenevolent and omnipotent.
We've also looked at how there is evidence in the Bible to support these Christian beliefs about the nature of God.
And how beliefs about the nature of God may influence the way that Christians think and act.
We've also looked at examples of how beliefs about the nature of God can influence Christians.
And that these include to show forgiveness, to pray to God, to show compassion, and to care for creation.
So well done for all of your work this lesson.
It's been wonderful learning with you today.