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Hi, my name is Miss Speakman, we are on lesson 10 or 14 of Islamic beliefs and teaching unit, and today what we are looking at these Islamic beliefs on the afterlife.

Now it is worthy saying before we start this lesson we're about to complete contains reference to death in the afterlife.

For some people this might be a sensitive topic.

If that applies to you, you may want to do the rest of this lesson with a trusted adult nearby who can support you.

So in today's lesson, we'll be looking at quite a few different things.

Like already mentioned looking at the different stages of an afterlife in Islamic thought so life at death barzakh, Day of Judgement , and after the Day of Judgement.

we're looking at beliefs about Jannah and Johannam which are paradise and hell, and consider the importance of this life for an afterlife.

so to make sure we are ready for the lesson, can you please make sure please, that we've got a pen or a pencil, a piece of paper, an exercise book and a different coloured pen ready for corrections.

Also need to make sure we've got a nice clear working space.

So, nice clear desk, and no distractions or TV music off phone to one side if you're not using it for the lesson, and also making sure that we have are ready to learn.

So we've got a curious brain attentive listening ears, and desk space, which gives you enough space to be quiet and also paying attention.

We can show that you can really concentrate some can learn and get amazing stuff into our heads.

If you need to get yourself ready by pausing the video, please do so now then unpause when you already start learning.

Okay, I'm going to show you then you are ready to move on.

what I'm going to get you to do first though, please, is to get to sort of think about your own ideas about heaven.

Hell, good, bad, afterlife in general.

So we've spent about three minutes on this.

And I want you to answer if there was an afterlife, because I'm not saying there is or there isn't, I'm saying there's a huge range of thought, if you would, if there so let's say that is an afterlife.

What do you think it would be like? There's no right or wrong answer.

Let's say, regardless of what other people say or don't take seriously, some people say they do believe in afterlife some people won't.

I want to imagine there is, what do you think it would be like, but in two ways, for those who are good, and for those who are bad, so what would an afterlife look like for good people and for bad people? So we need to pause video now, please, as I said, it's your own opinion.

It's okay to put something down as long as you can justify it.

So pause the video now please, and have a go answering the question.

Okay, thank you.

The whole point we're doing that is just to get you sort of think about your own ideas of an afterlife, perhaps maybe you've never given it much thought before.

That's absolutely fine.

It's something perhaps maybe we don't think about a lot, until perhaps maybe it really matters.

But it matters now because we're learning about Islamic thoughts and the afterlife.

So let's get started.

Want to give you three definitions, so which I think are very, very important.

They're all Islamic words, words that come from Arabic which you can use in your answers for an exam, but also it's really important I think, just to learn Arabic terms. If you're learning about Islam, we have to acknowledge that a lot of the huge amount of what Muslims refer to our Islamic terms. So Akhirah means everlasting life after death.

is the Islamic word for an afterlife.

The best way I can usually describe it for my students, which I don't know if they find it funny.

I think it's a really good way to remember it.

is I remember the singer Shakira.

One day she will die.

Sadly, I like Shakira, she got some good good music, good songs.

But that's how I remember it.

Shakira will die Akhirah afterlife.

You can use that if you want but it works for me.

Then we've got Jannah which is the Arabic word for paradise.

And Johannam, which is the Arabic word for hell.

I'm afraid I don't have a really cool little way of remembering it isn't the same way as I do with the Akhirah, Shakira, but Jannah and Johannam.

Jannah of Paradise, Johannam hell.

I think maybe we could perhaps say Johannam, because it has a H at the beginning , could be a good way of remembering it as hell.

So what I'd like you to do is to pause the video, please and to write down these three definitions because they're super important for us today.

Then I want you to unpause when you're ready to move on.

Okay, written those three things down.

Well done, if you have thank you very much for doing that.

Let's now move on.

On a recap to a couple of things first, before we go into any new content.

So a recap of what we've done in previous lessons.

If you've not been in my lessons before how to watch my videos, that's fine.

Hopefully, it'll be a recap of what you've already done in school anyway.

And if it isn't anything you have actually covered in school or with me, then it's a really good way of making sure we've got some key things down before we move on to new, even more new content.

So during the Muslims life, they believe that all humans have their actions recorded by Raqib and Atid.

the two angels.

Raqib sits in the right shoulder Atid on the left, they record good and bad deed and also The intentions behind the why someone's done them.

They believe this is a constant thing throughout someone's life.

And that is used then for the Day of Judgement.

Muslims believes that at death Azrael takes the soul from the body of someone who has died and takes it to Barzakh, which we'll look at in a bit more detail later.

Muslims believe that the angel Israfil is in charge of the day of judgments or blow a trumpet to signal the end of the world and then signal and then blow the trumpet or get trumpet again, to signal the Day of Judgement.

So we should clarify, I'm not quite sure if I made a mistake, I'll go back and say even if I did, is referred to as a trumpet once the signal the end of the world then blows the trumpet again to signal the Day of Judgement.

Hopefully, I've got that right this time.


And then of course, there is a difference between Sunni and Shi'a views on angels.

Sunni Muslims believe that angels do not have any free will and just do these jobs because they are they are commanded to while Shi'a Muslims believe that angels do have some element of free will, but they choose to abate Allah fully.

So let's just very quickly go through this again, Raqib and Atid record good and bad deeds during a human's life, as well responsible for taking the last breath of a human as also known as a soul, at the moment of death Israfil is responsible for blowing the trumpet twice, wants to signal the end of the world wants to signal the Day of Judgement.

And then Sunni and Shi'a views on angels.

Sunni Muslims believe they don't have free will Shi'a muslims believe if they do have some element free will but always obey Allah fully.

So now that we've done that recap, what I'd really like to do with you is a really good way of checking our understanding, checking a lot of knowledge, and that is through multiple choice quick fire questions.

I will give you a question, there'll be two possible answers.

I will give you three seconds.

I will count down you then point to your screen, say it out loud, which is the correct answer by then tell you hopefully that you're correct.

But of course it's okay if you're incorrect because if you're not correct is a really good way of us highlighting, I need to go back to that.

Okay, I'll do that.

So, are you ready to get started on some quickfire questions? Yes, I think we are.

The angel that oversees the Day of Judgement is it Israfil or Azrael? Three,two,one good it is Israfil.

What does Azrael do? Does he record the good deeds or take the last breath or soul? Three,two,one good.

takes the last breath or soul.

records good deeds, Raqib or Atid? Three,two,one Good.

it is Raqib,he records of good.

and takes last breath soul? Azrael or Israfil? Three,two,one Good.

It is Azrael.

What does Raqib do? Does he record the good deeds or the bad deeds? Three,two,one good.

He records good deeds, records bad deeds? Raqib ,Atid? Three two one.



What we're now going to move on to is having a look at the actual beliefs that Muslims have about the afterlife.

Well done.

If you got all of those correct.

if you didn't, that's fine.

Still plenty of time to recap this in what we're doing today.

It was great for my camera to pick appear.

Its a lot isn't it There we go.

So we're going to have a look at as I said, are the different stages muslims believe there is in an afterlife.

remember that Akhirah means afterlife in Arabic.

And we can look at specifically five different stages within an afterlife.

Now you might think for a minute hang on while we talk about life and talk about afterlife as because Muslims believe this life is very important in reference to an afterlife.

So we can be looking at what happens during Muslims life, or what should happen at death.

Barzakh, Day of Judgement , after the Day of Judgement , we said five main stages in what Muslims believe about an afterlife.

Let's get started.

So during life is perhaps maybe just as important what happens in the afterlife because Muslims believe although this life is short, it has a huge impact on what happens in an afterlife.

So Muslims are expected during their life to be following the teachings of the Qur'an.

Muslims call this staying on the straight path of Islam, following the teachings submitting to Allah.

But also ,looking at the role models of the Prophet, Prophet Mohammed for example, and following what he's written in the Hadith and what he's expressed as interpretations of the Quran and what that looks like in practise.

Muslims also believe that they should be practising the five pillars of Islam.

So those are Shahada declaration of faith.

Salah prayer,Zakat Charity, Sawm fasting ,Hajj pilgrimage, you will look at that more when you do Islamic practises, but throughout our life, they should be following those five pillars.

And Muslims also believe that during their life, every action is recorded by Raqib and Atid.

We know Raqib on the right recording good deeds Atid on the left recording bad deeds.

And so Muslim knows that every single part of their life is important.

However, it is important to know that Muslims would say that you're there, you're good, you're bad deeds aren't recorded before your adolescence.

So when you're a child, those things don't count towards your judgement.

Because of course, it takes a while to settle in and to learn what's good and bad.

And to realise that mistakes have consequences.

So during your life of the adolescence is when it's really important to make sure that you are following the five pillars submitting to our following example of Prophets, doing good deeds, following the teachings that Allah has put down in the Quran.

So I'm going to ask you to do is to pause the video and spend about two minutes on this question.

Why is this life so important for Muslims in reference to the afterlife? So there's a mistake there on the slide, I'm afraid ,it should say why is this life so important from Muslim in reference to the afterlife? So scratch that should set off to life.

So pause the video now please.

And then I would like you to write down your response.

Why is this life so important for Muslim in reference to the afterlife? So pause now have a go.

Okay, so hope you've written something down.

Hopefully it should be along the lines of this life so important because Muslims are judged on what happens during this life.

What have they done? What have they not done? Have they followed the Quran properly, have they followed the example of the prophets.

So anything along the lines of the fact that this life is important for judgement is absolutely perfect.

Let's move on to the next stage.

So Muslims believes that at death, the angel Azrael takes the soul from the body, often seen as the last breath to use you might use those words interchangeably.

Now Muslims believe that the body remains in a grave.

So majority of Muslims will not cremate bodies, because they believe that you need your body for a physical resurrection later on for Judgement Day.

So the body would remain in the grave.

And Muslims believe that they are questioned within the grave.

There are questions which are asked of the soul, such as Who is your God? What is your religion? Who is your last messenger? Those questions are a way of distinguishing are they ,Were they following the correct teachings throughout their life? Were they doing what the Quran commanded? Were they following the right Religion? Some Muslims have different interpretations on this.

They might say that only Muslims that get to go to Paradise, some might say that all non Muslims will go to hell.

However, there is a lot of different interpretation that perhaps maybe Allah will show mercy to those who have been good during their life but not necessarily followed the teachings of the Quran, perhaps maybe showing mercy on those who never could have had a way of knowing what the Quran said that they lived before it.

Or perhaps maybe they just lived in a time where they just didn't have any knowledge of Islam or the Quran.

And some Muslims might say that those who Are our people of the books that Christianity, Judaism, Islam may all have the possibility of going to Jannah paradise, but essentially they're questioned in the grave to establish were they following the Quran? Were they following Allah? Were they following the example of the Prophet? So again, I'm going to ask you to pause the video and to answer this question just to test your knowledge of what I've just said.

Spend about two minutes on this please.

Why do many Muslims believe angels question humans in the grave? So pause the video now please answer that question.

Okay, brilliant.

So hopefully you've written an answer alongside but along the lines of a way of establishing whether they have done the things they're expected to do during their life.

Have they followed the Quran properly? Have they followed Allah? have they followed the Prophet? You've got something like that? Really well done? Super impressed.

So that second stage first stage was during their life, second stage at death.

Third stage now Barzakh.

Now Barzakh perhaps maybe you've not heard of before, and that's okay.

It's a term within Islam, which we'll talk about in a moment.

Barzakh is a barrier between the physical and the spiritual.

So it's not in this life.

And it's not really the same as the afterlife, but it's sort of state in between, is essentially a waiting place until the day of judgement.

And many Muslims believe it's where a soul goes to just contemplate life, to be able to think through the actions that have happened during their life.

to think about their, whether it's the right action with the wrong action, they can't obviously change that, many Muslims believe that maybe at this point, some people may have already have been sent to be punished if they weren't good, and perhaps maybe a small number are already being rewarded.

But the idea is that all souls will wait in Barzakh until the day of judgement.

but there's no concept of time in Barzakh, so your soul won't be waiting and thinking.

I've been here for thousands of years and I'm still waiting.

There won't be that idea.

Concept of time doesn't really exist in the same way, but souls will wait there until until the day of judgement , the Qur'an even talks about it being a barrier between this life and the next.

Again, I'm going to ask you to answer a question then Please spend about two minutes on it.

How long do Muslims believe the soul stays in Barzakh for? So you have to pause the video, have a go answering the question unpause when you are ready to go through the answer.

Okay, hopefully you've written that muslims believe the soul stays in Barzakh until the day of judgement.

Now, of course, Muslims who say they don't know when this will be.

this will be down to Allah completely.

But they know from the Qur'an teachings soul will stay in barzakh until the day of judgement.

well done if you've got that.

So let's move on to stage four.

So the Day of Judgement , as we know, Israfil,muslims believe is responsible for blowing the trumpet to signal the end of the world.

Many Muslims believe this means people still living on earth will essentially collapse and die.

And then there'll be a second blowing of the trumpet where bodies will resurrect out of the grave or from the world which has been destroyed, and therefore the day of judgement will start.

This is believed this is when people are accountable for their actions, they will be judged on what they have or haven't done during their life.

Raqib and Atid will give the record of the good and the bad deeds that they have done throughout a human's life to Allah who makes that final decision on where that person goes.

It might be that person has not really done as much good as they had bad, but Allah decides to give the mercy and send them to paradise.

Muslims believe it's totally up to Allah's decision who goes where, but do predominantly believe that those with more good than bad will go to Jannah.

So of course, it makes it even more important for muslims if they are good during their life as they believe this is very important for judgement.

Lots of people ask me what's the point of Raqib and Adit if Allah knows everything, and we've thought about this before, I'm going to reiterate.

it is a good way of making sure people are constantly accountable for their actions and realise that What they're doing is either good or bad.

Just in the way I guess that CCTV works in we're more aware of our actions and our behaviour because we know we're being watched that idea exists within Islam.

Raqib and Adit decided that they're constantly watching recording which is going to be important after life keeps in mind to people that they do need to be following the teachings of the Quran so I want you to spend about two minutes on this question please.

How Raqib and Adit jobs linked to the Day of Judgement.

So I want you to pause the video please and answer this question.

Okay, brilliant.

So hopefully you've written down their records of the good and bad deeds are therefore then used for judgement.

Allah then uses those those records to say you've done more good or more bad Jannah to Jahannam.

Very good if you have got that.

So now we're going to have a look up after the Day of Judgement what happens after people have been judged? So there are two main places that Muslims believe you can go after the Day of Judgement which are Jannah, which is paradise, Jahannam which is hell, Jannah is said to be a place of bliss.

everything the soul could desire, a place of no pain, no suffering, anything that anyone could ever want.

a place of full reward.

Some Muslims even talk about the fact they may be able to experience Allah or speak to Allah in Jannah.

Some Muslims say that is literally the greatest reward to be able to be in the Presence of Allah in Jannah.

Then Muslims believe their is Jahannam.

some Muslims believe that there are different levels of Jahannam, for different sins, for different for how bad you've been in your life.

Essentially, it's a place of eternal torture, a place of suffering, a place of fire, horrible things, there's quite as I was actually saying very, very descriptive ideas of what Jahannam is like in the Quran.

And that's mainly Muslims believe as a way of deterring people from bad behaviour.

However, I say They're eternal torture.

Many Muslims actually believe that Jahannam isn't eternal perhaps maybe after a period of torture, the soul was able to go while the body and the soul depending on different temptations able to go to Jannah.

So not all Muslims will believe that Johannam is an eternal place of torture.

So pausing the video again spending about two minutes on this question, do all Muslims believe that Johannam is eternal? Like to explain your answer, please? So pause the video and have a go answering that for me.

Okay, hopefully you put No, not all Muslims believe that Johannam is eternal.

Some Muslims believe that it is temporary to the body and the soul, or just so, are there for an amount of time while they're tortured, and then maybe get to go to Jannah.

Afterwards, essentially, maybe like an idea of cleansing of sins.

Well done, if you got that.

So what we're going to do is now move on.

We're going to look at some questions sort of bring that together.

Looks like many questions after each section.

A really good way now it's just to bring all that all that stuff together.

So we're going to now move on to those questions.

Okay, so what I would like to do is to pause the video on the next slide to complete your task just so that we can then I can give you instructions and you can then know what you are needing to do.

So I want to answer these six questions please each of them are true or false, but then you have to give a an an explanation for why that's either true or false.

So you'll see that there are six questions there.

And then I want you to answer whether you think they are true or false.

Then you need to make sure you have fully explained it so you've got Azrael chooses who to take a soul from.

Most Muslims would allow cremation of the body.

Barzakh is where your soul goes until the day of judgement Humans will be questioned in the grave when you are young your actions count towards your final judgement and all Muslims believe that Jahannam is eternal.

So we'll go through those whether they're true or false please make sure that you've written out the question first then told me that true or false then your explanation.

So pause the video now please and off you go.

Okay, if you can see this screen I'm assuming then you are ready for corrections.

If you're not then please rewind the video and go back to it.

Or if you already missed please make sure that you've got your different coloured pen out ready for corrections.

Azrael chooses who to take a soul from is false because it is Allah's decision and Azrael carries out the command from Allah.

Most Muslims would allow cremation of the body is false because all bodies resurrect when Israfil blows the trumpet to signal the Day of Judgement.

Barzakh is where your soul goes until the day of judgement is true because this is a barrier between the physical and spiritual world where a soul goes into bodies are resurrected.

If you need to make any corrections for the first three questions can you please do so now by pausing the video? Okay, question four.

humans will be questioned in the grave is true because it is the job of two angels to ask three questions while in the grave.

Five, when you are young, your actions count towards your final judgement is false, because the majority of Muslims believe that actions as an adolescent do not count towards judgement.

And all muslims believe that Jahannam is eternal is false because some may believe that even the souls in jahannam may one day end to paradise.

Again if you need to make any corrections please do so now by pausing the video.

If not, we're going to be ready to move on.

So what we're going to do now is have a go and exam style question, which is explained two Muslim beliefs about paradise and hell, referring to Scripture or sacred Writing in your answer.

Now, these explained questions will be slightly different for each exam board, you need to ask your teacher please which exam board you are sitting? Because this question best fits with AQA and Edexcel.

You might be expected to write longer answers for 'explain' questions for Eduqas and WJEC and the question style might look a little bit different for OCR.

So really good idea to check that first before you attempt the question, or even attempt the question, even if you're not sure in your exam board, and then perhaps, also teach afterwards, regardless of whether it fits exactly with your exam board It's a really good way of recapping information anyway.

So in this sort of question, you're going to need to include a couple of things, briefly naming a belief that paradise or hell An inclusion of a scripture verse such as one we mentioned earlier, in this case, I'm going to to give you one, an explanation of how this verse shows that belief.

And what I'm going to ask you to do in the moment is I'm going to give you actually a structure to use and its what to fill in the gaps have a really perfect answer.

So we're going to do is do that together.

now, are you ready? Yes, exam questions are good to do even if you find them tricky.

Okay, so what I'd like you to do is to pause the video, please on the next slide to complete your task, I'm going to give you, as I said, a structure for answering this exam question.

So you're going to use the structure that I've got there on the board, I would like you to write out pieces, all of the sentences and where there is a bit of green, that's where you've got to add in your own part of the answer.

So for example, give me the structure of two paragraphs.

And I've actually in this case, give me two quotations.

So to get full marks for this question, you'd actually need to have one of those quotations.

However, I think it's really good idea to practise including to just in case one of those those quotations in the exam.

you perhaps maybe misused or couldn't remember one.

So you've got a paragraph on Jannah, and you need to tell me what that means, including that Quran verse and then telling me some details but what Jahannam would be like the term Jahannam, telling me what it means.

There's a Quran quotation there for you, and then telling me in Jahannam what it will be like.

for you to pause the video please on this slide and then complete this by writing out the full thing where it is green you need to make sure that you are writing your own added additions to make this answer perfect.

Then unpause it when you're ready to go through corrections Okay, so you can see the screen you should be ready to make corrections please make sure you've got different coloured pen out ready for that.

Okay, so you've got here the term Jannah means garden or paradise the Quran says and therein is whatever the souls desire and what delights the eyes.

In Jannah there'll be everything human wants, and there'll be no pain or suffering.

Some Muslims believe they will see Allah and be in his presence.

And the term Jahannam means hell.

The Quran says poured upon the heads to be scalding water.

in Jahannam it will be a place of torture, both physically and spiritually.

So like do you please if you need to make any corrections to pause the video now? Make those corrections and then we'll be ready to move on.

Okay, so well done for completing that exam question.

I know sometimes it can be a bit tricky and people find them hard.

But I really hope that structure helped you to realise what sort of things do to write in an exam.

And actually, they're not too hard.

So once you've got the information there, so well done for completing the lesson today.

I know you've worked really, really hard.

I hope to see you again soon for another lesson.

At some point.

we're moving on to looking at predestination In our next lesson on Islam, which I think will be really interesting.

So thank you.

See you later.