Hello, theological Squires and welcome to another religious education lesson with me Mr. Green.
Today, we are going to spend some time together recapping the first four pillars of Islam.
In order to do that really well, I need you to go and get four things for me.
That is a pen, a different colour pen, some paper to do your work on and your theology brains.
If you need to go and get any of those things now, please pause the video and come back when you are ready.
So today we are going to be doing lots of recapping and practising our knowledge on those first four pillars of Islam.
We're going to start off with some warm up questions on the first two pillars.
Then we're going to practise our detailed knowledge recall on that, before then applying some of our knowledge to examination style questions.
And that's all going to help us make sure that we're able to recall and apply our knowledge.
So the first thing we're going to do, pillars one and pillars two, some quick fire questions to help us remember what those are.
Remember the first pillar is the shahadah and the second pillar is Salah.
So you can see a question here, which of these is the first pillar of Islam.
Just point to the correct answer or say it to yourself.
Shahada, Sawm, Salah or Zakah? Well done it is the Shahadah.
Second question, which of these is the fourth pillar of Islam? Shahadah, Sawm, Salah, or Zakah? well done.
It is Sawn, fasting.
Which of these is the third pillar of Islam? Well done it's Zakah.
Which of these is the second pillar of Islam? Excellent, Salah.
Which two key beliefs are contained within the Shahadah? Predestination and angels, Holy books and the day of judgement.
Tawhid and Risalah or Tawhid and angels? Point to it now for me.
Brilliant, well done.
It is Tawhid and Risalah.
What is Tawhid? Believe in prophethood, the oneness of God, believing that Mohammed is the final prophet, or believing that the Qur'an is the word of God? Point to it now.
Well done.
It is the oneness of God.
What is Risalah? Oneness of God, belief in prophethood and Mohammed as the final prophet, belief in the Qur'an or belief in the angel Jibril? Point to it now, for me.
Well done.
Prophethood and Mohammed as the final prophet.
How often should a Muslim keep the Shahadah on their mind? Five times a day, each day during the month of Ramadan, 2.
5% of the time or all the time? Point to it now.
Well done.
It is indeed all the time.
What is Salah? The requirement to make three prayers a day? the requirement to make four prayers a day? Five prayers a day? or the requirement to spend all day praying? Point to it now for me.
Well done.
That's right.
It is five prayers a day.
How the prayer times change? Sorry, why do prayer times change? Is it to fit in with the Muslims life? Is it to keep the day varied? Is it that the Qur'an states that they should be? or are they set by the position of the sun? Point to it now for me.
Well done, set by the position of the sun.
So what's the difference between how Sunni and Shia Muslims fulfil Salah.
Shia Muslims make five prayers in three sessions, Sunni Muslims have five prayer sessions? Sunni Muslims make five prayers in three sessions, Shia Muslims have five prayer sessions? There is no difference.
Or finally, Sunni Muslims pray at any point in the day where Shia Muslims have to keep to the prayer times.
Which one is it? Well done.
It's sheer Muslims making five prayers in three prayer sessions.
So still fulfilling the requirement to pray five times a day, but just doing that in three processions sessions.
While Sunni Muslims fulfil the obligation to pray five times a day by having five set individual prayer times.
So, which prayers do Shia Muslims combine? And there's two correct answers here.
Is it the second and third prayer? The fourth and fifth prayer? The first and second prayer? Or the third and fourth? Point to two answers now for me.
Well done.
It is the second and third, and the fourth and fifth.
So true or false now we're on two different types of prayer.
Are Jummah prayers optional? Point to screen.
It's false.
They're compulsory aren't they? Jummah prayers are one of the five daily prayers.
True or false? It's true.
They are one of the Salah prayer.
The Friday afternoon prayer.
Jummah prayers are obligatory.
Is that true or false? Point to it now.
It's true isn't it? They have to be done.
It's one of the compulsory Salah prayers.
Jummah prayers are done at home? True or false? False.
They're done at the Mosque aren't they.
Ah, look, that's the next question.
Oh, they're done at the mosque? I've just said it.
It's true.
Next question.
Jummah are separate to the five daily prayers.
True or false? False.
Jummah prayers are obligatory.
True or false? Point to the screens now for me.
Well done.
It is true.
Jummah prayers are additional prayers to the five daily prayers.
True or false? Point now.
It's false.
It's one of the five daily prayers.
Jummah prayers are done on a Thursday.
Is that true or false? False.
Well done.
Bonus mark tell me what day of the week they are done? A Friday.
Well done.
Jummah prayers are an example of private worship? Is that true or is that false? Point to your screen now.
It is false.
Jummah prayers are done at home? True or false? It's false Isn't it? Jummah prayers are done at the mosque.
True or false? Excellent.
Well done.
It is true.
Jummah prayers are an example of public worship? True or false? It's true.
Isn't it well done.
Du'a prayers are they obligatory? True or false? It's false.
These are the optional additional prayers.
Aren't they? A Muslim can choose when or where to do Du'a prayers.
True or false? Excellent.
Well done it's true.
Du'a prayers have to be done in a mosque.
True or false? It is false well done.
Du'a prayers are part of Salah.
Is that true or false? It's false.
Remember Salah it's the obligation to make those five daily prayers and these are optional extra prayers that a Muslim can make.
Du'a prayers can only be done at set times.
Is that true or false? It's false.
Well done.
Du'a prayers are an example of public worship.
Is that true or false? Excellent.
Well done.
It is false.
Du'a prayers are an example of private worship.
Is that true or is that false? It's true well done.
Du'a prayers can only be done on a Friday.
True or false? Excellent.
Well done, it is false.
These prayers can take place any day of the week.
Am I talking about Jummah or Du'a prayers? Point your screens now.
Any day of the week.
Du'a prayers, well done.
These prayers have to take place in a mosque Jummah or Du'a.
It's Jummah well done.
These prayers have to happen on a Friday, Jummah or Du'a? Point to your screens now.
Jummah well done.
These prayers can be done at home.
Jummah or Du'a? Du'a prayers, well done.
This is one of your Salah prayers.
Is that Jummah or Du'a? It's Jummah.
Well done.
These are optional extra prayers, Jummah or Du'a? It's Du'a.
Well done.
These are an example of private worship.
Jummah or Du'a? Du'a.
Well done.
These are an example of public worship.
Jummah or Du'a? It's Jummah.
So, questions again.
A rak'ah involves both actions and words.
True or false? It's true.
Well done.
Prostrating is lying flat on the floor, true or false? It's false.
Remember it's seven points of contact with the floor.
Prostration is to show submission to Allah greatness, true or false? It's true.
Well done.
The chapter of the Qur'an recited only reminds Muslims of Allah's greatness.
It's false.
It also reminds me of all the things Allah has done for them and why they should be giving praise to him.
Muslims can face towards any direction at all when they pray.
That is false.
They pray facing Mecca.
Muslims only facing Mecca.
As it's where the religion originated from.
It's false.
They also face that way to build the Ummah they're all facing in the same way.
Building that sense of community.
Salah helps to build the Ummah.
True or false? It's true.
Shia Muslims make their five prayers over three sessions, true or false? Five over three, true or false? It's true.
Well done.
Sunni Muslims make their five prayers at five different times, true or false? It's true.
Well done.
The adhan doesn't contain any important Islamic beliefs, is that true or false? It's false.
It contains the Shahada.
So now it is time to consolidate all that work.
We've just done remembering, some really important details about the Shahada and Salah.
And what I'd like you to do is spend some time answering these 14 questions in full sentences.
So please pause the video.
Then once you've done, un pause the video and join me for some feedback.
So the first question asked you.
What is the Shahadah? Hopefully you noted down that a Shahadah is the declaration of faith that states that, there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.
If you need to make a correction or an amendment on addition, please do that now with your different colour pen.
Secondly, it has to be the two key beliefs in the Shahada.
Hopefully remember that that is Tawhid and it was Allah.
The third question added to define both of those things by Tawhid in the oneness of God.
And by Risalah we mean, prophethood.
The fourth question asked you how frequently does Shahadah need practising ? The answer that you got is hopefully the Shahadah needs to be on your mind at all times.
The fifth question asked three ways in which a Shahadah could influence a Muslim.
And you might have picked out these things that it might inspire them to read the Qur'an because that's Allah's words.
It will make them make Allah the number one priority in life and the Muslim will also follow the example of the prophet Mohammed, because it's the prophet Mohammed that Allah chose to make his revelation to.
The prophet Mohammed was a really good example of how to follow all of Allah's commands.
So the next question asked you what Salah is.
Salah is the requirement to pray five times a day.
They then asked you for the difference between how Sunni and Shia Muslims practise that pillar.
And hopefully you remembered that Sunni Muslims pray at five separate times and Shia Muslims make their five prayers over three prayer sessions.
So if you need to make any corrections, now it'd be a really useful time just to pause it.
Review the answers you can see on the screen, compare that to your work and make any corrections or amendments or additions, and then unpause the video and all goes through the second set of questions together in a moment.
So question eight asks you three reasons why Salah is important and you can see the three reasons here show submission to Allah, helps keep your mind focused on Allah throughout the day, and also strengthened the Ummah of the Islamic community.
Question nine asked you what are the Jummah prayers.
The Jummah prayers are the compulsory Friday afternoon prayer that takes place in the mosque.
10 asked you about Du'a prayers they're personal private prayer a Muslim can make to Allah.
Question 11 asked you, which of those types of prayer is an example of public worship.
The answer is Jummah prayers 'cause they take place in the mosque Question number 12 asked you, which is the example of private prayer they're the Du'a prayers because you can make these at any time they're optional.
You can make them in any place or your place you could make them is in your own home.
Question number 13, as for two reasons why Jummah prayers are important.
So you might've started by saying, look, it's part of the Salah prayers.
And the Salah prayers are the five obligatory prayers that a Muslim has to make.
And the Jummah prayer is the Friday afternoon prayer.
So it's one of the 35 Salah prayers.
You might then mention that Friday is a really significant day in Islam as it's the day, man was created.
And the day, the day of judgement will also take place.
The final question was two reasons why Jummah prayers are important and hopefully you manage to make down that they can be used to make up for missed Salah prayers and they can also help to build that personal relationship with Allah.
So this would be another really useful time to pause the video if you need to, check your answers against the answers that you can see on your screens and make any corrections, amendments, or additions to your work, and un-pause the video once you've finished.
So we can review Zakah and Sawn together.
Zakah and Sawn.
So we're going to start off reviewing now pillars three and four with some quick fire questions.
Remember pillar three is Zakah charity.
Pillar four is Sawn fasting, throughout the Islamic month of Ramadan.
So let's just review some key terms for particularly to do with Zakah.
So firstly, we want to make sure we remember that Zakah is a requirement to pay 2.
5% of your idle wealth above Nisab to charity.
Idle wealth remember is the money left over at the end of each year.
Once you have taken care of your basic necessities.
So if, for example, you have 10,000 pounds in a year, it costs you 6,000 pounds to look after your basic necessities, your idle wealth would then be what's remaining the 4,000 pounds.
Then Nisab is a savings allowance on which you do not have to pay Zakah.
Within your Idle wealth say you have 4,000 pounds of idle wealth, there's a savings allowance.
That savings amount is called Nisab that saving allowance, might for the sake of argument, be something like 2000 pounds, which then means you're paying your Zakah on your idle wealth above Nisab.
Your idle wealth is 4,000 pounds, Nisab is 2000 pounds.
So your idle wealth above Nisab would be the 2000 pounds.
Khums is a requirement for Shia Muslims to pay 20% on money gained throughout the year.
And that's one of the 10 obligatory acts.
And Sadaqah is optional, additional charity, which any Muslim can make and Muslims encouraged to do.
Zakah and Khums set a minimum requirement Sadaqah allows Muslims go above and beyond those minimum requirements.
So let's do our questions.
Again, just point your screen to demonstrate, you know, the right answer.
Zakah is obligatory.
Remember obligatory means you have to do it.
Is that true or false? It's true.
Well done.
Zakah will involve all Muslims, making a payment to charity.
Is that true or false? It's false.
Well done.
You won't have to pay it if you don't have idle wealth, or the idle wealth you have is below the saving special of Nisab.
Muslims can avoid paying Zakah by spending all of their money.
It's false.
Remember anything above what it takes you to take care of your basic necessities would be classed as Idle wealth.
So if you spend lots of money on lavish jewellery, for example, that would count as part of your idle wealth, Which of these is idle wealth? Is it your savings allowance or the money left over at the end of each year once you've taken care of your basic necessities? Point, your screen now.
Well done.
What's your this is, Nisab, the savings allowance, all the money you are allowed to spend in a year? Well done it is the savings allowance.
What's the percentage use to calculate Zakah five, 10 or 2.
? Well done.
It is 2.
What's idle wealth.
The wealth that you're allowed to spend each year? How much you spend on basic necessities in a year? Or what you have left after you've taken care of your basic necessities? Well done.
It's the final one.
What you have left after you've taken care of your basic necessities.
So what's Nisab? The amount of money you're allowed to spend in a year, the amount of idle wealth you're allowed to save before paying Zakah or the amount you pay Zakah on.
Well done.
It's the middle one, the idle wealth you're allowed to save before paying Zakah.
How is Nisab calculated set a fixed amount of 2000 pounds by calculating the value of a certain weight of gold and silver or an individual Muslim can set their own savings allowance.
It's the middle one remember it's set by calculating a certain weight of gold and silver, 87 grammes of gold and 612 grammes of silver.
Why does Nisab allowance change yearly.
It doesn't it's fixed.
Because the value of gold and silver changes or because it's nice to have things in life that involves some complicated mathematics? It's the middle one.
Well done.
Which of these is idle wealth? Savings allowance or the money leftover at the end of the year once you've taken care of your basic necessities? Well done the money leftover at the end of the year once you're taking care of your basic necessities.
Which of these is Nisab? The savings allowance or the money you're allowed to spend in a year.
Well done.
It is indeed the savings allowance.
The percentage use to calculate Zakah five, 10, or 2.
5 ? Point to your screens.
Well done.
It is 2.
What's idle wealth.
Wealth you're allowed to spend each year, how much you spend on basic necessities in a year or what you have left after you've taken care of your basic necessities? Well done.
It's that final option.
What is Nisab? The amount of money you're allowed to spend in a year, the amount of idle wealth you're allowed to save before paying Zakah or the amount you pay Zakah on? Well done.
It's that middle option there.
How is Nisab calculated? Is it fixed? Tied to a certain weight of gold and silver, or do individual Muslims set their own? Well done, it's the middle one.
Remember it is tied to a certain weight of gold and silver.
Why doesn't Nisab allowance change yearly? It doesn't, it's fixed because the value of gold and silver changes or because it's nice to have things in life that involve complicated maths? Well done.
It is the middle one, which denomination of Islam pays Zakah, Sunni, Shia or all? Well done.
It is all.
which denomination of Islam pays Khums? Sunni, Shia or both.
Well done It's Shia.
Remember it was one of the 10 Obligatory acts of Shia Islam.
Which denomination of Islam can pay Sadaqah? Sunni, Shia or both? Well done.
It's both.
Remember it's the optional, additional.
Which denomination of Islam has to pay Sadaqah? Sunni Shia or neither.
Well done.
It is neither of them.
It's optional.
You don't have to do it.
What you have to do is Salah.
And what Shia Muslims also have to do is Khums. You don't have to do Sadaqah, but you can do the Sadaqah.
What's the percentages to calculate Zakah? 2.
5 or 20.
Well, I've done it's 2.
What percentage is used to calculate Khums? Five, 2.
5 or 20? Well done.
It is 20.
Why does the Nisab allowance change yearly? Tell me again, well done the value of gold and silver changes.
Which payment takes Nisab into account Zakah, Khums or both? Well done.
It is Zakah.
Which payment takes idle wealth into account Zakah, Khums or both? Well done.
It is Zakah.
Which of these is idle wealth? Savings, allowance, money leftover at the end of each year once you've taken care of your basic necessities? well done.
It's the one on the right? Which of this is Nisab? Well done.
It is the savings allowance.
What's the percent used to calculate Zakah? tell me again.
Well done.
What is idle wealth? Well done.
What you have left after you've taken care of your basic necessities.
Nisab tell me again, Well done is the amount of idle wealth you're allowed to save.
How's Nisab calculated? Remind me.
Well done.
It's the weight of gold and silver.
Why does the Nisab allowance change yearly? Remind me again.
Well done the value of gold and silver changes.
Which domination of Islam pays Zakah? Sunni, Shia or all? Well done, all.
Which denomination of Islam pays Khums? Sunni, Shia or both? well done it is Shia.
Which denomination of Islam can pay Sadaqah? Excellent.
It's both.
You remember didn't you it's optional and additional.
Which has to pay Sadaqah? Sunni, Shia or neither? Excellent.
You've got that right as well, didn't you? Because you remember that it's optional, so they have to do it.
So let's continue with some quickfire questions now focusing all on Sawn.
So does Sawn involve fasting true or false? It's true.
Well done.
Does Sawn only involve fasting from food and water? True or false? It's false.
Well done.
All Muslims are expected to fast.
All Muslims expected to fast, true or false? It's false.
Well done.
There are exceptions, remember if you are under 12, if you are sick, if you already elderly, if you're pregnant or perhaps a pregnant lady feeding a young child, you would not be expected to fast.
Next question, there can be no eating or drinking throughout the entire month of Ramadan true or false? It's false.
Well done.
Remember it's just for daylight hours, all men over the age of 12 who are fit and healthy would be expected to fast, true or false? Well done.
It's true.
Which of these are expected to fast? An elderly man, very young girl, pregnant woman.
Well done.
None of these people would be expected to fast.
which of these are also prohibited during Sawn? Sexual relationships, exercise, or playing computer games? Well done.
Sexual relationships.
When can you stop fasting only at the end of Ramadan, after midnight each day, or when it's too dark to tell the difference between a black and white string? Well done, it is that final option, when it's too dark to tell the difference between a black piece of string and a white piece of string.
What a significant event does Sawn help Muslims to recall? The start of the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad by the angel Jibril? The day the revelation of the Qur'an was completed? or Mohammed establishing the first Islamic community? Well done the start of the revelation of the Qur'an to Mohammed by the angel Jibril.
What name was given to the specific day that Jibril started revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad? Night of power.
The day of revelation.
Or the grand revelation? It's the night of power.
Well done.
Sawn only involves fasting from food and water, true or false? Well done.
It's false.
All muslims are expected to fast.
True or false? Well done.
It is false.
There can be no eating or drinking throughout the entire month of Ramadan, true or false? Well done.
It is false.
All men over the age of 12 who are fit and healthy would be expected to fast, to true or false? Well done.
It is true.
Which of these are accepted to fast? Excellent.
You remembered that one didn't you? None of those groups are expected to fast.
They are all exempt from fasting.
Which if these are also prohibited during Sawn? Sexual relationships, exercise, or playing computer games.
Well done.
Sexual relationships.
When can you stop fasting only at the end of Ramadan, after midnight, each day, or when it's too dark to tell the difference between a piece of black string and a piece of white string? Well done.
It's a test with the strings.
What significant event does Sawn help Muslims to recall? The start of the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad by the angel Jibril, the day the revelation of the Qur'an was completed, or Mohammed establishing the first Islamic community? Well done the start of the revelation of the Qur'an to Mohammed by the angel Jibril.
What names given to the specific day that Jibril started revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad? Night of power, day revelation or the grand revelation? Well done.
It is the night of power.
Wow, loads of thinking there and hopefully that's helped us to remember some really key details that will now help us answer some specific questions.
And we're going to focus on two questions and both questions are explained questions, and these questions can fit with all examples, but perhaps they best fit with AQA and editSal.
You might be expected to look a little bit more if you're doing your exam with either edgyCAS or WJEC.
And the question might look a little bit different if you are doing your exam with OCR, the best thing to do, if you have any doubts whatsoever is to get some help, get some advice from your wonderful RS teacher.
Now, the question I'm going to ask you to do a moment is to explain two different ways that Muslims practise charity.
Now to answer this type of question, you need to include the specific name of a type of charity payment and define it.
You then need to give some additional detail about that type of charity.
And you'll do that again around four sentences would probably be enough and that'd be two sentences on each type of charity.
Now, key terms you might want to consider using in your answer, you might want to use two of these key terms. Zakah, Khums, Sadaqah.
Sentence starters.
You can consider using to help you in your answer would be things like this, one way in which Muslims practise charity is.
And give me the key term, which is then you define it.
And then you give me that little bit of additional detail, then repeat that structure and you can see that's how you'd get your four sentences.
So can you please pause the video, have a go at that task and then join me for some feedback on your wonderful theological work.
So let's check your wonderful work.
So you may have mentioned that one way in which Muslims practise charity is Salah.
That's giving 2.
5% of ideal wealth above Nisab to charity.
And this money is used to help lots of different groups.
For example, the poor, the needy and converts.
You may then have gone on to say that another way in which most, in fact is charities is Khums. Which is a 20% payment of wealth gained in the year.
And this wealth could be wages or profits or investments or businesses.
Now do not worry if your answer is not exactly the same as that, clearly with this, there are lots of different ways you could have answered it.
And just to give you some examples, other creditable details that you could have mentioned for Salah.
So rather than saying, it's your to support lots of different groups like the poor, the needy and converts.
You might've developed it by mentioning other groups it's given too.
So you might've mentioned that it's given to those in debt.
You might have mentioned that it's also given to prisoners of war for example, you might have mentioned charities the can be given to.
Islamic aid for example.
You might have given some explanations of what Idle wealth, and Nisab are that would be fine and fantastic.
You might have stated that it should be given without pride, or you might have stated that it ensures Muslims are sharing Allah's resources fairly.
All of those things would be perfectly creditable responses.
If you want to make any changes or amendments or corrections to your work, please pause the video now and then join me.
And we'll have a look at a second question.
So another question for you, explain why Sawn is important within Islam? Now to do this question, well, what you need to include is two reasons why Sawn is important and explain each reason in more detail.
Around four sentences for this will probably be enough.
This will be two sentences on each type of charity.
Now to help you can consider using the following as sentence starters.
One reason Sawn is important is, then give me the reason.
This is important because, and that's where you give me that little bit more detail.
You can then repeat that structure.
If you need a little hint or tip to get started, consider using this, it's one of the five pillars.
So please pause the video now, then rejoin me once you have had a go at that question.
So again, lots of different ways you can answer this question.
So do not worry if it's not exactly like this.
And if you're unsure on what you've written is roughly in the right area, then make sure you show it to your wonderful teachers.
So an example answer, one reason why Sawn is important is that it is one of the five pillars.
The five pillars are actions, which help Muslims put their faith into action and show their submission to Allah.
You might then mention that.
Another reason why Sawm is important is that fasting is commanded in the Qur'an.
Muslims believe the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
Allah is the greatest or authority.
So Muslims must follow all of his rules.
Now you might have also mentioned some of these reasons.
You might have mentioned that it reminds Muslims of the Qur'an and developed that to say, well that's because throughout the month of Ramadan Muslims try to recite one third of the Qur'an each night.
You might mention it shows submission to Allah.
This is a really difficult thing.
Giving up food and drink during daylight hours for a month.
They're doing that because they respect Allah's greatness.
You might have mentioned that it helps focus the mind on Allah.
You might have mentioned that it can inspire.
Remember Sadaqah is the additional charity.
And in fasting during Ramadan, you'll become aware and alert to the fact that for many people going without food is not a choice.
And when you remember that, it can inspire that charity, that additional charity.
You have done some fantastic work today.
You've worked really hard.
Please now go and take the quiz to check what you have learned.
I'm sure you'll find that you have learned an awful lot, well done.
If you want to share your work with the Oak National Academy, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, using the information you can see on your screens now.
Thank you very much for joining me.
I hope to see you again very soon.