Hey, and welcome to this lesson on recap and practise in the sort of matters of life and death unit.
This unit covers topics that lots of different examples cover.
So it's a really useful one for you to be doing.
In this lesson, we're going to recap the learning in the first five lessons that we've covered in this Oak unit.
So if you've done those, it's a really good opportunity for you to go over what you've learned and make sure you really know it.
Because the reality is, no matter how focused you were in those lessons first time you did them, you will not remember everything, because that's just the human brain, we don't remember everything we learn the next time we look at it.
And the more we go over something and recap it, the better you'll know it long-term.
This is why we do things like song lyrics really well, because, when did you last listen a the song? I think that's a really good song, I really liked it.
And then just never listened to it again.
You wouldn't have, we listen to songs we love over, and over, and over again.
Or even some songs we don't love over, and over, again because they end up being played everywhere we go.
And you learn the lyrics because you hear them all the time.
Well, this is what we need to do with our learning.
We need to make sure that we are going over things regularly because the more often we revisit it, the better we'll know it.
So that is the purpose of this lesson, spend a bit of time recapping and practising what you've already learned.
So, you're going to need a pen and piece of paper, and a different coloured pen as well, because we're going to be making sure we're making corrections to our work.
And corrections are not about saying, oh, you got that thing wrong.
It's about recognising what's already in your heads and what's not in your head yet.
And, enter the lesson.
All of those things in a different colour, you can look at it and you can think, okay, those are the things I need to practise a little bit more so I know them better next time.
So do make sure you're using your different kind of pen as we go along.
And if you don't have one now, pause the video, run and get one.
And on your way, just make sure you don't have any distractions so that you can be fully focused in this lesson.
Hopefully, you've got everything you need now.
We're going to start with some quick fire questions, so hopefully this would jog your memory a little bit on some of the key things that have been looked at so far in this unit.
So firstly, which understanding of Islam would say that animals evolved, but that humans were created whole? This is from our Origin of Humanity lesson.
So, compromise Muslims, some Muslims would believe this view.
Why may some Muslims accept evolution? Because both the Quran and evolution say life began in water.
Which understanding of Islam would say that all humans and animals were created whole as they are today? Traditional and fundamentalist Christians would agree with that view as well.
Why may some Muslims reject evolution? Because they might say the Quran suggests that Allah made animals whole.
Which understanding of Islam would say that both humans and animals evolved? Modern, and again, if we're looking at Christianity, 'cause we're looking at two different religions in this unit, then Christianity, liberal Christians would agree with this view as well that both humans and animals evolved.
How does the Quran say that Eve was made? From the same soul as Adam.
What is the Arabic word meaning 'steward'? Khalifa.
So which of the environmental issues below best fits with the definition, the long-term change to weather systems due to the build up of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere? And that's here, it's climate change.
Which of the options below will a humanist not do in response to climate change? They're not going to pray.
So, humanism is a nonreligious view.
So many humanists, most humanists, are going to be atheists, or at least they're probably going to be unlikely to believe in a god that answers prayer.
Which Christians will interpret the Bible literally? Fundamentalist.
All Christians accept the "Big Bang Theory," true or false? That is false.
So, liberal Christians will accept the "big Bang Theory," many conservative Christians will, but fundamentalist Christians will often reject the "Big Bang Theory." Muslims and Christians have exactly the same beliefs about the origins of the universe, true or false? That is false.
So they've got lots of similar beliefs, they'll agree on lots of things like God creating the world out of nothing, and the well being created in six days, but they are also going to have many differences as well.
So it's not exactly the same.
What is the name of the ethical theory which states that we should do the action to bring about the most happiness for the most people? Utilitarianism, and I would recommend practising spelling, utilitarianism as well.
And that is a nonreligious ethical theory, whereas situation ethics and sanctity of life both fit with religion.
Which theory says that human life is sacred and therefore should not be destroyed? "Sanctity of Life." So, we find the sanctity of life in both Islam and Christianity.
And we're going to pause now so you can answer a low-value question.
So when I say low-value, I mean it's only going to be worth a small amount of marks.
And here it says, give two religious beliefs about the origins of the universe.
So you are going to need short sentences.
You must refer to religion, because it's asking for religious beliefs, so you're not going to talk about humanism here.
And please name your religion, okay? So you got to say, some Christians believe, some Muslims believe, all right? Because if you're not naming your religion, then you're not giving a religious belief, okay? So always name your religion.
So, now you're going to need that different coloured pen because we're starting to make corrections to our work.
And let's have a look at some answers.
So, a lot of answers I've got here are, some Christians believe God made the university in six days, some Muslims believe that Allah created the universe in six periods of time.
These are very similar, aren't they? But I think they are different enough, partly because they're from two different religions, and one is focused on the universe being made in six days.
The other is the interpretation of the universe being created in six periods of time.
There are lots of other answers you could put here.
You could say that Muslims believe that Allah created the universe out of nothing, you could say that Christians believe that God created with his word.
You could talk about what happens on the different days of creation according to Christianity.
So there's lots and lots of options here.
So, add to your answers, mark them, and we'll go into next thing.
Okay, so another short-answer question: Give two examples of challenges facing the environment.
For this question, you don't even need to write two short sentences.
You can just write two words as your answer, maybe three words, depending on what you use as your answer.
But it doesn't have to be very long, it needs to be a quick question.
Again, we've got two examples here for our answers, climate change and land pollution, that's why I was saying you might need more than two words because those answers are made of two words.
You could also have deforestation, water pollution, things like that as well.
So you've got lots of options.
So, we're going to look at some 'explain it' questions now, which are going to require slightly longer answers.
So this question says, explain two similar religious beliefs about origins of humanity.
Firstly, it wants these beliefs to be similar, not exactly the same.
So you can't just say the same thing twice, but we are going to make sure that they are similar when we look at our answers and not completely different, because some examples would say, well, if they're completely different, then you would only get half the marks because you're not giving two similar beliefs.
And again, we've got this command to talk about religious beliefs, so you need to be talking about Christianity and Islam here.
Or if in your examples you're looking at a different religion, then that's fine as well.
But all the lessons I've been doing, I'll be focusing on Christianity and Islam, so we'll stick with what we know.
These questions need to be done in full sentences.
Again, name the religion you're talking about, it must be done.
And make sure you make a clear point and explain it.
And here, we're going to be looking at specific Christian and Islamic beliefs about the origins of humanity.
How were humans created according to these beliefs? So I'm going to give you a moment to pause and do a mind map of what you can remember about the origins of humanity in Christianity and Islam.
So here's my mind map, and it's got quite a lot on it because it's got the different views from within Christianity and Islam as well.
So rather than just saying or outlining the Christian creation story, the story of creation of Adam, I've talked about fundamentalist, conservative, and liberal views on those stories.
I've also got humanism on that, but I've partly put that on there as a reminder that in this answer, we're focusing on religion.
So you would not be able to talk about humanism in your answer.
And then we've got the different views from Islam as well.
So I want you to pause for a moment, add any of these to your mind map that you don't already have.
And I want you to think about which ones you think are similar enough that you can talk about both of them.
So pause your video now and do those tasks.
And these are a couple of views that I think are similar and a fit to talk about in your answer.
So, we've got the purple ones matching with each other, and the pink one matching with each other.
So we've got traditional Islam and fundamentalist Christian, both of which are rejecting the theory of evolution and believing that God, or Allah, made humans whole.
We've got slight differences because they're not exactly the same, about Adam being created from dust, we've got Adam in Christianity, we've got Adam being created from clay in Islam.
But those are very similar answers, aren't they? We could also talk about modern Islam accepting evolution and liberal Christians accepting evolution as well.
But I've not really given you reasons why, so you're going to have to develop your answer, and you cannot just copy down what I've got here because I've got a bullet point, not an explanation.
So your next job is using your minds maps as a starting point.
You need to see if you can write this answer in full.
So here's my example answer for you.
You might have chosen different things to talk about to me, and that's absolutely fine.
What we need to look at here is the different parts of my answer.
I've got a point and I've got an explanation.
So fundamentalist Christians believe that the biblical account of creation should be taken literally.
Therefore, they believe that Adam was really made out of dust.
Traditional Muslims have a similar believe that the Quran is the correct Word of Allah.
They believe that Adam was made whole, moulded from clay by Allah, and that he didn't evolve.
So we've got similar views here, but we're not just repeating ourselves in exactly the same way twice.
We've got clear explanation, we've named our religions, and we've said what type of Christians, what type of Muslims would have this view.
So pause your video and add anything that you need to to your own answer.
Now you've done that, the next thing we're going to do is we're going to recap our knowledge of some important key words and definitions.
You should be using these key words regularly in your answers.
And sometimes some of these keywords will be used in questions.
And if you don't know what they mean, you're going to struggle to know what to talk about.
So it's really important we know what they mean.
So we're going to start by testing ourselves and seeing if we can write out a definition.
And one of the reasons why this is important is because often, we can use a word in conversation, don't we, can't we? But then when somebody says to us, well, what does that word mean? We struggled to get the definition.
And that's a bit of a problem, we need to be able to say really clearly exactly what a word means.
And this is why practising our definitions is really, really important.
So lastly, what we're going to look at is quotations.
Now, several examples require the use of scripture quotations as evidence for religious beliefs.
So for some examples, if you don't use quotations in your answer, your marks are going to be capped, and you're not going to be able to get beyond a certain grade.
But thankfully, it's not too bad learning these quotations.
I think sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming, but if we've got the technique in place, then we can do okay with them.
And the other thing is making sure we understand what quotations mean so we can use them appropriately, and making sure we're not getting quotations mixed up between different religions.
So we've got two here, "indeed, your Lord is Allah, "who created the heavens and the earth." And "in then the beginning, "God created the heavens and the earth." We've got really similar quotations here, haven't we? And it's just making sure that we're not getting them too muddled and that we know them really well.
So the next task I'm going to give you is, I've actually got four quotations for you to learn, and you're going to learn them using the process look, cover, write, check, repeat.
Now this process should be messy.
You need to look at the quotations, you need to cover them, see if you can write them from memory.
When I say, look, you do need to actually read them, reading them out loud to yourself is a good thing to do.
Cover them, see if you can write them from memory.
You'll probably manage maybe the first couple or maybe the first half of some of them, and then you'll get stuck.
And that's fine because it's part of the process.
So what you do then is you have another look, you get your different coloured pen, and you add in the bits that you've missed.
Then you cover up what you've done so far.
You might want to fold your bit of paper over so you can't see it, and you do the process again.
And you're going to do this five times.
And hopefully by the end of the process, you will be able to recall those quotations from memory.
If you're not quite there at the end of the process, don't panic.
Sometimes it takes people a little bit longer, spend some time doing it.
And also, the more often you go back and check your knowledge, the better you'll know it.
So I would say, tomorrow, have another look at these quotations, see if you can remember them.
If you learn them really well now, don't assume they'll still be there in a week if you don't practise them.
It's a really good technique to use, it's really helpful for helping you to learn things, so make sure you fully engaged with it.
Think hard, it is the hard way to do it properly.
Do not just copy it out over and over again.
When my students do that, I can see they've not done it properly 'cause it's got no mistakes and no corrections.
And they don't know it as well as the people whose work was covered in mistakes and corrections.
So, give it a go, and then we'll have a look at some evaluate questions, or evaluate question.
So, evaluate questions are used by most examples, and they might have different commands, like evaluate the statement, or discuss the statement.
And these questions require you to explain the reasons for and against the statement.
You need to use evidence from the religions you've learned about like quotations and things like that to support those views.
And make sure the answers you're giving are authentically the views of those religions.
So for example, don't write, Muslims won't believe that God exists because.
because that's not a Muslim view.
Muslims believe they believe in God, that's what makes them Muslim, okay? And believing in Muhammad the prophet as well.
So make sure your examples and your points of view genuinely fit with those religious teachings that you're referring to.
You are going to need a conclusion to show what side of the argument is most convincing.
And you can talk about more than one religion in your answer.
This question, caring for the environment is the most important religious duty.
You are probably going to talk about Islam and Christianity, and you're probably not going to talk about humanism because when we're talking about important religious duties, where Christians and Muslims are going to look at their own teachings within their own religions, they're not really going to be interested in the view of a nonreligious person when it comes to their religious duties.
So you're going to want to focus more on the religious views for this question.
So we're going to pause for a moment so you can write down some ideas about what kind of things you could use to answer this question.
So before you give writing an answer to this question a go, just a few things to make sure you're including as you go along; number one is evidence.
So that is your quotations.
You've just learnt four quotations, so hopefully, you'll find them really, really useful in your answer.
The second is evaluation.
So this is an argument, this is not a list of things Christians believe in, and a list of things Muslims believe in, and then a conclusion.
This is, or some people believe this, and other people believe that.
And it's a back and forth argument.
And if you've ever been in an argument, you will tell the other person whether what they said is true or not.
You will say, well, that's rubbish what you just said, you're wrong because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And this is what you need to be doing, obviously not in an insulting way, but you need to say, well, this view is strong because it fits really well with Islamic teaching.
Or you might say, well, this view is weak because it fits really badly with Christian teaching because et cetera, et cetera.
So you need to evaluate, and you need to clear judgement in your conclusion.
Do not just summarise what you've said.
Don't sit on the fence and say, well, some people believe this, and some people believe that.
You need to be clear about what side of the argument is strongest, and you need a couple of reasons to support your answer well.
So now I've rambled on to you about that, you can pause your video again and finish your answer.
Well done for all of your hard work in this recap and practise lesson.
I hope that it has really jogged your memory about things you've learnt, and that you found some of those tasks like look, cover, write, check, repeat really, really useful for learning that information.
Now you're done, you can complete the exit quiz.
So thank you so much for all of your hard work.