
Content guidance

Contains conflict or violence.

Adult supervision suggested


Lesson video

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Hello, Nobel theologians, and thank you very much for joining me for another lesson.

Today, we are going to be doing another revision lesson on the peace and conflict unit.

Doing something called deliberate practise, and what that means is, we're going to turn off theological attention towards recalling and really precisely, some scripture verses that we've looked at in this unit, and applying them to one of the important topics, on this unit.

So if you need to go and get anything for the lesson, please do that now.

Remember you'll need four things, a pen, a different colour pen, some paper, and your theology brains.

Please pause the video now, if you need to go and get any of those things.

So let's see how we're going to go about this deliberate practise sets.

We're going to start off by reviewing scripture verses, after we've reviewed a set of Islamic scripture verses, we'll then apply that to some of the key content.

Then we'll repeat that process for some scripture verses on Christianity, reviewing them, doing some work to make sure we can remember them, and then applying them to some of the key content from the unit.

And let's have a look at the key content from the unit, just a reminder of what has been covered on this unit, in the Oak National Academy.

So key concepts of peace, justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Violent and nonviolent protest.

Reasons for war.


Just war theory in both Christianity and Islam.

Holy war.

Nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

Pacifism, and responses to victims of war.

So we have covered a lot and we'll also be able to review quite a lot of those topics in today's lesson.

We're going to start this process off, by looking at the key quotations that we've identified within Islam.

So let's just look at the five scripture verses that we've identified as being really important, and worth remembering.

We won't talk about them much now, because we'll do lots of explaining later on in the lesson, but we'll start our focus off by looking at what they are, then we'll turn our attention to making sure we remember them really precisely, and then we'll do some more explanation later on in the lesson.

So fight for the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress.

Allah loves the doers of good.

In the Battle of Badr, remember this is an absolute key example for this unit, you must make sure you can recall it, and they key details of it, and the fact that in this battle, Muhammad only used force as a last resort.

Remember that was against the Meccans who were putting him on the constant threat with his followers, and therefore the faith.

In that battle, Muhammad made sure only minimum force was used.

The next quotation which you're going to try to remember is, repel evil by that deed which is better.

And the fifth one, if they incline towards peace, then inclined towards it.

So they're the five quotations we're going to focus on from Islam so they're really flexible, but I mean, we can use them to talk about a huge amount of detail on the specification as we'll see later on.

So the first part of trying to remember these quotations with a good degree of accuracy is, looking at your screens.

Now you can see the five quotations.

Each quotation has had two or three words removed from it.

I'd like you please to write out the quotations, using the missing words that you can see in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

So pause the video please, write about in full, including the missing words and join us for some feedback in just a moment.

Excellent effort.

So let's see how you got off.

So I hope for the first one on the top you have, fight for the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress.

In the middle, Battle of Badr, Muhammad only used force as a last resort, and in the battle, they only used minimum force.

The third one, if they incline to peace, then incline to it.

The fourth one, Allah loves the doers of good.

And the fifth one, repel evil by that deed which is better.

Please pause the video now just to check your work, make sure that you've got exactly as you can see on the screen and add any corrections if you need to.

Right, now it's going to get a little bit harder, and that's going to help us actually remember them.

So you can see the same five quotations on your screen, the same words have been taken up, but it's a bit harder because the missing word box isn't there, but I need to do the same thing.

So you write them out in full, repetition is going to be really helpful, and see if you can remember the missing words this time after not having them on your screen.

So pause the video now, and have a go at that for me now please.

Terrific effort.

Let's see how you got on them.

So fight for the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress.

The Battle of Badr, Muhammad only used force as the last resort, in the battle minimum force was used.

And if they incline to peace, then incline to it.

Allah loves the doers of good.

And, repel evil by that deed which is better.

Again, please pause the video to make sure you've got them really precise and really accurate, and make any corrections that are needed.

Please do that for me now.

Right, theological superstars.

This is getting a bit harder now.

So again, we've got no missing words and this time, we've got even more words taken out for you.

So see if you can do it again.

Again, try really hard, resist the temptation to look back at your prior work.

Trying really hard, although is difficult.

It really will help you learn them off by heart.

So write them out in full.

See if you can get all those missing words popped in.

Good luck, off you go.

Brilliant effort.

Let's see how you did then.

So at the first one, again, fight for the cause of God, against those fight you, but do not transgress.

In the Battle of Badr, Muhammad only used force as last a resort, and in the battle minimum force was used.

The third one, and if they inclined to peace, then incline to it.

The fourth one, Allah loves the doers of good.

And the fifth one, repel evil by that deed which is better.

So again, in a moment, pause the video, check your work really carefully, make sure it's as accurate as it needs to be.

And then un pause the video once you've done that.


Even harder again.

Fine theologians you're doing really well.

It's difficult, but you're getting there.

You're almost at the stage probably now, where you can write them out without any props, without any hints from me.

But before we get to that stage, let's make it harder yet again.

So again, the same quotations and this time, even more words have been taken out.

Again, make sure you resist the urge to look back.

I know you can do that, and secondly, make sure you write them out in full.

Off you go.

Brilliant effort.

Well done.

Let's see how you did so, fight for the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress.

In the Battle of Badr, Muhammad only used force as a last resort, in the battle minimum force was used.

The third one, if they inclined towards peace, then incline to it.

The fourth one, Allah loves the doers of good, and the fifth one, repel evil by that deed which is better.

So again pause the video, check you've got it exactly right for me, then un pause it once you've confirmed that.

Right and, this is it.

Now hopefully all that hard work, all that effort is just about to payoff.

See if you can write them out from memory for me now.

Off you go.

Excellent work, well done.

Think about the progress you've made there.

At the start, you would have needed that word bank.

At this stage, even if you didn't get it a hundred percent right, I bet you managed to do a lot, so well done for your effort and well done for your success.

So, let's check those five.

Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress.

Battle of Badr, Muhammad only used force as a last resort, in the battle, minimum force was used.

In the third one, If they inclined to peace, then incline to it.

The fourth one, Allah loves the doers of good.

In the fifth one, repel evil by that deed which is better.

Again, check them over for me, un pause it once we've done it, and we'll have a look, at how we can apply these five key quotations to loads of different areas from the specification.

Right, brilliant.

So we've done the recording now.

Hopefully you feel quite confident in being able to recall those quotations with a good degree of accuracy.

On your screen now you can see two sides.

On the left hand side, you've got those five key quotations.

You've just been putting a lot of time and effort into recalling.

On the right hand side, you can see what I'd like you to apply those quotations to.

So the first one, I'd like you to tell me how that links to lesser jihad, and how it also links to weapons of mass destruction.

For the next one, how can we use the Battle of Badr to link to lesser jihad, and the Islamic just war theory.

The third one, how can we link that to peace and to terrorism.

For the fourth one, how can we link that to helping the victims of war.

And the fifth one, how can we link that to violent protest.

And you can see there, by looking at these five quotations and doing this work, we will be reviewing a huge amount of content on the specification and the calling and Islamic view on seven different areas of the content with these five quotations.

So please pause the video now, and have a go at that work for me.

Fantastic effort.

Let's do some feedback then, so that first one, we're trying to apply to lesser jihad, and weapons of mass destruction.

So we can link that to lesser jihad because the cause of God is to defend the faith.

That's what that word, cause of God or that phrase, cause of God means in that quotation.

Lesser jihad explains that it's acceptable where necessary to use force to defend the faith.

So you've got a clear link there, haven't we? Next one, also linked to weapons of mass destruction because it tells those in conflict not to transgress, transgress means breaking the rules, and the rules of lesser jihad involve protecting innocent life.

Weapons of mass destruction don't do that, so would not be allowed.

Remember, some of the specific rules that made that clear is not killing women, not killing children, not killing the elderly.

You can't do that.

You cannot guarantee that at all, or the weapon of mass destruction.

So check your work against that, please, and then un pause the video once you've checked your delightful theology.

So let's see how then we could use the Battle of Badr, and link that to lesser jihad, an Islamic just war theory.

So it can link to lesser jihad, and the Islamic just war theory because in the Battle of Badr, Muhammad only used minimum force, and he used that as a last resort in order to defend the faith.

Lesser jihad and the Islamic just war theory make it clear that defending the faith, as a last resort, is an acceptable use of force, and the rules of lesser jihad make it clear that the force used needs to be proportionate.

And we can see both those things in that short snippet of information from the Battle of Badr.

So again, please pause the video, check your work against that, then un pause it once you've got all the detail you need.

So the next two, if they inclined to peace, then incline towards it, we'll try to link that to peace and terrorism.

We say look, it links to peace, 'cause it makes it really clear that peace is the ideal.

Therefore actions in war always need to make peaceful reconciliation possible, that's what you're aiming for.

It also links to terrorism because if peace is the ideal, then clearly terrorism is wrong as it seeks to destroy and cause division.

And is by definition, not an act that's aimed at peace.

The next one, Allah loves the doers of good.

We're trying to relate that to helping the victims of war, and we can do that by saying this to helping victims of war, because it's really clear that Allah expects good deeds and helping the victims of war, is clearly a really good deed.

Allah also makes it clear that victims of war should be helped when he dictates, who Zakah funds should support.

Remember, Zakah funds go to the poor, the needy for the cause of God and also the Wayfair.

All of those people could be victims of war because it might updates financial consequences.

They might be injured like physically or emotionally, and that would be someone who's needy for the cause of God.

That's people who might be fighting to defend the faith.

The Wayfarer, which is also one of those groups mentioned in Zakah, could be those people who have been displaced as a result of the conflict and either internally displaced or become a refugee.

So again, please pause the video to check your lovely work.

Make sure you've got all those details, and then un pause the video and join me again in a moment.

And the fifth one, repel evil by that deed which is better.

And we're trying to link those to violent protests.

In particular, if you're against violent protest.

We can do that by saying, look, it links to violent protest because it says it would be wrong to respond to evil with evil.

So injustice shouldn't be responded to with injustice like violence.

When confronted by justice, you should respond with something better, and the something better, should be something peaceful.

So again, pause the video, check you've got all those lovely details, and then join me afterwards, and we'll have a look at some Christian quotations.

So here we go.

We're going to start now on the Christian quotations.

We'll do it in the same way.

So we'll first just look at the five together, and then we'll do that work to memorise the five, and then we'll apply the five to lots of different areas on the specification again.

So here are our five.

The first one, do everything possible to live at peace with everyone.

The second one, God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

The third one, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

The fourth one, life for life, eye for eye.

The fifth one, love your neighbour as you love yourself.

So here we go, let's start the process off again.

So you can see your five quotations, few missing words, two missing words from each one.

And you've got the missing word bank to start off with.

Remember, write them out in full.

You can use a missing word bank in this first occasion.

Off you go.

Alright, brilliant work.

Let's see how you did.

So the first one, do everything possible to live at peace with everyone.

The second one, God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

The third one, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

The fourth one, life for life, eye for eye, and the fifth one, love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Again, please check yours against that there, ,ake sure it's accurate, and then un pause the video once you've done that.

So the next time, remember it's got a little bit harder this time.

We've done it once with the word bank, this time we haven't got the word bank.

Remember make sure you do it without looking back at the previous version.

Again, also remember to make sure you write them out in full.

It's difficult, but that's how you get to the stage where you can recall them really accurately.

So please pause your video, and have a go at doing that a second time for me now, please.

Fantastic work.

So let's check them.

Do everything possible to live at peace with everyone.

God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Life for life, eye for eye.

Love your neighbour as you love yourself.

So again, check that work really carefully for me please.

Make sure it's as accurate as it is on the board, then un pause video for our third attempt in a moment.

Right, excellent.

It's getting harder again.

So again, you don't have the work bank.

This time, there's more missing words, but remember you can do this.

You've shown you can do it already, and you know it's really useful and valuable 'cause it helps you remember them just like you did with that first set.

So again, without looking, writing them out in full, pause the video, and have a go at that for me please.

Fantastic effort, we're getting there aren't we? Let's check them again.

So do everything possible to live at peace with everyone.

God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Life for life, eye for eye, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Again, check your work really carefully against that please.

Make sure it's as accurate as that, and then un pause the video once you've done that for me.

Right, even harder again.

So still with missing words, more missing words again, this time, make sure you write them out in full, and of course, make sure you don't look back at those previous versions.

Pause the video and off you go.


So let's see how you did.

Do everything possible to live at peace with everyone.

God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Life for life, eye for eye, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Fantastic, we're getting there aren't we? We're almost there now.

Let's just do this last set, with no missing words and just the little prompt at the start.

You're ready for it now because you've just done four sets increasing difficulty really well.

So here are your five tiny little prompts.

See how you get on again, write them out in fall, don't look back, you can do this, you know you can.

Off you go.

Pause the video now please.


You did a really good job there didn't you? You did manage to write them out, even if not entirely accurately, really close to what you can see on your screens.

So well done for your terrific effort.

The first one, do everything possible to live at peace with everyone.

The second one, God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

The third one, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

The fourth one, life for a life, eye for eye, and the fifth one, love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Again, pause the video, check you've got it as accurately as they are on your screen, and then we'll do some work to apply these lovely quotations to some of the different areas of the specification.

Right, so just like we did with the quotations, from the Quran a moment ago, we're now going to do the same with these quotations from the Bible.

So again, you can see the quotations on the left hand side of your screen.

On the right hand side of your screen, you can see what I'd like you to try and link them to.

So the first one, to reconciliation and violent protest.

The second one, to justice pacifism.

The third one, to weapons of mass destruction and retaliation.

The fourth one, to retaliation, and the fifth one, to helping the victims of war and also supporting pacifism.

Again, you can continue a lot with those quotations linking to seven different areas on the specification.

So please pause the video now, have a go at that, then join me for feedback once you've done that terrific theology work.

Off you go.

Alright, let's do some feedback then.

So the first one, we were trying to link to reconciliation and violent protest.

So hopefully you link it to reconciliation by saying, look this links to reconciliation, because in order to establish long lasting peace, it's necessary to reconcile after conflict.

And it also links to violent protest because all actions should be directed at peace, saying live at peace with everyone.

The best way to achieve peace is through peaceful means, so any protest should not use violence.

The next one we were trying to link to justice and pacifism.

God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

We can link this to justice because all people, according to this quotation are created by God, and so are of equal value.

Therefore, no one should suffer from injustice.

We could also link it to pacifism, because if all life is created by God as this quotation suggests, then it has to be protected and preserved.

We know war costs lives, so all conflict should be resolved peacefully so that we're not costing life, because life is a gift from God, and therefore should be protected.

So please pause the video, check your two explanations there, see if there's any little details you need to add to your work then un pause the video, and we'll do the rest of the feedback together.

Alright, the next two.

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

We're trying to relate that, to weapons of mass destruction and retaliation.

So let's see how you got on.

So we can say it links to weapons of mass destruction because Jesus explains that we should always act with love, and it's self evident that using weapons of mass destruction is not loving.

Then we could also say it links to retaliation as some Christians would argue injustice, always needs to be responded to with love.

Therefore retaliation is not a justifiable, sorry, cause for war.

If you're responding with love, we should be responding with nonviolent means.

Remember Jesus's saying are trying to find a different way to resolve disagreements, to resolve conflict so that you put an end to the conflict and actually have success in changing the person.

Whereas if you're responding with violence, if you're responding with conflict, it's going to be much harder to bring about that change, and indeed bring about peace.

The next one, life for life, eye for eye.

We were using this to link to retaliation, and we could say look, this links to retaliation, as some Christians may point out that it means you can respond to active aggression, with up to the same amount of aggression.

But it's also important to know that this doesn't demand it.

It allows it, but not demands it.

And it's also important to know that other Christians will point out that Jesus deliberately replaced this teaching, telling his followers to turn to the cheek instead.

That's implying isn't it? In the past, you might've heard about retaliation, but I'm telling you not to do that, and instead respond with peace.

So again, please pause your video and make sure you have all those lovely details in your fine theology work.

And then join me for the final bit of feedback from this section.

So the final one is, love your neighbour as you love yourself.

And we were trying to respond to this, to helping the victims of war and also pacifism.

So we could say, it links to helping the victims of war because it's clearly a loving action, helping the victims of war.

Jesus calls on his followers to show the love of God to all people.

And of course the victim of the war, of course, God's children from the spectrum of Christianity.

So they need to be shown God's love and indeed they are in particular need of that love.

So it's a loving thing to do.

Their neighbour helps them.

It could also be used to support pacifism because it could be argued it's more loving to respond peacefully than with force, you're able to reconcile it with peace.

Clearly that's going to be better than the destruction that war causes.

So again, please just pause the video, check your work, and add any details or corrections in a different colour pen for me.

Fantastic work today.

Again, please make sure you attempt the summary quiz to check you can recall all that lovely key information we've been reviewing together.

If you wish to share your work with the Oak National Academy, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, using the information you can see on your screen.

Thank you very much for joining me again today and well done for that terrific hard work that you've just done.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, goodbye.