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Hello learners and welcome to part two of our lesson on "Contemporary Family Issues." Promise this to be another really interesting lesson.

When you're ready, let's begin.

Before we begin, let's make sure we've got everything we need for our lesson including a pen or pencil to write with.

The paper and exercise book to write in.

Another colour pen for corrections, a quiet place to work.

And of course curious brain to do some thinking and learning in this lesson.

And of course, a curious brain to do some thinking and learning in this lesson.

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And remember to close any desktop applications if you are using a computer for this lesson.

This lesson covers the same-sex parenting and trans issues.

If this is a sensitive topic to you, we recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting or doing the lesson with a trusted adult nearby.

If anything in this lesson affects you kindly speak with your parents or carers, or you can speak with young minds, or you can speak to someone at your school.

You need pause the video at this point we can just make sure that you're ready to learn.

So make sure you've got everything that you need.

And when you're ready, we can begin.

So in this lesson, we're going to talk about views on same-sex parenting.

And we'll also talk about views on trends issues.

We'll recap them by looking at the purpose of parenting, represent parenting that we've studied before in our families lesson.

And we said that family is a basis for a society.

The family is a basis of society.

And there's five reasons for that because families enable procreation, which means that allows people to reproduce, allows parents, to bring their children up in according to the religious believes or philosophy of morals and values.

And also to educate their children so they can learn about the world and have that formal education as well.

There's also gives them socialisation, children's socialisation, which means the teachers and what is acceptable in society.

And it also creates stability, besides it's for society, because a family acts the pattern through out the rest of society.


Let's see how much of that you took in.

What's the missing condition or explanation? In five, four, three, two, one.


If you said parents sharing their religion and philosophy morals values, then you are correct.

What's the missing condition or explanation.


If you said procreation, then you would be correct.

What's the missing condition or explanation? Correct.

That is teaching children, what's acceptable in society.

What's the missing condition or explanation? Good.

If you said education, you'd be correct.

What's missing condition or explanation? Perfect.

You said socialisation, you'd be correct.

What's the missing condition or explanation? Good, if you say education, it means parents teaching their children about the world and you'd be correct.

Well done.

What's the missing condition or explanation? Good.

If you said sharing them morals and values, religion philosophy, then you'd be correct.

Let's talk now then about, what space parenting? Parenting is the activity of bringing up children.

That can involve education, religious upbringing and socialisation.

Although finding one definition that parenting is difficult, there's a general agreement about the various roles parents play in the lives of their children.

New parents assume at least seven roles: They're caregivers, which means their major role of parents is the physical care of their children from changing diapers to ensuring children are fed.

They are also an emotional resource.

Parents are sensitive to the emotional needs of their children in terms of their needs to belong, to loved and to develop positive self-concepts.

In hugging, holding, and kissing, an infant parents not only express their love for the infant, but also reflects an awareness of such display of emotion is a good for the child's sense of self worth.

Parents are also teachers.

What parents think they have a philosophy applied for a set of principles that children would benefit from, parents live to discover that their children may not be interested in their religion or philosophy indeed they may rebel against it.

Economic resource.

New parents are also acutely aware of the cost of medical care, food and clothes for their children and for infants and sequencing to ensure that shelter resource.

That's such resources rather are available to their children.

They're also protectors.

Parents also feel the need to protect their children from harm.

They help promote this.

Family is a major agent that help promotion children learn from the family context about healthy food.

And finally they're ritual bearers to build a sense of family, particularly a cohesiveness parents, often foster rituals to bond family members together in emotion and in memory.

Prayer in meals and before bedtime, birthday celebrations and the vacationing at the same place, whether it's a beach or mountains and so on, and provide predictable times of togetherness and sharing.

Same-sex couple rather.

Same-sex parenting is when a same sex couple raise a child.

Now there are different ways to become a same-sex parent.

Many same sex parents become parents from previous relationships, they may use the system assisted reproductive technologies, such as sperm donors, or surrogacy, or they may adopt of foster children as well.

There are some anti-homosexual abuse however, in society.

Some people view almost the same-sex parent to be unfit parents.

And the children of same-sex parents will develop abnormally, or their children will become homosexuals themselves.

The American Psychological Association in 2004, however says the adjustment development and psychological wellbeing of children, are unrelated to parental sexual orientation, and that the children of the lesbian and gay parents are as likely as those of heterosexual parents to flourish.

Let's look at some quick fire questions then.

Which of the following is not a way for homosexuals to become parents? In five, four, three, two, one.

And if you said homosexual relationship, that would be correct.

For many peoples sexual orientation correlates with effective parenting.

Is that true or false? In five, four, three, two, one.


That is forced well done.

Which of the following is not an anti homosexual view? In nine, eight, seven, six, four, three, two, one.

If you said sexual orientation's, unrelated to effective parenting, you would be correct.

For many people, anti-homosexual views are supported by research.

Is true or false? In five, four, three, two, one.

Good, if you said false, you'd be correct.

Now there are some discrimination against same-sex parents.

Historically same-sex couples have experienced discrimination when applying for child custody or adoption.

Same-sex couples have only had the right to adopt a child in the UK since 2002.

In 2016, 9.

6 of all, adoptions in England involved same sex couples.

This was an increase of 8.

4 the previous year in 2018, about 450 up to 3820 adoptions or 12% in England involved, same sex couples.

Around one in eight.

Additionally in the UK, legislation is in place to prevent discrimination against same-sex couples or single people with a homosexual orientation from adopting.

Is there any research that supports discrimination against same sex parents? Many researchers suggest children same-sex birth and just as likely to flourish.

Many researchers suggest children, are equally well raised.

And many researchers suggest self-esteem, depressive symptoms and anxiety, academic achievement, trouble in school, quality of family relationships and romantic relationships with children, are similar to opposite sex parents.

Many research also suggested that there's no significant difference in the child wellbeing based in sexuality.

Though some will say that children of same-sex parents or less gender stereotypical, but open to homosexual relationships are content with social stigma and have more empathy for social diversity.

The research also suggests that the quality of parent-child relationships are the most important thing when it comes to being an effective parent.

There's also some research that suggested that two parents are really effective as well.

Parental and love is really, really important in parenting.

In fact, the American Psychological Association noted that the results of research suggest a lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and hearty environments, to their children.

And there's a changing attitude in the UK as well.

Over the past few decades, attitudes towards morality, the morality of homosexuality have become more accepting and support for protecting civil rights of gay and lesbian individuals has increased.

We might talk now about sex, gender and trans issues.

Now, biological sex have several factors that are used to determine that are used to determine them.

You have chromosomes, gonads, hormones, internal sex organs, and external sex organs.

Several factors are used to determine the sex of a bl.

Now, several factors are used to determine the biological sex of an individual: Chromosomes, which is XX for females, so XY for males.

Going out to switch out the ovaries for females or the testes for males, hormones, greater proportion, oestrogen, and progesterone, and testosterone with females.

A greater proportion of testosterone than oestrogen and progesterone in males and internal sex organs, including the fallopian tubes uterus and vagina for females.

The tradition view of generally for us to the social and psychological characteristics associated with being male and female.

For example, in the UK, the traditional view of femininity may included There's women are the channel and are primary care givers.

Or they wear dresses and makeup.

Traditional view of masculinity.

Maybe that men should be physically strong and should be leaders.

And some of this would have been covered in gender equality lesson.

And it's important to be aware of these views of femininity and masculinity.

have been challenged by many different groups today.

Let's talk then about different view points in sex, gender and trans issues.

In June, 2019, the Catholic church published a document titled "Male and Female He Created Them," Which summarised its official position.

The document rejected the terms transgender and intersex.

And criticise even if people could choose or change their gender.

As a confused concept of freedom and momentary desires, It asserted male and female genitalia, were designed for procreation.

Transgender advocates responded that people may discover a gender different than external parents, as you talk about genetics hormones, and brain chemistry.

And criticise the document does not reflect the life experiences of transgender people and worried it wouldn't encourage discrimination and self harm.

We're going to look at two different texts that we find in Bible.

One is from Genesis 1:27 and the other from Deuteronomy 22:5.

For Deuteronomy some fundamental descriptions means that women should never wear trousers this may interpret this as referring more widely.

So my though was someone presents themselves as a gender they were assigned at birth.

Some of our they should be translated armour, but a woman should not wear a man's armour like a soldier.

However, this translation has criticism.

I'm going to copy out and complete the table below, by writing out the meanings of these verses.

So pause if video at this point, Pause if video at this point, You need to copy out and compete the table bellow.

By filling in the meanings of these verses.

So pause your video at this point and complete the table bellow.

Good well done.

Let's look at some of the potential interpretations of these texts.

I'm going to take myself off this screen for a moment just so we can go through the interpretation.


So you'll see that for Genesis 1:27, some Christians will use the verse as evidence that God intended people to be male or female, and that people should therefore not seek to change their gender they were assigned at birth.

As that's how God created them.

The second text in Deuteronomy 22:5, some Christians will use this verse as evidence that men and women should not dress as the opposite sex.

For example, that women shouldn't put on trousers.

However, some of argued that this should be translated as armour even though this translation has got some criticisms. In Christianity, there is there's a spectrum of views and some Christian denominations fully accept transsexuals and the transgender.

And there's full inclusion, meaning that they can be ordained and it can participate in ministry as well.

For example, the Church of England has transgender priest, Lutherans and Baptist also transgender ministers.

However they sometimes can be the position of local churches rather than holding nominations.

And all of the members within this nominations may not necessarily agree with it.

Yet the general centre of the Church of England says they recognise the need for transgender people to be welcomed and affirmed in their parish church.

And it called on the House of Bishops to consider whether some nationally commended liturgical materials might be prepared to mark a the person's change.

A persons transgender transition.

to mark a person's gender transition.

In Islam, the different views there, we've got Kuntha which is an intersex.

And we've also got Mukhannath which means as someone who's a feminist.

And there are different views in the Quran on these two different things.

There's different types of Mukhannath, there is one who was created that way and the other person who chooses to be that way.

In Surah 53:45 Allah says.

It says rather, that Allah creates two mates a male and the female.

And then the Hadith it says a messenger of Allah, cursed those men who behaved effeminately and this woman whose behaviour is masculine.

And he says, put them off of your houses and put soap out.

So-and-so out also.

So here my sermons even got to recognise that there are people who are intersex and they recognise that some people are born in a effeminate way or a masculine way, but they're there from the upon people who choose to be.

Choose a gender that they weren't born with.

Humanist UK is an ethical movement for social and political change.

We support the freedom of all people to make choices about their own lives, to the extent that they do not harm others.

Inline with this, we have a longstanding commitment to support the human rights and dignity of transgender people and their equal treatment.

This leads us to support proposals that will ease the lives of those who wish to have the gender legally reassigned.

So that they can live their life, recognise those gender by public authorities and service providers.

We support this on the understanding, that say parts to show the genuine intent of the applicants for the legal reassignments will be in place.

That the existing equality acts protections on the ground of sex will be maintained.

All public authorities need to be aware of this to prevent the woes designed to liberate one set of people and it could be risking the oppression of another.

This has just happened in at least one recent case.


Let's see if you can spot the mistake.

Which of the following is incorrect? In nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two one.

Good, the humanist possession there is incorrect.

They do have to reach out to transgender.

Which of the following is incorrect.

In five, four, three, two, one.

Good, if you said this one, Protestants is incorrect, because they do not offer in sense to not accept trans people.

Get away to pause it, to do with this, or even to answer the questions on this cream for me, pause the video at this point.

And answer the questions on the screen.

We'll resume once you're ready to continue.


Let's look at some of the answers.

So two Islamic beliefs about people who are transgender is that some men were created by Allah with feminine characteristics.

So this is accepted.

However, imitation of the opposite sex is not traditionally accepted.

And to question number two, Masculine or feminine behaviour, is when someone takes on particular gender role in society.

For example, in some cultures, speaking softly is considered feminine behaviour.

Thirdly, my third question.

Humanists UK have stated that they are committed to supporting the rights of transgender people, including supporting proposals, which ease the lives of transgender people.


Well done.

Let me just put myself back in this cream.

Don't forget to complete your end of lesson quiz.

Coz it's really, really important that you are able to demonstrate your great learning.

I'll see you next time in our next lesson, where we continue to learn even more.

So until then, take care.