Hello learners and welcome to this lesson where we're going to be doing some exam practise.
My name is Mr. Spencer and it's been my privilege to take you through this unit so far and we've covered a lot.
We've looked at 10 different topics and we've had opportunities just to recap and to practise our knowledge and understanding as well in this lesson, we're going to take the things that we've learned, that is key terms, key facts, key viewpoints and key quotes and we're going to apply them in an examination context.
So when you're ready, let's begin.
All right, well let's make sure we are ready to to learn, in this lesson of course you will need a pen or a pencil to write with, another colour pen for correction, paper and exercise book to write in, a quiet space to work in and of course, that curious brain.
If you've got a TV or music playing in the background please turn those off, if you are using your mobile devices, please disable your notification and end the current conversations.
If you're using a desktop, make sure your mobile phone is to one side, is turned off for the silent and of course you've closed any other desktop application so you can focus in this lesson.
Pause the video at this point, make sure you've got everything you need and once you're ready, then we can continue.
Good, let's begin our lesson then.
In this lesson, like we said, we're going to be doing some exam practise, so we're going to be learning about how to answer specific exam questions from different exam boards based on these units.
Now we're going to start off with our low value questions and we're going to work our way up towards the high value questions and of course, all of the questions here will be based on relationships and families, this unit that we've been studying together.
So let's start off with low value questions and all of the exam boards have low value questions.
AQA has one mark multiple choice questions and and then a two mark short answer question, Eduquas/WJEC have two mark questions and Edexcel and OCR have three mark questions for the low value question.
So we're going to start by looking at AQA, let's have a look at some of the AQA low value questions and you can answer some of these multiple choice questions by saying the answer out as I read the question, okay? I'll give you three seconds or five seconds for those as well.
So a very, very basic low value question that you will get for AQA is something like some religious believers may use methods to prevent a pregnancy taking place.
Which one of the following describes that practise? And therefore what you've got is a term definition question.
So you've got the definition and the question and have got to choose the correct term.
It's a multiple choice question that will give you A, B, C, D and you've got to decide which one is the correct answer.
So in this case, I'm going to ask you which one is the correct answer in three, two, one.
If you said contraception, that would be the correct term for the definition that's in that statement.
Let's have a go at another question.
So which of the following best expresses the religious view that one purpose of marriage is to have children? So you got to define the term for that definition.
In three, two, one, brilliant if you said procreation, you would be correct because that is the act of having children.
One more, which of the following describes the practise of having more than one wife? So again, you've been given the definition there and you need to find the correct term.
Is that monogamy, stability, sanctity or polygamy? In three, two, one, well done if you said polygamy, you are absolutely correct.
You know what, AQA, we don't only have multiple choice one mark questions but we've got short answer two mark questions and this is an example of a short answer two mark question, give to religious beliefs about same sex marriage.
Two religious beliefs, that means you need to give two different religious traditions or two different religions.
So, it's really, really important that you take that note of.
So you'll see the structure there is that you give in the first part that the short answer one religious belief and then the second part of the short answer a second religious belief from a different religious tradition or religion.
I'm going to ask you to pause the video with at this point and just spend two minutes answering this question 'cause in an examination, it's generally a mark a minute, all right, just spend two minutes answering this question, give to religious beliefs about same sex marriage.
Pause the video at this point and press resume once you're ready to continue.
Good, well done, let's continue.
I'm happy you were able to answer that question in the two minutes that you spent on it.
So that's how I look at a potential answer to this question.
Of course, you may have written something different but that's okay if it's correct.
So the first religious belief, if you can say something like this, many Christians believe that same sex marriage does not enable procreation which is one of the purpose of marriage, that's one religious belief from some Christians.
A second belief is that most Muslims believe that Allah intends marriage should be between a man and a woman, that's another religious belief about same sex marriage.
So then you have suit different religious beliefs about same-sex marriage, two statements that will give you one mark each and that's you want to be doing for this two mark questions.
Let's have a look at some low value questions from Eduqas/WJEC.
Now, for Eduqas, they've got two mark questions and of course it's based on definitions as well but it's based on definition and then they expect you to give an example alongside that definition.
For example, this WJEC questions says, as to what is meant by roles? So you can give an answer, a definition of roles, you can say role are the ways in which a person lives out their responsibilities as defining that word roles then what you need to do is give an example of a role.
So you can say, for example, husband, wife, parents, children are roles within the family and that would get you a second mark for this type of question.
So you've got definition and an example for the Eduqas and WJEC low value questions.
I want you to try this for me.
So I've got two questions on this screen.
What is meant by adultery and what is meant by commitment? So you remember, you need to give a definition, that's the first statement and an example is your second statement, you need two statements to get each mark.
Remember, you spent two minutes on this type of question, one minute on each statement, definition and an example.
So pause the video at this point and I want you to spend two minutes on each of these questions.
So, you've got two questions there, what is meant by adultery and what is meant by commitment? You want to spend two minutes on each of those questions.
Pause the video at this point and resume once you're ready to continue.
Perfect, welcome back.
I hope you've found that very, very simple task to get on with.
Let's have a look at some of the potential responses that you can give to these two questions.
So what is meant by adultery? Remember, we need to give a definition and an example.
So you could say adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not their spouse, that would be a definition of adultery.
You can give an example, for example, a husband having sexual intercourse with a woman, other than his wife.
So I've given a definition and I've given my example and therefore, I've got my two marks for that low value question from WJEC or Eduqas.
Here's an example from Eduqas.
It says, what is meant by commitment? And commitment here is the taste, the state rather of being dedicated to a cause, activity or a person and therefore, what I need to do now is to give an example.
For example, a wife can be committed to a monogamous relationship with her husband.
That's an example of a commitment.
Therefore I've got definition and example, I've got my two marks for this Eduqas low value question.
Let look at some Edexcel low value questions then.
And with Edexcel, you usually have a three mark question and a question usually starts with the word outline, which means to make a list.
So outline three Muslim teachings about divorce.
That is making list, three statements about Muslim teachings about divorce.
Now the may be lots of different things, depends on what the question asks, it can be outlined three attitudes, out line three viewpoints, outline three religious traditions, it doesn't make a difference, whatever they ask to outline, make sure you separated three statements about those things.
So in this case, we've got first Muslim, three Muslim teachings.
So I've got to start with my first Muslim teaching about divorce.
Muslims teach that in the first stage of a divorce that spouses and families should try to attempt to reconcile.
That's one statement about Muslim teachings about divorce.
Muslims teach that in a second stage of a divorce, there should be a three month waiting period.
My third statement, Muslims teach in a third stage of divorce, I divorce you and the wife leaves the home.
So those are three Islamic teachings, three Muslim teachings about, it was, of course there's lots of other things that you could say about Muslim teachings about divorce but these are just three examples that you could use.
Good, let's have an attempt at this then, so I'm going to ask you for three purposes of the family for Christians or Muslims, you decided that you want to do.
I want three purposes of the family for Christians or for muslims, so you don't have to answer both questions just choose one or the other.
So pause the video at this point and spend three minutes answering this question for me.
Once you're ready to continue, then press resume.
Good, welcome back.
I trust now that you have answered that question, let's have a look at a potential answer.
So at three purposes of the family for Christians this is a first for those of you who did Christians, this is the first response you could give.
Christians believe that one purpose of the family is to be a pattern for society to allow order and regularity, that's one purpose.
Christians believe that another purpose of the family is to rear children.
That means to give them an education,, faith and socialisation or morals and values, instead of faith.
Christians believe that another purpose of the family is to protect the vulnerable such as the elderly.
So those are the three statements that each gave me one mark for this low value three mark question.
For Muslims, you could have used some similar answers for Muslims believe that one purpose of the family is procreation as it allows the reproduction of children, that's one potential view.
Of course, you can use the same thing, as we said before as well as with regards to education and rearing children and of course the protection of vulnerable members in society 'cause that also applies to Muslims. And I said, there's three marks from the three statements that you've made about the purposes of the family for Muslims and Christians.
Good, let's have a look at some low value questions for OCR.
Now, OCR is slightly different.
They may ask you to give three reasons to describe, one reason, it depends on the question but it's important that you realise that all of these questions are worth three marks.
Therefore, even if they say give three reasons or describe one thing, then you still have to give three statements to get your full three marks.
So in this question, it says, give three reasons why a Christian couple might consider a divorce.
So, first one for example could be a Christian couple may consider divorce because of unreasonable behaviour, such as gambling addiction.
Second reason, the Christian couple may consider divorce because of adultery or unfaithfulness in the relationship.
And thirdly, a Christian couple may consider divorce because of abandonment or decision by a spouse, these are all reasons why a Christian couple might consider divorce and therefore, that would give me my three marks.
Good, ORC asks, they may also ask you to describe one thing.
So for example, describe one Muslim attitude towards premarital sex.
And therefore, in this sort of question, you need to describe one attitude but you also need to have three statements.
There are different ways that you can do that, you can have a definition as one of your statements or factual statements about Muslim attitudes as one of your statements or developments or an explanation of the reason or evidence for that statement, that actual statement or an example.
Any of those combinations will get your three marks for the statements.
So you need three statements about one Muslim attitude towards premarital sex.
So let's have a look at an example then.
You'd say Muslims feel that sex before marriage is immoral and sinful.
That is a factual statement about one Muslim attitude towards premarital sex.
Statement two, this is because Allah designed sex as a gift for those who are married to allow procreation and unity and therefore what I've done here is develop.
I've given an explanation for the Islamic view, the Islamic attitude that I made in my first factual statement.
Statement three, for example if a Muslim man or woman had sex before marriage and an Islamic country, they will be beaten or sentenced to death for Zina, sex outside marriage.
And therefore what I've given therefore is an example of that.
So what I've done is factual statement, development, example.
You could have done different things, you can say, for example, two factual statements, a definition, a factual statement, an example, it doesn't matter what combination of statements you use as long as you've got three factual accurate statements that you've got in your answer, you will get your three marks there.
So at this point, what I want you to do is to have a go with this.
So describe one way in which the Muslim might respond to the idea of cohabitation, describe one way.
So remember, it doesn't matter what combination of statements, as long as you've got three statements there.
So describe one way in which a Muslim might respond to the idea of cohabitation.
Pause the video at this point, spend three minutes answering with low-value question.
Okay, when you're ready, we'll be able to continue.
Perfect, welcome back.
I trust that you spent three minutes answering that question.
Let's all look at some possible answers to that question.
Describe one way in which a Muslim might respond to the idea of cohabitation.
Cohabitation is living together in a personal relationship before marriage, that's me giving a definition.
Muslims may say that cohabitation will lead to Zina, sex outside marriage, which is immoral, that is a viewpoint.
And of course, I'm going to develop it, single Muslim men and women are not allowed to be alone together which means cohabitation would be even more a problem.
I've given a factual statements that backs up that up point as well.
So not only develops it but backs it up.
That's a potential answer to this three mark question to get your marks there.
Let's have a look now at some mid value questions.
Where you're going to find differences among the examples as well When it comes to these mid value questions So most exam boards, you can use points, evidence explanation twice and that will give you your marks whether it's a four or five, six or eight mark question.
However with the longer type of questions, you want to make sure you've got more variations.
So we will talk through some of those types of questions as well.
So remember that there, you need to speak to your teacher about which exam board you were sitting and you may want to attempt those questions which are more suited to the exam board that you were doing in this particular exam.
Let's look at some AQA mid value understanding questions understanding questions then.
So one example is a four mark.
So AQA has four mark questions and five mack questions, both of which expect you to show your understanding.
The five mark also expects you to use or refer to sacred texts.
So let's look at the four mark.
Explain two contrasting beliefs about same-sex parents.
In your answer, you must be put to one or more religious traditions.
So you want two contrasting beliefs and you want one or more religious traditions in your answer, let's have a look at a potential answer to this question.
So we can use point, explanation points, explanation of points, evidence points, explanation, doesn't make a difference which of those factors or elements that we use.
So point most Muslims disagree with same-sex parenting in line with their views on same-sex marriage which is considered immoral.
So, I've given one religious viewpoint from religious tradition of Islam, we would explain that point.
For most Muslims, same-sex relationships and parenting is not part of Allah's plan as it is a poor pattern for society by not enabling procreation.
So I've explained that religious traditions point of view, that gives me two marks.
I want to add another point.
So many humanists, a contrasting point, many humanists support same-sex marriages and therefore parenting because of their convictions about liberty and what's best for the majority.
You can also add equality to that list as well.
Now I'm going to explain this point of view, this contrasting belief.
This is because same-sex parents can adopted children who do not have parents which increases the happiness of society and allows same treatment for all, that's equality.
So you've got two different points of view here.
One from Islam that is explained, the other from humanism which is also explained.
So two contrasting beliefs about same-sex parenting there.
You've got five mark questions as well, explain to religious beliefs about divorce but you must be referring to five mark questions for AQA to sacred texts or sacred writings.
Here's an example.
Catholic Christians do not permit divorce because of their interpretation of Jesus's teachings.
In Mark 10, Jesus says, no human beings must separate what God has joined together.
This means for Catholics then that marriage should not be ended by humans because it is done by God, that's one religious belief about divorce.
You and think of another one.
Islam permits divorce because that is sometimes the best option in instances of abuse though, it's not ideal so it's discouraged.
In Sura 420:128, it says settlement is the best option in cases of cruelty with reference to divorce and therefore that supports the point that I've made.
That will give you my five marks.
Remember, you get a mark for each statement in these sorts of questions.
Good, next question, a five mark question, explain two religious beliefs about the role of parents in a religious family.
Remember, you need to refer to sacred texts in this question.
So what you know, to pause your video and have a go at answering this five mark question, spend five minutes doing so especially if you were doing the AQA exam board, pause now and when you're ready to continue, just press resume.
Good, welcome back.
So for this particular question, you could have said many Christians believe it is a parent's responsibility to teach their children, that's one role of the parents.
The Bible says, teach your children how they should live and they will remember it or their lives.
This shows that it's a parent's role to educate, socialise and share faith, morals and values with their children, that's one role of parents in a religious family.
You can all say Muslims, believe that about that parents should rear their their children, that's to upbringing them or raise them.
In Islam, the husband is usually the provider and the mother is a primary caregiver for children who must respect their parents and therefore to show different roles in the parents within two religious traditions and that would give you your five marks because you have also referred there to a source of wisdom or a sacred text.
Let's have a look at Eduquas and WJEC.
This one says, describe from Christianity or Islam attitudes to same sex relationships.
Here, describing is the key word they use with these five mark questions with the Eduquas or WJEC exam board.
Let's have a look at a potential response to this question.
Catholics do not committed same-sex relationships because of biblical teachings, that's one viewpoint from Christianity, Paul frowns upon men who do shameful things with each other, that's evidence, therefore Catholics feel that homosexual relationships are sinful.
You can say Anglicans allow celibate or homosexual relationships because only same-sex sexual intercourse is immoral and not same-sex relationships and in Leviticus, it's backed up that same-sex intercourse is immoral, it says no man is to have sexual relationships, sexual relations rather with another man because God hates that.
So there we got five statements that are going to give me five marks with its potential question from the Eduquas or WJEC exam board.
You've got this potential five mark question here, describe the purpose of sex for religious believers.
Let's have a look at a potential response here.
So you can say Christians believe that one purpose of sex is a form a bond between spouses.
In Genesis, it says it's two shall become one which happens through sex, therefore, sex unifies a husband and wife physically in their marriage, that's one purpose of sex for religious believers.
Muslims believe that one purpose of sex is procreation as having children, this means sex allows them to have more children and to continue society.
So five statements, five marks, five minutes and that will give me everything that I need.
You've also got eight mark questions for the Eduquas exam board as well.
Eduquas and WJEC.
Now, with the eight mark questions, you might make sure you've got as much statements as you have marks.
So, point, evidence, explanation, example, point, evidence, explanation, example or definition, point, explanation, evidence, it doesn't make a difference what combination of elements you've got as long as you've got the enough elements to get your eight marks.
So what I want you to do is pause the video at this point and to use different statements, eight different statements to answer this question for me on contraception, spend eight minutes in this question especially if you're doing Eduquas or WJEC.
Good, welcome back.
I trust you've completed that, let's continue, let's have a look at the potential response to the same question.
So you could say something like Catholics feel that life is a gift from God as our children and therefore in Genesis, it says have many children because that's going to instruction to Christians, therefore Catholics prefer natural contraceptives, such as a rhythm method or a sex is reserved for when a woman is at least fertile.
This is also to allow family planning while still allowing the possibility of conception according to natural law.
So you can see, I've got several things in those first three statements.
I've got a viewpoint from the Catholics, I've got an evidence, I've got a definition of the rhythm method, and an example of the rhythm method, an explanation.
I could also say just to compare the, not the Christian tradition, Methodists and Anglicans use both natural and artificial contraceptives such as abstinence, the condom or the coil or family planning.
This is because the Anglican community believes it's a matter of conscience of parents and Methodists believe this is going to help parents get fulfilment in their marriage.
So altogether all of them there look at two religious traditions from Christianity, really really important to get me my marks.
I that's only going to give me four marks.
What I want to do is develop this further so I can say Muslims frown upon the point of use of contraception, because like Catholics believe children are a gift from Allah, the Quran says Allah gives male children, female children to whom he wills and he renders barren who he wills as well.
Therefore when spouses conceive, it is Allah who has willed it so it would be the prevention of Allah's will and gift to use contraceptives.
You could also say, however some Muslims beliefs allow the use of contraceptives in some cases, for example, when a mother's life is at risk, when a child is at risk of mental or physical deformities, that will give me another four marks, a well-developed response to this eight marked question.
Good, let's have a look at some mid value questions for Edecel and Edecel have four marks and five mark questions, very similar to AQA, the five mark having need for a sacred text or scripture from the Quran or the Bible if you're doing a single Christianity.
So one type of question is this one, explain two reasons why Muslims do not agree with sex outside marriage.
Potential response is this, again, point, explanation, point, explanation.
For most Muslims, Zina is wrong because sex is a gift from Allah for a husband and a wife.
The Quran says let them who find nothing means marriage abstain from sexual relations, quotation there, notice that therefore it is wrong for a Muslim to have sex until Allah gives them a spouse.
Second point or some Muslims for Muslim sex is about procreation which destroys the Muslim community or the Uma if it's done outside marriage, how does it do that? Well, this is because it brings in what chaos and confusion rather than order.
For example, look at all the different elements.
A woman could have children from several men which makes it difficult to raise those children effectively in terms of sharing values, socialisation, education, that makes those things difficult.
So therefore, that's going to give me my four marks, not so many elements have gotten that response to secure my four marks.
You've also got five mark questions.
Explain two reasons why marriage is important to Christians.
You must refer to a source of wisdom and authority, that's a phrase that's used often in Edecel rather than sacred texts or religious teaching and what I want you to do with this book is to pause your video, You're going to use the same format as a fur mark question and remember you want to include a source of wisdom and authority as a quotation or a reference or allusion to a sacred text or story.
So pause the video, especially if you're doing Edecel, pause the video and answer these question so in five minutes when you're ready to continue then press resume.
Good, perfect.
Well done for your attempt in that question.
Let's have a look at some responses.
You think for Roman Catholics and the orthodox branch of Christianity, marriage imparts grace because marriage is considered a sacrament, the given definition here as well which is a religious right, that physical or outward act that's representative from inward our spiritual act, marriage is therefore an avenue through which God reveals and gives us grace to Christians.
So you see I've got several things then I've got a viewpoint from the Roman Catholic and Orthodox branch of Christianity, I've given him an explanation, and I've given a definition there as well.
Going to secure my marks.
Next thing, Christians also believe that marriage is important because it allows a couple to procreate and raise children.
In Genesis, it says have many children, notice using the definitions, using the quotations that I've got and therefore marriage allows Christians to obey God's commandments or the commandments of God.
That's going to give my five marks for an Edecel exam question, five Mark question.
Let's have a look at some OCR mid value questions then.
Outline different Christian attitudes towards cohabitation.
You can continue using the point, evidence, explanation or example elements for these questions, you can of course include definitions as well if you feel the need to but of course that would only work in one section of these questions and usually have six marks, so six statements.
Let's have a look at potential response to this question.
Quakers believe cohabitation is acceptable.
This is linked to their belief that sex outside marriage which is not immoral as long as it's a long-term stable relationship since the elements of a long term stable relationship includes trust and not acceptance and sharing.
So I've given here some examples of a long-term stable relationship and the elements there of, said why Quakers believe that cohabitation is acceptable because of this and that will give me three marks, point, explanation and the example there.
Point, another point, now I need to come a different point, right? So how can different Christian attitudes, so I need to give a different, a contrast in Christian attitude.
Catholics do not agree with cohabitation and consider considered sinful because it enables fornication.
Catholics are expected rather to be chaste before marriage because God created sex for marriage as a use for physical union that follows the spiritual union that is established by the covenant of marriage before God.
So you've got there and explanation of the Catholic position and the evidence was in Genesis, therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother's house and be United with his wife and the two shall become one.
So point of explanation, example, point, explanation, evidence also given different contrasts and Christian viewpoints and that's going to get my six marks for this OCR outline mid value question.
This is another type of mid-value question for OCR.
What I'd like you to do at this point, this says look at the phraseology of this question, it says how can Muslim teachings be used to combat discrimination against women? Sometimes in OCR, you have questions rather than command statements like outline or discuss.
So just be aware of that, outline or describe rather, So just be aware of that.
Of course, you still need to refer to a source of wisdom and authority in this type of question.
Pause the video at this point, what I want you to do is to answer this question, you remember the different elements for an OCR question like this, you can have points, evidence explanation, you can have a factual statement, a definition and development or explanation of a point and example but you need to have six statements in order to get these six marks, so spend six minutes in this questions, especially those of you who do OCR.
Once you're ready to continue just press resume.
Good, now that you've spent some time on that, let's continue with the rest of the lesson.
Let's have a look at some potential responses to this question.
So you could say Muslim teach that men and women are equal therefore that's one view that combats discrimination.
This means they have the same rights, the explanation, for example, women have the right to vote, to run a business, to marry, to keep that names, to divorce, and I've given several examples, you have the rights that women have in Islam which would be used to combat discrimination.
So that would give me three marks with this OCR six mark question.
I could also say Allah judges men and women the same.
In the Quran, it says, whoever does a righteousness, whether male or female, those will enter paradise.
So your sex or your agenda does not matter when it comes to Allah's judgement , therefore that prevents discrimination because everyone's going to be judged by Allah in the same way.
Therefore, when it comes to judgement , sex is a matter which means they should have the same, which means they have the same rights.
For example, both men and women have the right to worship in the mosque.
There we go.
So we've got point, evidence, explanation this far, that's going to get me my six marks for this OCR question.
Good, let's look at some high value questions then.
You've got a high value questions for different exam board, it's a 12 mark or the 15 mark question.
Now there are different ways that these questions are phrased for AQA, for Edecel, for WJEC, Educas and of course for OCR all phrased differently.
So with some examples they will use command words like evaluate, this is popular with Edecel and AQA.
With certain exam boards, they will use discuss, they'll use the command word discuss or sometimes even outline.
It's just important that know that what it's asking you to do is to consider arguments for, arguments, arguments that support or arguments that oppose a particular statement or claim that they are going to give you.
So for example, at the top of the screen, you've got it is better to marry than stay single and therefore what they want you to do is to look at the arguments for and against that particular claim, show it and there are several elements that you want to do, of course you want to give point, evidence, explanation, give an example, maybe give some definitions or facts, or evidence as well.
What you want to do also in each section is to make sure you've got sufficient points, supporting the statement is sufficient points against the statement and that you've assessed the strength and weaknesses of those points, that's, what's going to give you the high marks the needs of the high bands with the sorts of questions the matter what exam board you are doing.
You also want to evaluate or to end a particular conclusion.
That means you need to form a judgement at the end of your evaluation, at the end of your assessment or your end of your strengths and weaknesses for and against the statement.
An evaluation is really, really important that you form a conclusion and decide what is the strongest argument? What is the strongest side of this discussion? What I want you to do at this point is to pause the video, I've got several things that you can use they are quotations and points and viewpoints you could use for this particular statement so pause the video this slide for me.
We're going to use these ideas and your own ideas to write some paragraphs for this side of the argument, so agreeing with the statement.
There is not, again, not really a set structure, but you do want to make sure that you've got sufficient arguments, that your point support the statement and that each point may have definition, examples, explanation, evidence, doesn't matter the combination of those but make sure you've got a well developed points for both sides and you've assessed the strengths or weaknesses of those points as well.
Use logical chains of reasoning so each thing must be connected to the other, make sure you link it back to the statements.
So you say, this is why it is better to marry than to stay single, make sure you've got those things in there as well.
Pause the video at this point, on this screen, use the points there to argue for the statement, in favour of the statement and resume when you're ready to continue.
Good, so you should have paused on that screen and you should have spent some time about six minutes, six to seven minutes writing points for and against, for rather, for the statement.
Let's have a look at some points against the statement.
So you've got here again, different positions, different viewpoints, what I would like you to do for me is to use these different viewpoints and different quotations to argue against the statement.
So opposing ideas.
Pause the video again on this slide, use the things and your own ideas, using the points on the screen and your own ideas to come up with different arguments against the statement.
Good, perfect.
Now that you've done that, you spent about nine to 10 minutes, possibly 12 minutes, 10, 11 minutes, doesn't make a difference, just making sure you've got well-developed points for and against both sides.
Really ensure that you shouldn't be spending more than nine minutes on this question unless you're ding a 15 mark question.
For 12 marks, you should have spent eight to nine minutes in this section and you're going to spend about two to three minutes writing your conclusion.
Your conclusion is what do you think is the strongest argument? So you have given points for, you've given point against, points supporting, points opposing, you've assessed the strengths and weaknesses of those points, so based on your assessment, what do you think is the strongest argument and why? That's what you want to do in your conclusion.
This is the evaluated of parts of your assessment, the evaluated parts of this particular question.
So please make sure you got conclusion, you've got some evaluation at the end of your thorough assessment of the arguments for and against.
So spend a few minutes now just writing a conclusion and evaluation of the strengths are the strongest arguments.
Perfect, well done.
You've now come to the end of this particular type of question, the 12 or 15 mark questions, no matter which exam board you are.
At this point, what I'd like you to do is complete your lesson quiz, your exit quiz.
You've been fantastic, you've done so well with different questions and example board, using the knowledge we've gained across our 10 lessons and 10 units, 10 lessons in this unit together.
So let's at this point, make sure we complete that exit quiz and continue to revise our learning thoroughly.
In our next lesson, we are going to go through some deliberate practise for quotations for this unit.
So I look forward to teaching you that.
Until then, take care.