Hi, I'm Miss Minton and I'll be guiding you through your learning today.
Our lesson today is called Father of Many Nations.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to explain how Abraham is seen as a literal and metaphorical father of many nations.
Now we'll be drawing on some of our prior learning about the call of Abraham and the promises that God made to Abraham when establishing the Abrahamic Covenant.
Our keywords for this lesson are: Abrahamic, descendants, nation and tribe.
Now, the word Abrahamic refers to a group of monotheistic religions, which are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The word descendants refers to your children and any future generations of children that begin from them.
A nation is a large body of people united by social and territorial commonalities.
And a tribe is a social group made up of many families that share the same customs and values.
Our lesson today will have three parts.
Firstly, we will look at Abraham's children.
We will then look at Abraham as a literal father of many nations.
And then finally, we'll look at Abraham as a metaphorical father of many nations.
So let's get started with Abraham's children.
Abraham and Sarah had not been able to have any children of their own, and Sarah decided that the only way that Abraham would be able to have his own child is if it was with another woman.
So Sarah told Abraham to have a child with Hagar.
In Judaism and Christianity, Hagar was Sarah's servant, but in Islam, it's believed that Hagar was Abraham's second wife.
Now, Abraham did what Sarah had asked and he had a child with Hagar, and Hagar gave birth to a baby boy when Abraham was 86 years old, and the baby boy was named Ishmael.
So let's check your learning so far.
True or false? Sarah told Abraham to have a child with Hagar.
That statement is true.
Sarah did tell Abraham to have a child with Hagar.
Another check.
Abraham was 96 years old when Ishmael was born.
True or false? Well done.
That statement is false.
Now, why is that statement false? Well, it's because Abraham was actually 86 years old when Ishmael was born.
So well done for recognising that that statement was false and well done for recognising that Abraham was actually 86 years old when Ishmael was born.
As a descendant of Abraham, Ishmael was circumcised as a sign of the covenant, but Sarah and Abraham still did not have a child of their own.
But eventually, God fulfilled what he had promised Abraham, and he blessed Abraham and Sarah with a child.
Now we learn about this blessing In Genesis 21.
I would now like you to pause the video, read the passage from Genesis 21, and either have a think to yourself or discuss with a partner how God fulfils his promise.
So pause the video and have a go.
Okay, so you may have noticed that God gave Abraham and Sarah a child, and that child was a baby boy named Isaac.
Now, Abraham was actually 100 years old when Isaac was born.
So let's check your learning on Abraham and Sarah.
True or false? Abraham and Sarah's son was called Ishmael.
That statement is false.
But why is it false? Well, Abraham and Sarah's son was actually called Isaac, and Ishmael was the name of Abraham and Hagar's son.
So well done for identifying that that statement is false and well done for identifying the reason why.
Let's check your learning again.
How old was Abraham when Isaac was born? A: 80 years old, B: 90 years old, or C: 100 years old? Fantastic.
Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.
Well done.
Okay, so I would like you to have a go at a task now.
Now, Aisha is trying to explain who Ishmael and Isaac are, and she says that "Ishmael and Isaac are Abraham's sons.
Ishmael is Abraham's first son and his mother is Sarah.
Isaac is Abraham's second son and his mother is Hagar.
Abraham was 100 years old when Ishmael was born." Now, parts of Aisha's explanation are actually incorrect.
I would like you to rewrite Aisha's explanation so that it becomes correct.
Pause the video and have a go.
Well done for your hard work during that task.
Your response should look like this: Ishmael and Isaac are Abraham's sons.
Ishmael is Abraham's first son and his mother is Hagar.
Isaac is Abraham's second son and his mother is Sarah.
Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.
So again, a huge well done for your hard work during that task.
Now we're moving on to the second part of our lesson, which is looking at Abraham as a literal father of many nations.
Abraham's son, Ishmael went on to have 12 sons, and they each became tribal leaders.
These tribes became known as the Ishmaelite tribes, or sometimes they're referred to as the Ishmaelites.
Let's check your understanding.
How many sons did Ishmael have? A: 10, B: 12, or C: 14.
Ishmael had 12 sons.
Well done.
Now Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob.
And there's a very key piece of information that we need to know about Jacob, and that's that he was actually renamed.
Now, Jacob was a very faithful man to God despite many struggles that he faced within his life, and he was actually renamed to reflect this.
And we learn about Jacob being renamed in Genesis 35, which says: "God said to him, 'Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob.
Your name will be Israel.
' So he named him Israel." Now, Jacob's new name, Israel, actually means one who prevails with God, and this demonstrates Jacob's faithfulness to God despite the struggles that he encountered.
Let's check your learning.
Jacob was renamed Israel.
True or false? Fantastic.
That statement is true.
So in Genesis 35, we can learn that Jacob was renamed Israel.
Now, Jacob or Israel had 12 sons, and Genesis states that they became the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Now, why do you think that the tribes became known as the tribes of Israel? I'd like you to pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
Off you go.
Well done.
So they became known as the 12 tribes of Israel because Jacob was renamed Israel.
So the 12 tribes of Israel have emerged from Jacob whose new name is Israel.
So let's check your learning.
Fill in the blanks.
Isaac had blank sons.
His son, blank, had 12 sons.
The missing words were two, and Jacob or Israel.
So Isaac had two sons and his son, Jacob, also known as Israel, had 12 sons.
Well done.
Now God fulfils his promise of descendants in a literal way through Abraham's sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
Ishmael and Isaac's descendants develop into great nations and confirm Abraham's identity as a father of many nations.
So let's check your understanding again.
True or false? Abraham literally fulfils his title as a father of many nations through his sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
Fantastic, that statement is true.
Well done.
Okay, it's time to complete a task.
Now, Alex asks you to explain how Abraham became a father of many nations through his sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
Now, I would like you to have a go at explaining this to him, and I'd like you to use our lesson keywords in your response.
So as a reminder, those keywords are: Abrahamic, descendants, nation and tribe.
So pause the video and have a go at explaining this to Alex.
Now, your response might include: that Abraham became a father of many nations when his sons Ishmael and Isaac had children.
Ishmael had 12 sons who were leaders of tribes that became known as the Ishmaelite tribes.
Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob.
Jacob who later became known as Israel, had 12 sons who were each head of one of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Abraham became a father of many nations through the tribes his descendants created.
So, well done for your hard work during that task, particularly for making sure that you included our lesson keywords.
We're now moving on to the final part of our lesson, which is looking at Abraham as a metaphorical father of many nations.
Now, the three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam can be traced back to Abraham through his descendants.
Abraham's sons, Ishmael and Isaac, are key in the development of the Abrahamic religions as we know them today.
Now, the Abrahamic religion of Islam can be traced back to Ishmael and his 12 sons, and Judaism can be traced back to Isaac, Jacob and Jacob's 12 sons who established the 12 tribes of Israel.
So let's check your understanding.
Fill in the blank.
Jacobs sons established the 12 tribes of blank.
The missing word is Israel.
So Jacob's sons established the 12 tribes of Israel.
Well done.
Now, as Jesus was Jewish, Christianity can also be traced back through the 12 tribes of Israel.
So again, let's check your understanding.
True or false? Christianity can be traced back to Abraham through Ishmael's 12 sons.
Well done.
That statement is false.
Now, why is it false? Well, it's because actually, Christianity can be traced back to Abraham through Jacob's 12 sons and the 12 tribes of Israel, and not through Ishmael's 12 sons.
So, well done for recognising that the statement was false, and this is the reason why.
Now we've seen that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam emerge from Abraham and his sons.
So because of this, Abraham is literally a father of many nations through his sons and their descendants.
But Abraham is also metaphorically a father of many nations through the development and following of the Abrahamic religions.
Now, we've used the word metaphorical, But what is a metaphor? I'd like you to pause the video and either have a think to yourself, talk to a partner or talk to me.
Off you go.
So a metaphor is when we use something to stand for or symbolise another thing.
So when we're saying that Abraham is a metaphorical father of many nations, we don't mean that he's literally the biological father of everyone who follows one of the Abrahamic religions.
We're using the term father of many nations to symbolise that the Abrahamic religions emerged from Abraham.
Now it's estimated that 57.
6% of the world's population belong to the three Abrahamic religions.
And followers of these Abrahamic religions can be seen as the metaphorical descendants of Abraham and therefore part of the many nations that he's father to.
Now Izzy thinks that this means Abraham is a common ancestor for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Do you agree with Izzy? Pause the video and either talk to a partner, talk to me, or have a think to yourself.
Off you go.
Well done for recognising that Izzy is correct.
Jews, Christians and Muslims all share Abraham as a common ancestor.
And this is because all three religions can be traced back to him.
So let's check your understanding.
Which statement is correct? A: Judaism, Christianity and Islam emerge from Abraham and his sons.
B: Judaism, Christianity and Islam all emerge from Ishmael.
Or C: Judaism, Christianity and Islam emerge from Isaac.
The statement that's correct is A.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam emerge from Abraham and his sons.
Well done.
Okay, so we are going to have a go at a task now.
So what I would like you to do is add the labels to the diagram to show how the Abrahamic religions can be traced back to Abraham.
So the labels are: Ishmael, Isaac, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, 12 tribes of Israel and Ishmaelite tribes.
And you will need to add those labels to the diagram to show how the Abrahamic religions can be traced back to Abraham.
So pause the video and have a go.
Well done for your hard work during that task.
Your answer should look like this: From Abraham, we have his son Ishmael, and Ishmael creates the Ishmaelite tribes, and from the Ishmaelite tribes emerges Islam.
On the other side, from Abraham, we have his son Isaac and his sons created the 12 tribes of Israel.
And from the 12 tribes of Israel emerges Judaism, and from Judaism emerges Christianity because Jesus was Jewish.
So well done for adding those labels to the correct places on the diagram.
We've now reached the end of our lesson, but before we finish up, let's take a look at the key things that we've learned this lesson.
So we've learned that Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, and that Ishmael had 12 sons who led the Ishmaelite tribes, and Isaac's descendants became the 12 tribes of Israel through Jacob who was renamed Israel.
We've also looked at how Abraham is a literal father of many nations through his sons and their descendants, and that the Abrahamic religions can be traced back to Abraham through his descendants, making Abraham a metaphorical father of many nations as well as a literal one.
So a huge well done for all of your hard work and effort during this lesson.
It's been a pleasure to be learning with you.