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Hello, and welcome students, and welcome to our learning for today.

And today's learning is super, super interesting.

So today's learning, we'll be looking at the day of judgement.

So we'll be looking at the afterlife, what happens after we die, ideas of heaven and hell.

So key thing, if this is a sensitive topic to you, we recommend that you check with a trusted adult before starting or doing the lesson with a trusted adult nearby.

Now in our learning today, just to ensure that you know, there will be some references to death.

There will be some reference to heaven and hell.

So you may want to do the rest of this learning with a trusted adult nearby who can support you or with a trusted adult beside you to help you as well.

So key things we'll be looking at today.

To examine the belief and what happens when you die according to Islam.

To explore and understand what the day of judgement is for those of the Muslim faith, and to examine the belief in heaven and hell.

So what I find to be a really fascinating, a really interesting part of IRE.

'Cause it's one of those big questions, isn't it? What happens to us when we die? Do we continue, is that the end? Or is our life meaningful, and do the action that we do serve a purpose? So who knows? And I'll be really interested to hear what you think today.

Now that reminder as always, you probably know it by heart, but please ensure you have the following five things.

Your exercise book or some line paper, a black or blue pen, a different colour pen for any corrections, those attentive ears, and that curious brain.

And once you have those five things, I'll see you in our learning for today.

So welcome once again for your learning today on a day of judgement.

So some key thing, just as a reminder what we'll looking and exploring today to examine the belief and what happens when you die according to Islam.

To explore and understand what the day of judgement is, and also to examine the belief in heaven and hell.

And it will be a really interesting part of our learning today to look as always as a good IRE lesson has some scriptural evidence from the Quran, or any good IRE lesson that has scripture evidence from any source of authority.

So the first thing I like for you to do as always, please ensure that you have these five things with you.

If you do not have them, please do check around you.

And this is a great opportunity for you to pause the video, to get them.

If not, let's continue.

Continuing on from there.

So first question I have for you today is the following.

What do you think happens when we die? So I would to give you a good seven minutes for this task.

To be honest, I would love to give you a whole lifetime for this task, 'cause this is one of the biggest questions you will probably ever be asked in your time as a student.

So, what do you think happens when we die? So seven minutes for this task, and I like for you to write down as much as you can, as much as you think.

And just a small sentence starter there to help you, I think that when we die, what happens is.

And I will see you in seven minutes.

So, how did we do? What did you think? I'd be really interested at the end of the learning when you can share your work with a trusted adult or carer who allows you to do so, what you think about this big question.

And I'd love to see all the different answers from all these great IRE students that are watching this video.

So it's a big question, isn't it? What happens when we die? Is that the end? Do we continue? Is there a sense of reincarnation where we continue to be reborn again and again, sometimes as a human or sometimes as an animal? Or is that the end? Or is it just the end, which is temporary and there's eternal life? Will we be judged? Do we have a difference, or is there a difference between the body and the soul? This part of us goes somewhere, and does our body just continue, or does it rot? All these big questions.

So hopefully we'll be able to examine some of the answers that we find from Islam today.

A very, very big question indeed, isn't it? What do we think happens when we die? So a second task for you now, I like for you to rank the following five statements that you see on this side.

There we go, I got it right the first time.

So one to five, there's five things here that I'm just going to read out.

When we die, then that is it.

There's a strong possibility of a heaven or hell.

We are more than just the body.

We go through many rebirths.

Our deeds are meaningful, so God will judge them.

So what I'd like for you to do, is to write down these statements in just a moment.

And I'd like for you to rank them from one to five.

One being strongly agree and five being strongly disagree.

Then once you rank them, I'd like for you to do the following as well.

I'd like for you to give me reasons for the one you ranked number one, and for the one you ranked number five.

So for this task, I'm going to give you eight minutes.

So I will see you back in eight minutes, and please ensure that you have a moment to think really hard about this task.

So using that curious brain as always.

So I'll be really interested to know what you think of those five statements, but now let's look at what Muslims believe, what happens to us after we die.

So this is a really important part of the Islamic creed, in terms of what Muslims believe.

So the Akhirah or the Akhirat, this is the belief in the afterlife.

Now, the Akhirah is one of the six articles of faith, and it's also found in the five roots of Usul ad-Din within the Shia tradition.

So you can probably remember this from our last lesson on the angels, in terms of the angels and their roles.

So Muslims believe the angel of death, Azrael, will come and visit each person.

And that angel will take their soul away from them at the time their death occurs.

So the angel will take your soul depending on what type of person you are.

If you were someone who was righteous, you did good deeds, you are a good person, your soul gets taken gently.

Now, if you were someone who was not righteous, did not perform good actions, did not follow the Quran, did not follow the way of the prophet, your soul's taken in a very harsh way.

So this is really important.

It tells Muslims, and it has an impact on how they act daily as well.

Now, this is really important as well.

Muslims, when it comes to funerals, believe that a person should be buried and not cremated, 'cause this is a key part of the Islamic tradition that everyone should be buried.

Now this is to do with the bodily resurrection as well.

Now in terms of the burial, Muslims believe when the burial has finished and the final person has left the graveyard, there'll be a questioning in the grave.

Now, two angels will visit every person in the grave.

The angels are Munkar and Nakir, and these angels are seen as very, very scary.

There seen as a very scary time in your grave.

So you're probably thinking, we're missing the tip you're dead.

So how can you interact or communicate with these angels? So there's this idea within Islam, although your soul has left your body, there is still some form of a conscience.

That there's still some form of consciousness.

So for example, it is believed that when a person is being buried, they'll be crying to the people that are leaving, "Don't leave me, don't leave me." 'Cause they're so scared about what's going to occur.

So what are these three questions that are asked by these angels? It's three simple questions.

Who is your Lord? What is your religion? And who is your prophet? Now, these three questions can only be answered correctly by the person who performed good deeds throughout their whole life.

It's not like they can write on their hand before they die, or they can quickly remember it for their die and they'll be able to answer it.

They'll only be able to answer it if they were someone who performed good deeds.

Now, if they are successful and they answer those questions correctly, they will see the gardens of heaven, yeah, as their potential reward in the afterlife.

If they didn't, they see the torment of hell.

And the key thing that Muslims believe as well, is there's a punishment in the grave.

Now, where does your soul go.

The soul according to Muslims, goes to the Barzakh.

And the Barzakh means a separation or a barrier.

So this is not something which is in this world.

And this is where the soul waits until the day of judgement.

And then the soul, then is reunited with the body when the bodily resurrection occurs.

So the soul goes to this place which is a metaphysical place.

It's a spiritual place as well.

So Muslims believe that when you die, the person who has passed away is waiting until the day of judgement.

So it's really important there.

The Akhirah, the belief in the afterlife, the questioning in the grave by the angels, the soul that departs the body goes to the Barzakh, and the waiting until the day of judgement.

So according to Muslims, the day of judgement is a day only known to God.

It's not known to humans.

So let's move on from that.

What I'd like for you to do now is the following.

I'd like for you to pause the video, and let's see how good those attentive ears have been.

There four questions here I'd like for you to answer.

What are the three questions that will be asked in the grave? Where does the soul go? What angels take the soul at the time of death? And what does Akhirah mean? Just one correction there on question three, what angel? Yeah, not what angels, okay? So I'm not trying to trick you there, but there's only name of one angel for question three.

So for this task, I like to give you five minutes.

And could I please ask for you to the following just in a moment.

Could you please ensure that you're writing all the questions, you could pause the video now, and I'll see you in five minutes.

So welcome back, you should have had the following answers.

If there's any corrections you need to make, please ensure you do with a different coloured pen.

What are the three questions that will be asked in the grave? Who is your Lord? What's your religion? And who was your prophet? Where does the soul go? It goes to the Barzakh.

What angel takes the soul at the time of death? Angel Azrael.

And what does the Akhirah mean? It means the afterlife.

So how did you do? Did you get a four out of four? If so, fantastic.

If not, just please ensure you make any corrections and just pause it now if you need it be.

So, so far, we've looked at what do Muslims believe happens to us when we die.

But it's also, as I mentioned, just a moment ago, they believe in the day of judgement.

So the day of judgement is known as Yawm Al-Qiyamah.

And this is mentioned within the Quran.

So I mentioned before, when a Muslim passes away and the other Muslims hear about this, they say the following, "To Allah we belong and to Him we return." So this is a really fascinating part of Islam, and a really fascinating part of just religion, is the idea of what happens to us when we die.

So according to Muslims, the day of judgement , this is a day only known to Allah.

And there's major and minor signs that are will occur, which tells us we're coming closer to the day of judgement.

So key thing that we've learned with the angels, the Angel Israfil, he is to blowing of the trumpet, and he will blow it twice.

So if we remember, he will blow it once and when he blows it first time, everything that's living will cease to exist.

So everything will die.

Now, the second time he blows it, this will be the bodily resurrection for all of humankind.

So this is when the day of resurrection and the day of judgement occurs.

So the judging of all of humanity on their deeds.

So everyone will be resurrected.

So regardless of how they died, when they died, or how many years ago was when they died, their body will resurrect back to the form they were just before they died, then there is the "Book of Deeds", and this will be weighed on the scales.

So all of humanity will be called before God to be judged.

Now, if you are a righteous person and you are good, the waiting period will not feel that long.

But if you are someone who wasn't a good person, it will feel like tens of thousands of years.

And it's said that when you are waiting, the hot torment of the sun will make you stress and it will make you sweat.

It's really interesting in terms of the impact that this will have on the life of a Muslim.

So as we mentioned before in that lesson previously, the angels, Raqib and Atid.

Remember, they're not people that tell you to do things, yeah? Wasa wasa, this, this et cetera, they write down your deeds.

So key thing here with the deeds.

These deeds are put on the scales.

Now these scales will be weighed one way or another.

Now really important thing for the body resurrection as well, is Muslims believe their body will be a witness to what they did.

So imagine if this is the hand that stole, we're not being questioned by Allah according to Muslims. And I said, this wasn't a hand that stole, the hand will call out and say, "This is the hand that stole." Now imagine this is the hand that gave to charity or is being witnessed, this is the hand that gave.

Likewise, my tongue, my eyes, et cetera.

These will be witnesses to what we did in our life and which will have an impact on the day of judgement.

Now key thing here as well, there's the Al-Sirat Bridge.

This is a really interesting part of the day of judgement for the believer who is righteous, who did good actions, who performed the five pillars, who have good intentions, who showed Taqwa, God consciousness, then this bridge will be very wide and it'll be very easy for them to cross over.

So what is below the bridge? So below the bridge are the pits of hell.

So it's said the one who is righteous, it would be like they're going from one side of the bridge to another, and on the other side of is Jannah on a white horse like lightning, super quick.

Now for the one whose deeds, when the weighing with the deeds, there's just that small amount of goodness that outweighs the bad deeds, for them the bridge will be like the thinness of a hair.

And they'll be crawling like a baby.

Yes, slowly and slowly.

Now, for those that weren't good people, most sinful, when they're trying to cross the bridge, boom! They will fall into the pits of hell.

So what is hell and what is heaven? There's these two key terms here, Jannah, meaning heaven and Jahannam meaning hell.

And these are the two destinations for humanity.

So, for some will be heaven and for others will be Jahannam.

Now, you can't go from heaven to hell, but you can go from hell to heaven.

It may be that some, they were sinful, but they still have many, many good deeds.

So they have to be punished for their bad deeds and then they go to heaven.

But they may be some who are disbelievers and they're no good deeds, and they're very, very not righteous and very simple.

And Allah mentions within the Quran, there'll be some that'll be in the pits of hell for eternity.

They'll spend for the rest of their life in the afterlife.

So what I like for you to do now is the following.

I thank you for those attentive ears and hopefully your curious brain is really working right now.

I would like for you to make a flow chart.

So I'd like for you to make a flow chart on Muslim beliefs about the day of judgement.

But I'd like for you to write a sentence explaining each point.

So we have, three, four, five, six, seven.

We have seven boxes just here, and I like for you to use these boxes to make a chronological order of a flow chart which explains, what do Muslims believe about the day of judgement.

Now for this task, I like to give you 15 minutes.

So 15 minutes for this task.

So could you please pause the video now, and once you're finished piece resume and will go over the go over answers together.

Welcome back, hopefully you absolutely aced that task.

If not, that's no problem.

Please ensure that you go and go over your learning with me and make any correction.

So the chronological order, this way.

So firstly, there's the death of the human being.

Now, the death of the human being, then leads to the Barzakh where the soul waits here before the day of judgement.

Now in between those two things you could have added the questioning in the grave, which does occur.

Now, after the Barzakh the Angel Israfil blowing of the trumpet, which occurs twice, yeah? So if you need to write that down, remember it occurs twice.

And then there is a body resurrection of all of humanity.

Now when that occurs, there's a waiting time for the day of judgement , and they're deeds on the scale on the final judgement for all of human kind.

Now, after that there's a crossing of the bridge or for some, maybe not the crossing of the bridge 'cause they are falling into the pits of Jahannam, meaning hell, whilst others go to Jannah.

So that is your flow chart for the day of judgement , which Muslims believe will happen once you die and once all of humanity will be judged at the same time.

So key thing here, just to clarify, Muslims do not believe the day of judgement has occurred yet.

It will occur at a time when only God knows.

Now, what I'd like for you to do is the following.

Could I please ask for you to, in one paragraph to summarise, what is that that Muslims believe about the day of judgement ? Just underneath your float chart.

And for this task I like to give you five minutes.

So after five minutes, could you then please resume the video.

But for now, can I please ask for you to pause and to write down in one paragraph, what is it that Muslims believe about the day of judgement ? Welcome back, and let's go over our answer together.

So if there's anything that you need to add for your answer, please feel free to do so.

So Muslim believe in a day of judgement and hopefully add that key term, Yawm Al-Qiyamah.

If you don't have that, it's a great opportunity for you to add that to your answer right now.

And it is believed that on this day, it has not happened just yet and Allah only knows when that will occur.

It is believed that all of humankind still living will die, and then everyone will have a bodily resurrection when the Angel Israfil blows his trumpet.

Now on this day, all of our deeds will be read out to us and will be scaled, and those who performed good deeds, rather than bad, will go to Jannah, heaven.

And those who did not will go to Jahannam, which is hell.

So if you need to pause the video right now to add anything, please do so.

If not, let's continue.

So what is it that Muslims believe about heaven and hell? So Jannah is seen as a place for eternal bliss.

There's no pain, no tiredness, there's no hunger.

It's a place of richness, rewards and eternal happiness.

There are seven heavens according to Muslims, and there's also many gates.

So it's mentioned within Hadith, the many gates that there are.

So the one who perform their prayers on time, there's a gate for them.

The ones that performed and gave sadaqa, there's a gate for them.

The ones that did the Ramadan and they did the fasting, there's a gate for them.

So there's all these different gates.

Now within the seven heavens as well, there's a prophet, but the biggest reward for Muslims in heaven it the seeing of the Lord, Allah.

But then there's Jahannam, a place of tormenting pain, the boiling of skin, the burning, fire and sadness.

And this is a physical pain that people will feel.

Likewise, the physical pleasures that people will feel in heaven.

Now, where is heaven and where is hell? It is not on this earth.

It is a metaphysical place, which is outside of the realms of the universe.

And it's really hard to comprehend or fully to understand what heaven and earth are like.

But the Quran does mention both of these places.

So let's see what the Quran says and let's look at our next task.

So now what I'd like for you to do is the following.

Can I please ask for you to open up the resource sheets titled, "Verses on Jannah and Versus on Jahannam".

Now this resource sheet, you'll find a number of different verses in the Quran on both Jannah, heaven and both Jahannam.

And I would like for you to spend actually 13 minutes for this task.

And I would like for you to work out, what is it that these verses tell Muslims about Jannah and Jahannam? So you've got two options, you can either download and print off the resource sheets, or you can copy it out in the columns and then to write, what does this tell us about Jannah, and what does this tell us about Jahannam? So an excellent time for you to look at some scriptural evidence and to investigate and for you to consider what is said about heaven and hell.

So I will see you in 30 minutes, to which we'll go over the answers together.

Could I please ask you to pause the video now and to resume in a minute.

Welcome back, and let's go over our learning together.

So, peace be upon you for what you patiently endured, and excellent is the final home.

So what does this tell us about Jannah? Well, this tell us those who are patient with the trials and tests that they experience in their lives or remain steadfast will be rewarded in Jannah.

So key thing here, for those that went through their many trials and tests in their life, they were patient and had , they believed in Allah, they put their trust in Allah, those who repented as well, they will be rewarded for their patience.

Now let's look at the second verse.

And they will not hear therein ill speech or commission of sin, only saying peace, peace.

So Jannah is seen as a place with no sin and ill speech, meaning there's no rude or bad sayings.

It's a place where you only hear good things and people only speak honest and genuine, and they speak with kindness.

It's a really interesting thing there about these verses on Jannah.

If you need to pause the video students, feel free to pause it now just to add any things.

If not, let's continue.

So you also look at these verses on Jannah.

Allah has promised the believing men and the believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence.

So Allah promises those who believed in Him and followed his guidance, they will find rivers and gardens of paradise.

They're pleasant, they live there eternally in happiness.

Can you imagine being in happiness forever? And these places in the Quran that mentioned heavens as well, they also mentioned the robes of gold and silver people will wear.

The mansions, the rivers of honey, the rivers of milk, the rivers of wine, the sweetest drinks of heaven that no one has ever tasted.

And that when you drink these, your thirst will no longer exist.

The food that you eat, you'll no longer be hungry.

But of course you can eat as much as you want 'cause you're in heaven, right? And also the next verse.

And they will be called, "This is paradise, which you have been made to inherit for what you used to do." So here, those that are the dwellers of Jannah, they will be welcomed and they will be told, "You are rewarded for the good that you did in this life, in the Dunya on this earth.

So they'll be welcomed and they will be respected for the good they did.

Now, if there's anything else that you need to add to your verses on the Quran, please feel free to do so by pausing the video now.

And if not, let's continue.

Moving on, Jahannam, really interesting versus here.

But if you do not, and you will never be able to, then fear the fire whose fuel is men and stones prepared for the disbelievers.

So key thing here, there's hot stones and coal, that'll be the fuel of the fire or to burn those in hell.

So they'll feel that.

They will feel this burning and will occur daily again and again and again.

And we see this with the next verse.

Indeed those who disbelieve in our verses, we would drive them into a fire.

Every time their skins are roasted through, we replace them with another skins of other skins so that they may taste the punishment.

So key thing here, those who disbelieved in Allah's revelation will be tormented.

And they will get a new skin daily as a punishment which will burn and roast.

And there's other verses in the Quran that speaks about your intestines being ripped.

And also it speaks about how the coal, which has the lowest temperature is so hot that from the skin, the bottom of your skin from your feet will be so hot that it'll boil your brains.

So this is really interesting, isn't it? So we can see the end result in terms of reading these verses will have a big impact of the Muslim fearing the punishment of God.

So if there's anything that you need to add from these verses, feel free to pause right now.

But if not, let's continue.

And we also had the following.

Before him is hell and he will be given a drink or purulent water.

So unlike in Jannah where there drinks of milk and honey, in Jahannam, they're given drinks of pus.

Yes, they're quite revolting and quite disgusting.

And it's not a choice.

These drinks have to be drunk by those of the dwellers of hell.

And you can imagine, they'll be sick, they'll be throwing up.

Yeah, the distaste as well of it.

And indeed those who disbelieve and commit never will Allah forgive them, nor will He guide them to a path except the path of hell.

They will abide therein forever, and that for Allah, is easy.

So this verse in the Quran mentions the following.

For some, Jahannam is the final place for them, for eternity.

And they will never be able to leave Jahannam if Allah wills it to be.

So really interesting verses on heaven and hell there from the Quran, what Allah mentions.

So we could think about the day of judgement.

And we looked so far what happens after a Muslim dies.

We can now consider the impact that these verses have for a Muslim when they read them, how they will affect and what actions they would do.

So I mentioned in the last lesson, they'll make many of them to enjoin in the good and to forbid the evil.

So if there's anything else that you need to add to your notes, feel free to do so now.

If not, let's continue.

So, let's see what we can remember.

A bit of a true or false couple of questions for you all.

You can either write true or false, or you can either just write T or F.

Jannah means heaven, five seconds, three.

And it is true.

Remember, Jannah is heaven according to Muslims. Now next question, everyone goes to Jannah, true or false? Five seconds, it is false 'cause remember that last first we looked at on Jahannam that for many, hell, Jahannam will be their final place.

Next question, Yawm Al-Qiyamah has already happened, true or false? Five seconds, two.

Remember, it is false.

This date is only known to Allah and Allah alone.

The day of judgement has not occurred just yet.

Next question, you were asked three questions in the grave, true or false? Five seconds, remember it is true.

Who is your Lord? What is your religion? And who is your prophet? Next question, these do not get weighed on the day of judgement , true or false? The answer is false.

Remember those deeds do get weighed on the two scales.

Next question, Muslims believe in reincarnation, true or false? It is false, they believe in the resurrection, not reincarnation.

So Muslims believe you are born, you die, and then you have a resurrection for eternity.

They do not believe in numerous lives.

So the belief of reincarnation is found predominantly within the Hindu religion and that of Buddhism as well.

Next question, everyone will resurrect, true or false? You should have had true.

According to Muslims, everyone will be resurrected and everyone will be asked about their deeds.

Next question, Al-Sirat is the name of a bridge, true or false? And it is true.

I remember some key things here, I mentioned about the one who was righteous and did many good deeds, the bridge will be very wide and they will be galloping on a white horse at the pace of a lightning.

For the one who was not good, they will fall into the pits of hell.

And for the one who did just amounts of good deeds over bad deeds, will feel like a very, very thin and very long bridge, like that of a hairline and they'll be crawling over like a baby.

Next question, you can go from Jannah to Jahannam, true or false? Obviously it is false.

Of course you can't go from heaven to hell, yeah? 'Cause heaven is a place of reward.

And why would you go from a place of eternal blissfulness and happiness to a place of torments? Next question, once in Jannah you remain there for eternity, true or false? And it is true.

Remember, it is as a reward for the rest of your life.

So in summary today, the day of judgement is another of the six articles of faith, which really does impact the way a Muslim lives their life.

They would really reflect and really consider the belief in heaven and hell 'cause the day of judgement and the belief in the Akhirah, the afterlife, is their goal.

A key thing for Muslims is not the Dunya, which means the world.

The Dunya is seen as a temporary place.

It's described within Islamic thinking as place which is temporary and it's a place of a test.

Yeah, so it's not a place which they should seek.

They should not seek the rewards of the Dunya at this world, they should see the rewards of the afterlife.

Number two, there's a belief in the bodily resurrection and the weighing of the deeds.

It's a really important thing here, how a Muslim acts will have an impact in their life.

What they give, what they say, what they see, what they hear, what they do, all these things will be weighed on the day of judgement and your body will speak out against you as a witness or witness for you as well.

Number three, there's a belief in Jannah and Jahannam, which are the two final places of eternity for all of humankind.

And number four, the reflection of this article five will have in the daily life of a Muslim.

It's a really, really interesting thing.

We can really understand and take away from today's learning.

The day of judgement will really reflect upon how a Muslim acts and what they do.

And it should be something they reflect upon daily.

It reminds them that actually the body they have, the blessings that they have, are all blessings from God and they are being tested.

So they want to ensure they're getting as many good deeds as they can when it's weighed on the day of judgement.

And also the intention of their actions is really important as well.

So if they had a good intention, but they're unable to do that action, they still get reward for the intention.

It's a really, really important part of our learning today.

The day of judgement is a day which Muslims believe will occur, to which only Allah knows.

And it is the day of reckoning.

It is a day when all of human kind of will be judged.

And it's a final judgement for all of humankind and everyone will be judged equally.

We will all be judged according to Muslims, on our deeds and nothing more.

Not our heritage, our wealth, our popularity, just our deeds and deeds alone.

So I really hope you enjoyed our learning for today.

And there's only a few final messages from me.

So just as a reminder as always, please share your work with Oak National.

And if you'd like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter @OakNational or #LearnwithOak.

And it gives me, Mr. Latif, a fantastic opportunity to see all the great work from all you fantastic IRE students up and down the country.

And one more thing, there's always, there's an exit quiz for you to do.

So let's see how good your memory is and let's see how good those attentive ears were for your learning today.

And on that note, I will see you next week, best wishes and see you soon.

And it's a good bye for me.