
Lesson video

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I'm Ms. Ramalli.

And thank you for joining me for today's RE lesson.

I'll be guiding you through our learning today and my priority's to ensure you successfully meet our learning outcome.

By the end of today's lesson, you'll be able to describe key events in the life of Siddhartha Guatama, explore divergent interpretations of his life and evaluate their impact on Buddhists today.

To help us with our understanding for today's lesson, there are four key words, Buddha, Siddhartha Guatama Lumbini and Bodh Gaya.

Buddha refers to the enlightened one.

Siddhartha Guatama is the founder of Buddhism.

He became known as the Buddha.

Lumbini is the birthplace of Siddhartha, in what is now Nepal.

And Bodh Gaya is located in northeast India, considered to be the place of the Buddhist enlightenment.

So we're gonna begin our lesson on Siddhartha Guatama as a historical figure by exploring interpretations of the life of Siddhartha Guatama.

Siddhartha Guatama was born a prince around the 6th century BCE in Lumbini, now Nepal.

He later became known as the Buddha, meaning the enlightened one.

The Buddha's life involved many key events, and these still impact many Buddhists today.

Let's pause for a moment and check our understanding on what we have just heard.

On your screen, there is a statement, Siddhartha Guatama was born in Lalitpur.

Is that true or false? Pause a video here and press play when you're ready to check your answer.


Well done to everybody that selected false.

Why is that statement false? Well, Siddhartha Guatama was born in Lumbini, in what is now Nepal.

Many of the sources that contain the stories of the life of the Buddha were written hundreds of years after his death.

Therefore, it may be difficult sometimes to distinguish between what is factual information and what is a myth.

Somebodies believe all of the stories are based on fact whilst others interpret the stories symbolically.

Many Buddhists believe that the stories are mythical, but still express important spiritual truths about the life of the Buddha.

These Buddhists may believe that the importance lies in the Buddha's teachings rather than what happened in his life.


Let's pause for a moment and check our understanding on what we have just heard.

All Buddhists interpret the stories of the Buddha as fact.

Is that statement true or false? Pause video here and press play when you're ready to see the correct answer.


Well done to everybody that said that statement is false.

Why? Many Buddhists believe that the stories are mythical, but still express important spiritual truths about the life of the Buddha? One story Buddhist may interpret differently is Siddhartha's birth story.

According to this story, Queen Maya gave birth to Siddhartha birth and he walked and talked immediately.

Siddhartha took seven steps and a lotus flower appeared beneath his feet.

Siddhartha Guatama was born in approximately 563 BCE in the region that is now Nepal.

In the town of Lumbini, he was born into a royal family and his father was King Suddhodana.

His mother, Queen Maya had a dream in which a white elephant entered her side, symbolising the coming of a great being.

Soon after, she gave birth to Siddhartha in the gardens of Lumbini.

According to legend, when Queen Maya gave birth to Siddhartha he spoke and announced that he would have no further rebirths.

This was his last life.

Tash and Linn, practising Buddhists, discuss their interpretation of Siddhartha's birth story.

Linn says, "Miraculous events in the life of Siddhartha, such as his ability to walk at birth show his exceptional nature and wisdom." Tashi says, ""I believe this story may be symbolic rather than factually true.

I prefer to focus on his teachings.

In Buddhism, the Buddhist teachings are known as the Dhamma." Okay.

Let's pause and check our understanding of what we've just heard.

Some Buddhists may believe that Siddhartha's birth story is a myth.

Is that statement true or false? Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to check the answer.


Welcome back.

And well done to everybody that said that statement is true.

Why is that statement true? Many of the stories were written hundreds of years after Siddhartha was born.

However, somebodies believed that they still contained spiritual truths.

When Siddhartha was a baby, Asita, the astrologer, made a prophecy.

It highlighted the difficult choice Siddhartha would face.

A wise astrologer, Asita predicted that Siddhartha would either become a great king or a great religious teacher depending on the life path he chose.

To ensure that Siddhartha would become a great king and not a religious teacher, his father shielded him from the realities of life.

He was raised in luxury, surrounded by fine pleasures, entertainment, and comforts.

His father, fearing that exposure to the suffering of life, might lead Siddhartha away from the royal path, kept him isolate within the palace.

Siddhartha married a beautiful princess named Yashodhara, and together they had a son named Rahula,.

The four sights.

One night, Siddhartha grew curious and he left the palace on a chariot ride with his charioteer, Channa.

It was then that he encountered what are often called the four sights which radically changed the course of his life.

An old man.

Siddhartha saw an elderly man for the first time.

He was shocked and disturbed by the reality of ageing.

A sick man.

He then saw a man suffering from a debilitating illness, which deeply unsettled him as he had never encountered suffering of this nature before.

A dead body.

Next, he came upon a funeral possession, witnessing the death of a person.

This experience revealed to him the inevitability of death.

A holy man.

Finally, Siddhartha saw a wandering ascetic, a monk who had renounced the world in pursuit of spiritual awakening.

This encounter sparked in him a desire for a deeper understanding of life and the nature of suffering.

These experiences led Siddhartha to question the meaning of life.

Let's pause for a moment and check our understanding of what we've just heard.

Which of these was not one of the four sights? A, a sick man, B, a, holy man, C, an astrologer.

Pause a video here and press play when you're ready to check your answer.

Well done to everybody that selected C.

The astrologer was not one of the four sights.

Tashi and Linn discussed their interpretations of Siddhartha's life in the palace.

Linn says, "I believe Asita's prophecy did happen.

It shows Siddhartha's greatness.

The four sights must also be true.

They are the foundation to the Buddha's Dhamma.

Tashi says, "Historically, it seems unlikely that even a prince could be completely oblivious to the realities of life.

I think this story is symbolic.

I prefer to focus on the Buddhist Dhamma." Siddhartha lived as an ascetic for six years.

He pushed his body to extreme limits.

On some days, he only ate one grain of rice.

The search for enlightenment.

Determined to find a way to end suffering Siddhartha left his life of luxury and his family behind.

He renounced his royal heritage, his wife and son, and became a wandering ascetic.

He sought out teachers of meditation and philosophy learning from them, but none of them provided the answers he sought.

He also practised fasting to the point of near death, only surviving on one grain of rice a day.

He believed that by torturing his body, he could go beyond his limits and his desires.

However, Siddhartha eventually realised that neither indulgence nor extreme asceticism was the path to enlightenment.

In a moment of clarity, he understood that the middle way was a true path to follow.

Tashi and Linn discussed their interpretation of Siddhartha's ascetic life.

Linn says, "I believe Siddhartha's ascetic practises are a part of his spiritual journey.

It represents his deep commitment to overcoming attachment and desire." Tashi said, "I believe that this story is symbolic of Siddhartha's extreme practises and not a literal interpretation." Okay, let's pause for a minute and check that we have understood what we have just heard.

On your screen, there is a statement.

Is it or false, Buddhists have different interpretations of the stories of Siddhartha Guatama? Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to check your answer.


Welcome back, everyone.

And well done to those of you that said that statement is true.

Why is that statement true? Buddhist interpret the stories of Siddhartha Guatama differently.

Some Buddhists interpret the stories as literal truths whilst others believe they are symbolic.

Many prefer to focus on the Buddhist teachings, the Dhamma.

So now we are in a really good position to check our understanding of the interpretations of the life of Siddhartha Guatama by completing a practise task, Sophia and Sam are discussing the different interpretations of the story of Siddhartha's life.

Who gives the correct explanation and why? Sophia says, "Many Buddhists believe that the events in the life of Siddhartha are symbolic.

It is more important to follow the Buddhist Dhamma." Sam says, "All Buddhists interpret the stories of Siddhartha as a fact or literal truth.

They all believe the stories they're told as children about his life in the palace and what happened when he left." Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to check your answers.


Welcome back, everybody.

Now let's check your answers to the practise task.

Sophia and Sam are discussing the different interpretations of the story of Siddhartha Guatama's life.

I asked you to identify who gives a correct explanation and why? Your answer may have included the following points.

Sophia gives a correct answer because she recognises that not all Buddhists interpret the stories about Siddhartha's life in the same way.

Some Buddhists believe the stories are literal truths, whilst others believe they are symbolic.

Most Buddhists choose to focus on the Buddhist teachings, the Dhamma.

Well done everybody on all your hard work on that practise task.

So this brings us onto the second part of our learning on Siddhartha Guatama as a historical figure, we're going to now focus on the impact of his life on Buddhists today.

Many Buddhists will want to perform a pilgrimage to visit historical and sacred places of interest associated with the life and teachings of the Buddha.

One important place of pilgrimage for Buddhist is Lumbini, in what is now Nepal.

Lumbini, now in Nepal, is celebrated as the birthplace of Siddhartha Guatama in around the 6th century BCE.

As shown here on your screen on the map, many Buddhists will therefore visit Lumbini as the birthplace of Siddhartha Guatama.

What other places do you think Buddhists may want to visit on pilgrimage? Pause a video here and have a discussion with your partner.

Press play when you're ready to reflect on your answers.


Welcome back.

Great discussions.

So what other places do you think Buddhists may want to visit on pilgrimage? Perhaps you said the place of the Buddhist enlightenment or the place of the Buddha's death as some options.

Well done.


Let's pause for a moment and reflect on what we've just heard.

Why do some Buddhist visit Lumbini as a place of pilgrimage? A, it is the birthplace of Siddhartha, B, it is a place of Siddhartha's enlightenment, C, it is a place where Siddhartha lives as an ascetic.

Pause a video here and press play when you are ready to see the correct answer.


Welcome back, everybody.

And well done to everybody that's selected the answer, A.

Lumbini is a place of pilgrimage because it is the birthplace of Siddhartha.

Tashi and Linn discussed the impact of Siddhartha''s life.

Tsahi says, "I know that earlier we had different interpretations of some of the key events in the life of Siddhartha but I'm sure you will agree that he achieved enlightenment." Lin says, "Most definitely.

Enlightenment is a key belief within the Buddhist worldview.

Once Siddhartha achieved enlightenment, he would be known as the Buddha." Siddhartha sat down beneath the Bodhi tree and Bodh Gaya and vowed not to rise until he had achieved enlightenment.

For days, he meditated facing temptations and doubts, but Siddhartha remained strong.

On the night of the full moon, after a long period of deep meditation, Siddhartha finally attained enlightenment.

He realised the nature of suffering, dukkha, its causes, how to stop it and the path to follow the middle way.


Let's pause for a moment and reflect on what we have just heard.

On your screen, there is a statement.

Is this statement true or false? Most Buddhists believe the Buddha achieved enlightenment.

Pause a video here and press play when you are ready to check your answers.

Welcome back and well done to everybody that said that statement is true.

Why is that statement true? Enlightenment is a key belief within the Buddhist worldview.

Can you remember what happened in Bodh Gaya, India? Why was that important to Buddhists? Siddhartha Guatama became the Buddha there after achieving enlightenment.

Well done if you remembered that key information.

Many Buddhists visit Bodh Gaya.

Bodh Gaya place of enlightenment.

It is one of the most significant places of pilgrimage in Buddhism.


Let's pause for a moment and check our understanding on what we've just heard.

According to Buddhist accounts, what important event happened at Bodh Gaya? A, it is where the Buddha was born, B, it is where the Buddha lived as an ascetic, C, it is where the Buddha achieved enlightenment.

Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to see the correct answer.

Well done everybody that selected C.


Well done.

Most Buddhists believe that the Buddha gained enlightenment through the practise of meditation.

Attaining enlightenment is the main goal for many Buddhists.

The practise of meditation is considered essential by most Buddhists.

Many Buddhists want to follow the Buddhist example.

They may also aim to reach enlightenment.


Let's pause for a moment and check we've understood what we have heard.

Choose two reasons why most Buddhists meditate, A, to experience luxury, B, to follow the example of the Buddha, C, to attain enlightenment.

Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to check your answers.


Welcome back everybody.

I ask you to choose two reasons why most Buddhists meditate.

Well done.

If you selected B and C, to follow the example of the Buddha and to attain enlightenment.

There were many statues of the Buddha in meditation poses.

Some are found in different countries such as Japan, Thailand, India.

What do you notice about the statues? Can you notice some similarities and differences? What might these statues tell you about the Buddha? Pause the video here and have a discussion with your partner.

Press play when you are ready to reflect on your answers.


Welcome back, everyone.

Fantastic discussions.

I ask you to identify what did you notice about the statues, any similarities and differences, and what might these statues tell you about the Buddha? Tashi says, "I noticed that the statues are all in meditation poses.

This must show the importance of meditation for Buddhists." Linn noticed by saying, "I notice that some of the statues are painted gold.

Some are really big.

These show that the Buddha is really important to Buddhists.

After all, the Buddha is one of the three jewels." The Buddha is the first of the three jewels.

The three jewels are a significant teaching in Buddhism.

They are the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha.

Okay, on your screen is a statement.

Is this statement true or false? The Buddha is the first of the threes.

Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to check your answer.

Well done to everybody that's selected true.

The Buddha is the first of the three jewels.

So now we're in a strong position to complete a practise task to show our understanding of the impact of the Buddha's life on Buddhist today.

I would like you to explain why these statements are both true.

Aisha says, "Many Buddhists visit places of pilgrimage like Lumbini or Bodh Gaya.

These places are associated with the Buddhist life or Dhamma." Lucas says, "Many Buddhists practise meditation because that is how the Buddha achieved enlightenment." Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to check your answers.


Welcome back.

I asked you to explain why these statements are both true.

So let's remind ourself what Aisha and Lucas said.

Aisha said, "Many Buddhists visit places of pilgrimage like Lumbini or Bodh Gaya.

These places are associated with the Buddhas life or Dhamma," And Lucas said, "Many Buddhists practise meditation because that is how the Buddha achieved enlightenment." Your answer might have included, Aisha correctly mentions that some Buddhist visit places of pilgrimage that are associated with the Buddhist life or teachings such as Lumbini or Bodh Gaya.

Lucas is also correct because many Buddhist meditate to follow the Buddhist example to achieve enlightenment.


Well done on all your hard work on the practise tasks.

So that brings us to the end of today's lesson on Siddhartha Guatama as a historical figure.

Key points that we've covered in today's lesson.

The stories of Siddhartha Guatama were written hundreds of years after he was born.

Buddhists interpret these stories in different ways.

Some of the Buddhist practises such as meditation still impact Buddhists today.

Many Buddhists will visit places linked to the life of the Buddha.

And the Buddha is significant to all Buddhists and is the first of the three jewels.

Thank you for joining me for today's lesson.
