Hi everyone, and welcome to your PSEG lesson with me, Miss Plummer.
Over the next few lessons, we are going to be learning how to keep ourselves and others clean and healthy.
Today we're going to start with hand washing and to learn effective hand washing tips.
And why is so important? First of all, we're going to start talking about a Time Capsule.
Don't worry if you've not heard about that before, we'll talk about too soon.
Then we're going to learn about Gems and how they spread.
After that, we'll talk about how we can protect ourselves from germs. Then we will talk about Good handwashing tips.
And finally, you're going to create a prompt to help teach other people how to wash their hands properly.
In this lesson, you will need some paper or an exercise book, a pencil, and some coloured pencils.
Don't worry if you don't have any of those at home, just use what you've got.
So, first of all, let's talk about a Time Capsule and a Time Capsule can be a container or a box that contains items from a specific moment in time.
And what we do, you put objects inside and then bury it so that people in the future can find it and discover all the things that we've learnt.
So, I thought we could make a time capsule.
I've got a box here.
I just found it at home.
I decorated it.
And each week we will make something.
We'll put it inside and then we can teach people in the future all the things that we've learned during lockdown this year.
So let's think about germs. Germs are tiny micro-organisms that live all around us.
They're all good gems and bad germs. And mostly they're invisible, unless you use a magnifying glass.
A gem hotspot is something that you touch often.
So think about things that you touch every day.
Yes, could be handles, surfaces or even furniture.
Here I've got some pictures of some hotspots.
So might be things that we touch every day often, but other things we might not touch so much.
So we've got a light switch.
Do you think that's a hotspot? Do you think germs can live on light switches? Yes, they can.
What's about taps, because that's what we touched when we wash our hands.
What's about a clock? Is that a hotspot? No, not really.
We don't touch a clock every day.
What about furniture, tables and chairs.
Yes, we touched those quite often.
TV remote, of course.
And people sometimes forget about that, but that is even a hotspot, but that's something we touch so much.
Door handles? Definitely.
What about plants? Not really.
We don't really touch those very often, but germs can live on all of them.
Now for your task, I want you to think of some gym hotspots in your home.
Have a look around, you can pause the video and think about things that you touch every day.
Now we're going to think about how germs spread and I've got my friend here to help me.
He's called Ted.
Now, Ted has sneezed and as you can see, his germs have come everywhere, oh, dear.
So he's not used a tissue.
Can you see when he sneeze he's got the germs on his hand.
They're on his mouth and his nose, they're on his clothes, and then even on the table.
Look how far those gems have spread.
Next when Ted stood up, he's touched the chair.
And, oh, dear.
can you see those germs on the chair then when he's gone to the bathroom, he's touched the door handle and yes, you guys stepped, there's germs on the handle.
And finally, when he's touched the tap, those gems are on that tap and they can live on these surfaces for days.
So it's really important that we can learn ways to protect ourselves from these germs, because look, how many germs Ted has spread.
Now he might be ill or he's also spreading those germs and other people are going to get ill as well.
So protection.
What can we do to help ourselves and help other people stay clean and stay healthy? Let's have a think.
Can you think of ways to protect yourself from catching and spreading germs, pause the video to complete your tasks.
Here's some things that I thought of.
Did you think of them too? First of all, we could eat healthily by eating more fruits and vegetables, just like Ted.
We're getting more vitamins and vitamins can help us fight the spread of germs. We could also wash our hands.
It's so important to wash our hands and we've seen everywhere in the news at the moment lots of messages to wash your hands for 20 seconds.
You've also seen messages to catch it, bin it, kill it.
So if you do sneeze, or if you do cough, it's best to catch those germs so that they don't spread.
Here, Ted has sneezed into a tissue.
He's put it into the bin and then he's washed his hands.
Well done Ted, super job.
Now let's talk about handwashing.
And quite often when I see children, they'll run to the tap, wash their hands under the water, flick it around and then they think they're done.
Is that good handwashing? No.
Let's talk about effective handwashing to wash those germs away.
First, rinse your hands under the tap, show me, then you need lots of soap.
Then we need to wash our hands and rub our hands together for 20 seconds.
Lots of different ways to get rid of those germs. After that, rinse your hands under the water and finally make sure you dry them with a towel or paper towel to get rid of all those germs. Now, your next task, you are going to design a prompt.
You're going to make your picture bright.
You might want to include a key message that we've learned today.
And you're going to add some drawings.
Then once you've finished your poster, your prompt.
You're going to add it into your time capsule.
And you might want to add some other things in there as well.
To help us remember this time tissues, hand sanitizer.
They can go in there and they can teach people in the future, how to keep themselves clean.
So your success criteria, you include a key message.
It might be wash your hands 20 seconds, catch it, bin it, kill it.
Then you might want to draw a picture just like I've done.
You might want to draw some clean hands.
You might want to draw some gems on your hands.
You might want to draw some soapy water or some tissues, or even putting your tissue in the bin.
And when you've drawn your poster, you can pop it, take a picture of it and pop it into your time capsule.
So, we can teach people in the future, how to wash their hands properly.
Once you finished your picture, it would be really nice, if you could ask an adult to take a photo and send into us, then we can see all of your designs.
I look forward to seeing them.