Hello and welcome to your RHE lesson, Catch it, bin it, kill it, with Mrs. Wade.
First we're going to look at disease, then move on to how diseases are spread, next we'll stop the spread, and finally, you will create a wonderful poster.
In this lesson you'll need an exercise book or paper, a pencil, and some colours.
Disease means illness or infection.
Have you ever had the disease? Yeah, most people have.
Do you know the names of any of them? Well, let us look at these pictures and see if you know what the disease is.
The first one is really itchy and you get little red spots.
Do you know the name of it? Great.
It's chicken pox.
Have you ever had chicken pox? I had them when I was little.
Now this one, it's a red rash, but he's not itchy chicken pox.
Do you know the name of the one? This one's called measles.
Have you heard of that one? Yeah.
The next one, she's holding something to her mouth and she needs this one.
She's finding it hard to breathe.
Do you know the name of this one? Yes it's asthma.
Now this isn't something that you can catch from someone else.
It's something that you might develop, or you're born with it.
I have asthma.
This little girl has a temperature and a bad cough.
and a runny nose.
What do you think she has? It's something that, well I'm going to say everyone, but most people have definitely had.
I get one nearly every year.
That's right it's a cold.
Now this next person, they have to prick their finger every few hours and check their blood.
Have you ever seen somebody do that before? No some of you might not have.
I've seen it done before.
Do you know the name of it if you have seen it before? Yeah.
It's diabetes.
Now again, this isn't something that you can catch from somebody they're either born with it or they develop it later on in their life.
Well done.
You knew more than what I thought you would.
You've surprised me.
Great job.
How do you think diseases are spread? Most germs are spread through the air.
In sneezes.
Or even breaths.
Germs can also spread in sweat, so when there's a lot of sun, so you're getting how and sweaty.
And our blood.
Now watch this video and see if you can spot how this person is spreading disease.
Did you spot it? If you didn't spot it, watch again.
This time the glitter represents the germs. Did you spot it this time? That's right.
They coughed into their hands, then touched the handle and a long came another person, they touch the handle and then they touch their face.
How do you think we could stop this? Lets find out.
Germ buster.
I've got some ways to help you stop spread those germs. My first way is, catch it, bin it, kill it.
I'm going to show you how to do this.
Now I'm going to take my gloves off for this, 'cause I'm assuming that you wear gloves everywhere you go.
So the first thing to do, if you've got some tissues to hand, if you're going to sneeze or cough, you should grab that tissue, sneeze or cough.
So catch it, put it in your tissue, bin it, and kill it.
So if you can wash your hands, that's better.
But if you're not next to a sink, then sanitizer is brilliant.
Little bit, make sure you rub it all over your hands, front and back in between those fingers round your thumbs and round your wrist, and then you have killed it.
My second way, if you've not got any tissues and you're walking down the street and you need to cough or sneeze, do it into your elbow.
Okay? Because then it's not on your hand and you won't be spreading it everywhere.
So you're walking down the street, into your elbow.
My third way is washing your hands.
To wash your hands, warm water.
I always put a little bit of water on first, get some soap, now, when you've got your soup, you need to rub your palms together.
You need to rub the backs of your hands and in between your fingers, round your thumbs.
You need to do this so that you can get your nails and the tops of your fingers.
Then do this on your palms, in a circular motion.
Now, when you're doing that, if you were unsure for how long to do it to, if you sing "happy birthday," that's 20 seconds.
So that's the right amount of time.
Once all your soap is rubbed into your hands, just rinse it off your hands, in a good rinse.
Turn off the tap and dry your hands.
Now you need to make sure you dry them properly.
You got clean hands.
Let's do those actions again.
So the first one was catch it, bin it, kill it.
Now you do it.
Catch it, bin it, kill it.
Well done.
Number two was into your elbow.
So I want you to do this, into your elbow.
You do it, into your elbow.
Well done.
And the third one was washing your hands.
Can you show me you washing your hands? Well, let's do it one last time from the top.
Catch it, bin it, kill it.
Into your elbow.
Wash your hands.
Ooh we can make a little song out of that, couldn't we? Let's do it one more time.
All ready? Catch it, bin it, kill it.
It into your elbow, into your elbow.
Wash those hands.
Well done.
Make sure you remember that.
Goodness me, we've learned so much today about stopping the spread.
Now what I'd like you to do is create a poster.
I want you to first draw a picture of one of the actions that you want to show.
The one that you've learned from today, and then write some sentences to describe what to do, so that people, when they see your poster, they go, "Aha! Right, okay.
Yeah, that's what I need to do." You might even tell people why you need to do it.
Now, if you continue this video, I'm going to show you step by step, what I posted that I've done.
So I've decided to draw a picture of a little girl, who's covering her face with her elbow.
And this is because she doesn't have a tissue.
So now I'm going to write a sentence to describe what she's doing.
Pause the video and draw your picture.
Now I'm going to write my sentence to talk about what she's doing.
I'm going to write, "If you have no tissue," I'm going to carry on here because it's a poster, isn't it? So I'm going to fill this space, "Use your sleeve!" So I've described, what she's doing.
The last thing is to colour in.
So you can now pause, write your sentence and finish your colouring.