
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Ms. Ruth.

Today we're going to be looking at the lesson, The Online World.

This fits into the lesson unit, Our Online Lives: What should I do if I feel unsafe online? So let's get ready by getting our eyes ready to look, our ears ready to listen, and our brains ready to do some thinking.

Today's lesson outcome is I can describe some of the things that happen online and explain what we should not do online.

Let's begin by taking a look at our ground rules, and we've got some friends here to help us.

Laura says we should listen to others.

That means not interrupting when somebody else is speaking.

Andeep says we should respect privacy.

That means if somebody decides to share a story or tell us about an experience, that we don't go and repeat it to other people outside of this lesson.

Jacob says no judgement.

That means if somebody does decide to share a story or their experience, that we don't judge them because of it.

And Izzy says choose your level of participation.

That means you can decide if you simply just want to listen, or if you wanna share something throughout the lesson.

Here are today's keywords.

I will read them first to you, and then you can repeat them after me.

Are you ready? Online, trusted adult, worried, choice.

Let's see if we can spot these keywords in today's lesson.

Here is the lesson's outline, and we're going to begin with what can we do online? There are lots of different things we can do online.

We can play games, watch videos, buy things, chat to friends and family, and learn new things.

Have you done any of these things online before? Time for a check for understanding.

What can we do online? A, play games, B, high five our friends, or C, learn new things.

Hmm, what can we do online? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said A and C, we can play games and learn new things online.

Some people enjoy playing games online.

Online games can make us feel happy and excited.

Jacob says, "I love playing online games on my dad's laptop." Time for a check for understanding.

True or false, playing games online can make us happy and excited.

You can give me a thumbs up if you think it's true, or a thumbs down if you think it's false.

Hmm, playing games online can make us happy and excited, true or false? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said true.

Some people enjoy watching videos online.

There are lots of different videos people watch online, funny videos, music videos, and videos that teach new things.

We can go online when we want to learn new things.

For example, Izzy's mom wants to learn a new cake recipe, a plum cake recipe.

Izzy says, "My mum goes online when she wants to learn a new recipe." Older children and adults can go online to buy things, and send messages to people they know.

Time for a check for understanding.

Which image shows someone watching videos online? Is it A, B, or C? Hmm, which image shows someone watching videos online? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said B.

B shows someone watching videos online.

It's important to always ask a trusted adult before going online.

A trusted adult might be your parent, carer, or teacher.

Here are some pictures of Izzy's trusted adults on your screen.

Time for a check for understanding.

Who should we ask before going online? A, our family pet, B, our best friend, or C, a trusted adult? Hmm, who should we ask before going online? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said C, we should always ask a trusted adult before going online.

Time for a task now.

Andeep is talking about what we can do online.

Andeep says, "We can go online to learn new things." Tell your partner three more things we can do online.

Pause this video so you can have some time to do the task, and then we will go through the answers together.

Well done for having a go.

Your answers could have included watch videos, play games, send messages, and buy things.

We're now going to move on to the second part of our lesson, how do we choose what to do online? Everyone is different.

This means people will enjoy doing different things online.

Time for a check for understanding.

True or false, people enjoy doing different things online.

You can give me a thumbs up if you think it's true, or a thumbs down if you think it's false.

Hmm, people enjoy doing different things online, true or false? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said true.

We can think about our likes and interests to help us choose what we do online.

For example, Izzy loves drawing, so she chooses to watch online videos to help her learn how to draw different things.

Alex loves giraffes, so he chooses to go online to find out new facts about them, and he searched where do giraffes live? Time for a check for understanding.

Andeep loves cars.

What could he choose to do online? Hmm, A, learn new facts about snakes, B, watch a music video, or C, play an online car game.

Hmm, Andeep loves cars.

What could he do to do online? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said C.

I think Andeep would love to play an online car game because he loves cars.

Some things online are not made for children.

This means we might see something online that makes us feel worried.

We must always tell our trusted adult if we see something online that makes us worried or upset.

We can also ask our trusted adult to help us choose what to do online.

Trusted adults can show us different websites, videos, and games that are safe for us to use.

Jacob says, "My teacher showed me an online game that is safe to use." Time for a check for understanding.

Fill in the missing word in this sentence.

Trusted adults can help us choose something online that is, hmm, A, unsafe, B, safe, or C, dangerous.

Hmm, fill in the missing word in this sentence.

Trusted adults can help us choose something online that is? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said B, safe.

Trusted adults can help us choose something online that is safe.

Time for a task now.

Sofia wants to go online, but isn't sure what to do.

Tell your partner two things Sofia could do to help her choose what to do online.

You could use this sentence starter to help you with your answer.

Sofia could, to help her choose something online.

Pause this video so you can have some thinking time, and then we will go through the answers together.

Well done for having a go.

Your answers could include Sofia could think about her likes and interests to help her choose something to do online, or Sofia could ask a trusted adult to help her choose something to do online.

Well done if your answer was similar.

We're now gonna move on to the third and final part of our lesson, what should we not do online? It's important to make good choices online so that we can stay safe.

When we are safe online, we are happy.

Time for a check for understanding.

Why is it important to make good choices online? Is it A, so that we can grow tall and strong, B, so that we can play our favourite game, or C, so that we are safe and happy online? Hmm, why is it important to make good choices online? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said C, it's important choices online so that we safe and happy.

We must only watch videos, play games, and use websites that our trusted adult has agreed on.

It's important to think carefully about what we type online so that don't upset other people.

Jacob has typed a kind message online.

He said, "You are great at drawing." When we are kind online, we are making a good choice.

It's important to never share any personal information online.

Personal information includes our name, our address, so where we live, our age, and our school name.

Time for a check for understanding.

What does personal information include? Is it A, our age, B, our favourite food, or C, our school name? Hmm, what does personal information include? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said A and C, personal information includes our age and our school name.

We must never share photos or videos of ourselves online.

Photos and videos of ourselves should only be shared with a trusted adult in person.

Time for a check for understanding.

True or false, it's okay to share photos and videos of ourselves online.

Hmm, give me a thumbs up if you think it's true, or a thumbs down if you think it's false.

Hmm, it's okay to share photos and videos of ourselves online, true or false? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said false.

We must never share photos and videos of ourselves online.

Photos and videos should only be shared with trusted adults in person.

It can be fun to speak to friends and family online.

For example, Andeep is video calling Jacob.

He says, "Hi, Jacob." However, we must always ask a trusted adult before messaging a friend or family member online.

Time for a check for understanding.

Alex and Andeep are talking about speaking to friends and family online.

Who is correct? Andeep says, "It's okay to speak to friends and family online without a trusted adult's permission." Alex says, "We must always ask a trusted adult before speaking to friends and family online." Hmm, who is correct, Andeep or Alex? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said Alex.

We must always ask a trusted adult before speaking to friends and family online.

Time for a task now.

Read each scenario with your partner.

Tick the scenario if you think it is a good choice to make online, and cross the scenario if you don't think it is a good choice to make online.

Pause this video so you can have some time to do the task, and then we will go through the answers together.

Well done for having a go.

So you should have crossed the first scenario, we should share photos and videos of ourselves online.

That is not a good choice to make online.

You should have ticked the second scenario, only use websites and apps our trusted adult has agreed on.

That is a good choice to make online.

And you should have crossed the third scenario, we should share personal information online like our name or address.

That is not a good choice to make online.

Well done if your answers were correct.

So that brings us to the end of our lesson, and I've had a wonderful time with you today.

Here is a summary of everything that we've covered in today's lesson.

There are lots of different things we can do online.

We can watch videos, play games, or chat to friends and family.

Some things online are not made for children.

We must always tell a trusted adult if we see something online that makes us feel worried or upset.

Our likes and interests can help us choose what we do online.

Trusted adults can also help us choose what we do online.

We must never share personal information like our name, address, and school online.

We must also never share photos and videos of ourselves online.

Here is a slide of different places that you can go to for support.

Childline, the Childline is a website and phone line which is able to offer confidential advice and support.

CEOP, the CEOP helps protect children from online abuse and exploitation.

And the Internet Matters, the Internet Matters teaches children and parents how to stay safe and happy online while using the internet.