- Hi everyone, and welcome back to RHE, with me, Miss.
Today, the title is "Team Player." So in this lesson, you're going to think about what it's like being part of a team and the different rules within that team.
Let's begin In today's lesson, you will need some paper, a pencil, and some coloured pencils if you have them, but don't worry if you don't.
Pause the video to go and get those things.
Come back soon.
We will begin this lesson by thinking about the scrapbook that we've talked about in the previous lessons, then we're going to talk about belonging and how it feels being part of a group.
After that, think about a team that you belong to.
And finally, you're going to create a job advert for a new team member to join your team.
At the end of every lesson in this unit, we will be adding work to our scrapbook, a special book full of memories.
Here's mine.
Why don't you go and find yours? Pause the video now.
What does that mean to you? That's right.
Belonging is when you feel like part of a group.
It doesn't have to be a team.
It could be part of your family or the people you live with, belonging to your school community or your class, belonging to your friendship groups.
Belonging is all about being included and feeling like you're part of a group or part of a team, everyone working together.
How does it feel when you belong to part of a group? Does it make you feel lonely, left out, miserable? No, not usually.
Belonging usually makes you feel happy and content and like you've got a job to do or like you feel part of a group Think of a team that you belong to, a group.
It might be your class, a religious group, or maybe even a sports group.
What roles are there within the team? Does everyone have the same job? No, there might be a leader, a captain, different members, different supporters, maybe even helpers.
Think of a team that you belong to.
Here's a great example of a team.
Who's seen the Power Rangers? In this team, everyone has a different role.
There is a leader, a supporter, someone who's strong, and someone who's logical.
That means they do all the thinking.
You probably guessed it already, but this is a football team.
In the team everyone has a different job and they all must work together to win the game.
The captain is the person who listens to the manager and gives instructions to the team.
He's in charge.
Everyone listens to him and he makes the decisions during the game.
Then you've got the attackers.
It is their job to try and score a goal.
They must listen to the captain and also listen to the midfielders to know where they need to move around on the pitch to be able to score.
The midfielders have a very important job.
They have to talk to the attackers but they also have to listen and talk to the defenders.
It's the defender's job to defend their goal, to make sure the other players on the other team don't score.
The goalkeeper stays in goal and he must keep the goals out.
He must listen to the defenders and also give instructions to the rest of his team.
Do you notice how everyone works together? And there's one thing that all the people in the team must do.
They must listen to each other and work together.
Lights, camera, action.
Are you ready, children? Today, you're going to create a TV advert looking for a new member for your team.
You can record it on a camera if you have one, but don't worry if not, you can just pretend.
When we're making a TV advert, we need to make sure we look at the camera or look at the screen, smile, speak clearly, and talk about the good experiences in your team.
You are looking for a new member to join you.
Are you looking for someone who is rude? No.
Are you looking for someone who listens? Yes.
Are you looking for someone who's enthusiastic and wants to give their best? Yes.
Make sure when you're talking to the camera, when you're looking for your new team member you tell them what you are looking for.
Who do you want to join your team? Can't wait to see them.
Your task for today is to create a job advert for a new member of your team.
First of all, you're going to think about what kind of person you want in your team.
Do you want a leader, a friend, maybe even a helper? Then think about the qualities that they're going to need.
Will they be a good listener? Will they be able to follow instructions? Will they be able to lead the group and make decisions, or will they help? Then you're going to write a sentence and describe the role that you have in your team.
You've been amazing today.
If you would like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.
See you soon.