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Hi, my name is Mr. Gee and I'm going to be your teacher for the RSHE lesson today on Obsessive Online Behaviour, the second part.

This is part of the Internet Safety and Harms; Online Relationships and Harmful Behaviours unit.

In this lesson, we will learn about problematic interactions online.

We will look at how interactions can become a problem, and how it can impact your actual real life relationships with other people.

If this is a sensitive topic for you, we recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting the lesson.

So in today's lesson, all you are going to need is either your exercise book or a piece of paper and a pen.

So if you've not done this already, please can you try the intro quiz? It will look at what we studied last lesson and it will also look at what we will be doing this lesson.

So we'll combine the two.

I can see your answers.

So please try the best, take your time and have a go all the questions.

We will then move on to look at what trolling is.

So trolling is something that is conducted online.

It is a negative experience for people who are victims and it can also be a negative experience for people who are the perpetrators.

We will look at how to avoid being a troll or being trolled.

So like I said, you don't want to be a victim because it isn't a nice experience.

And you've got to realise that if you are a troll, try not to do it, okay? So we'll look at the impact that it has on the perpetrators and the victims. We will look at your digital footprint.

So by that, we mean what you leave behind for other people to see.

And then we'll have an exit quiz so you'll be able to assess everything you've learned in this lesson.

So let's get started.

First of all, we're going to look at some key words in today's lesson.


So it is, someone is intentionally starting conflict or upset online, okay? This can happen on Instagram, Twitter, various other social media platforms. And normally it is a person or group of people who are targeting another person or group of people.

Conflict is where someone or group is at odds with another person or group.

So conflict is where two people or two groups of people are clashing and colliding.

Like I mentioned at the start, digital footprint is the online legacy that you leave behind.

So you really need to think about this.

Let's get started.

So trolling or trolling, what is it? So as it says there, it is where someone purposely starts conflict with someone online, mainly through the use of social media.

It is a form of cyber bullying.

So examples can include sending direct messages to people that are hateful, that harmful, that hurtful, spreading negative comments about people on social media, or through messaging that may hurt and further down the line, or harassment.

So not letting them have a minute to themselves online, constantly bombarding them with messages or offensive comments.

So trolling or trolling doesn't have positive connotations at all, okay? It is something that is really seen as negative, and something that people shouldn't be doing.

What I would like you to do at this point, is to pause the video to complete this task.

And I've got a couple of questions for you.

So why do you think people do it? Why do you think people troll and send nasty abusive messages or spread horrible messages about other people? And what could be the consequences of trolling, not just for the victim, but for the person who is the troll? So if you pause the video, write down a couple of answers for these questions, and I'll come back to you in a second.

So there are many reasons why people will troll.

So I've listed some below.

So first of all, people may be attention seeking.

They may not be getting the attention that they desire through normal means, normal methods.

So they go on to social media, and people may like their comment, people may retweet it, people may see it and say it's funny and directly message that person, and it is purely for attention.

Number two, boredom.

Not much going on in their life at that point so they will send these messages, abusive posts on social media in order to try and spark some sort of entertainment in their life, which also leads onto personal amusement.

They may find it funny, okay? So if it's someone that they don't necessarily get on with, they'll find it funny.

Jealousy is a good one.

Because if that person is jealous of another person, what they may try and do is bring that person down.

So they may try and say horrible things about them to get a reaction from them in order to make them feel worse about themselves, or revenge.

So if they don't get on with that person, or there's been an incident with that person in the past, they may then use social media to try and embarrass that person.

Moving on to the next slide.

So let's move on to the second question from the previous slide.

As it says there, it can be destructive for both the victim and the perpetrator.

So the consequences for the victim.

We'll go through them first of all.

They could become anxious about themselves, about going on social media, about interacting with people, which obviously, is not what we want.

We want people to be confident.

Could make them sad, could make them feel very unhappy about things.

In that moment, when they see a message, or they see a post where they aren't being talked about in a nice manner, it may make them feel horrible about themselves, which can lead to a lack of confidence.

So they may not want to go on to social media in the future and they may not want to talk to people.

And it could lead to other mental health issues.

So they may end up becoming introverted and stay within themselves.

We always think about the consequences for the victim but why I wanted to talk about with the question I put on was the consequences for the perpetrator, the person doing the trolling.

So as it says there, if you are abusing someone online, you could end up with a criminal record, which could affect your employability problems going forward.

Obviously, you don't want to have a criminal record because it will affect your chances.

So colleges, employers in the future will look at you and they will think well, we can't trust that person necessarily.

It's really important that you stay within the law.

Loss of friends, if you are being nasty to someone online, people might look at you and say, I don't want to be friends with that person that's being nasty.

And as it says at the bottom, removal from social media.

So a lot of you, people your age, they use social media a lot.

You don't want to be removed from social media.

Let's look at how to avoid being a troll or being trolled.

So, what should you do in each of these scenarios? So we're going to look at three scenarios here, and I want you to think what your response should be.

We're going to pause the video in a minute.

But let's have a quick look through these.

So someone you go to school with is posting abusive posts about you.

Have a think what would you do in that scenario? Every time you post a picture, or just a general post, there is one individual who keeps being nasty, and posting negative comments.

And then scenario three, a famous person keeps posting content that you disagree with, it makes you angry.

What should your response be? I think the first two are fairly straightforward but the third one you need to think about a little bit more.

Pause the video, and we'll come back and talk about this in a minute.

So what was your response to each scenario? Well, I've put in bold the ways that I would go about doing it.

You may think of slightly different ways that you would do it.

But we need to think about whether we're staying within the law and the guidelines.

So scenario one, someone you go to school with is posting abusive posts about you.

Well, I'd hope you'd find this fairly straightforward.

You should speak to your parents and the school about this.

That is an example of cyber bullying.

So your school will act upon that if you tell them.

Your parents could contact the school if you didn't want to.

So it's really, really important that you tell someone.

Tell a responsible adult.

As it says there, scenario two, every post picture you put on social media, there is one individual who keeps being nasty.

We need to block that person first of all.

You don't need that negative influence in your life.

And you can report them to the social media company.

As is there, scenario three, a famous person keeps posting content that you disagree with, it makes you angry.

What should your response be? Well, as I've put there, think about how you would feel if you received an angry message.

Also, what are the consequences of being abusive? So what you do not want to do, you do not want to be sending that famous person angry messages, abusive messages.

Because if you receive that, how would you feel? I would feel really, really upset and sad.

And also as it says there, the consequences of being abusive, okay.

You could end up in trouble with the police, you could end up in trouble and that could affect your future prospects, and you don't want to do that.

How do you avoid being trolled or being a troll? So like I've put there, think before you post anything.

How would that make you feel if you received that message or post? Put yourself in the shoes of that person who would possibly be receiving the message.

How would it make you feel? If someone sends you an abusive message, don't respond to them, and block them.

Tell a responsible adult.

Young people, well, not just young people, people in general spend a long time on social media now.

Spending too much time isn't helpful, so it might be worth taking some time off social media.

As I put there at the bottom as well, you can report it.

So you can report it to the social media companies.

If it is abusive, harmful, racist, you can report it to SIA.

We're now going to move on and look at your digital footprint.

So what you leave on the internet for others to see.

So I'm going to pause the video in a minute, but I just want to talk to you very briefly.

Anything you do online, especially on social media, it leaves a footprint.

It's like a footprint in the sand or the mud when we're walking, okay? You leave it behind, and it stays there for a while.

This is the same online.

This can impact your career and aspirations in the future.

Because when you are trying to look for a job, employers may look at your internet history.

They may look at, type your name into Google and see whether you are there.

So what do you need to do to ensure you don't leave a negative footprint? I want you now to list some things you need to do to ensure you stay responsible.

So what do you need to do to ensure you don't leave a negative footprint? I'll give you a few minutes.

These are the some of the, sort of rambles that I've come up with.

You may come up with some different ones.

So be kind.

Don't ever put anything that's nasty, negative, and horrible to another person or group.

Someone may see that in the future.

Use privacy settings.

So obviously, you don't want people being able to see your account, who you don't know, who aren't friends with you.

Keep a list of accounts.

So what I mean by that is, if you set up a Facebook, an Instagram, whatever social media type you use, make sure you keep tabs on the username and password.

Because the last thing you want to do is set up an account that has lots of silly posts on there, and you forget the password.

And then in the future, someone sees that, you can't get into it, you can't change it.

So it's really, really important.

Use a password keeper.

So there's password sites where they store your passwords.

So you only need one password.

A lot of the time on smartphones these days, it keeps the password stored for you.

So make sure you do that.

Google yourself sometimes because you might see pictures that are inappropriate that you may have posted on social media in the past, comments that you may have posted in the past.

So it's really important, Google yourself, see what you can find.

And don't swear online.

If you swear online, it's written down, it's there for everybody to see.

Just don't do it.

So before we finish, please complete the exit quiz to assess what you've learned this lesson.

I hope you've enjoyed it today.

I hope you've picked out some key points that you can take away with you.

If you've got any work you would like to share, please tag OakNational with the #LearnwithOak.

Take care, bye for now.