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Lesson video

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Hi, my name's Mr. Gee, and I'm your teacher today for the RSHE lesson on problematic interactions online.

This is part of the whole unit which revolves around internet safety and harms where we look at online relationships and harmful behaviour.

In this lesson, we will learn about problematic interactions online.

We also look up how interactions can become a problem and how they can impact relationships with other people.

If this is a sensitive topic for you, we recommend that you check with a trusted adult before starting the lesson, whether this be at school or at home, let's get started.

In this lesson today, all you will need is your exercise book or a piece of paper and a pen to write with.

Let's get started.

What I'd like you to do if you've not done that already is complete the intro quiz.

I'll be able to see you answers, so please, try your best and attempt all the questions in it.

We'll then look at what an online interaction is, but it can be much debate over what an online interaction is.

And we're going to have a look at what defines an online interaction.

We're then going to move on to looking at where they can become problematic.

So young people today are using online communication a lot and we need to look at where there are problems that come from that.

What can you do to be avoid being targeted online? That is something we will look at.

There are lots of issues surrounding online abuse, online bullying and we need to make sure you're not a victim of that.

And then we'll do an exit quiz similar to the intro quiz, have a go, try your best, and then obviously you can see how you get on.

I can see how you get on.

So let's try the best with that.

The key words in today's lesson.

Now interaction, I'm hoping a lot of you would know this but just in case you're unsure, it's another word for communication.

So we interact in many ways.

We interact through talking.

We interact on phones.

We interact through social media, online gaming, and any of those ways we communicate, our name is interaction.

Peer pressure is where someone is influenced by a group of people, generally your friendship groups or people your age, quite often, people that you go to school with.

And it's where you are influenced by those people.

And cyber bullying is abuse given or received on an online platform.

And this can include through text messages, generally, through any internet type of communication.

What I want you to do as a start of activity is think of all the ways you interact with people online.

Please make a list of the places where you interact.

I'm going to give you a few minutes to do this.

So please pause the video and then obviously you can write down your list.

Online interactions are where at least two people communicate using internet enabled communication.

Now you might use things such as Snapchat, Tiktok, Instagram.

Any type of social media is seen as an online interaction.

In the last year or so during the coronavirus pandemic, online working from home has become really, really prominent.

So the use of email, you may email your teachers, you may email class friends, that has been used a lot as well as video calling.

So things such as Skype, you might communicate your teachers on a video call through Teams, Zoom, all of these places are video calls, Online gaming.

A lot of people play on PlayStations, Xboxes and a part of the community is on there.

If you talk or communicate to people on there, that is an online interaction.

And forums, there's lots of forums out there based around lots of different topics.

It could be anything, could be sport, it could be mental health, it could be anything.

They are online interactions.

And then it says there at the bottom, any other places where wifi, 3G, 4G, 5G or any internet connections are used, they are classified as online interactions.

Moving on.

I've got a question I'd like to ask.

Which one of the below isn't an online interaction.

So online gaming where you're playing with or against strangers or friends online.

Email, where you're sending electronic emails.

Phoning a friend on a landline so where you're using a house phone, or social media.

Just give you a second to think about that.

And obviously the answer is phoning a friend on a landline, all of the others use internet.

So I'm glad you got that correct and you understand that.

Let's move on.

So as I mentioned at the start, we need to look at where online interactions can become problematic.

So some statistics for you here.

Half of 12 to 15 year olds say they've seen something hateful about particular group online in the last year.

That's quite staggering really.

So half the people your age say they've seen something hateful about a particular group of people in the last year.

Nearly 60% of five to 15 year olds play online games.

The reason I mention that is the problems that that could bring because a third of boys who have been bullied say it's through online gaming.

So that's quite a large proportion.

Only 39% of teenagers who have seen online abuse have reported it.

And only half of parents know how to use parental controls on devices and apps.

So young people are very savvy technology wise these days.

Older parents aren't necessarily the case so they need to be more aware of how to stop their young people being involved in harmful abuse online.

So I want us to stop the video in a minute.

Well, because what I want you to do is to think about those issues listed below.

So which of the following do you think are the biggest problems with online interactions.

Discuss with a partner or write down which one you think is the biggest problem online and why.

Pause the video at this point.

So, what are the issues for different individuals? They're all listed below.

We've got inappropriate content, pornography.

They are very, very similar and they're being shared around a lot among some people.

We've got identity theft and computer viruses.

They are more looking at the sort of the safety side of things and you've got to be aware of them.

Screen addiction and gaming addiction.

Young people are spending far too long on the devices on computer games at the moment.

And that is causing all sorts of mental health issues.

Online grooming, paedophiles using online platforms to get in touch with young people.

That is an issue, that is a huge issue amongst young people.

And it's something that you guys need to be aware of and be wary of.

Cyber bullying.

We've discussed this but that is a huge issue for certain people.

And all of these things can sometimes make your online reputation not as good as it could be.

And we're going to look at digital footprint going forward.

So what can you do to make sure online interactions aren't a problem.

I want to give you these three scenarios and I want you to think about what you would do in those situations.

So scenario one, someone I don't know who is older than 18 is asking me to send nude images.

What would you do in that scenario? Scenario two, I'm playing on my games console and someone is being abusive to me on the platform.

And scenario three, I've seen a highly inappropriate image shared by a friend on social media.

I want you to think about what you would do.

Write a short paragraph for each one and we'll come back to that in a minute.

This is a good opportunity to pause the video.

What do you do in each of these scenarios.

So scenario one, or you can block the person because essentially if we look at what we've done in previous units, this person is breaking the law.

So you need to report them to the police.

The police arm of online safety is called CEOP.

If you put CEOP into the internet, you'll see and there's plenty of help there.

Where you are playing on computer games and someone is being abusive, you should have the ability to block them and get in touch with the motivators of that platform.

And scenario three, if you've been sent some highly inappropriate image by a friend, or you've seen highly inappropriate image of a friend, you might want to speak to that friend because they may have shared it not fully knowing the consequences.

If they don't remove it, you may want to speak to an adult or a teacher who will be able to assist you in getting them to remove it and educate them on the rights and wrongs of that.

So where could you support or report? So where can victims get support or report harmful interactions? So I just said there about CEOP.

They are the police arm relating to internet safety.

Childline will assist with anything that a child has an issue with.

So give them a call if you feel you need to speak to them.

And we've got Stonewall Youth which is another online safety platform, and The Mix which helps with LGBTQ in particular.

What I'd like you to do if you feel you've completed some good work today.

Speak to your parent and carer and share your work on Twitter tagging Oak National and Learn with Oak.

It's been great to speak to you today.

Hope you enjoyed the lesson and speak soon.
