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Lesson video

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Hi there, my name's Mr. Gee and I'm going to take you today for your RSHE lesson in the unit of internet safety and harms, online relationships and harmful behaviour.

Today we're going to look at self-help for our online behaviours.

In this lesson, we will look at self-help for online behaviours and how you can help manage yourself online.

We will look at what inconstitutes healthy habits on social media.

If this is a sensitive topic for you, we recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting the lesson, whether that be at home or at school.

Let's get started.

In today's lesson, all you will need is your exercise book or paper and a pen to write with.

So hopefully you've done the intro quiz.

If you haven't, please go back and complete it.

Obviously, this will look at what you've learnt in previous lessons and look at what we are going to learn today.

So please take a look at this.

I'll be able to see your answers, try your best.

We will then begin by looking at how you can limit your time on social media and why this is important, looking at what the dangers are to spending too long on social media.

We'll look at how you can decide what you follow and what's important when choosing which accounts to follow so you don't come across any negative influences.

We will generally look at how you can maintain healthy habits with social media, whether that limiting the time, looking at what accounts to follow and how you behave online.

And then to finish off, you will complete an exit quiz looking at what we learnt today, and assessing your knowledge.

So let's get started.

So looking at the keywords that we're going to be using today, hopefully you know what this word means already but limiting is where you reduce something to a point where it is less than normal.

So limiting at the moment in terms of social media, means limiting how much time you spend on social media.

Being responsible is doing the right thing and behaving in the right way.

So sometimes on social media, we will say someone has behaved irresponsibly.

That means doing the wrong thing.

And self-esteem is where you can think about feeling good about yourself.

So sometimes people say that social media isn't always the best for people's self-esteem.

So first, we will look at limiting your time on social media and how can that be done? But before we start, we want to understand how much time we spend on social media.

So how much time do you think is spent on average every day on social media, by a person? Is it 100 minutes, 125 minutes 145 minutes or 180 minutes.

Just give you a few seconds to think about this and answer the question.

So it's 145 minutes.

In 2012, which is obviously nine years ago, the amount was 90 minutes.

So it's gone up almost an hour in the last nine years.

And it is growing every year.

So over the last nine years, it has increased every single year.

And what I want you to do, is to look at this slide and complete the activity which I'm about to set you.

So if we look at the previous question, it's clear to see as I mentioned, that the people of great Britain and around the world, are spending a large amount of time on social media.

So I'd like us to think about these following three questions.

And I would like you to answer them in a second.

So number one, is it healthy to spend so much time on social media? Number two, if it isn't, what are the possible issues or potential issues in spending too much time on it? And number three, think about how you could possibly limit your time on social media.

So discuss with your partner if you have one, or if not, if you're working on your own, think about the answers to the questions and write them down.

This would be a good point now to pause the video and take time to answer the questions.

Okay, so thinking about the answers to the questions that were on the previous slide, is it healthy to spend so much time on social media? The answer to that is no.

Social media can be useful, but spending excessive amounts of times sorry, on social media, can lead to a number of issues.

That can be like anything in life.

Quite often spending excessive time doing one thing rather than mixing things up can be an issue.

Looking at the potential issues, moving on to question two, why is it a problem spending too much time on it? Well studies have shown that people are more likely to develop depression and anxiety through excessive social media use.

This can arise from comparing yourself to others all the time.

So looking on Instagram, at stories of how people called influencers are spending their time.

That may be an issue and people may become jealous and think that they should be like that.

And number three, how can you limit your time on social media? There are many apps now, and built in functions within phones, which allow you to see how much time you spend on social media.

You can set limits or you can try hiding your phone away for a part of the day.

Sometimes, it's good to block off an hour where you can just put your phone away, turn it off, somewhere where you know where you're going to be safe you don't need your phone.

And then that way, you're not tempted to go on social media.

At the start I said, we were going to look at choosing what accounts you follow social media.

And this is another important aspect of how to have a healthy online relationship.

What I'd like you to do, pause the video in a minute, to complete this task.

Just think about what interests you have.

So I for example, like football and sport, but you guys might not like that.

You might like other things.

Everybody has different interests and these can be reflected by the social media accounts that people follow.

What accounts do you follow and why? List three accounts that you follow and explain why you do.

So pause this video at this point, as it's a good opportunity to complete this activity.

So hopefully, you've listed the accounts that you follow.

What I'd also like to think about is, are these accounts suitable and appropriate? So when you follow an account, what you need to think about is, is this a good account to follow? And think about the following questions, is the content age appropriate? Is the content a topic which could offend others? Is it good for your mental health or self-esteem? Are there any other accounts where these questions could be true? This would be a good opportunity just to pause the video for a few seconds and just think about these three questions in relation to the three accounts that you have followed.

Pause the video for a few seconds and just think about this.

Moving on, previous lessons, we have looked at inappropriate content on social media.

Do you think this question is true or false? Over half of teenagers have been exposed to inappropriate content on social media? Is it true or is it false? I'll just give you a second to think.

The answer is true.

Unfortunately, the majority of young people have been exposed to content which isn't appropriate.

And the reason I'm bringing this up now, is a lot of the time, this is through certain accounts on social media.

So you need to think about who you follow and whether the content is appropriate and of an age appropriate nature.

Let's move on to looking at how we can maintain healthy habits on social media.

What can you do? So it's looking at yourselves and what can you do to ensure you're being responsible on social media? Looking at everything we've discussed today and within the whole unit so far, it's about time we get you to come up with some rules in order to make sure you are being healthy and responsible on social media.

So what I would like you to do, think about these five bullet points of privacy, inappropriate content, self-esteem is an account genuine or is it offensive? and come up with three rules that are going to abide by on social media.

Not loads, but three key rules that you need to stick with and think about every time you go on social media.

Going to give you a few seconds to think about this before we move on.

So what rules did you come up with? I've got some ideas below for you, for each of the bullet points that were listed on the slide below.

So the reason we need to think about privacy, we need to stop people viewing any content who you don't know.

So it's important to check your privacy settings every now and again, on a regular basis, to make sure that they haven't changed 'cause quite often, social media companies will change the privacy settings to a different default setting.

So it's important that other people can't see your content.

Looking at inappropriate content, if there is someone you know that posts inappropriate content, block them, remove them.

It's not worth it in the long run.

If you have an employer and you want to get a job in the future, and they see you're associated with someone who is known for posting inappropriate content, that may impact your chances.

Self-esteem, does the account make you feel good about yourself? Does it make you feel bad about yourself? Are you jealous? All of these feelings, you need to think about.

Are they genuine? If they're aren't real, they're portrayed as a fake, you could remove them.

And also, is it offensive? Sometimes there is a border between being offensive and funny.

And what we need to think is, is the fun being had at the expense of other people? We need to make sure that we aren't following accounts that offend people.

So I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.

Please remember to complete the exit quiz to analyse and assess what you've learnt today.

I'll obviously be able to see your answer, so it'll be great to see the progress you've made.

Please also, if you fancy it, share your work with Oak National on Twitter, using the handle @OakNational and hashtag, Learn with Oak.

Make sure you ask a parent or carer to do that though before.

Anyway, great to speak to you this evening.

See you later, bye for now.