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Lesson video

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Hi there.

My name's Mr. Gee And today I'll be taking you for your RSHE lesson in the unit of Internet safety and harms where we look at online relationships and harmful behaviour.

Today, what we're going to do is summarise everything in what makes an online healthy relationship looking at what we've done in a unit so far and bringing it all together today.

So in this lesson we'll look at what makes a healthy online relationship.

We will look at how you can help yourself manage your life online.

And we're also going to look at some communication rules, as well as limiting your time to reasonable level.

If you feel this is a sensitive topic for you, we recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting the lesson, whether that be at school or at home.

So in today's lesson, all you will need is either your exercise book or a piece of paper and a pen to write with.

Let's get started.

So if you haven't completed the intro quiz please go back and do it.

I'll be able to see your answers.

So please take your time and we'll do that.

We'll look at what we've done in previous lessons, as well as looking at what we know we're going to be doing today.

The first topic we will look at is how you can ensure that social media and your online life does not impact real life relationships.

We will then move on to looking at how your online behaviour does not become obsessive or problematic.

So we don't want to be spending lots and lots of times looking at things and creating issues for ourselves online.

We'll look at how much time we need to spend online and what is a sensible amount.

And if you are spending too much time, how you can actually go about reducing that.

And then at the end of the lesson we will complete an exit quiz where you can look at what we've done today and understand and assess to see whether you're understanding is good.

So looking at some key words.

So, obsessive is where you do the same thing very often.

This word has negative connotations there.

And the reason we look at that.

we're going to look at that today, is because obviously in terms of the amount of time you spend on social media, it can become obsessive in some of the things that you may do.

Relationship, I would imagine, you know what this word means but it is where two things, at least two things usually people are connected.

And transparent.

Okay, think of a piece of tracing paper in your maths lessons.

So it's something that's clear you can see through.

So it's this the whole point of the word transparency.

Is talking about being honest and clear when you are online using the internet.

So what ways can online relationships impact real life relationships? So over the last decade, the increase in online relationships has increased dramatically to the point where it is changing the way our relationships are conducted.

If you think about during the latest COVID-19 lockdown, the way everyone has been communicating using different technologies, such as zoom your Microsoft teams, Google classroom whatever it may be use.

That is an interesting way that people have managed to communicate.

And in the social world, that's the same.

If you think of things like FaceTime, we use older people, adults in particular, that we use things such as dating apps, okay, to communicate with people.

And it's really, really obviously changed the way we've communicated.

As it says that it is estimated the amount of romantic relationship starting online will overtake the number of relationships offline in the year 2035.

So that is people meeting through dating websites et cetera, will overtake traditionally meeting as in a human contact by the year 2035.

But we've got to think about our online relationships.

Are they always positive? And are there potentially downsides to these relationships? We need to have a look at that.

So what I would like you to do at this point is pause the video and think about this question.

How can online relationships impact real life relationships? So I don't want you just to think about the negatives here.

I want you to think about the positives as well.

So what I want you to do is create a table where you list the positives of online relationships on one side and then on the other side, think about the negatives.

Then at this point later, pause the video.

And then once you are ready, you can start the video again.

So this was the table that I created.

You may have one or two different things in there.

But what ways do online relationships impact our real life relationships? So, as I talked about during the recent COVID 19 pandemic this has allowed us to speak to people whenever using video call using.

whether you are communicating when you were playing games, wherever you are sending messages through Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, whatever it may be.

You can talk in group chats.

So that's come around in the last 10 years or so.

Previously you'd normally have to ring a person or send an individual text message.

You can video call lots of people.

We just talked about that.

And you can speak to people far away.

So I have family who live far away and I'm able to speak to them on a regular basis, just because of the way the internet has improved relationships online.

Think about the negatives though.

It sort of negates the need to leave the house.

So a lot of people won't leave the house and they'll just speak to screens all day, which in terms of mental health sometimes it's not a positive influence.

The lack of real social interaction that can impact confidence.

So actually being face-to-face with people, maintaining eye contact, et cetera that kind of lack impact on confidence.

If you are sending them words via message, via text, via messenger.

Sometimes when they're written words they can be misinterpreted.

So you just have to be slightly careful with them.

As I've put that actual physical interaction with other people is good for mental health.

This has been proven during the recent lockdown.

It was encouraged for people to go out and have exercise with one other person.

So how can we ensure our online behaviour doesn't become obsessive or problematic? So how long do you spend on social media every day? On your phone these days, you should be able to find this information out.

But from a recent poll, this is the information that came out.

So, on average people spend the following time on these social media websites.

Facebook 38 minutes per day, Snapchat 20 minutes per day Instagram 30 minutes per day.

And as I've written below, that is 88 minutes per day.

Just on those three social medias that's before messaging and any other platform.

Do you think that this is too much? And what could be the problems with this? We will think about this later.

So to recap on something we have taught.

What you've been taught in a previous lesson.

If you don't know this, don't worry, you can have a go.

What chemical does your brain release which makes social media addictive? I want to give you a second, just to think about that.

Well, the answer is Dopamine.

So whenever you get a like or compliment your body releases dopamine and this is a chemical that makes you want more.

So when you get a like on social media or someone comments on your posts, that's positive, your body releases dopamine which makes you want to go back and get more and more.

So what could make our behaviour problematic? There are many things that could make your online behaviour problematic.

At this point, I want you to stop the video and think about your online behaviour.

But think about how it could impact all the people and how it could impact you.

So I want you to list all the things you think could make your online behaviour problematic.

We will review your responses shortly.

So please pause the video at this point and press play when you are ready to go again.

So I've listed some things that could make our behaviour problematic.

So worrying about being looked at by others.

Sometimes there's a lack of confidence with certain people which is understandable but you can sometimes worry about being looked at by others, so you don't be yourself.

Spending too much time on social media.

We've touched on this before.

It impacts in real life relationships.

So whether that means actually going to meet someone whether you are on.

in terms of confidence to meet that person it could impact real life relationships.

Or if someone's trying to have a conversation with you and you're scrolling through social media aimlessly, okay, that is thirst.

You need to be in the moment with that.

Impact on mental wellbeing.

We've seen in previous lessons that anxiety is on the increase through excessive social media use.

Online abuse.

So, we've talked about that before in terms of cyber bullying.

Really, really important you don't get involved in online abuse.

Inappropriate content is quite often shared on social media and people can see that quite often and it can have an impact on them.

And the final one there I've put not in the moment online instead.

So that leads back to impacting me or life relationships.

It's really important that you stay in the moment.

So by that, I mean, if there is something going on where you are physically involved, it's more important to be in that moment rather than on social media.

So what is the amount.

a sensible amount of time to spend online? So I've written six areas here gaming, video calling, messaging, looking at stories looking at newsfeeds, watching videos.

What other ways do you spend time on the internet communicating with people? So what I'd like you to do is order the following in the order of the most used to least used by 16-24 year olds in the UK.

So I'd like you, those 10 different options there of online uses, which one do you think is used the most? And which one do you think is used the least? As I've put there, try and guess how many have you used it as a percentage as well? So this is a good opportunity to pause the video.

And in a minute, we'll go through the answers.

So looking at this here, social media is the most used feature between 16 and 24 year olds in the last three months with 97% using it.

That is closely followed by email, downloading music and instant messaging.

Internet banking follows that but then watching videos follows that.

Reading news only 78% of people used the internet to find out information on the news.

Playing games is 63%, finding out information 61% which did surprise me because I thought the majority of people would need to do some research and making a medical appointment was 20% because I would imagine that the 16 to 24 year old age group don't necessarily need to make too many medical appointments.

But the majority of social media sites only allow you to sign up if you're age 15 or above.

So please remember that.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.

If you feel like you would like to share your work with Oak National, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Twitter tagging at @OakNational with #LearnwithOak.

Please remember to complete the exit quiz 'cause I'll be able to see your answers and assess your understanding.

But thanks for joining.

Bye for now.