
Content guidance

Contains sexual content.

Adult supervision suggested


Lesson video

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Hello everyone.

My name's Ms. Shaw.

I'm really pleased you're joining me today for this lesson and which will be focusing on exploitation.

So in this lesson, we will be focusing on the potential mistreatment or exploitation of those involved in the production of explicit online materials and how viewing the explicit content can condone potential exploitation.

This lesson covers sensitive topics.

So therefore we recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting or doing the lesson with a trusted adult nearby.

For this lesson you're going to need an exercise book or paper and also a pen and your brains for thinking.

So hopefully you've already completed your intro quiz.

Firstly, we will be looking at what is meant by the term exploitation.

Then we'll look at potential exploitation and mistreatment associated with online explicit content.

Then we will look at how viewing explicit content can condone exploitation.

And finally we'll cover the key learning points and you will complete your exit quiz.

So to recap from our previous learning and prior lessons I'd like you to choose two keywords which we've covered previously.

So pause here to have a read through and choose which two you think we've already covered then return when you've chosen.

Did you get them correct? So we have already covered distorted expectations which means having unrealistic or warped perceptions of reality.

And cognitive distortions which means irrational thoughts or beliefs which are usually negative which contribute to having distorted expectations.

The other two which were mistreatment and exploitation.

We're going to have a look at in more detail in today's lesson.

So the keywords for today's lesson are exploitation which refers to using or treating someone unfairly for your own advantage or gain.

Coercion, which means persuading someone to do something using force or threats.

Trafficking where children and young people are tricked, forced or persuaded to leave their homes and maybe moved, transported, and then exploited or forced to work or even sold.

And then child sexual exploitation or CSE which is where young people are groomed in order to be sexually abused.

So what is meant by the term exploitation via explicit online content? I'd like you to pause here, to have a think of this and come up with maybe a few suggestions of what you think is meant by that term and then return when you've completed.

So online exploitation is when someone online uses their power to make a child do sexual or criminal things, either online or offline.

So to recap from previous lessons, children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked.

Now, in terms of sexual abuse when a young person or child is sexually abused they're forced or tricked into sexual activities.

And there are two types, non-contact and contact and sexual abuse can happen in-person or online.

With exploitation, so child exploitation is a type of sexual abuse where a child is tricked into performing sexual activities.

By being groomed by, by someone giving them things like drugs or money or affection or gifts.

Any sort of status in exchange for those.

Trafficking is where young people or children are tricked or forced or persuaded even to leave their homes and are moved or transported around and then exploited, forced or to work or even sold.

So what do we mean by child sexual exploitation? I'd like you to make a suggestion.

So pause here.

What do you think this term means? So how did your answer compare with mine? Well, according to the NSPCC CSE is a form of sexual abuse where someone builds a relationship and trust and an emotional connection with a child or young person, so grooming them.

So that they can manipulate or exploit and abused them.

They might be given drugs or gifts or money in return for performing sexual activities.

And quite often they're tricked into believing that they're in a loving consensual friendship or relationship.

And young people are sometimes trafficked also in order to be sexually exploited.

Now anyone can be a perpetrator of child sexual exploitation, no matter their age their race or their gender.

It can also happen online or offline just as easily.

So in this next section we're going to focus on the potential mistreatment or exploitation of those who are involved in the production of explicit online behaviour.

I'd like you to choose which one you think of the following statements about child sex sexual exploitation is false.

So pause here.

Have a look at the options and choose which one you think is false.

Did you get it correct? Children and young people can be groomed online, in-person or by both, it could be a stranger or someone they know and anybody can be the perpetrator no matter their age or gender or race and exploitation can take place over a short period or a long period of time from weeks to years.

And victims might be tricked into believing that they are in caring friendships or relationships.

Young people in gangs are actually more likely to be targeted because of their vulnerabilities.

So in what ways can a person involved in explicit online behaviour, be mistreated or exploited? I'd like to pause here to make a list of suggestions and then come back when you've got your list prepared.

So how did your list compare with mine? Well, the way that a person can be mistreated or exploited include violence or blackmail.

They could be given gifts or drugs or money, for example.

And being tricked into thinking that they're in a loving relationship.

They might feel pressured into engaging in sexual activities that they're not comfortable with.

They might be pressured into joining gangs or engaging in criminal activities.

They could be brainwashed into believing radical ideas.

They could be isolated.

They could be degraded They could be humiliated.

So these are all really quite serious ways and issues that can potentially go on to cause long-term damage to someone's future and to their mental health.

So in this next section, we're going to look at how viewing explicit content can condone potential exploitation.

So in what ways can viewing explicit content condone potential exploitation? I'd like you to pause here to make a list of suggestions and then come back and compare your list with mine when you've completed.

So how did your list compare with mine? Well, some of the ways viewing explicit content can condone exploitation include normalising the behaviour.

So making it appear that that sort of behaviour is perfectly acceptable and in general normal society it can then go on to encourage further exploitation and also encourage criminal activities.

It might also promote radical beliefs.

It might also strengthen unrealistic attitudes that are held previously.

It can also condone aggression and minimising or excusing and rationalising violence, particularly against women.

Which of the following statements about viewing explicit content is false? I'd like you to pause here, read through the options and choose which one you think is false.

Were you correct? So viewing explicit content can encourage a stronger belief in gender stereotypes, particularly for males and in the absence of other information beliefs can be very one-sided and often incorrect and attitudes and responses can vary by gender.

Not all of the content is safe and some of it will cause distress or influence attitudes.

So it's really important to understand what some of the implications are of viewing explicit content.

Now, there are many sources of support available to help with issues relating to exploitation.

I'd like to pause here and try and come up with a list of suggestions.

Once you've completed, then you can resume and compare your list with mine.

So how does your list compare? Well, sources of support and help can include speaking to a trusted adult, such as your teacher or a family member anyone that you trust that will have your back that you can go and speak to, school nurse, your doctor your a youth worker or the police.

And actually if someone, you know or yourself is in immediate danger then you really should call nine, nine, nine straight away.

You can access online agencies or charities or contact them for advice and support.

CEOP also make reporting online exploitation, really easy.

Just need to type that into the search bar.

And local child protection services are also available that you, your teachers or or your doctor can point you in the right direction.

So remember, according to the NSPCC any child or young person is at risk of being exploited.

And it's really important to remember that that's for both girls and boys.

Children who are exploited online could be abused by someone that they know.

And they could also be abused by someone who commits a one-off act or a stranger who builds a relationship with them.

Some children are more at risk of exploitation particularly those who are vulnerable.

So children in care or disabilities or who have been neglected by their own families can be targeted by perpetrators of exploitation.

Children or young people might be invited to parties or gatherings with the children or others of their own ages or and adults might be present, who then give them drugs and alcohol and that can lead to them being assaulted or sexually abused by one person or multiple perpetrators.

And these assaults can be violent, humiliating, and degrading and can have a massive impact on someone's life.

So for the key learning points from this lesson.

It's important to remember that exploitation can occur in many formats including child sexual exploitation, trafficking, grooming.

And that there are many ways in which being involved in explicit behaviour can be harmful.

Viewing explicit content can condone and encourage potential exploitation and therefore getting appropriate help and support is absolutely vital.

I'd now like you to pause the video to complete your task which is the exit quiz, to check your understanding of the content of this lesson.

Well done on completing the third lesson in this unit.

I'm really pleased you joined me today and I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Bye for now.