Hi there everyone.
I'm really pleased you're joining me today.
My name is Ms. Shaw and today's lesson we're going to be focusing on pornography and UK law.
So for this lesson, we're going to be focusing on clarifying what constitutes illegal explicit online content such as under 18, rape or sexual violence, sexual acts that risk death or serious damage and reporting illegal content.
Now this lesson covers very sensitive topics.
So therefore we recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting or doing the lesson with a trusted adult nearby.
For this lesson, you are going to need an exercise book or some paper.
You're going to need a pen and you're also going to need your brains.
So hopefully you've already completed your intro quiz.
Firstly, we're going to be focusing on what illegal online explicit content actually is.
Then we're going to be looking at what pornography and the UK law is relating to that.
Then we'll be looking at how you can seek support and reporter illegal content.
And finally, we'll be covering the key points for the lesson and you'll complete your exit quiz.
So to just quickly recap from some prior learning, two of the key words listed below were used in previous lessons.
I'd like you to pause here, to choose the correct two and then return once you've made your choices.
So did you guess it correct? Addiction meant having no control over what you were doing, taking or using and it becoming harmful to your life.
And a spiral of addiction refer to how an addict becomes more and more addicted over time, maybe starting small and then escalating.
Now the other two keywords, which were illegal explicit content and pornography, we're going to be looking at in more detail in today's lesson.
So the key words for today's lesson are pornography which means viewing of visual or printed material for sexual gratification and excitement.
Illegal online explicit content, which refers to any content of an illegal nature that displays explicit material.
So in this first section, we're going to focus on clarifying what constitutes illegal explicit online content.
So what do we mean by illegal explicit online content? I'd like you to pause here to make some suggestions of what do you think constitutes illegal explicit online content.
And come back to me once you've made some suggestions.
So according to the NSPCC, illegal content may include topics or information or images that are prohibited in the UK and which can be damaging to young people who are online by exposing them to concepts that might breach the social and cultural norms and that they also may not be ready to manage, they're too young.
So such things include terror attacks, bombings, beheadings, cruelty to animals, or other human beings, perhaps self-harm sites or pro-anorexic and eating disorder content, there potentially could be pro-suicide contents, sexual abuse and rape, hate sites, online pornography, violence and distressing content.
There's a whole plethora of information and images that are damaging for young people to be viewing, in which we really need to be focusing on making sure that young people are aware of what these are and how to avoid them in the first place.
So what is the UK law relating to pornography? I'd like you to pause here to make some suggestions.
What is the UK law relating to pornography? What do you already know? So how do your answers runs this compare with mine? Well, according to the NSPCC, it isn't illegal for children and young people under 18 to watch porn but it is against the law for anyone to show them porn or to give them access to it.
And any young person worried about this, should contact Childline.
It's also illegal for anyone under 18 to share explicit images or films of themselves or another the young person even if it was shared with their permission.
You can endure being punished and put on the sex offenders register.
Because what you're doing is sharing child pornography even if it's of yourself, because you are a child.
Only the police can decide whether or not to charge a young person with a crime.
So it's a really good idea to speak to them if you're worried or concerned.
So pornography is illegal for under 18s to view, however, it can be illegal in a number of other ways too.
So what I'd like you to do is read the summaries from Internetmatters website below.
So revenge porn is where an explicit or sexual image or video is shared without someone's consent.
And it normally takes place when there's a relationship breakdown and the ex partner is seeking revenge.
So previously they degreed to share explicit content with each other, but then when their is relationship broken down, and one person has shared images of somebody else without their permission.
And it is a crime to carry out.
And it carries a sentence of up to two years in prison.
Extreme pornography means that there are several different types of pornography that are illegal, even for adults to have.
Basically acts that could threaten a person's life or result in serious injury or it's degrading or violent pornography and anything that involves anybody who is under the age of 18, it's illegal to possess these.
And it carries a sentence of between two to three years under no limited fine.
Now looking at indecent images of under 18 is illegal even if they look older because these images are actually real children and it causes the harm and any image found should be reported.
UK law prohibits taking, making, circulating and possessing with a view to distribute to other people any indecent photograph of a child.
And it carries a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment.
Now I'd like you to look on the previous slide, each of the laws relating to pornography in the UK and write a summary statement.
So for paragraph one, I'd like you to think about to what extent you think they are appropriate and explain your reasons.
Paragraph two, I'd like you to think about anything that's surprised you about these laws.
Would you change them? Can you explain why? So think about, are they appropriate? Has anything surprised you? And would you change anything? I'll allow you to pause here to complete that task and then return when you finished.
Now for this next bit, I'd like you to just to think about what some of the reasons are for why young people might watch porn in the first place.
So have a look at the options and choose the ones that you think might be reasons why young people might watch porn.
So there are a number of reasons why young people might watch pornography.
And as a result of either curiosity or by accident, young people often find pornography on the internet.
And depending on their age, it can often be confusing or upsetting to them quite usually because pornography can portray really unrealistic images of relationships and sex.
So what are some of the reasons then? Did you get them rights? So sometimes it might be that there's peer pressure or relationship pressure, they wanted to find out a little bit more.
They might just think that they're doing it for a laugh or a giggle or curiosity that they just want to find out a little bit more about something they've heard about.
They might find it disgusting and want to be disgusted or they might think I could learn about sex from this or perhaps they know that they shouldn't be doing it, so they want to break the rules.
Maybe they want to freak their friends out a little bit or perhaps they're just genuinely doing it for pleasure or sexual arousal.
Now in general, young people don't watch pornography because they want to be upset or because they're worried or embarrassed about something.
And usually it's not because they've got a negative attitude towards sex.
However, it could end up with them having a negative attitude towards sex and relationships by engaging in watching explicit online content.
So in this next section we're going to look at how we can report illegal content.
So on this slide, I'd like to have a look at the different options.
Of which of the following statements about the risks of young people watching pornography is false.
So pause here, look at your options and choose which one is false.
Did you get it correct? Well, there's often with young people on realistic attitudes about sex and consent gauged by watching pornography.
There's also an increase in risky sexual behaviour and casual attitudes about sex and sexual relationships.
And there can be some really negative attitudes about the girls and identities in relationships.
However, it's far more likely that they're going to end it with unrealistic expectations of body image and performance.
Given that what is shown in pornography is often very extreme and very realistic.
So how can we report explicit online content? I'd like you to pause here and make a list of some suggestions of how you think we could go about reporting explicit online content.
So how does your list compare with mine? Well, sources of support and help include speaking to a trusted adult, such as a teacher or a family member that you trust, maybe your doctor or school nurse, or the police or a youth worker.
And if someone that you know or you are in immediate danger, you need to call 999 straight away.
Reporting indecent images of children to the Internet Watch Foundation can also be done easily, and reporting inappropriate content to social media providers, so for example, Facebook or YouTube using the flag or report links near the content, or you can report any content that you're concerned about for example, sexual or violent content that appears in adverts or films or television programmes or video games using Ofcom.
So the key learning points from the lesson are, there are federal laws relating to viewing illegal explicit content that you should be aware of.
And there are many risks associated with viewing illegal, explicit content online.
It's really important to be able to know how to report the illegal content and getting the appropriate help and support is vital.
I'd now like you to pause the video to complete your task which is to check your understanding of the content of your lesson and the overall unit by completing the exit quiz.
Well done on completing this which is the final lesson in this unit.
I've really enjoyed working with you.
And I do hope I'll see you again.
Bye for now.