Hello, I'm Mr. Nicholson, and welcome to this lesson on Female Genital Mutilation.
Before we start the lesson, be aware that's contains some sensitive topics that you may wish to talk to somebody about.
If you do want to do that, do it now before we start.
Find a trusted adult, parent, or carer or a friend you can talk to about some of the issues this will raise.
And if at any point during the video, you need to stop it and have that chat again, please do so.
When you're ready, we'll carry on with the lesson.
As I said, if you want to chat to somebody now, do so before we begin.
As I'll be asking you to do a number of activities during this lesson, I'd like to ensure you've got a piece of paper or an exercise book on which to write and a pen.
If you haven't got them, go and get them now.
There's going to be a number of activities for us to do and there'll be things you'll need to make notes on, so please make sure you have those to hand.
Before starting this, you should have completed the introductory quiz.
So make sure you have done.
So lets consolidate your learning from other lessons and how you prepare for this one.
Were going to be looking at recapping what we've done before around the ideas of Honour Base Violence and then we're going to move on to what we mean by Female Genital Mutilation.
It's a topic you may have heard of in the press or elsewhere and it's important we know what it is and what it involves.
We're also going to be looking then at the context of FGM, why does it happen? So not just what is it, but why does it happen? And then when we've done that complete your exit quiz so that you consolidate what you've learnt already.
Here's a question I'd like you to think about.
Draw upon some of your own understanding of what the words Female Genital Mutilation mean.
Have you heard it before? Have you discussed it before? What do you think it is? Pause the video while you think about this one and maybe discuss it with somebody who's nearby a trusted adult say.
In that way we can have a definition and help our understanding of what FGM is all about.
Now that you've thought about FGM, let's see what it is.
Female Genital Mutilation is a deliberate cutting of a girl's genitalia, sometimes referred to as female circumcision.
What I'd like you to do is to write down this definition.
It will become important to us as we go through the lesson.
We have our definition of FGM, which you've just written down but the World Health Organisation also looks at this one will help us come up with a definition as well.
This is theirs, all procedures involving the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury for non-medical reasons.
And we'll look at those shortly.
This is really clear though that in UK law FGM is illegal.
Aiding someone to perform FGM is illegal and helping take someone abroad for FGM is also illegal.
It's known as an Honour Based Violence crime and it comes under that umbrella term from the Crown Prosecution Service.
So it is the impact on female genitalia or other injury for non-medical reasons and that key bit there is for non-medical reasons.
And clearly here it says it is illegal in all forms whether performing it, aiding someone to perform it or sending somebody abroad or helping take somebody abroad to perform FGM.
We now have our own definition and that of the World Health Organisation around the idea of removal of the genitalia of a woman but what does this actually involve? As I said before, this is a sensitive issue.
So if you want to talk to somebody, may wish to do so now.
If you're going to do that one pause the video and when you're ready to carry on, please do so.
These are the three most common forms of Female Genital Mutilation.
As you can see here the first one is the clitoris may be removed including the fold of skin over it.
Parts of the vulva may be removed but most commonly the outer labia.
And finally in the most extreme form of FGM the vagina is closed up only to be opened by the girl's husband on her marriage night.
As I said before all of these actions are illegal on the British law.
Having looked at the three most common types, these are actually subdivided into four more areas and these are the four types here.
Read through them as I go through them and make sure that you understand what they are.
Sunna circumcision is the removal of the clitoris and the fold of skin over it as mentioned earlier.
Inner labia genital mutilation is the cutting away of the clitoris and the inner lips of the labia.
Full FGM is removing all external genitalia from the woman and leaving a small hole through which she can urinate.
Internal Female Genital Mutilation is piercing or scraping the inside of the vagina.
As mentioned earlier none of these are done for medical reasons.
We will look at what the reasons are later on but please ensure that you've read these and you understood the four forms of Female Genital Mutilation here.
Sunna circumcision, inner labia, full FGM and internal FGM.
If you want to make some notes please do so.
It will help develop your understanding your knowledge of this area and be useful later on.
You're now aware of the types of FGM and you've probably drawn on your understanding from biology lessons and science as to what these actually involve.
But what do you think are the risks of FGM? Look at the four types and the three overarching ideas we talked about earlier and pause the video.
What do you think could be the possible risks to the woman of FGM being carried out on her? Make some notes on the piece of paper in your book and when you're ready press play.
I asked you to think about the risks associated with FGM and here's some more that you may wish to add to your list.
The first one is the catastrophic loss of blood.
The people who undertake FGM are rarely medically trained and therefore would not know how to stem this blood loss.
This form of FGM or any form of FGM is often done without anaesthetic and therefore there's a shock to the body and immense pain which may be overwhelming sometimes.
After the procedures there may be difficulty in passing urine or the complications of an infection from an open wound.
There will be complications in childbirth and problems during sex.
All of these will have an impact on the physical wellbeing of the woman.
As I said earlier if you need to write any more down please add them in now before we move on.
Now when I've explained the task, I'm going to ask you to pause the video 'cause I want you to spend some thinking time around this one.
Three reasons are often given why people carry out FGM.
They're highlighted here is religion, health and tradition.
Before I go through what these are and how and why people carry out FGM, I want you to think about it personally.
So pause the video and spend a few moments, few minutes reflecting on why you think people care out FGM.
We've looked at what it is and we've looked to the risk associated with it.
So we need to think about why are people actually carrying out FGM and therefore this will link into why is it illegal.
So pause the video and have that thinking time now and when you're ready, press play.
Now here are some answers and it's important we look at what you've said along what I've said here.
People do actually claim that religion requires FGM.
It does not.
No religion requires FGM to be taken on board.
There is male circumcision in both Islam and Judaism but there is no mention anywhere in any religion of Female Genital Mutilation.
So religion is not a reason for why people carry out FGM.
Other people also say there are health benefits to FGM.
In fact this is not the case.
The reverse is opposite.
You've seen the risks associated with it around the idea of physical wellbeing.
There are absolutely no health benefits to this and as I said before it may be detrimental and could lead to death.
The traditional view is that it has been believed to be carried out for many centuries.
It was carried out by ancient Egyptians but there are no modern reasons for this and in fact Female Genital Mutilation in the Egyptian world died out thousands of years ago.
So there is no reason for FGM to be carried out whether it's religious health or tradition but these are the common things people say when they say why they want to carry out FGM.
If you need to add anything to what you've written down or add down some notes now please do so.
As I mentioned earlier, female genital mutation is illegal and in the UK it's regarded as a form of abuse.
In fact child abuse if it's done on anybody under the age of 18 is regarded as a form of attack on the mental and physical wellbeing of young girls.
So it's often young girls in which it takes place.
Be aware around this one it is a form of child abuse which is why it's illegal in the UK.
I'd now like you to complete an activity for me.
I want you to write down in bullet points arguments against FGM.
Now remember these are your own ideas.
So if you're using your own ideas maybe say why you think this but these are personal to you having understood what FGM is and why it is illegal.
When you've done the activity, I want you to label your arguments.
Is it arguments against religion? An arguing against health or an argument against tradition? And we looked at those a few moments ago.
In order to do this you'll need to pause the video and write down your bullet points and your reasons why you believe FGM is wrong and the arguments against it.
But remember to label those form as religion, health or tradition or it may be more than one.
When you've completed that activity press play and we'll move on.
Here's some of the ideas I also mentioned earlier but I've included them here to show why their arguments against FGM.
No religion in the world requires FGM to be undertaken.
As I said earlier both Judaism, Islam require male circumcision as part of the covenant with God but they do not require female circumcision.
It is not a religious act.
Health, it may be more detrimental to health than beneficial to it and in fact you can see here there are a number of things that may be the outcome.
Complications in childbirth, death, shock, excessive blood loss.
It's more detrimental to health and there are actually no health benefits to it.
And as I said before the pharaohs began Female Gentlemen Mutilation over 2000 years ago but that's when little was understood about biology and therefore with our understanding of biology and improvements in our understanding of science, it's no longer necessary and indeed it died out very quickly in the ancient Egyptian empire.
If you need to add anything to your own ideas please do so.
It's important we understand these are arguments against FGM but an overriding one is it is actually illegal as well as being anti-religious, anti-health and it has no traditional basis whatsoever.
Now I have talked about this before elsewhere in this lesson.
But I just want you to think now and reflect on this one.
FGM is illegal in the UK.
Is it true or is it false? Think about it.
Think about the reasons we've talked about.
Think about what the law says.
Think about what the law says about abuse and decide for yourself.
The answer here is true.
Remember it's a specific offence on the law to undertake FGM, to help somebody undertake FGM or to help take somebody abroad FGM to happen to them.
As I said before it's a form of child abuse and must be reported immediately and we're going to look at that in a moment.
Thinking about what we've done in this lesson here's a scenario.
Think about what will you would do? A girl comes back to school from having been away for a long time.
She's withdrawn in lessons and complaints of pain when walking.
She also asks to goes to the toilet a lot in lessons and she goes home straight away from school and won't mix with antibody.
In this situation what would you do and why? Pause the video and write down what you would do but give me reasons why you would do it as well.
When you're ready press play and we'll look at what the response should be.
There can be only one response.
Tell someone immediately.
All of these signs are potential signs that FGM must have been undertaken.
There will have to be a legal follow-up.
So tell somebody in school, inform the police yourself.
A crime has been committed and they will investigate it if it's FGM.
If it's not then the child is safe and you're okay.
You'll be sure in your mind of what's happened but you will know you've done the right thing but as it is against the law you must inform somebody immediately of any concerns you have about potential FGM.
Ring 999 as I say or talk to somebody in school maybe the designated safeguarding lead, the head teacher or a member of staff that you trust.
Many thanks for taking part in this lesson.
I know these are sensitive issues and so once again if you need to talk to somebody please do so.
To consolidate your learning completely exit quiz now and then if you want to, share your ideas with Oak National we'd really like to see what you've done.
But once again from me thank you for taking part in the lesson and goodbye.